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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:30 pm

@ Zenvaro ; Release soon your Update for this Great Mod? Спасибо :gardavou:

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:23 am

Hero989 wrote:@ Zenvaro ; Release soon your Update for this Great Mod? Спасибо :gardavou:

I think most of the problems are fixed now. But There are some work with texts. I think I will upload new version on the next week. After this maube there fill be a couple of small fixes. Thank you fow waiting.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:17 pm

@ Zenvaro ; Пожалуйста :dada:

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sun Aug 16, 2020 1:29 pm

@ Zenvaro : Здравствуйте, выйдет ли ваше обновление мода на этой неделе? Спасибо. Отличный мод. :gardavou:

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Mon Aug 24, 2020 11:09 pm

Hero989 wrote:@ Zenvaro : Здравствуйте, выйдет ли ваше обновление мода на этой неделе? Спасибо. Отличный мод. :gardavou:

Here is the link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nuAUaS ... sp=sharing
If somebody will find some bugs - please PM me.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Tue Aug 25, 2020 1:40 am

@ Zenvaro ; Thanks for your Update.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Tue Nov 10, 2020 5:05 am

I created an account just to say thank you for breathing life back into this game. Here in the USA we don't learn anything about the Russian Civil War in school (limited time for a lot of subjects) so finding this game made me interested, and I've now read some books on it. I'm going to start a new game tomorrow and hope it doesn't CTD too much.

I do have one question: You said earlier that the Whites don't get supply in ports once the British leave. Is this true even if the Whites have control of the seas and their own merchant marine? I like to play the long game as the Western Whites especially and build up a large fleet of transports to make sure I'm getting lots of money and war supply. Even if the British end their direct intervention, I don't see why trade and aid from other countries and private individuals or organizations wouldn't continue. For what it's worth, I think it should be the same if the Reds gain control of the seas and the British decide to end their blockade.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Thu Nov 12, 2020 2:41 pm

polarbear wrote:I created an account just to say thank you for breathing life back into this game. Here in the USA we don't learn anything about the Russian Civil War in school (limited time for a lot of subjects) so finding this game made me interested, and I've now read some books on it. I'm going to start a new game tomorrow and hope it doesn't CTD too much.

I am very pleased to hear such a review, I myself study various eras and wars using ageod games. Having started playing CW2, I also began to study the history of the US Civil War and learned a lot! Now we play a big mp campan in PON and try to communicate in the style of that era, and for this we also have to study a lot of history of the Victorian era.

Unfortunately, now the author of the mod is too busy with real work and does not get in touch. But I know him for a long time, and I believe that he will continue to work on the mod. !

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sun Nov 15, 2020 3:35 am

After completing my first playthrough I have some suggestions. First let me say that the game was remarkably stable. I had no CTDs compared to vanilla. I did have to restart the game occasionally when the UI got messed up but restarting fixed that. Now for suggestions:

1. I see my earlier post was unnecessary since my transport fleets are still moving supply

2. Can you give a one-turn warning before the British evacuate? I lost a lot of my fleet which was merged with the British

3. The Basmachi situation can result in Western White units being permanently trapped in the region, especially the ones that spawn there through events. If they push the Reds out quickly and become neutral, is there a way to force the Whites to leave but let them have the ability to leave? Something like how the Czech Legion loses cohesion if the Eastern Whites don't evacuate them?

4. This is my biggest complaint: Please, please tone down how powerful partisans are. If they're just raiding the countryside and picking off lone, weak units, that's fine. But they are wrecking professional cavalry divisions in my game, absolutely destroying them to a man. Combine this with their high speed and difficulty of detection and it becomes a bit insane.

5. The Finns are really powerful right now. The Reds lost Petrograd pretty fast

6. Could you rewrite the "distrust Denikin" decision so it is a bit clearer? I couldn't make sense of it and I really wanted to stop the constant Cossack problems without going the autonomy route. Does the decision do that?

7. Is there any way you could make the Western Whites more independent of what goes on in the East if the West is more successful? Something like doing the reforms decision or something else to improve national morale/loyalty even if Kolchak is in charge would be welcome. You have to increase loyalty so often to prevent mass rebellion that repressing over and over again absolutely kills your national morale. If the Western Whites are sitting there with the Caucasus, half of Ukraine, and some major Russian cities under their control, being politically limited by a faction that hasn't crossed the Volga doesn't make much sense.

I also had what looked like a bug. Usually when I set a corps to assault a structure, it does so. If it can't finish off the garrison, it waits a few days then tries again. For some reason Markov's corps, despite having over half cohesion and about 2,000 strength, kept assaulting for a half second and then reverting to defensive mode. This wasted weeks of game time sitting on a minor city whose garrison only consisted of two supply units, a transmission company, and a medical company. None of my other corps behaved this way and I don't remember this happening in vanilla, so it may be the mod.

Other than that, this was a great experience and it really revived this game for me. The AI is a lot more competent in three ways. First, it doesn't run around through your territory wreaking havoc but also running out of supply (except those invincible and invisible partisans). Second, it hits you hard where you are weak. Within one turn of the Northwest Army spawning, Trotsky came in and smashed the whole thing before I could train a decent number of men. Third, it knows when to retreat. In vanilla the AI would often stick around even after being mauled, but in this game each time I repulsed an offensive, the AI would pull back to recover rather than staying to die.

The increased flavor, unit variety, soundtrack, etc. were all great as well. Excellent mod.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sat May 22, 2021 2:01 pm

Any Updates to the Mod? Thanks.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Mon Sep 06, 2021 1:43 pm

Anyone still playing this MOD with last Update? Comments? Thanks.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sat Sep 11, 2021 6:19 am

Hero989 wrote:Anyone still playing this MOD with last Update? Comments? Thanks.

I'm still playing it, and I'm currently in a PBEM game. We're not deep enough into it yet for me to give you a review except to say that playing the Reds is hard.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sat Sep 18, 2021 7:03 am

A new version is available.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sat Sep 18, 2021 2:02 pm

@ Zenvaro ; Спасибо за обновление. Есть список изменений? :gardavou:

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sun Sep 19, 2021 9:53 am

Hero989 wrote:@ Zenvaro ; Спасибо за обновление. Есть список изменений? :gardavou:

I wrote an approximate list of changes in the header. With a complete list, everything is more difficult, because I did not really plan to change anything at all, but during the game, as usual, a bunch of ideas came up and I immediately implemented them, not really writing them down (I have this problem with maintaining a changelog)

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sun Sep 19, 2021 10:18 am

polarbear wrote:After completing my first playthrough I have some suggestions. First let me say that the game was remarkably stable. I had no CTDs compared to vanilla. I did have to restart the game occasionally when the UI got messed up but restarting fixed that. Now for suggestions:

1. I see my earlier post was unnecessary since my transport fleets are still moving supply

2. Can you give a one-turn warning before the British evacuate? I lost a lot of my fleet which was merged with the British

3. The Basmachi situation can result in Western White units being permanently trapped in the region, especially the ones that spawn there through events. If they push the Reds out quickly and become neutral, is there a way to force the Whites to leave but let them have the ability to leave? Something like how the Czech Legion loses cohesion if the Eastern Whites don't evacuate them?

4. This is my biggest complaint: Please, please tone down how powerful partisans are. If they're just raiding the countryside and picking off lone, weak units, that's fine. But they are wrecking professional cavalry divisions in my game, absolutely destroying them to a man. Combine this with their high speed and difficulty of detection and it becomes a bit insane.

5. The Finns are really powerful right now. The Reds lost Petrograd pretty fast

6. Could you rewrite the "distrust Denikin" decision so it is a bit clearer? I couldn't make sense of it and I really wanted to stop the constant Cossack problems without going the autonomy route. Does the decision do that?

7. Is there any way you could make the Western Whites more independent of what goes on in the East if the West is more successful? Something like doing the reforms decision or something else to improve national morale/loyalty even if Kolchak is in charge would be welcome. You have to increase loyalty so often to prevent mass rebellion that repressing over and over again absolutely kills your national morale. If the Western Whites are sitting there with the Caucasus, half of Ukraine, and some major Russian cities under their control, being politically limited by a faction that hasn't crossed the Volga doesn't make much sense.

I also had what looked like a bug. Usually when I set a corps to assault a structure, it does so. If it can't finish off the garrison, it waits a few days then tries again. For some reason Markov's corps, despite having over half cohesion and about 2,000 strength, kept assaulting for a half second and then reverting to defensive mode. This wasted weeks of game time sitting on a minor city whose garrison only consisted of two supply units, a transmission company, and a medical company. None of my other corps behaved this way and I don't remember this happening in vanilla, so it may be the mod.

Other than that, this was a great experience and it really revived this game for me. The AI is a lot more competent in three ways. First, it doesn't run around through your territory wreaking havoc but also running out of supply (except those invincible and invisible partisans). Second, it hits you hard where you are weak. Within one turn of the Northwest Army spawning, Trotsky came in and smashed the whole thing before I could train a decent number of men. Third, it knows when to retreat. In vanilla the AI would often stick around even after being mauled, but in this game each time I repulsed an offensive, the AI would pull back to recover rather than staying to die.

The increased flavor, unit variety, soundtrack, etc. were all great as well. Excellent mod.

2: This is very strange, since it is the British and French troops that are removed, but not the whites.
3:I don't really understand what this is for. Whites are always present in Central Asia if they want to. And they can start a war. Basmachis can automatically declare a war against the whites if all the cities of Central Asia are captured by the Basmachis.
4. The Greens have been heavily curtailed and they are indeed a very weak and unorganized force. However, they can create new detachments, and among them there may be detachments of artillery and regular units of the Cossacks, since they also sometimes acted on the side of the greens, and besides, when capturing factories, they could acquire artillery.
5.The Finns were strong. In reality, Mannerheim suggested to Kolchak that the Finns begin an offensive against Petrograd and generally oppose the Soviets, provided that Kolchak recognizes the independence of Finland. Kolchak refused. If he agreed, the story might have gone differently.
6.The decision allows you to remove Denikin from the post of commander-in-chief and replace him with Wrangel. Wrangel has a much more flexible policy, which will make it possible to make a decision on the Cossack autonomies, which will solve the problem with the separatists. Although playing as Denikin, you can completely live without separatists, having 10-20 units in each Cossack region.
In the new version, white is fairly separated from each other. However, some decisions can be made only with the unification of whites and in fact there is a single anti-Soviet government that could act as a representative of the whole country, that is, after the unification of the whites

I agree, it looks like a bug, but it is not caused by a mod, but by an engine that I cannot get into. I've met this more than once in vanilla. In such situations, it is better to retreat and attack again with the attacking tactics itself. Or even attack with another detachment.

Thank you for your gaming experience and rating the mod.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:04 am

@ Zenvaro : Thanks for fast response. :pouet:

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sun Nov 07, 2021 5:43 pm

thanks for the update! it is a good mod it is lot of fun.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sun Apr 03, 2022 5:08 pm

Is it intended for the new version to change the game language to Russian, or did I do something wrong again?

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Tue Apr 05, 2022 6:20 pm

The mod will change it to russian.

But you may select the english version. Open with a text editor the file General.opt inside this folder

"\Revolution Under Siege Gold SoW\SOW\Settings"

And change 4 to 0 in:

Code: Select all

2. *** Language ***
// language (0: English; 1: Francais; 2: Espanol; 3: Deutsche; 4: Russian; 5: Italian)
Language        = 0
ThirdLanguage   = 0

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sat Apr 09, 2022 1:58 am

I have a question about the Imperial Gold Train.

While playing the grand campaign by PBEM, the Reds held Kazan and repaired the Imperial Gold Train while the Eastern Whites had cut off all exits from the city and besieged them. In the early October turn, the train spawned in Moscow and gave the Reds the gold bonus even though there was no way for it to reach there from Kazan. The White players were disappointed!

Is this a bug or intended behavior? Could the event be changed to spawn the gold train in Kazan and then force the player to get it safely to their capital?

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sat Aug 20, 2022 4:17 pm

Anarhists are too powerful and aggressive. Is there any way to lover their stats?

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Thu Sep 01, 2022 3:30 pm

Zenvaro wrote:
polarbear wrote:2. Can you give a one-turn warning before the British evacuate? I lost a lot of my fleet which was merged with the British

2: This is very strange, since it is the British and French troops that are removed, but not the whites.

However, if there is actually a bug, it is some historical, as westerners samely helped and mocked the 'savageous russian' Whites, so they don't care if they leave without any warning and some of the white ships are destroyed. Sure, gamewise it is not nice.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Thu Sep 01, 2022 3:37 pm

WhiteGuard wrote:Anarhists are too powerful and aggressive. Is there any way to lover their stats?

They were actually aggressive and very daring, attacking to the weakest with surprise, in fact the more cossack way.
Yes, for a balance they were given very good shock strength, maybe in the mod it is to be revised, or not...
Mackhno had be given his "batko" pet name ("little father") from the people (bolsheviks say it's a military grade, lol) after he rooted resting austro-hungary troops one versus thirty (it is said, maybe it was 'only' 1 vs 10).

Edit: The problem is that Whites (and Reds) have always to counter the people power, and for the White aristocrates those mujiks count for nothing, so almost all white generals, mainly Denikin, always underestimated them (but on the other side whites went fed-up with those combats even they very often 'win' them, i.e the anarchists retreat from their raids..). If you let people organize, being an actual democracy (not a republic, which are aristocracy), they can be very powerfull. Some like Nazi vs Russia, Whites lost for underestimating the people.
Russian Reds (Lenin&Trotski, learning from anarchists while insulting them) had to cheat (massive murder: 80% loss on makhnovists) and then send troops 50 vs 1 (huge desertion and treasons as red soldiers didn't want to fight their ukrainian brothers) to be able to end the remaining few fighters and be able to controle the Ukraine people, the true-Cosak ("free men") power...

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Fri Sep 23, 2022 5:56 am

Just to say I finally loaded this up and it looks marvellous--clearly a chef-d'oeuvre. Best wishes to Zenvaro and thanks for the immense amount of work put into this. I'll dive in soon. cпасибо!

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Fri Sep 23, 2022 12:47 pm

Zenvaro's last post is 1 year old.

Has he stopped modding?

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Fri Sep 23, 2022 1:24 pm

I misread the date. I do hope work with this continues. I'm about to give it a run through.

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Fri Sep 23, 2022 1:45 pm

OK, enjoy :)

If you have time, try to post any bug you detect. Perhaps he will come back

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Fri Sep 23, 2022 3:17 pm

TOTAL REDIT (October 10th '22):

With my doughty opponent we are having at it and are a few turns into our test. So far no bugs. A few pbem comments might amuse, me as the Reds:

WHITES: "So much space... so many units... so much to do.
Not sure if my little brain can handle this. After giving orders for Turn 2 for both White factions I need to lie down and relax."

REDS: "This mod is a mindfeck with marvellous historical detail and splendorous chrome. Makes you feel like god, the nasty Jahweh sort, watching all the little units run around on command, and reminds me of burning up ants with a magnifying glass when I was a typically normal young lad."

WHITES: "On the negative side - oh angels and saints preserve us, my poor head!
Am I winning or losing? Do I have a strategy or am I just moving things around at random? Is Russia big or what?"

REDS: "Many many changes I am noting re force dispositions and locations early on. It's a new game to be sure and the mod maker is a fanatic on detail... that can wear you out I know from experience (I'm an historical chrome fanatic with my scenarios in the past), hence his disappearing from this AGEOD thread. Perhaps with the test we might coax him back (fanatics can usually be coaxed back to their obsession)."


Makhno's Anarchist flag:
"DEATH to all who stand in the way of freedom for working people!"

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Re: Sons of War (RUS Gold Mod)

Sun Mar 12, 2023 3:25 pm

Any recent Updates? This is a Great Mod. :dada:

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