Colonel Ric
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Why Won't My New General Work?

Sat May 02, 2020 6:32 am

First off, let me say that this is my first AGEOD title. I picked it up recently when I read an online review comparing it to Empire's Civil War ( 1992 I think ) and this is absolutely one of the best turn-based game engines I've come across in 20 years.

Second, I've been scouring these forums, and this seems like a good community. Lots of help from the veterans.

With that said, I would like to see some more historical generals in the game. I read everything I could find on here and this is what I did:

I made a copy of Braxton Braggs Unit and Model files, then changed everything to Lo Armistead, except adding a portrait of Lo Armistead to the portraits folder and using it. I also updated the model and units aliases to match up with what was in the files. In both, I used the next corresponding number ( I believe his UID was 870 ) and renamed the filed accordingly.

Now, the portrait was a .JPEG and not a .PNG. Does this matter? Also, whenever I saved the unit and model files, it always saved them as text documents and not uni or mdl files.

Could I have messed up by copying Braggs files and missed something? I know one alias was Armistead3 and the other Armistead 2. Is it possible that I picked two of Braggs files that may have been for different scenarios respectively?

I tried adding Lo to the '61 Generals Division ( or was it General Pool? ) in the CSA Leaders file. The first time, what I got was 2 Gustavius Smiths. So I deleted everything about Lo, removed him from the Aliases, and started from scratch. This time the game crashed on Turn 2 of the full campaign ( when the '61 Generals Division is created ). I tried to post the log, but the site won't let me.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me with this. I know this is a wall of text, but I figured I would give you all of the information.

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Gray Fox
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Re: Why Won't My New General Work?

Sat May 02, 2020 2:41 pm

Welcome Colonel Ric!

You might want to post this in the CW2 Mods folder. I'm not a modder, but I'm sure someone there can help you. Good luck!
I'm the 51st shade of gray. Eat, pray, Charge!

Colonel Ric
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Re: Why Won't My New General Work?

Sat May 02, 2020 8:58 pm

Thank you

Colonel Ric
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Re: Why Won't My New General Work?

Sat May 02, 2020 9:42 pm

Thank you Gray Fox

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H Gilmer3
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Re: Why Won't My New General Work?

Sun May 03, 2020 3:17 am

Hi Colonel Ric, welcome to the boards.

This is a great community, but it seems a little slow lately. Someone will eventually reply to you. As with Gray Fox, I don't mod, I just play 'em. :) I hope you get a quick answer.

Colonel Ric
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Re: Why Won't My New General Work?

Sun May 03, 2020 3:56 am

Thanks to both of you. I've gotten to where I can duplicate generals in the CSA Events files, but who wants 100 Ruggles running around?

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Re: Why Won't My New General Work?

Thu May 07, 2020 3:39 pm

Be sure to use the same format as the others files are using, so PNG, UNT, MDL.

Once you have added your unit and model, delete the cached files (one per folder) in the units and models folder. Then launch the game again, and while the caches are rebuilding, don't hesitate to cook a nice lunch :D

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