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Maritime Commerce Boxes and land Commercial Zones linked to

Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:05 pm


Sorry, I looked for information about it on the forum but without any success.
The manual stipulates the following about Maritime Commerce Boxes :
"This box also indicates the land Commercial Zones that rely on (that is, are linked to) the sea box. One click on the
red square on the small maps will take you to the land Commercial Zone."

And it shows nice example on page 102.

But I can't see it on my game installed, whatever version I have (1.0.1 ; 1.0.3e ; 1.0.4rc2 ; 1.0.4rc4). I only have an empty wood box with the merchant fleets inside but not the small maps representing the land commercial zones linked to the maritime box.
Is it a functionality which has been abandonned or do I miss something somewhere?
Something to do with screen resolution or some other setting?

Thanks for your help.

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