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War Score Requirements

Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:15 pm

Greetings, Ive been trolling this forum for awhile, gleening bits and pieces of information here and there, and I appreciate it.

What I am trying to find is, War Score Requirments or method of gaining WS.
..You see it all started when I wanted to try something new. So. I started a GC, changed faction to Greece. 4 years later, my two tiny armies have expelled the heathen turks completely out of europe. Greek forces are sitting in Constantinople, and my sad little commanders looks longly out across the straights.

But the folks are tired of war and now that I have some breathing room, what a great time to invest in the local economy, its time to make peace!

4 years of warfare, and I have a WS of 178. I can at most try to claim 2 territories. Now come on. I have liberated the balkans from turkish control.
So after playing this game for quite awhile. Its time that I want to paint the world as I fit in my interesting imagination, and thus prolonging my enjoyment in the game.

1. Either mod the War Score for my faction via event ( I have come up with nothing )
or lower \ raise WS generation.

Any suggestions folks?

Posts: 122
Joined: Wed Oct 17, 2012 2:27 pm

Fri Feb 15, 2013 2:10 pm

I am unsure how you could modify war score directly. However you could try a different method declaring peace and using an event to claim the territories you believe that you are entitled to.

An example would be:

SelectFaction = $ITA
SelectRegion = $Albania
ChangeRgnOwner = TUR

This changes the owner (all structures, loyalty, colonial penetration etc) of Albania to Italy

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