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Premature victory in 4 emperors year ?

Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:12 pm

Hi there,
I just played this scenario with Vespasian and got a victory screen by just crushing the jewish revolt. I haven't even unlocked the danubian legions (my NM was 105), haven't attacked any of the other contenders, and I was of course far away from marching on Rome - what I was supposed to do to win I though.
Is this normal ?

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Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:25 pm

Most probably not. In the 193 scenario I killed Didius and the emperor in the east, but didn't harm Albinus - and won. Must be a bug. With Vespasian I won the moment, when I took Rome. All ursupators were - maybe hardly, but still - alive. Hope this is fixed with the first patch.

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Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:38 pm

We need at least your Logs Folder, archive format, to tell you if WAD.


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Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:03 pm

Here is the save files and the last backup :)
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Tue Oct 02, 2012 2:54 pm

So ? No one else played yet with those scenario and faction ? I started a new campaign meanwhile but I'm still curious about that.

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Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:06 pm

I had the same issue with the 3 contenders i think. With Vitellius i won taking Rome but without reaching the required NM. With Otho i won killing Vitellius. And with Vespasian i won when Vitellius took rome or I killed Otho, all was the same turn.

Another issue, the x4 command cost of the Macer legions happens to the legions that joins you when one of the other two candidates dies, that is with every annexation, that legions cost x4 command points.

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Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:41 pm

With Vitellius i win in a turn where i defeated Otho in a major battle in north Italy. At the end of turn processing i realized that the event "otho suicide" occured. I don't know (or i don't remember) if i killed Otho in battle or not. With Otho suicide all Otho region switched to me.
Until that moment i owned, out of gallia-britain, only all objectives and strategic regions in Spain, only Taurasia (Turin) in Italy, and my back (Gallia & Britain) was full of barbarians rebels almost out control (not enough friendly force to crash them). I think that if the Otho suicide could not be related to my major victory on field against him, then it was only a lucky chance. Indeed in the following turns i had to move in NOrthern area part of my Italy Invasion force at risk to don't have enough force to conquer Italy and Rome.

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Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:47 pm

ZaD wrote:So ? No one else played yet with those scenario and faction ? I started a new campaign meanwhile but I'm still curious about that.

I am playing the Vesps in a 3 player PBEM, have not got till the end / victory yet.

I have just taken over Jerusalem, my NM rocketed to 113, so I am about to unlock the Danubian legions. It is still (already?) turn 12.

BTW, anyone any ide how to reach NM 110 with the Othos to unlock the Aquincum/Pannonia legions? With the Othos, I guess, no easy prey for you to overcome, you have to earn the NM rise by victories against Vitelius and/or Vesp.

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Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:01 pm

nemethand wrote:BTW, anyone any ide how to reach NM 110 with the Othos to unlock the Aquincum/Pannonia legions? With the Othos, I guess, no easy prey for you to overcome, you have to earn the NM rise by victories against Vitelius and/or Vesp.

Lucky chance on Macer assasination. Big investement in EP and denari at start of match, anyway.

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Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:04 pm

Year of 4 Emperors scenario has some issues in End of Faction Events (fixed in next patch) and need, maybe, some balanced in SuddenDeath requirements .


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Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:18 pm

This campaign was really easy against the AI. Othonian forces just tried to do something in Macedonia where they failed miserably as soon as I unlocked the Moesia Superior legions. At the same time I landed the emperor near Metapontum and proceeded onto Rome, then the victory screen just popped up! The only fighting against Vitellius occured in Africa when I retreated to Tingis and just decided to stay there. After the victory screen I went to the next turn to see what happens and the Otho suicide event happened but he still stayed alive. Could it be because I "inherited" his provinces? The scenario is quite buggy.

Not related to this scenario but in the Septimius Severus campaign when you can choose whether or not to go to war against Albinus the event text's gets mixed up somehow. When you select the first choice the event next turn says that you chose not to accept Albinus as a caesar.

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Tue Oct 02, 2012 10:35 pm

I won as Vitellius without any major engagement besides taking Vindonissa camp. Caecina crossed the Alps, bypassed more or less garrisoned cities and marched straight to Rome and seized it. Bum! - Othonians are gone, I win. I mean it's all OK regarding historical plausibility in case of Vitellius vs. Otho, but it's quite silly to win the scenario as a whole without having to deal with Vespasian also.

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Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:29 pm

Does anyone know the specific requirements for the crushing the Jewish Revolt event? In my current PBEM game I've held all the Jewish cities for quite a few turns, and the event has not triggered. There is a tiny Jewish cavalry unit still out there, but it is impossible to track it down--- it just keeps running away. Are there any other hidden requirements? Does Vespassian have to physically be in Judea for it to happen, perhaps?

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Sat Mar 28, 2015 3:50 am

Just to expand on my question above, can anyone verify whether sudden death rules should be in effect for the 4 Emperors scenario? In my recent 1.04 PBEM game, I noticed at the end of the scenario that sudden death was off (as it is in any new version of the scenario started under 1.04), but I can swear that in my learning game against the AI (1.03), that sudden death was on for 4 Emperors , if only because I vaguely remember learning those rules on that scenario. Maybe I'm wrong, and just having false memories, but if not sudden death being off in 1.04 might explain my question above on why the Jewish Revolt crushed never triggered.

Needless to say, I'm way too lazy to re-install the game under an older version to check myself... :)

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Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:38 am

Sudden Death rule was switch from ON to OFF in a previous version.

AFAIK there is no Jewish Revolt Crushing Event.

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Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:00 pm

Bohémond wrote:Sudden Death rule was switch from ON to OFF in a previous version.

AFAIK there is no Jewish Revolt Crushing Event.


What was the thinking behind this decision please?

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Sat Mar 28, 2015 12:28 pm

Honestly, I do not remember

Franciscus :sherlock: ?

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Sat Mar 28, 2015 5:12 pm

The change does create a serious problem for the Vespassian side. Without the NM boost that comes from the crushing the Jewish Revolt event, there is no realistic way (other than taking Rome first which defeats the purpose) for Vespassian to get his NM above 110, which is the required threshold to play the activate the Danubian Legions events. If sudden death does need to be turned off for other reasons, a very easy solution would be to change the requirement for the Danubian legions from a NM above 110 to Vespassian occupies Jerusalem (or something similar.) That would restore the proper flow to scenario. Otherwise, as stands, the scenario is essentially broken for the Vespassian side.

There are also probably related issues with the capture of Rome. I did manage to "steal" it on the last turn of the game, and though after its fall the provinces did switch loyalty correctly, but all those events that used to happen like Otho commiting suicide and such did not trigger. That's a much more minor issue, though, and I believe only a cosmetic one, as opposed to the Jewish Revolt issue.

Hopefully it's an easy fix, as otherwise it's a fantastic scenario, and one of the best to learn the game on.

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Sat Mar 28, 2015 6:00 pm

Jerusalem victorious siege should be enough to boost you NM at the required level for Danubian legion release.

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Sat Mar 28, 2015 7:20 pm

My NM never went much over 100, or got a dramatic boost from taking Jerusalem---- and that was with taking the Jewish cities relatively quickly and bloodlessly and no particularly dramatic other negative events. Again, in my game against the AI under 1.03, after the last Jewish City fell, an event popped that gave a NM bonus, which was enough to easily put my NM above the 110 threshold. And in that case it was a learning game, so the revolt was no where near as efficiently crushed... :)

I've attached a .trn from much later in the PBEM game just to show my morale still well below the trigger. PM if you need the password for it. Unfortunatly I no longer have the turns from around the time of Jerusalem's fall.
4-YearFourEmperors680 PBEM Marc.rar
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Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:26 am


Sorry for late answers.

The decision to turn sudden death OFF in this (and others) scenario was made way back in late 2012, not sure but probably for one of the first patches. The reasoning being that in a multiplayer (i.e., more than 2 factions) game the sudden death of one faction would end the game for the remaining factions, which would be both unhistorical and frustrating.

As to the Jewish revolt, I find no trace of ever existing such an event that would fire on it's "crushing" in this scenario, either in the scenario DB changelog, or even in the original scenario designer texts... There are some, mainly flavour, events, related to control of theatres (that give some VP), provinces (some EP and VP) and one rare flavour event that can give 1 NM if Batanea and the whole Oriens theater is controlled.


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Sun Mar 29, 2015 12:50 am

Thanks for the answer. Maybe I was imagining an event.

Out of curiosity, have any of the testers or anyone else out there been able to in an AI game under 1.04 playing as Vespassian crush the Jewish Revolt and get NM above the threshold? I'm mostly curious now just because I must have forgotten to do something very basic, maybe spamming some decision card or something, though I can't figure out what, and again didn't have the issue under 1.03.

But thanks again for looking into that--- it again is probably an unrelated issue, or a mess up on my end. Still baffled... :)

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