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Script Syntax & List of Commands

Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:59 am

Can we have a list with all scripted commands and what they do. Also, a couple of examples, simple and complex (ie with conditions) wouldn't hurt. I know I can always read the scripted events but even this is not always crystal clear. For example, how do I enforce a mutual passage right? Which is the correct AddDiploItem command, what parameters should it take, etc?

If we had a comprehensive guide of how commands and syntax work we could do miracles in adding new things in the game while fixing inconsistencies in ongoing campaigns.
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:19 am


actually i already apologized for i behaved like a script kid that day, reading the file instead of using the sources we have offered from AGEOD...

please, dont repeat MY mistake, i was slightly intoxicated that day :rofl:
...not paid by AGEOD.
however, prone to throw them into disarray.


‘Everything is very simple in War, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen War . . . in War, through the influence of an infinity of petty circumstances, which cannot properly be described on paper, things disappoint us, and we fall short of the mark.‘


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Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:56 am

These are generic commands applied to the generic AGE engine and mainly older titles. I was asking for the adapted Pride of Nation commands which are not covered anywhere. Remember, PoN has many more commands in respect to previous titles because of the added complex economic and diplomacy aspect.

I have already looked at these lists and they can't help me. For example, where is the specific command to enforce a passage right between nations? What do some parameters (say CURRENT) mean?
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:08 pm


there barely such big leaps within the commands

see, with the listed commands you can simply improvise:

let say you want your FORCED THROUGH passage rights...

you add a diplomatic action for your nation with the command and the parameters as explained,

AddDiploItem = TargetFac; DIDefUID [; StartDate yyyy/mm/dd

the alias/DIDefUID could simply be like


they gave us all at hand, and we have it in the original game either

you have only to take care that the event is not outweighed by another thing, like war :D

i cant see the problem you run into...
...not paid by AGEOD.

however, prone to throw them into disarray.


‘Everything is very simple in War, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen War . . . in War, through the influence of an infinity of petty circumstances, which cannot properly be described on paper, things disappoint us, and we fall short of the mark.‘


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Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:13 pm

and please, read more carefully about the parameters:

[...]"Date the item is activated (or CURRENT for current date)
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‘Everything is very simple in War, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen War . . . in War, through the influence of an infinity of petty circumstances, which cannot properly be described on paper, things disappoint us, and we fall short of the mark.‘


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Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:21 pm

Till this point I've arrived myself, thank you.

This is where its gets hairy:

the alias/DIDefUID could simply be like


Do you seriously believe I will be shooting randomly parameters up until I *get* the right one that fires the event? Given that each turn takes 3-4 minutes at least to process, this is the dictionary definition (with photo!) of frustration.

We need a list of commands and correct syntax for THIS game. With examples and explanations.

Take this piece from the Crimean crisis:

Code: Select all

SelectFaction = $RUS
StartEvent = evt_nam_RUS_CrimeanCrisis1853_Choice3|1|0|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL

  MinDate = 1852/01/01
  MaxDate = 1862/01/01
  ActorEnabled = $gmaOptionGov;RUS_CrimeanCrisis1853
  CheckOption = $gmaOptionGov;RUS_CrimeanCrisis1853;=;3


SelectFaction = $CMN
  GenTextMsg  = opt_notify_RUS_CrimeanCrisis1853_Choice3;1;NULL;NULL;NULL

SelectFaction = $RUS
  ChangeActorPool = $gmaOptionGov;MaxUse;0;SubType;RUS_CrimeanCrisis1853


How can you expect me to mod the engine if I don't know what these commands and parameters are doing? We need some examples, meaning somebody interpret line by line what this code does.
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:25 pm

A better example of my case. This piece forces certain diplomatic arrangements. But where is the list of all possible arrangement for PoN (with the CORRECT parameters)?

Code: Select all

SelectFaction = $TUR
StartEvent = evt_nam_TUR_CrimeanCrisis1853_Step2_IA|1|0|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL

  MinDate = 1852/01/01
  MaxDate = 1862/01/01

SelectFaction = $FRA

CheckAILevel = 1

SelectFaction = $GBR

CheckAILevel = 1
  EvalEvent = evt_nam_TUR_CrimeanCrisis1853_Step2_A;=;1

SelectFaction = $TUR
  EvalIsAtWarWith = RUS

  DescEvent = evt_desc_RUS_CrimeanCrisis1853

SelectFaction = $CMN
  GenTextMsg  = opt_notify_CMN_CrimeanWar1853;1;NULL;NULL;NULL

SelectFaction = $FRA
  AddDiploItem = RUS;$diWar;CURRENT

SelectFaction = $GBR
  AddDiploItem = RUS;$diWar;CURRENT
  AddDiploItem = FRA;$diMutualSupply;CURRENT

SelectFaction = $TUR
  AddDiploItem = GBR;$diSupplyRightGiven;CURRENT
  AddDiploItem = FRA;$diSupplyRightGiven;CURRENT
  SetEvtOccurs = evt_nam_RUS_CrimeanWar;CuOccurs;1


See? I know how to give supply rights to a nation but not passage right. Which is the correct $di for passage given or mutual passage?

PS. Nevermind, I found it in the diplomacy folder inside each action. We need a list of these things. Where we can find them all together.
PPS. Where is the PoN subsection of the AGE wiki? I will be populating such wiki ASAP.
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:32 pm

ok, you claim you cannot find it, now you had have figured it out for yourself, so WHAT exactly IS YOUR PROBLEM ????

EVERYTHING IS THERE! You found it, stop to use it as example. Point!

"This is where its gets hairy:"

they gave us the list with all LONG EXPLANATIONS, the original DB.

1. look for a file with diplomacy or any abbrv. in its name

2. decide whether you want a MUTUAL passage right or just for your nation

3. use the existing command,
fill in the nation you want to address,
fill in the alias for the action,
fill in a date in the past if game should start with it, in future or use "current" for having it possibly next turn.


thats the style we used to load game in the time od C64 ^^
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however, prone to throw them into disarray.


‘Everything is very simple in War, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen War . . . in War, through the influence of an infinity of petty circumstances, which cannot properly be described on paper, things disappoint us, and we fall short of the mark.‘


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Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:36 pm

still dont understand the problem you run into:

EDIT: ´glad you found it at last.

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however, prone to throw them into disarray.


‘Everything is very simple in War, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen War . . . in War, through the influence of an infinity of petty circumstances, which cannot properly be described on paper, things disappoint us, and we fall short of the mark.‘


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Thu Feb 23, 2012 12:45 pm

PS: if you scroll through the spreadsheet you will find also the attributes and the mustnothaveattribs


as for your request at P-forum...

[color="Red"] $di_nam_Permanent_Casus-Belli[/color]
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however, prone to throw them into disarray.


‘Everything is very simple in War, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen War . . . in War, through the influence of an infinity of petty circumstances, which cannot properly be described on paper, things disappoint us, and we fall short of the mark.‘


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Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:37 pm

Any text that starts with $ is an Alias [see Wiki].

The \Aliases directory defines all the Aliases :siffle:

although the number [UID] assigned there is of little help, each file gives a full list of all of the type.
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 1:45 pm

My problem, yellow ribbon, was that all these should have been on a list, with explanations of what they do and examples of syntax specific for PoN. So, yeah, you did it yourself actually. And still no explanation what these numbers mean in the respective diplomacy folders.

Now instead of doing this on one single thread, do it in the wiki or help write a guide.

I wish the turns were like 10 sec so I could try, rinse, repeat... they are not, have to be efficient.


@lodilefty, there is nowhere explanation what these aliases are doing. There are 8 types of CBs that can be used, according to the situation. I cannot deduce what they are doing unless I know what the numbers do in each directory of parameters or I have examples. What's an infringement CB? What's a temporary CB? When is the ideal situation to use each and why not, say short?

please, help us understand what each things does and we can do wonders. We are keep bumping into problems in our MP because we don't know how to fix things that come up
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:22 pm


i am that close before to use sarcasm again and i was told NOT TO...

open your eyes and your mind, before opening TWO threads in two forums with a timelag of hours....


As L.L. wrote, you have all Alias for PON already delivered [color="Red"]with the game[/color].
yet you claim everywhere you cant find it in any place.

the commands are generic and explained in the wiki (yeah, even i forgot it since October 2011, so what)

The developers were that friendly to give the original DB free for purpose of modding.
please, USE them then!

look at the screenshot

[color="Red"]EVERYTHING you claimed in different forums that it would not exist is there, right were it is supposed to be, for days and weeks...[/color]

the clear name,
the alias
the name for the parameter
mustnot haves
Screenshot - 23.jpg
...not paid by AGEOD.

however, prone to throw them into disarray.


‘Everything is very simple in War, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen War . . . in War, through the influence of an infinity of petty circumstances, which cannot properly be described on paper, things disappoint us, and we fall short of the mark.‘


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Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:34 pm

Sorry, but IMHO, what you see is what you get for now. :(

It would be hard to ask the Developers and active game-builders to stop work on new games, wouldn't it? :blink:

We'll glady answer questions, etc. but also the best way to learn is via examination of the DB [look for comments and notes] and application of logic. Deciphering the "exported" text files used by the game engine is difficult.
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:37 pm

so what can one miss...???

what we have:

§Filenameinsert [/color]
[color="Red"]Alias [/color]
[color="Red"]Kind [/color]
[color="Red"]Name [/color]
[color="Red"]IsAbortedBy [/color]
DIDuration [/color]
PrestigePercCostEnd [color="Red"]
§Consequences [/color]
AIRange CrisisType
CrisisPrestigeOth CrisisJustCause
CrisisInstantOOC CrisisJCifDom
...not paid by AGEOD.

however, prone to throw them into disarray.


‘Everything is very simple in War, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen War . . . in War, through the influence of an infinity of petty circumstances, which cannot properly be described on paper, things disappoint us, and we fall short of the mark.‘


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Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:33 pm

yellow ribbon wrote:Kensai,

i am that close before to use sarcasm again and i was told NOT TO...

Listen, if you are about to troll again, refrain from responding to me. I appreciate your contributions but you have a real problem in putting your thoughts in a sentence without irritating your interlocutor. Seriously, where you banned in the Paradox forums? If yes, probably makes sense considering your tone.

Anyway, where are the explanations of what the 8 CBs are doing in plain English? You keep pasting me things I have found myself in the wiki or db, but not the actual information I need to deduce the difference. Ok, I can understand some things from the stats (parameters) of the conditions/effects, but I wouldn't want to risk.

I know that modding is a voluntarily action, that should be made in my own risk (voiding the warranty as they say) and there is no support about it. But this thread was supposed to be a plead for help. Because I am one of the hosts of a MP game of mega-galactic proportions (15 players and we are open for more, possibly) and the guys there ask me to fix bugs in the engine with custom events which I would love to do, but I can't because I can't find the necessary documentation.
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:36 pm

lodilefty wrote:Sorry, but IMHO, what you see is what you get for now. :(

Fair enough, this is sincere and direct, and doesn't make me look crazy like yellow ribbon's reponses. :)

It would be hard to ask the Developers and active game-builders to stop work on new games, wouldn't it? :blink:

True, and I wouldn't want that. I am waiting to be released of my money for Napoleon's Campaigns II. :thumbsup:

We'll glady answer questions, etc. but also the best way to learn is via examination of the DB [look for comments and notes] and application of logic. Deciphering the "exported" text files used by the game engine is difficult.

I was hoping there is already an internal guide or something. Anything so I could understand the AGE syntax adapted to PoN efficiently.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your work. I just want to be a good host for my co-players in our MP game. :non:
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:53 pm

Can you make a section in the AGE Wiki for Pride of Nations? I will start adding information, explanations, code snippets, etc. I think some guys like Boernes, sagji, Laruku, etc might help.
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:54 pm

Kensai wrote:

I was hoping there is already an internal guide or something. Anything so I could understand the AGE syntax adapted to PoN efficiently.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate your work. I just want to be a good host for my co-players in our MP game. :non:

Maybe I misunderstand your statement, but the syntax for the "old" commands are unchanged in PON. There obviously are many many new commands added.

I'm sorry I don't have time to add all the new commands to the Wiki, but their syntax can be deduced from the DB in most cases.

What you may really be looking for is the Logical thought used by the designers [aka "Design Intent"] when they wrote the DB and events.

If so, this kind of documentation doesn't exist for ANY of the AGE games, let alone PON. [I refer to this as "Tribal Knowledge"] :blink:
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 3:58 pm

Kensai wrote:Can you make a section in the AGE Wiki for Pride of Nations? I will start adding information, explanations, code snippets, etc. I think some guys like Boernes, sagji, Laruku, etc might help.

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Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:12 pm

Thank you so much. Soon enough, I will be adding content myself. :cool:
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 4:47 pm

For the reader whos shaking his head:

my understanding of the social part of any forum is, better being a village idiot asking questions, than a script kid with a lot of claims,
a lot of five words long sentences / posts / vaunts in different forums
THIS IS NOT AN INSULT, ITS A overall STATEMENT and i call myself the village idiot... [/color]

however, i tend to think before i annoy other people in public with false accusation, statements and , while other people dont even think before opening a thread or two, or insisting on their point even being proven a.d.a.a.m.
sometimes i am doing the mistake to suppose, others from a certain age on would do the same.

I am paid for it in International Project Management, i do it in five different languages and the time i formerly had for playing, while waiting for some people, calls or emails, i use for the forum here.
at least, since i finished this game.

@ Kensai

your are posting from 0500/0600 am till 0100 in the night all day long, for months now, half of it is hear-saying without any knowledge or information containing in it...

Frankly, you are writing so much false statements and hear-saying that it is often enough simply disgusting.
someone like you, accusing me to TROLL... funny....

yet you are doing it again and again or other insulting stuff, whenever you will not admit that your point of view is false/was false from the very beginning.
most of the time even ridiculous



[color="Red"]To avoid ongoing insults from you, you unable to acknowledge your own nonsense (to understand this, read Ludwig Wittgenstein), you insisting for being right carrying on with bullshit, i deliberately asked for being blocked from the forum, after a 30 countdown weeks ago...


i left P-forum over 5 years ago and not that long time ago i met people here who did actually the same, for similar reasons, AS ONE MAN how the french said it...
even two of the PON developers do know why i dont use P-forum

i joined both forums for the disastrous state PON were in when it was published.
Needing the beta patches it was an obviousness to help them with the patches with SYSTEMATIC APPROACHES

did my share and respected their policy during this time and afterwards.

for about three months i was part in serious rework of some parts of the system, on private basis and WITHOUT SPRAYING FALSE ACCUSATIONS AROUND, neither against other forum-members nor the work of the devs/team

i left it, for work and spouse are more important.


No, i am disappointing you here , i am not going to insult you as you did in January, in February... oh, again in February...


its as plain, trucks are droving over it and hitting script kiddies



$di_nam_Infringement_Casus-Belli 6
$di_nam_Temporary_Casus-Belli 6
$di_nam_Short_term_Casus-Belli 24
$di_nam_Long_term_Casus-Belli 60
$di_nam_Permanent_Casus-Belli 9999
$di_nam_Forge_Casus-Belli 0
$di_nam_Temporary_Casus-Belli 4

furthermore the changes in relations:


simply using the index finger and slowly moving to the right, maybe while scrolling to the right

while writing this, even LL explained it to you that all information is given and furthermore never existed for any game.


Many were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.[/color]


LL, my offer from 2012-Jan. still holds :cool:
...not paid by AGEOD.

however, prone to throw them into disarray.


‘Everything is very simple in War, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen War . . . in War, through the influence of an infinity of petty circumstances, which cannot properly be described on paper, things disappoint us, and we fall short of the mark.‘


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Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:06 pm

Please! Everybody calm down and keep it civil....

Consider this as a warning. If you want to exchange slings and arrows, do it via email or PM, not here.

Help each other, OK?

Facts welcome always! :w00t:
Opinions are OK, but only with regard to AGEOD, not toward other users, and never inflammatory.

If you aren't sure what the difference is, send me a PM and I'll explain.
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Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:07 pm

Kensai wrote:Thank you so much. Soon enough, I will be adding content myself. :cool:

And I'll be editing and formatting it.... :D
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