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Sortie from Structure

Sun Jun 09, 2019 5:30 pm

OK, scoured the WIKI best I could but still don't see the answer to my question:

in order for Sortie from Structure to work correctly (when your relief force arrives) does it matter what posture the besieged force is in? If it is defensive posture, say Blue/Red will it still sortie? Or does it need to be in Assault posture?


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Re: Sortie from Structure

Sun Jun 09, 2019 11:33 pm

It depends a bit on what activation settings you are using. Your force inside the structure must be active and is best if led by an activated leader.
If activated, then sortie is best if in offensive posture, but it is not essential. A defensive posture is ok, as long as it not passive.
To maximize the chance for a sortie, ideally the force in the structure will be a corps of the force relieving the structure.

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