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Update engine and add BattlePlanner

Mon Mar 30, 2015 12:54 pm

How about update the AJE/BOR/HAN Engines with the latest stuff you amazing guys have put in the game engine. And please please add the battleplanner in the games.
That would make for so much more interesting games and especially PBEM games!

And we want more DLC´s :P The War of the Second Triumvirate for example :)

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Mon Mar 30, 2015 11:59 pm

Hohenstaufen wrote:How about update the AJE/BOR/HAN Engines with the latest stuff you amazing guys have put in the game engine. And please please add the battleplanner in the games.
That would make for so much more interesting games and especially PBEM games!

And we want more DLC´s :P The War of the Second Triumvirate for example :)

Also see this thread --> http://www.ageod-forum.com/showthread.php?37591-The-Future-Of-AJE

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Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:17 am


Not saying that further improvements / patches and expansions are impossible (we have some patch stuff on the works, and plans for expansions), but due to relative poor sales, I think it's not a top priority for Matrix/Ageod at the moment...


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Tue Mar 31, 2015 5:31 pm

Franciscus wrote:Hi

Not saying that further improvements / patches and expansions are impossible (we have some patch stuff on the works, and plans for expansions), but due to relative poor sales, I think it's not a top priority for Matrix/Ageod at the moment...


That´s too sad. I really hope for new expansions though. As there is still much of the roman timeframe to cover :)
Maybe we shall start a fundraiser, kickstarter project or something for Ageod to make/update the games and put out new expansions/DLC´s :D

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Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:43 pm

I'm sad to hear that sales were bad for the AJE series. It's my favourite and most played AGEOD game, so I think it deserves better.
I hope this doesn't mean that there will be no more expansions. I for one will blindly buy anything you guys make for this game!

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Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:04 pm

What Bob. said. The AJE series are my very favorite AGE-Engine games; I have all the core games including all DLC and will buy anything else for it that might be created. Too bad that sales were soft as the AJE Team deserves financial success and peer acclimation for these fine games.


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Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:12 pm

I am surprised that the sales were poor. AJE is my personal favourite strategy game. A lot of fun.

Would a Kickstarter campaign help Ageod/Matrix with developing more content for the game? Just a thought... I'd gladly back such a project, if the devs decide to go down that road.

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Thu Apr 02, 2015 8:51 am

Unfortunately Kisckstarter projects are not allowed to French companies (i.e. those based in France), which is the case of the devs of AJE. But the idea is indeed interesting...what would be the wishlist for an improved AJE in your mind?

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Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:48 am

For me there's just a wish for more Scenarios, perhaps the war between Antonius, Octavian and Brutus for example!
I like the feel of AJE and don't want it to be changed to the engines of the newer titles. I can live without battle planner too.

A thing that would come to my mind would be the inclusion of a tactical battle system (like the Matrix games title "Field of Glory" "Crown of Glory" etc.), if you want to jump in and fight youself, or you can do automatic battle just as it is today. THIS would really make AGEOD titles awesome.

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Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:20 pm

PhilThib wrote:Unfortunately Kisckstarter projects are not allowed to French companies (i.e. those based in France), which is the case of the devs of AJE. But the idea is indeed interesting...what would be the wishlist for an improved AJE in your mind?

Then you start up a company in a foreign country and run the kickstarter from there ;)
The wishlist now for me personally is

More bughunting, some events dont activate when they are suppose to and certain battle outcomes can be totally weird.
More scenarios or DLC´s! There is a TON of material in the Roman Era for this game that can be brought in. Second Triumvirate, Sextus Pompey´s campaign
Disaster at Teutoberg forest, Claudius Britannia campaign, The Civil wars of the Tetrarchy the list can go on forever nearly.

Maybe some sort of a grand campaign which could be played over PBEM. Think Europa Universalis style or something like that.
That would probably improve the sales of the game also.

Balanced scenarios, more expansions/DLC´s, update engine a bit perhaps so games will be less buggy.

And please is the a way of improving the current PBEM stance? Many players i have played with have complained a little that it is a little to complicated to play PBEM with all the file sending and such.
So maybe an improvement there

But please for the love of god don´t abandon AJE/BOR/HAN of all the titles i have bought from you ( AGEOD ) i enjoy these the most!

Sincerely Wictor!

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Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:40 pm

PhilThib wrote:Unfortunately Kisckstarter projects are not allowed to French companies (i.e. those based in France), which is the case of the devs of AJE. But the idea is indeed interesting...what would be the wishlist for an improved AJE in your mind?

My personal wishlist would be:

- No tactical layer. I am perfectly fine with staying at the operational/strategic level in AJE. I don't want to get bogged down with every single decision; the AI commanders should decide on how to fight, not me.

- Everyone here seems to agree on extending the game's longevity with more content. I would love to have more scenarios as well.

- The artwork works fine if you ask me. Very much like a hex-and-counter wargame. I would, however, be happy with an overall audio/visual improvement. Perhaps the graphics engine could run smoother (especially when zoomed out, scrolling on the map is rather slow) or more sound effects could be added.

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Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:42 pm

I am also happy with the current combat resolution as so largely echo vonBredow's observations.

Incorporating the HARDE mod, perhaps as a difficulty option would enhance the game. I use it in all scenarios and it makes the Cantabrian Wars scenario deliciously difficult for the Romans (particularly as the Romans!).

For DLC, Caesar conquering Gaul or the campaign in Britannia would instantly release my credit card. Moving the action back in time and further east to imperialist Athens, the Peloponnesian War or Alexander and his successors would all be well treated by the AGE-Engine in my opinion.


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Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:44 pm

By the way could anyone associated with AJE/BOR/HAN answer a question if it´s theoreticlly possible to add some form of "grand campaign" in to the game?
Or would that take an immensive amount of time of perhaps the engine doesn´t even allow it to some extent?

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Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:06 pm

Played nearly a dozen pbem games in 3 different AJE based games and scenarios are balanced in some way as far I can observe. About the scale at first glance 1 month turns seems to much for a smaller map scale such as BOR but in order to simulate historical long conflict it is right decision IMHO. Our play took very long till Carthage navy destroyed and moral victory achieved by Romans. On the Sicily it wasn't all lost for Carthage.

HARDE mod seems interesting to incorporate as an extra difficulty. Could be interesting to try pbem game with that mod.
As for the engine some retreats especially in difficult terrain can be seldom problem. But engine is quite solid and doesn't need much enchantments as well as graphics. It is quite nicely drawn.

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Fri Apr 03, 2015 9:18 am

Hohenstaufen wrote:By the way could anyone associated with AJE/BOR/HAN answer a question if it´s theoreticlly possible to add some form of "grand campaign" in to the game?
Or would that take an immensive amount of time of perhaps the engine doesn´t even allow it to some extent?

It would be utterly unplayable IMHO, not only for the time (1000 years of Rome x 12 turns ...ouch), but for handling the evolutions. When I created Pax Romana back in 2000, it was already a nightmare and the game stopped at Caesar's triumph...

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Fri Apr 03, 2015 9:53 am

Hohenstaufen wrote:More bughunting, some events dont activate when they are suppose to and certain battle outcomes can be totally weird.

Sincerely Wictor!

Hi Wictor.

AJE is not abandoned, just on hold...
And please, can you name the events that are not working properly ? Bug reports are always welcome.


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Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:35 am


Seeing a potential extension of the game is very exciting... :)

My personal wish list:

- a simple tactical layer: something like the battle planner, but adapted to the doctrinal conservatism of antiquity vs innovative commanders shining because of this. What I mean is that most generals should be limited to classical, not too brilliant plans, related to their cultures as well. Based on traits or offensive / defensive attributes, generals could choose more efficient tactics (double encirclement etc.).

- better handling of replacements: the HARDE mod at its core is changing rulRecoverHit from 2 to 1, making things actually more complicated by forcing armies to station in depots to receive replacements and new elements. But there are two issues related to the fact that it is unsupported modding: 1. the "1" rule means that replacement chits are not utilized for replacement, simplifying this end of things -> please make it possible to combine a cost for replaceing elements and logistical constraints on replacements 2. Scenario set ups and AI are not adapted to it. For example with HARDE the ability to create depots can be critical to be able to replenish your armies on the frontline. THis means we need more supply units and the AI should know how to handle this...

- better sieges: in general, siege mechanics could be improved to make them a bit more exciting and interactive. In other AGEOD games, let's be honest, sieges are a totally different story and not as important as in antiquity warfare. The siege of Syracuse, of Carthage, of Alesia, the storming of Carthagonova by Scipion, the siege of Lilybaeum in the first Punic War, etc. are all major events, like "mini-wars" of their own. As is, the defender cannot do much: the "sortie" button seems to work only if an external army comes to rescue. Concretely, I would suggest more specific orders: a small sortie where defenders can try to get out to reverse progress of breaches if they succeed their batlle (which should be more limited than a full-fledged one); more special decisions by the besieger as in Rominet's mod-mod to Harde, with one creating siege engines on the spot of the siege (a more interesting mechanic than making a breach with a siege card, but more complicated to code for us poor moddeer...); siege resolution a bit more clear and taking into account more elements. Let's sum up in proposing the following challenge ;) : enhancing the siege engine so that the third punic war becomes an exciting scenario...

- More scenarios: Sextus Pompeius's campaign comes to my mind, with his legions of freed slaves and desire to avenge his father... or maybe a change of period: Diadochii, Peloponnesian wars, Carthage vs Syracuse, Aechameanid wars (against the Greeks or not!), etc.

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Sun May 03, 2015 8:06 pm

I'd gladly support a Kickstarter like this one! Too bad the French laws seem to be designed to kill your economy and private enterprises (but I know this is the wrong place to discuss that!).

What I'd love to see is to expand the game to the Hellenic period and even further back in time. Plenty of interesting material for some epic scenarios there: for example, the conquests of Philip II and Alexander the Great, the Wars of the Diadochi, the Peloponnesian War and the Persian Wars would all offer lots of content for long and complex scenarios.

I feel that this engine works best for scenarios that are more limited in scope than those massive empire building games like Europa Universalis. The focus should be in military operations.

I hope to see more AJE in the future! :)

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Wed May 20, 2015 8:55 pm

AJE is an excellent game,very good graphics, excellent gameplay and excellent turn processing time. But I think the reason sales went poor is the theme of the game. See how many boardgames ,moovies etc are about Roman civil wars and the sales of them and how many are about Ancient Greece and their success in the moovies industry. I only can recall GLadiator vs 300 vs ALEXANDER THE GREAT and many more

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Thu May 21, 2015 3:49 am

My stumbling block for AJE is that I'm so unfamiliar with the time period. Not knowing who's the good guys and who's the enemy. Yes, I can get the tool tips, but I'd like to know that before I start up the game. Of course only I can learn more about the time period.

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Fri May 22, 2015 3:28 am

This game covers such a large portion of history it is hard to grasp it all at once.
A good website is http://www.bartleby.com/86/32.html
In pieces, you get the whole history.
A modestly priced book which is comprehensive but brief http://www.amazon.com/Brief-History-Romans-Mary-Boatwright/dp/0199987556
Adrian Godlsworthy is a contemporary author many gamers enjoy. http://www.adriangoldsworthy.com/books.htm

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Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:41 am

My wishlist is pretty similar to whats posted above, but I would like a patch that addressed or allowed me to move info windows.

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Sat Aug 27, 2016 1:44 am

U-47 wrote:My wishlist is pretty similar to whats posted above, but I would like a patch that addressed or allowed me to move info windows.


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Sat Aug 27, 2016 9:19 am

My personal wish is for a game to emerge that covers the whole of Rome. From the rise to the fall. I know that's not realistic for this particular game engine, it does what it does very well and I'm enjoying it immensely, but it really wouldn't work with a true "grand strategy grand campaign", or maybe I'm wrong. It just doesn't seem designed for it and that's fine. Again, it does what it sets out to do very well indeed and it's really awesome in that respect.

It's just that I've grown bored with all the other strategy titles from other dev teams that only ever seem to either cover the early Republic OR the late decline and fall. I'd like to play one that covers both. (Oh successor to Annals of Rome, where are you? :cool: ) I hate it when I spend a lot of time building up Rome only to find that when the Republic falls, it's game over.

As to THIS particular great game, I'd like for more campaigns. I know that it's marketed as a game about the civil wars, and it does that very well indeed, but I'd love to have some more campaigns like the conquest of Gaul, the attempt to conquer Germania etc. etc. Fighting Romans with Romans is fun, but I'd also like to be able to play the campaigns of beating superior numbers of filthy barbarians with higher quality Roman legions and, from time to time, discovering that there's a limit to the superiority of quality over quantity. Just ask the WWII era Soviets. Sure, they may have won the war, but it was their sheer numbers more than anything that carried the day.

At any rate, please don't give up on the classical era, AGEOD. What you've given me so far is great. Please continue in that vein.

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