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Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:47 am

Citizen X wrote: With dropbox, common mobile devices and a daily deadline it can be done with less effort than back then. PON Grand Camaigns lastet for quite some time and one is still alive after years (not nescesarrily with the same players though).

I do so hope at sometime in the future you and charlesonmission are right.

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Thu Jan 09, 2014 8:57 am

Just as I was perusing the Matrix CW2 AAR's look what I find in the Pelette(CSA) v Burns(USA) thread..........

Early June- Not much but some skirmishing in KS and IT. I'd like to destroy some forts to keep the Union from getting too close my supply lines. The St Loius massacre happens and Sterling Price appears with a large force in Fayetteville AR. I split the force up into small detachments so they can march to Springfield faster. Blow the depot in Rolla with 2 militia and head to Springfield

I thought to myself 'how the hell did he manage that' Then the penny dropped of course he built militia in Rolla as soon as he could. They only take one turn to become operational. Theres no way the Union can beat the South to the punch at Rolla. How daft was I not to have spotted it. My excuse or should I say defense for the oversight is that I loath and detest militia and try to avoid buying them when ever I can unless I need to garrison. Its my achilles heel continually overlooking them. :thumbsup:

Just goes to prove that you can never know it all..........however much you think you do. :wacko:

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Thu Jan 09, 2014 9:53 am

Don't forget he's got Mac, Halleck and one or two other leaders, all who have the training ability. They will train 2 elements each per turn...... :cool:
"Umbrellas will not be opened in the presence of the enemy." Duke of Wellington before the Battle of Waterloo, 1815.

"Top hats will not be worn in the Eighth Army" Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein K.G.


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Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:37 pm

:p leure:Just to let you know folks......the more I playtest in 1.02 the more my original decision not to raise taxes looks totally foolish. Seems as if (at least in the early game) if I want to stay in contention I shall have to raise taxes at EVERY and I do mean EVERY opportunity. Ah well I shall just have to sob a bit as I take those NM hits. :p leure:

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Cash for Conscripts!

Thu Jan 09, 2014 7:44 pm

soundoff wrote: Ah well I shall just have to sob a bit as I take those NM hits. :p leure:

Cry :crying: all you want on the way to the bank. :w00t:

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Thu Jan 09, 2014 10:50 pm

soundoff wrote: :p leure:Just to let you know folks......the more I playtest in 1.02 the more my original decision not to raise taxes looks totally foolish. Seems as if (at least in the early game) if I want to stay in contention I shall have to raise taxes at EVERY and I do mean EVERY opportunity. Ah well I shall just have to sob a bit as I take those NM hits. :p leure:

I have played the CSA in 1.02 on Sgt, with 'a level playing field'. You need to raise money and you can. I have been Industrializing, building Brigs and doing OK in the field, though I have been pushed back to the Rappahannock and numbers are starting to show in the AI's stacks. It is August 1862, just before EP - I want to see what Athena does with it.

This one and only CSA game so far seems easier than AACW - I did take Baltimore but got kicked out, mostly because I didn't wish to get caught in Annapolis, etc. I've been able to do Other Stuff while I attack and raise troops.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]
-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]
-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898

(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.
(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Fri Jan 10, 2014 8:54 am

GraniteStater wrote:I have played the CSA in 1.02 on Sgt, with 'a level playing field'. You need to raise money and you can. I have been Industrializing, building Brigs and doing OK in the field, though I have been pushed back to the Rappahannock and numbers are starting to show in the AI's stacks. It is August 1862, just before EP - I want to see what Athena does with it.

Playing against the AI I am discovering that by raising taxes to pay those 2 dollar bounties I can keep up to begin with so to speak so it should be interesting when Banks and I start in earnest. Certainly now not quite as desperate as I imagined it was going to be. Its just that one of the 'few' bonuses of playing the South is the NM start you have over the North and to have to deliberately chip away at it from the beginning does not fill me with joy.

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Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:11 pm

soundoff wrote:Playing against the AI I am discovering that by raising taxes to pay those 2 dollar bounties I can keep up to begin with so to speak so it should be interesting when Banks and I start in earnest. Certainly now not quite as desperate as I imagined it was going to be. Its just that one of the 'few' bonuses of playing the South is the NM start you have over the North and to have to deliberately chip away at it from the beginning does not fill me with joy.

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Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:45 pm

soundoff wrote:Playing against the AI I am discovering that by raising taxes to pay those 2 dollar bounties I can keep up to begin with so to speak so it should be interesting when Banks and I start in earnest. Certainly now not quite as desperate as I imagined it was going to be. Its just that one of the 'few' bonuses of playing the South is the NM start you have over the North and to have to deliberately chip away at it from the beginning does not fill me with joy.

I've thrown a dollar a head out there to start; buck and a half later. Not two bucks yet. I feel if you want to spend $2, you might as well PartMobil'z - but that is supposition entirely on my part.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Sat Jan 11, 2014 5:43 pm

soundoff wrote:Playing against the AI I am discovering that by raising taxes to pay those 2 dollar bounties I can keep up to begin with so to speak so it should be interesting when Banks and I start in earnest. Certainly now not quite as desperate as I imagined it was going to be. Its just that one of the 'few' bonuses of playing the South is the NM start you have over the North and to have to deliberately chip away at it from the beginning does not fill me with joy.

You shouldn't worry too much about NM if you are below 100. There is a chance each turn you will gain 1 NM to bring you up to 100. Worry about being over 100 NM because there is a chance each turn you lose 1-2 points in order to bring you down to 100.

With this 'feature' the Union will not have to worry too much about the "on to Richmond" events. He will gain some NM through regular events, and each turn possibly gain a point because his NM is below 100. So don't expect either player to suffer from low NM for very long.

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Sat Jan 11, 2014 6:00 pm

moni kerr wrote:With this 'feature' the Union will not have to worry too much about the "on to Richmond" events. He will gain some NM through regular events, and each turn possibly gain a point because his NM is below 100. So don't expect either player to suffer from low NM for very long.

So I guess that in this game universe there is nothing like 'war weariness'?

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Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:19 pm

bugwar wrote:So I guess that in this game universe there is nothing like 'war weariness'?

If it's the same as AACW, there is WW. This is much later, though, and is particularly concerned with the 64 Election event chain. Mostly a mid-63 and on concern.
[color="#AFEEEE"]"Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"[/color]

-Daniel Webster

[color="#FFA07A"]"C'mon, boys, we got the damn Yankees on the run!"[/color]

-General Joseph Wheeler, US Army, serving at Santiago in 1898


(A) When in doubt, agree with Ace.

(B) Pull my reins up sharply when needed, for I am a spirited thoroughbred and forget to turn at the post sometimes.


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Wed Jan 15, 2014 3:43 pm

[color="#FFD700"]WAR is DECLARED[/color]

Well good people hostilities have commenced, slightly earlier than anticipated but what the heck.

As I said earlier I shall be posting all moves (you never know there might be some new converts to CW2 who will appreciate it) Experienced players will just have to bear with our ramblings until things progress.

There is not much to say so I'll just get on with it.

[color="#FFFF00"]EASTERN THEATRE[/color]

Just one picture to show you. Its the standard go for Fort Sumter. You will note that I've gone for all out attack. I have to take the fort. I've also decided to use only 1 brigade for the assault. The reason for this is that at the start Fort Sumter is only defended by a Naval battery. No infantry of any description. If my attack goes in then my single brigade will be enough. Its scheduled to take 11 days for the unit to get to Fort Sumter. I have to keep my fingers crossed that I suffer no significant movement delay. With the potential long delay setting that Banks and I are using it is often quite possible for units to be delayed several days before moving. If that happens my attack will not go in. My brigade will probably revert to defensive mode and begin to siege the Fort on turn 2. The real difficulty for me is that if that happens on turn 2 a couple of regiments of Union infantry will automatically spawn at Fort Sumter. Should that be the case then my brigade will not be strong enough to take the Fort and it will set me back several turns. I really need Sumter to fall this time around so fingers crossed.

Other than this my only other decisions were to call for an immediate cotton embargo. That move is a 'no brainer' as amongst other things it immediately generates 150,000 dollars for the coffers. I've also issued Bonds for a 400,000 gain next turn. Its the least damaging financial option at this stage. I shall continue to raise money at every opportunity using every option at my disposal. I've played one RGD card which is to sell bales of cotton. That will raise a further 15,000.

On the first turn there are 2 South Carolina militia units that can be raised together with 1 brigade of infantry consisting of 3 elements and 1 6lb battery. I'm raising them all. My only omission is to refuse to purchase the riverboat. I cannot compete with the Union navy and so will make no real attempt except perhaps on the Mississippi depending on how events unfold.

All three CSA brigands have been given evasive orders and are moving to the Gulf Blockade box. I'm putting all my runners in the Gulf because there is some safety in numbers/size if they get caught by Union ships.


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Wed Jan 15, 2014 4:09 pm

soundoff wrote: My only omission is to refuse to purchase the riverboat. I cannot compete with the Union navy and so will make no real attempt except perhaps on the Mississippi depending on how events unfold.

While you may not be able to compete with the Federal fleet, would it not be cost effective to at least make them work for their superiority?

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Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:23 pm

bugwar wrote:While you may not be able to compete with the Federal fleet, would it not be cost effective to at least make them work for their superiority?

Its a matter of opinion. For me I'd rather invest in Land Forces but I'm quite likely to be wildly wrong.

On a different note I should have said that Banks and I have come to an agreement, given that he has no replay facility that when I'm processing a turn I will not sit at the computer and look at the screen. I know that's not totally possible as when a battle arises it goes into 'hold' mode but all I have to do is set the programme running, walk away, and maybe do the extra odd click or so if there is a battle. Its the best we could come up with to keep a fairly level playing field.

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Thu Jan 16, 2014 8:19 am

[color="#FFFF00"]Turn 2 Late April 1861


We still only have the one theatre to contend with.

[color="#FFFF00"]EASTERN THEATRE[/color]

[CENTER][color="#FF0000"]Fort Sumter falls. Cheerful rejoicing in the streets of Charleston[/color]

Most pleasing. Only a small victory but a key one.


You can see that I've added the 2nd South Carolina Brigade (the one I used to attack Sumter) to captured fort batteries just to beef up the defense of the position as Sumter controls the entrance to Charleston and if recaptured by the Union will effectively blockade the port. Ideally I would like to add another brigade into the forts defence but I cannot spare the manpower.


My decisions in respect of raising finances paid off not that there was ever any doubt that they would. The treasury now stands at a healthy 726.000 dollars. Mind you that will soon be spent. Sadly not this turn as there is little to purchase. A single South Carolina militia regiment has been added to the force pool and I hate buying in militia in 'ones' given that you can combine two together. I shall sell cotton again from my Texas port to raise a further 15,000 dollars. I'm also playing the first of my two draft cards. I'm playing it in Richmond now that Virginia has joined the Confederacy.


Only two moves of any note for late April. The first is to send the Winchester Militia scurrying by rail to assault Fredricktown. It may not work and even if it does I will be unable to hold it for more than a turn or two. In some ways its a pointless move but there is a chance it can be taken for no loss so why not :thumbsup:


My second move is the really obvious one of ordering the Suffolk Militia to assault Norfolk. The city is undefended so its an easy capture but an important one for the South. Once taken I have to strengthen Norfolk as soon as possible. I cannot afford for the Union to retake it easily.


Well that's about it for my turn 2 plans. Oh I forgot to add a few leaders arrived for duty. Not much for them to command at present. A few I'm sending to report to where I know they will be needed. Ruggles and Whiting have been posted to Norfolk whilst Smith has orders to take command at Wilmington. As yet much rattling of sabres but little action. Never mind things will improve I assure you. :love:

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Sat Jan 18, 2014 10:25 am

[color="#FFFF00"]Turn 3 Early May 1861[/color]

[color="#FFFF00"]EASTERN THEATRE[/color]

As always happens Norfolk fell to the assault of the Suffolk Militia. The captured siege artillery has been added to the Norfolk defences. The supply wagon and 20 lb battery are being moved to join Johnstons force that has appeared in the Valley.


I was pleased to see that my march to Fredericktown proved successful. As I said last time its a bit of a pointless move as there is no way I can possibily hold onto the town. When all is said and done my unit is only a single regiment of Militia. This coming move they have orders to retire to Harpers Ferry as I would not be surprised to see a spirited counter attack from the Union.


I'm sending the supply wagon currently at Richmond to Covington where I shall start to create a depot. Hence I'm showing a picture of West Virginia in one of my favourite modes - SUPPLY. Supply is vital in CW2 as it was in AACW. You can see from the map that I have no depots anywhere near this neck of the woods. Depots are important for pushing and pulling supplies and for assisting in recovering hits on units. As far as I am concerned its a must for me to build one in this region. General Evans has already been posted to Covington. I'm hoping that because of the difficult terrain through West Virginia that the Union will make little serious attempt to move that way in 61 particularly as I will be relying on Floyd and Evans (for now at least) to command the troops in the region - god help me :mdr:


At last another theatre to talk about


As earlier stated in this AAR I do not believe that in Missouri I can hold on to Jefferson and Rolla. Unfortunately there is a depot in Rolla which I need to destroy. The only way I can be sure of doing this before Union troops unlock and start to descend on the city is to create a Militia unit at Rolla. It will only take 15 days to build which is time enough. As I always like to group my militia into 2 regiment brigades I've requisitioned 2 units at Rolla.


The next map shows the second of my favourite filters. I've added it just to demonstrate its importance, at least to me. :thumbsup: Its the weather map. Look at all that mud. :w00t: As far as I'm concerned the more the merrier. Its great for slowing movement and as I shall be on the defensive the longer it hangs around the happier I will be.


With more states joining the Confederate cause at last I'm able to begin creating some units.


In addition to the 2 Militia units I've already talked about I'm building 4 6lb Batteries, 2 in Louisianna and 2 in South Carolina. The Louisianna ones are destined to go to Corinth to help create a fort. The South Carolina batteries are to be put to the same purpose but at Norfolk. I am creating 4 Ranger units in the Far West just to cause as much of a headache to the Union as I can. My remaining builds are all scheduled for Virginia. Their I am recruiting 3 infantry brigades all of 3 regiments. They will all contain 1 sharpshooter regiment. When the time comes to be able to create divisions my ideal composition (not that it can always be achieved) is 14 regiments of infantry, 1 regiment of sharpshooters and 2 artillery batteries. Although my two main armies in the East have arrived (even though they are locked for now) there is only one sharpshooter regiment amongst them - that's in Longstreets brigade. The sooner I can get more into the front line in anticipation of when I am able to form divisions the better.

That's all for now. Still a turn or two I suspect before things really get moving. Oh I forgot to add I've played another sell Cotton card I do need all the money I can muster and I've started to construct defensive workings at Memphis. :love:

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Economic Changes

Sat Jan 18, 2014 12:00 pm

Are you planning on wrecking the rails during your return to Harpers?


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Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:22 pm

bugwar wrote:Are you planning on wrecking the rails during your return to Harpers?

I shall try but I've never yet found it possible with the single militia unit from Winchester to rip up the rail at Fredricktown. Either I've just been unlucky on every occasion or in some way or other its WAD.

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Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:39 pm

If I remember a comment of a staff member correctly the chance of success is connected to the number of soldiers in a unit, putting the odds for a single militia near zero.
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Sat Jan 18, 2014 1:47 pm

Citizen X wrote:If I remember a comment of a staff member correctly the chance of success is connected to the number of soldiers in a unit, putting the odds for a single militia near zero.

That would certainly explain it :coeurs:

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Sat Jan 18, 2014 2:02 pm


I just realised that I omitted to mention one little titbit of information that my agents gleaned this turn. Just look at who has arrived at Cairo. I can't believe that a 2 star and two 1 star generals have come sightseeing. With Fremont a nice 3 star general and Lyon to arrive shortly I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm shortly going to have my work cut out to hold Tennessee. Even without divisions, creating an army with Fremont, brings an awful lot more CP points than I can muster. Hmmm as soon as I can start to recruit in Tennessee I think I'm going to need to bolster the defences.


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Sun Jan 19, 2014 4:25 pm

[color="#FFFF00"]Turn 4 Late May 1861[/color]

[color="#FFFF00"]EASTERN THEATRE[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]Lightning US advance retakes Fredericktown. Harpers Ferry over run. Winchester besieged .........Panic in the Valley[/color]

An extremely poor turn for me. The Union must be well pleased with itself. All credit to Banks - his aggressiveness paid off. In a couple of respects however he was most unlucky. As reported the Winchester Militia was brushed aside by the Union advance of Generals Woods and Schurz leading the Washington Brigade and Schurz cavalry regiment. Whilst I did expect some response to my taking of Fredericktown I must admit to being mildly surprised that my opponent decided to strike so deep. It nearly paid off spectacularly for him and indeed was a close run thing. After retaking Fredericktown he swept over Harpers which was undefended and fell on Winchester. Fortunately for me the garrison, just held on. That was the first piece of bad luck that the Union had. The second was that whilst they totally overran the Winchester Militia at Fredericktown they failed to destroy it. The meagre remnants have made their way back to Harpers Ferry. Harpers in now Union controlled but at least it leaves me in the rear of the enemy. Assuming that there are no other enemy forces immediately in the vicinity that can be committed (and that's a sizable assume) then Woods may have to pull back. Although, after taking Harpers, supply will not be an issue for him as you can see from the image his cohesion is almost on the floor such that his force may refuse to mount a second assault on the city. He has heavily bruised the Winchester garrison and if he can launch another assault during late May my view is that my garrison will be unable to hold as it is so weakened. I'm sure its going to be a gamble for both of us.

Sadly Johnston and the Valley force are locked for a further 2 turns therefore it would be possible for the Union troops to take Winchester this time around and still have a further turn whilst my troops are immobile to retire back. Interesting.....very interesting. As you can see what remains of the Winchester Militia I've set to attempt to retake Harpers. If they succeed it will be a bonus if they fail.....well there are not enough of the poor souls left to make any real difference.

Another option for Banks would be to split his force. He could potentially leave Woods and the Washington Brigade to take Winchester and move Schurz with his cavalry back to Harpers. Much depends on whether his commanders are active (I have to assume at least one will be). Of course another option for the Union is to split the command and send Schurz and his cavalry into Virginia to start cutting rail. Which will my opponent choose. Tis a puzzlement :bonk:

I did say earlier that my move on Fredericktown was rather pointless. Time has demonstrated that this indeed was the case.


Another very slight plus for me (as shown in the next image) is that Winchester is basking in Muddy conditions. That's a slowdown for both sides.


Now I have to make a decision but what. Finally after much gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands I decide on the following. As it was only this turn that North Carolina decided to join the Confederacy General Smith has been kicking his heels at Richmond before setting off to join his Wilmington command. By a stroke of good fortune the 1st reserve brigade in Richmond has become active. I've therefore recinded Smiths earlier orders and given him command of the reserve brigade with instructions to move to Winchester with all haste. If he gets there in time he is not to assault the city, only enemy units in the environs. Now this is where that mud becomes a two edged sword. It only takes six days to rail him to Clarke VA but a further 8 days to cross the mud to arrive at Winchester. Consequently I have to keep my fingers crossed that he is not delayed. Its my turn to gamble :thumbsup:


This IS an interesting development. Why on earth would you move a Leader with a brigade of regulars down to Salisbury. Three options come to mind. The first is an audacious move to say Tappahannock with a threat on Fredricksburg. After all there is a juicy depot target at Fredricksburg with little to defend it at this early stage of the game. The second option is a move to Fort Monroe to strengthen that position. The third is to move to assault Norfolk. I'm not sure that such a small force could retake Norfolk but it certainly gives me food for thought. I'm going to assume that Banks is reinforcing Ft Monroe. I have no troops to send to Fredricksburg nor to Norfolk so I'm going to plump he will elect to make the move that causes me the least immediate damage. Now how foolish might that guess be I wonder :mdr:


I managed to slip the Plymouth and Patrick Henry squadrons past the Guns of Fort Monroe. The Union gunners must have been sleeping. The Patrick Henry brigand is to be sent to the Gulf where its sorely needed. The Plymouth squadron is to remain on duty to assist in the protection of Charleston. It will serve a much better use patrolling the outer channels than guarding Richmond which is already blockaded. On a personal note I do think that just because there is a Union presence at Fort Monroe that Richmonds production is cut by 50 percent is/was a poor game development decision particularly given the importance of Richmond to the Southern cause but its the same for all CSA players :love:



Ah well, not unexpectedly the Union have taken Charleston. There was absolutely nothing I could do to stop this. Although there is a Union commander leading he has only the single Militia Regiment under his control consequently New Madrid should hold for the time being........I think :blink:

Oh for an additional unit or two that can move with some degree of speed in the early game. Waiting for states to join the cause does inhibit options somewhat. And whilst I'm in a wishing mood......oh for another couple of 2 star generals in 61. I shall only have Polk when the blighter decides to arrive. :w00t:


I raised the two militia units at Rolla. I've combined them and will now set about destroying the Rolla Depot. There is still mud everywhere.


[color="#FFFF00"]FAR WEST THEATRE[/color]

The 4 Ranger units I raised last time have now reported for action I've sent them all eastwards in the hope of taking Forts Supply, Cobb and Arbuckle. I'm also moving one of them to Ft Gibson but it will require more than a single move. I intend to keep moving them in the direction of Fayetteville where Shelby is waiting. Whilst I want to do as much damage as I can with these raiders I have to remember not to get too carried away which is very easily done. Comparatively they move like lightning so a small degree of caution is necessary lest I send them so far into the wilderness that when winter and the harsh weather rears its ugly head I find they are so far away from friendly supply that attrition virtually destroys them. If I have to lose them please let it be to enemy action not my own foolish oversight.


I have little else to report other than sadly my efforts to recruit extra conscripts by playing a draft card on Richmond has not paid off as yet. (sigh) Thus I only have 34 conscripts to play with. I'm attempting to create another 3 regiment brigade in Richmond. Its about the best I can do. This time however no sharpshooter element. Instead a cavalry one. I'm playing the last draft card I have at Charleston, South Carolina. I am selling cotton bales again and am investing in defensive earthworks at Memphis. I would love to play some demonstration cards but in truth I cannot afford the cost. I shall need every dollar I can get my hands on to be able to pay a 2 dollar bounty per volunteer in July. As the number you raise is based both on NM and the amount of cash you have in the coffers its vital to have as much available as I can. When it comes to late June that will mean me both raising taxes and printing paper money. :( Its because of this that I feel I shall be unable to invest in factories when they become available until very much later in the year even though I need them now.

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March AND Die

Sun Jan 19, 2014 7:55 pm

Veddy Interestink!


Have you considered sending the doomed unit to not only retake Harper's, but also move on across the river to resume control of Fredericktown?

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Sun Jan 19, 2014 8:46 pm

bugwar wrote:Have you considered sending the doomed unit to not only retake Harper's, but also move on across the river to resume control of Fredericktown?

Yes I had but if there is even the remotest chance of the Winchester Militia successfully assaulting Harpers and holding onto it even for only a couple of turns more I'd rather do that than conduct another futile move against Fredericktown

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Wed Jan 22, 2014 1:33 pm

[color="#FFFF00"]Turn 5 Early June 1861[/color]

Banks has informed me that he has fallen behind in his AAR. I understand he hopes to catch up sometime this week. You will just have to put up with my meagre offering for the time being. :love:

[color="#FFFF00"]EASTERN THEATRE[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]Winchester relieved. Confederate forces storm Harpers Ferry. Rejoicing in Richmond as threat to the Valley recedes. General Smith the toast of the South.[/color]

Hmmm I wish I could in truth say that this move was totally planned but if I did I would be lying. In all honesty I targeted Smith and his brigade on Winchester. I did not notice that I'd actually dropped the stack onto the Union troops. As a consequence when they fell back to Harpers, Smith and his merry band followed. Fortunately I suffered no movement delay and the result is as you see below. A very lucky outcome for me. By rights the Union troops should be in control of Harpers. Ah well some you win some you lose. Before I move on there is just one small issue that I'd like to point out regarding this engagement.

Although I'm not showing an image the Union troops arrived at Harpers on 9 day when they engaged the remnants of the Winchester Militia (all 90 men) and completely wiped them out. A not unexpected result. Smiths force reached Harpers on the 15 and immediately went into action. But just look at the battle result below and the picture beneath that. When I engaged the enemy they were entrenched?....... and are entrenched now. In effect they fought a battle on the 9th day entrenched on days 10 to 14 and fought another battle behind those entrenchments on the 15th day. Maybe its something I'd not noticed before but as far as I was aware you could not entrench on the turn you moved, unless you were linking up with already entrenched troops. Obviously I'm mistaken. Now in the scale of things as this was a skirmish action its not important but had this have been say 50,000 against say 25.000+ it might have been. As much as I love this game there are times when I'm stumped by what happens. When such events occur I rationalise them as much as I'm able .......its just that sometimes I really have to stretch my imagination. :thumbsup:


As the enemy troops at Harpers are out of ammunition and have zero cohesion I have ordered Smith's brigade to attack again. If I can do a little more damage to those pesky intruders and hang on to Harpers for at least a little while longer I'll be well pleased. There is very little else for me to report. The Union leader with his brigade of regulars remains encamped at Salisbury. What is my opponent planning to do with them? I think Banks is trying to confuse me. If he is he is doing a damned fine job of it. :bonk:

On a separate note I am slightly concerned at the lack of ammunition I seem to be generating in Virginia. That blockade of Richmond is already hurting and we are hardly into the game. I'd like to invest in Arsenals and Armouries in this region but cannot afford the expenditure. Its not the WSU that bothers me......its the cash. I must make sure I've enough to recruit the maximum amount of conscripts that I'm allowed when the option becomes available in July. This penny pinching for the South really is a drag but so realistic. :D

Hopefully when the main armies unlock next turn developments will begin to occur at a faster pace.


At last the draft card at Richmond raised 45 conscripts for me......a most welcome result. As the St Louis Massacre event fired I gained another 75. With my 35 from cities and the 1 I had remaining from the pervious turn I now have a pleasing 158 to commit. Which is two more than I get the figure to add up to. :coeurs: Shhhh..... I shall keep quiet about it as I need them all. Perhaps they are Union deserters who have seen the light and the justness of the Southern cause. :mdr: The treasury looks healthy at 919,000. That will soon change.



Another theatre with little to report. My Militia at Rolla destroyed the depot. This turn they will cut the rail. Price and his forces have arrived at Fayetteville. I have joined the single Militia regiments of his command into brigades of two's. I have also detached the cavalry and assigned them to Shelby who has been given orders to assault Fort Baxter. The remainder of Prices command is to move to Springfield. I want to defend as far forward as I can even though my long term plan is to hold the Arkansas river line. We shall just have to see how it goes.

From the look of it my illustrious opponent has yet to start reinforcing this side of the Mississippi. I hope this state of affairs continues. I'd be quite happy for Missouri to be a backwater (at least in 61 and early 62). Things might change however when Lyons arrives.

I don't know whether you can see or notice but Banks has wisely played a Habeas Corpus card on St Louis.


[color="#FFFF00"]FAR WEST[/color]

The moves turned out as expected and I now have control of Forts Cobb, Supply and Arbuckle. I intend to torch all three. I know it will slow me down but I'd rather that happen than leave them available for recapture.


[color="#FFFF00"]GULF BLOCKADE[/color]

Although not a Theatre I thought I'd just put this in to show how I'm doing with my Brigs. The Atlantic blockade is empty of Confederate shipping.


That only leaves me my purchases etc to discuss. I'm recruiting all that I can. I've committed every conscript and 669,000 of my cash. I have raised no further troops in Virginia. Instead I am attempting to strengthen Tennessee and Louisiana. I have additionally requisitioned my first HQ support and two Field Hospitals.

I do intend to 'spread' my purchases around the Southern states and move them to where ever they are needed. I have never been too happy with this ability we have in the game to put all our eggs into one basket so to speak when it comes to raising troops. Its so 'ahistorical'. That's just me. Banks and I have no house rule for it. He recruits as he sees fit.


Well that's another turn over and closer to the real action. The only other decision that I took was to play the sell cotton bales card again. It costs me nothing to play and raises a further 15000 so why not. :) If only I had the cash to do a few demonstrations even if, in the scale of things, they would be as flea bites to an elephant.

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Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:30 pm

It looks like you are rather in need of elite and light infantry replacements......
"Umbrellas will not be opened in the presence of the enemy." Duke of Wellington before the Battle of Waterloo, 1815.

"Top hats will not be worn in the Eighth Army" Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein K.G.


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Wed Jan 22, 2014 5:04 pm

Ebbingford wrote:It looks like you are rather in need of elite and light infantry replacements......

Yes I am...I intend to hang fire until next turn when the armies become unlocked. Cannot see Banks making a forward move on those positions for another turn or two at least. He lacks the weight.....for the present. I'm more concerned about bolstering Johnstons force. I shall create it into an army next turn but intend to split Jackson away. Hence my drive to strengthen it with new units in the early turns.

Rest assured I never neglect replacements.

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Wed Jan 22, 2014 8:57 pm

soundoff wrote:Rest assured I never neglect replacements.

"Umbrellas will not be opened in the presence of the enemy." Duke of Wellington before the Battle of Waterloo, 1815.

"Top hats will not be worn in the Eighth Army" Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein K.G.


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Wed Jan 29, 2014 3:00 pm

[color="#FFFF00"]Turn 6 Late June 1861[/color]

[color="#FFFF00"]EASTERN THEATRE[/color]

At last the main armies become unlocked. Perhaps action will be more in evidence. My Southern troops now await the expected Union onslaught. The difficulty is predicting just where the first hammer blow might fall.

My proposed moves for Late June create a confused mess of the map (as you can see from the image below) I will try to explain my thinking. My assumption is that Banks will not play too cautiously in this theatre. He is by nature an aggressive player. I am currently witnessing power of almost 1500 at Alexandria. From my perspective he appears to have 3 options. One is to go all guns blazing for Manassas. Problem with that is leaving Alexandria weak and exposed. He also knows I am well entrenched. In my opinion then an unlikely strategy. Second choice is moving McDowell on Harpers. This would allow him to take out Leesburg in the process. If successful it would potentially open up a route into the Valley and would certainly pin Johnston's army. Such a move is a distinct possibility. He would have to leave a sizeable covering force for Alexandria and will correctly surmise that I will create Johnston's Army of the Shenandoah this turn so its a gamble of a move - assuming I were to move Johnston to Harpers. Third possibility is a move on Fredricksburg. On the one hand this would be extremely risky but also just he sort of bold move he might make. If he did (and was successful) it would slice my right flank open very early on. He must know that at best I have Magruder defending with perhaps one or two units. He also knows there is no Army at Fredricksburg. Additionally he could employ the tactic that I used against him in our first encounter when I took Fredricksburg then sailed away the following turn before his counter attack struck home. The Union could attack in decent strength without leaving Alexandria exposed.

Of the two options I think he might take (I discount a move against Manassas for now) its an assault on Fredricksburg that I fear the most. Thus I'm engaged in complicated manoeuvres this turn. I've had to be ultra careful given my limited rail transport. My initial move is for the Army of the Potomac to vacate Manassas and rail to Fredericksburg leaving a couple of strong brigades behind as doing so wipes out my command penalty without weakening my power. The Army of the Shenandoah - minus Jackson and Bushrod Johnsons forces will rail to Manassas. If all goes to plan I could have two armies in minimum striking distance of Alexandria. Mind you if it all goes pear shaped I shall be in real trouble. Jackson and Johnson have orders to march to Harpers to reinforce Smith. It will not be enough if the Union attack in force but that's a chance I shall have to take.

Magruder will move to Strasburg to be joined by Huger who is railing from the South. Phew.......

The only other thing of note in this neck of the woods is that Smith tried and failed to bring Woods and Shurz to battle at Harpers Ferry as somehow they managed to sidestep him. Sadly they remain in the territory. I'm not setting Smith to attack this time. I am leaving that honour to Jackson.......I hope :love:


In West Virginia my strategy remains as initially outlined. With my troops unlocked they can commence falling back to Covington where you will notice my depot has been built. Cavalry are being sent forward to cut rail lines. I want that poor terrain between me and the enemy as soon as I can.


[color="#FFFF00"]WESTERN THEATRE[/color]

Not too much to report in this arena but at least I am able to move. Winder and the 1st Tennessee Brigade have orders to attempt to retake Charleston. Currently the Union has not reinforced the position. Its still a leader with a single Militia regiment. At the same time Hollins has been instructed to move the river fleet to the Mississippi Confluent to attempt a partial blocking move.



The one and only minor skirmish of Early June. Given that I suffered no losses I'd have liked a better outcome than a stalemate. Ah well no losses is a real plus. :)


Sadly even though the action did not take place until day 10 my troops dilly dallied and failed to tear up the railway as they had been ordered to do. With Lyon and his merry men so close I shall attempt to scurry away to Springfield. Consequently I cannot afford to delay for another 5 days in a further attempt to rip up the rai.l As it will take me 7 days of marching to get out of the region I'm not even sure I shall be able to do that before Lyons arrives. From the look of it my earlier view that Banks was not committing too many forces to this theatre may have been misjudged. There seems to be more of an early build up than I anticipated. Time will tell.


Two US cavalry regiments are causing me slight concern. I'm not sure what my opponent intends to do with them. Unfortunately Price and his troops are still 14 days from Springfield but are continuing forward. I've ordered Shelby to specifically target the 2nd US Cavalry. He probably will not reach them as they are 9 days ride from his current location. At least though it sets up a pursuit. There is little I can do about the other US cavalry regiment to the West at present (other than keep my eyes on it)


[color="#FFFF00"]FAR WEST[/color]

Regrettably not one of my orders to destroy the 3 forts captured from the Union last time were obeyed. Individually my Ranger units cannot stand against regular cavalry. I cannot afford for them to remain in situ for another whole turn in an attempt to destroy the fort.s There is safety in numbers :w00t: I'm ordering them to converge on Fort Cobb.


Semmes has arrived......hurrah. I am moving him immediately to the Gulf Blockade box.


Well, as you can see I'm electing to both raise taxes and print money. I am doing this in advance of the call for volunteers. I need to be able to pay the $2 bounty. Providing I have $750,000 in the bank then I shall raise 375 conscripts. Its the only sensible option to play as all of the others are gambles. For example you can end up with more conscripts if you elect to pay nothing at all than if you pay a $1.5 bounty.

Once more I am playing the sell cotton bales RGD but have not the funds for any others.


Finally we come to expenditure. I am attempting to recruit a couple of Engineers (that's a hefty $100,000 but worth it in the long run) As my draft card at Charleston has proved to be unproductive I only have 36 conscripts to play with. Its time I began to spend on replacements for my elite troops so that's what I've done.


That's all until the next turn which who knows might be extremely interesting. I shall know as soon as Banks gets his turn back to me and with fingers crossed I click on that 'Proceed to Next Turn) button :thumbsup:

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