Magnus Maximus
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Somebody please help :)

Tue Jun 18, 2019 2:19 pm

Hey all, just picked the game up and a little overwhelmed. Played all tutorials and now trying to play short tutorial Shiloh 1862 and have no idea on what to do lol. anyone give me some advice on how to start? For example I have grants army and withing that region I have 6 other independents the 1st to the 6th division. Do I combine all these into Grants army, and if I do I get a negative penalty due to command points. Also what do do with Buell's army in Montgomery? The briefing says to hold out defend untill Buell can join forces and then go on the offensive, but when I do that and move Buell that eastern part of Tn gets killed. Please help this noob. Thanks...

P.S. Why can't I create a corp in this scenario? I bring Patterson down who is a three start and join forces and make him an independent and I can't make him a corp. What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Somebody please help :)

Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:18 am

So print out the pages of the manual with regard to how to form armies and corps.
Grant and Buell are army commander as the scenario begins. Now look for your two star commanders like Wallace and McClennard. Remove them from division command. Once you have done this, then your two and three star generals can form corps if they are close to an army commander.
Try this with Wallace and Grant and you will get the idea. Use the command tab to remove command and enable division and corps command.
Place into the corps the divisions you form with your one star leaders and your scattered troops.
Play around with this and write back on your progress.

Magnus Maximus
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Re: Somebody please help :)

Wed Jun 19, 2019 1:18 am

Thank you so much. I want to play this game but man I am confused lol Anyway I did like you instructed but when I grab McLernand and separate him from his division the create corpse button is still grayed out. Please tell me why. The only way can do this is by hitting the split units then I can create a corpse when a bunch of soldiers etc go in with him.It appears these generals still have a bunch of elements attached to him. Maybe this is the reason?

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Re: Somebody please help :)

Wed Jun 19, 2019 1:50 am

It sounds like what you are not doing is removing divisional command.
Remove divisional command which returns all units to a pool.
then you should be ready to create a corps by selecting the create a corps command.
Once the corps is created, the corps command can no longer attach units, that is when you know you have succeeded.
Then other division commanders can attached the released units.

So just tested, when I remove division command from McLeanard, the option to create a corps is immediately available. He has all the previous units still attached, but not in his unit.

Play around some more. The learning curve is steep at first, but it will become automatic soon.

Magnus Maximus
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Re: Somebody please help :)

Wed Jun 19, 2019 1:55 am

lol thank you but I am still confused on how to remove division command. I know it is probably something so stupid on my part but can't figure it out for the life of me... The button seems grayed out. Oh 1 more thing when I use sync movement command to my army and corpse do I also have to adjust the corpse posture or just the army's?
P.S. Thank you very much for your help...

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Re: Somebody please help :)

Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:17 am

I know, once you figure it out it will feel like you are stupid, but until then, it is just frustrating.
Use the Tent icon on the lower left. Click on it.
Then hit the minus symbol -
It says, split units.
This removes division command.
If it works correctly and you used a two star leader, you will immediately see the option to create a corps.

The posture does not actually matter to the synch movement itself, only to what the units do as they reach the new region.

Magnus Maximus
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Re: Somebody please help :)

Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:28 am

Ok I figured i out lol thank you so much... So if I have my main army on assault posture and the two corps on defense does this mean that if my army attacks something once they move into enemy territory they corps wont because they are on defense? I am having a hard time winning the shiloh scenario lol, but I am not losing to bad some times I win by a small margin of points but for some reason even if I get Cornith it says that neither side accomplished what we needed to. Which throws me off because I thought once I take Cornith I would win... Thanks so much for your infinite wisdom...

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Re: Somebody please help :)

Wed Jun 19, 2019 4:08 am

Assault posture has so much more to do with whether or not your units will March to the Sound of Guns or engage in a synch march than in the battle. When you move into an enemy controlled region all your units switch to assault mode.
Learning to win is tough. Once you beat AI, come back for some pbem play.
Winning is an interesting proposition in AGEOD games, you can often kind of win, but rarely win out right. Taking objective cities does matter, as does winning battles, for now, do not worry too much about a win as much as playing well.

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Re: Somebody please help :)

Wed Jun 19, 2019 5:31 pm

Well, this time I won by a score of 71to 20 something but still couldn't claim what I needed to claim. Why is it sometimes I give orders and the any or generals don't follow, or all of a sudden they are locked in place?

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Re: Somebody please help :)

Wed Jun 19, 2019 11:07 pm

In options, the second tab your can make a lot of changes to game setting. The default settings attempt to place you in the position where you can issue orders, but your generals may or may not follow them. You will find the first rating number on leaders is their initiative. This is roughly equal to the probability a general will be activated for the turn.
You can change the default setting. Most pbem players use the Veteran activation, but you will want to experiment with all of them.

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