ancient seaman
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division naming

Thu Nov 14, 2013 10:31 am

When i form a division it gets a number as a name for example 1st division,2nd etc.This isn't happening when I form a corps which gets its commanders name.
My question is how can I change it so that a division will get its commanders name as well?
I have tried to do some changes in the names provided within the Factions files but nothing so far.

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Le Ricain
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Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:17 am

You can change the division and corps names manually. If you alt+left click on the unit name, you will get the pop-up allowing you to alter the stack name. Armies can be renamed by removing the army commander and renaming the stack. Return the army commander to the stack and the new name stays.

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ancient seaman
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Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:10 pm

Le Ricain wrote:You can change the division and corps names manually. If you alt+left click on the unit name, you will get the pop-up allowing you to alter the stack name. Armies can be renamed by removing the army commander and renaming the stack. Return the army commander to the stack and the new name stays.

This will change the name of the stack and not of the division which will remain 1st or 2nd etc.

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Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:46 pm

I think USA divisions use numbers and CSA use commander's name as name for the division.
I think it's done on purpose because of historic reasons. At least this was so on AACW.
Regarding changing the naming conversion, surely it can be done modding the game editing files around.
Don't know much about modding, so i can explain what files you need to change. :bonk:

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Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:44 am

arsan wrote:I think USA divisions use numbers and CSA use commander's name as name for the division.
I think it's done on purpose because of historic reasons. At least this was so on AACW.
Regarding changing the naming conversion, surely it can be done modding the game editing files around.
Don't know much about modding, so i can explain what files you need to change. :bonk:

The CSA does not get the commanders name for its divisions, a cosmetic dissapointment in the new game.

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Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:26 am

A bit of chrome would be to use the commander's name for all CSA Divisions and Corps (as was historical), and to assign every Union Corps a roman numeral, in order. (also historical).

That would take a little more coding, I am sure.

ancient seaman
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Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:20 am

Q-Ball wrote:A bit of chrome would be to use the commander's name for all CSA Divisions and Corps (as was historical), and to assign every Union Corps a roman numeral, in order. (also historical).

That would take a little more coding, I am sure.

I dont even think that its a coding issue.Maybe some tweaks on the factions file but so far i had no results.

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Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:49 pm

Both sides should use names, not numbers. Union divisions were indeed usually numbered, but as they moved from corps to corps, sometimes even into different armies, they changed designation, that's why tracking a Union division through the war always requires the name of the commander and not just numbering within a corps. The same by the way applies to Union brigades, which were numbered within their division and therefore changed numbering every time they moved from one force to another (which again happened quite regularly). On the other hand, Confederate divisions and brigades were at times numbered. To add some confusion, divisions and brigades were not necessarily known by their active commander (f.i. the Stonewall brigade retained it's name till after Jackson's death, but many more examples of that could be found).

As to corps, Union through numbering (that is only one Union corps with that number) only appeared relatively late in the war, before that two like numbered corps could exist in different corps, leading to the need to renumber when a corps changed commands (after the 2nd Bull Run for instance when the AoP's 11th and 12th Corps were formed from the AoV's 1st and 2nd corps when the two armies were merged (which would have led to two 1st and two 2nd corps within one army)...

In game terms the best solution is commander's names for all formations on both sides. For brigades that should be the original commander's name (someday I might work on that, or rather restart work on it as I already tracked a number of brigades' history back to determine their origin (f.ex.: AACW-I's New York brigade by the name of 'Stahel's' should actually be named 'Blenker's' as that's that formation's origin, another NY example 'Bartlett's' should be 'Heintzelmann's')...
Marc aka Caran...

ancient seaman
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Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:38 am

So is there an answer for the question?is there anything we the gamers can do to change it or its a matter of coding?
BTW if there is an owner of AACW maybe he can post the file with division names(factions-CSA maybe) to see what is written there?

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Sat Nov 16, 2013 1:53 pm

I understand brigades being named but not divisions at least in the Union. Designating a division after its commander was more prevalent with confederates. There can be other names I suppose, such as the Light Division for the confederacy or the Pennsylvania Reserves and the Kanawha Division for the union.
“In my opinion, Colonel Miles was a drunkard, a coward and a traitor, and if I had the power I would have had the United States buttons taken from his coat.”

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Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:39 am

If it hasn't changed in the new game, the naming conventions for divisions can be controlled in the Factions file, in the original game I believe it was via the line LdrNameInHQ = 1 where 1 set divisions to be named for the commander

ancient seaman
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Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:53 pm

Too bad it has actually changed,this line doesn't exist from what i have seen.
So Pocus please give a hand?

ancient seaman
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Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:42 am

Pocus Hocus came and help
We will love you till the end

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