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Cantabrian Wars - A Delightful Challenge

Thu Jan 21, 2016 4:29 am

The AJE series has such a wealth of interesting scenarios to choose from, that I really never got around to playing this little DLC. I purchased it alongside the main game years ago, but only recently got around to trying it out. And it has been a great scenario!

I exclusively play against the AI, due to time constraints and just the simplicity of booting up the game and diving into a scenario, and for the most part Ageod's AI's do alright. Obviously it's not perfect, and can really frustrate me, not because it's beating me but because of it's decision making, but it provides a semi-competent opponent to wrestle with. So it's been great to see the AI give such a challenge in Cantabrian Wars! I'm playing as the Romans, although these are not the crack legions you see in many AJE scenarios. Inexperienced and poorly led, my legionaries are having a very rough time with Spain's northern inhabitants. And the AI has made some great moves! It has stolen marches on me, ambushed and destroyed detached units, and has even managed to trap some of my precious legions! I don't want to say it's outperforming me, but at the very least it has played on par with me throughout the scenario.

Now this is my first time through the scenario, and I've learned some valuable lessons. Supply is very tricky, especially for the Romans, who are forced on the offensive. Even after capturing Aracillium and Segisama (two of the objective cities), my army was overstretched and began to starve. Forced to split up to survive, I figured I could get away with a divided force. Not this time around though. A large Cantabrian force, recovered from a recent beating down south, returned for revenge and has trapped two of my legions, including the elite Legio VI Victrix (the only veteran legion I have access to). They have easily repulsed two relief attempts, and with the legions literally wasting away from starvation, I will have to abandon Aracillium and hope at least a single cohort survives so that the legions can be rebuilt.

There's plenty of turns left (64 to go, exactly half way) and I am sure more reinforcements will arrive. Which is a good thing, as I'm not sure I could win with the troops I do have, especially since Augustus has departed with several legions. If you have not tried this scenario, I highly recommend you give it a whirl! And if you never purchased the DLC, or even the full game, I definitely recommend you do so! The whole AJE series (AJE, BOR, and HAN) sometimes feels like it didn't get the full appreciation and love that it deserved, but it is certainly one of the shining jewels of the AGEOD crown, well deserving of a spot with the classics ACW and WIA!

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Thu Jan 21, 2016 10:19 am

I agree with you, it is a gem !!

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