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General of the Army
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Playing as Portugal

Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:17 pm

¡Bem-vindo ao mod Português!

Following with the series “Playing as…”, our second installment is PORTUGAL. You won't need to switch faction on the console if you play this mod.

Some advices:
- Do a backup copy of every single file we are going to change, so you have the original one, just in case something wrong happened.
- All files are in subfolders of VGN folder.
- You can open the files with notepad, although other text editor might be useful.

These are the steps:

1. Make it playable

A) Folder: Scripts
Files: Script.ini and Script1850GRC.ini . Backup both files.
Change1: Look for "POR". Under "SelectFaction = $POR" , remove the entry "SetFacUnselect = 1" in both files.
(Change2: Add this entry above the Capital line "ScenVictoryCond = str1850ScenarioVC_POR" in both files) --> I think you can omit this change. The victory conditions might not be implemented yet for Portugal, so let it unchanged and you’ll get the normal victory conditions. I haven’t tested that.

B) Folder: Scens
File: 1850 GC.scn .
Change: Backup the file and open it with notepad. Look for "Maria II". Above that bunch of data should see the beginning of {Faction}. We'll change the number 1 into 0 under 2401:

1 <-- change this 1 to 0

3. Adding flavour music
I haven’t been able to find any suitable music so far. Some Portuguese people might help on this issue.
If you find some mp3s, then you need to do this

Folder: Sounds
Download the mp3s
Rename them like this:

Place those files in the Sounds folder.
Then open Music.ini and add these lines at the end of the file:

// Portuguese
Music143 = POR_ALL_XXX.mp3
Music144 = POR_ALL_YYY.mp3

4. Add graphic events

Folder: Grapics
Subfolder: Events
Subfolder: New Events
Action: You'll see the folder "POR". Copy it and past it in the "Events" folder.

...and you are done! Start Pride of Nations, go to "New Game", choose the 1850 GC scenario and the flag of Portugal should be there for you to click on it!

Known issues:

-After starting, you'll see a zoomed out screen. Just click on the Portuguese flag to recenter on Portugal.

You start as the 13th nation in prestige. It’s up to you to build an Empire and find…
[CENTER][color="DarkSlateBlue"]A PLACE UNDER THE SUN[/color][/CENTER]

Some pictures:


Click the Portuguese flag. What are you waiting for?


We are the 13th nation in prestige. Playing well we can go up pretty soon.


Our colonies. We have a lot of them. The envy of many nations.


Well, our industry is not very strong. But we are working people and will do our best to make a prosperous country.


Things to improve in further versions:

Laws and Decrees
Relation Matrix

You can also try my SPANISH MOD: Playing as Spain

And my SPANISH AAR (in Spanish):

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:32 pm

Generalisimo should help you with that ! Well I inform if you take care of the database, tea production were started in OE in 1894 after they bring seeds from Japan from "Ertuğrul frigate" and tea production started in Bursa not Kars. ;)
Here are some parts of the the original document in Ottoman language :


Sorry to disturb :)

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General of the Army
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Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:42 pm

Baris, I like your posts, but I think you have mistaken the right thread! :)

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:19 pm

Sorry about it Laruku :)
Excellent AAR you have written in about Spain. Time to time I translate your AAR with google and read at job. Previously I have heard at the patch notes that officially unplayable nations that unlocked(BEL;TUR) needs some feedback to improve gameplay. If no feedback needed in database than maybe no need to fill space in playable nations for OE . :mdr:

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Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:59 pm

Hey, don't worry. I was amused. Thank you for reading the AAR. I should write it down using less slang, because it might be difficult to translate by Google, but, because I try to make jokes, I sometimes can't help doing it.

I started Ottoman Empire and found it quite challenging. I would like to play it. I was reading a book, a good one, about the History of the OE: "Osman's Dream" and I like it. I hope OE will be full implemented in the near future. We are trying to do that with Spain and I think we are in the right path. Check the Spanish AAR thread and you'll see. You might get some ideas for OE, who knows. :)

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:14 pm

Laruku wrote:Hey, don't worry. I was amused. Thank you for reading the AAR. I should write it down using less slang, because it might be difficult to translate by Google, but, because I try to make jokes, I sometimes can't help doing it.

I started Ottoman Empire and found it quite challenging. I would like to play it. I was reading a book, a good one, about the History of the OE: "Osman's Dream" and I like it. I hope OE will be full implemented in the near future. We are trying to do that with Spain and I think we are in the right path. Check the Spanish AAR thread and you'll see. You might get some ideas for OE, who knows. :)

By the game time frame Sultans realised it won't be enough to chase girls and young boys in the harem :mdr: so they decided make some reforms with some pressure. Actually a private capital was a "sin" as they were all subjects to ruler. System was based on feodal land property. If clans were disloyal(not call to arms in case of war) , their land taken away immediately. This prevented private property,capital and the nature of laws. As the land did not originally belong to them. No real bourgeois had a chance to form.

Anyway. Thanks for your kind words :) Spain actually will be more playable and desirable to play with your AAR even maybe some events needs to be added. I catch up with google translate but hard to catch some jokes indeed. :D

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Mon Sep 26, 2011 10:32 pm

So, basically, OE was a feudal country out-of-time. No wonder its problems along this period. Well, anyway, I think should be fun playing it. :)

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Sir Garnet
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Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:03 am

I catch up with google translate but hard to catch some jokes indeed. :D

I have used Babelfish and thought it was just a bad translator, but slang would explain some of the strange language in translation.

What are Portugal's strengths, weaknesses, colonial and economic capabilities, and strategies?

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Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:56 pm

I don't know in the game, but in RL Portugal enjoyed some colonies in Africa and Asia. Not as much as UK and France, of course, but bigger in size than the Spanish ones, for example. Anyway, Portugal was since 1700 like an English "protectorate", so its survival depended on British rule. Poor industrial development, so it's a challenge to implement the Industrial Revolution there.

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