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Came across this by accident

Thu Jan 24, 2019 6:45 am

Not sure I have ever read this on the forums but by accident I merged 2 militia units together. Never knew you could do that. You can do it will volunteers as well. Also, you can merge a volunteer unit and a militia unit together. Cant figure out how to undo it though. Anybody else know how?

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Re: Came across this by accident

Thu Jan 24, 2019 9:13 am

As far as I can recall you cannot undo it, nor can I recall where it was ever mentioned it could be done. If it can, then probably someone will explain it (which would be an interesting mechanism).

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Re: Came across this by accident

Thu Jan 24, 2019 10:45 am

I'm speaking purely from ACW (1) knowledge here, but in that game the merging of two militia units could be done, but never undone. So it may well be the same here.


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Re: Came across this by accident

Fri Jan 25, 2019 1:12 am

It can be done because iv done it. You merge them the same way you merge a General and a unit.

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Re: Came across this by accident

Fri Jan 25, 2019 12:11 pm

Sorry, I think I didn't express myself very clearly :bonk:

You definitely can merge them, but I think you cannot ever un-merge them.


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Re: Came across this by accident

Fri Jan 25, 2019 9:28 pm

Yes, two non-upgraded militia units can be merged into a 2-element militia brigade. It has to do with the unit definition, which I won't go into unless somebody's interested. Once they are merged, they can't be split through a user action. However, if one of the elements is destroyed completely (combat/attrition/whatever), I don't know if it will be replaced even if you have replacements available. I think it will go back to being a single element unless you merge yet another militia element with it.

If one or both of the merged unit militia elements is upgraded to line, and subsequently one of the elements is destroyed, I don't know if you can then merge another militia unit into it. It would probably depend on which unit definition is being used by the 2-element line brigade.

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Re: Came across this by accident

Tue Mar 26, 2019 8:49 pm

You can never unmerge them


When you merge two recruited volunteer units together, one of them gets added back to the force pool. So you could, for example, recruit all 10 volunteers in the force pool for Virginia, merge them together, then on the next turn recruit 5 more!

Extremely useful for places that have a very small recruit pool (New Mexico), or for players that like having lots of garrisons.

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Re: Came across this by accident

Thu Mar 28, 2019 11:55 am

That's all correct. I don't remember with certainty, but I believe the remaining unit had his template definition updated too.

If not, then it would mean that the single-element militias can be filled up overtime, if you have enough replacements, to 2 elements per militia... :sherlock:

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