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A Co-Op White GC! Rysyonok/Alikchi

Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:51 am

Hi all. Rysyonok and I are playing a grand campaign, with him as the Siberian Whites, and yours truly as the Southern. We've only just worked out the method and started today, but are already having fun :)

We'll both be posting a varying amount as turns go on. Right now we are 3 turns in, playing with slightly delayed commitment and some AI bonuses. Standard attrition. We are both new AGEOD players, so expect some mistakes!

Posts to follow...

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Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:18 am

Okay, here goes nothing!

South, 1918 Late July

Like I said, we're a few turns into the game. Denikin's army has exploded south from Azov and run straight into the Red Don Front, led by Sorokin. The past month has been a long running battle between these forces near Zernograd, with the Whites edging ahead in casualties but the Reds holding firm. The Volunteer Army has maintained a steady power value of roughly 500.

In the meantime, some divisions have been detached, and the Cossacks have moved around the battle, capturing Salsk and Tikhoretsk. It's not a perfect encirclement, but I hope to severely mangle the Don Front when Sorokin attempts to retreat.

Mamontov Force, a division-sized group of Cossacks, moved southwest towards Ekaterinodar from Tikhoretsk (leaving Poliakov Force to hold it). This was an attempt to grab Ekaterinodar under the noses of the other large Red force under Kalnin. Kalnin moved to block, and inflicted grievous casualties on Mamontov:


This was my fault - after easy wins, I wasn't taking the reds seriously, and sent Mamontov with 10,000 men against a force of 25,000. :bonk: He inflicted ~8000 casualties and received 6000. Going to have to recruit more Cossacks to fill the gaps.

More to follow as we continue! I hear the Siberians have captured the gold train at Kazan..

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Thu Dec 23, 2010 11:23 pm

South, 1918 Early August

Pretty decent turn this time.


Denikin continues to battle on in Zernograd region, while other forces spread out. We're now sieging Armavir after an unsuccessful attempt at assault. An attempt on Elista by Pokrovsky's cavalry division was successful, but at the cost of Pokrovsky himself:


Farther south, I've pushed the White Wolves out to keep the main Red force from retreating (Denikin is absolutely thrashing it) and edged another division closer to Ekaterinodar. The site of Mamontov's defeat last turn was claimed without a fight by Poliakov's group, with the Reds (presumably at very low cohesion) retreating into Ekaterinodar itself. The clock is ticking, but hopefully by concentrating all of Denikin's forces, I can siege or assault them in Ekaterinodar in the next few turns, then turn north to Tsaritsyn (sp?).

I've played the Reds here before, I know how weak they are initially. I'm willing to be a little sloppy and take big casualties for the chance of moving north before winter.

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Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:42 am

South, 1918 Late August


General Miller has arrived from Murmansk to take command of the Northern Russian forces massing in Segezha. With a combat strength of 10,000 men (including 2 armoured trains) and support from the British and French, this force could conceivably be a very useful distraction for the Bolsheviks.


Shaplin's force of ~4000 men in Arkhangelsk is considerably less useful, but may still come in to play.


Fitskhelaurov's merry band of Cossacks has successfully severed the rail line between Tzaritsyn and Moscow. This has attracted Voroshilov's attention! Which is good. Better here than down south:


The sheer numbers of the Reds are making things difficult, along with my inability to focus on one target. Sorokin's greatly diminished Don Front managed to retreat from Denikin, cutting the rail line to my front line forces in the process. Denikin will pursue next turn. Meanwhile, Colonel Drozdovsky's division will try to slip around Kalnin's reds bunched around Ekaterinodar and steal Novorossisyk from behind. I really need the engagement points for more conscripts right now, my units are bleeding out!

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Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:32 am

South, 1918 Early September

A good turn!


Denikin has beaten the Don Front to a pulp. It no longer exists. The Volunteer Army must now turn about and face Voroshilov, who has used the rail to move straight south and threaten my line. Markov's division will speed south and try to capture Armavir. I hope Denikin is up to fighting the Red 10th Army!

Meanwhile, my flank with Drozdovsky worked and the Reds are isolated at Ekaterinodar. A new corps is forming under Mai-Maeivski (a very competent man, if a bit boozy) to lay siege to the place.

Again, I am worrying about time now. 4 turns til November - that is not much time to take Tzaritsyn.. but it may be possible.

PS - the Northern Armies (divisions, more like) have begun to move south, against the Greens in Miller's case. At least a month will be required to determine results. After that month, of course, the weather will be very harsh and the front will be essentially static for many weeks.

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Fri Dec 24, 2010 12:44 pm

After some trouble, we are back in business and now using Clovis' AI mod. :)

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Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:45 am

Sorry, skipping a turn!

1918, Early October


This may be the last overview screenshot of the northern Don/Kuban region I have to do for a while. Denikin and Mai-Maeivski have mopped the floor with the Red armies here. It only remains for the latter to land the finishing blow at Maikop. I intend to do this next turn. Afterwards, I'll leave a few cossack divisions behind to clean up the remaining towns (Grozny etc) and perhaps make an attempt on Astrakhan.

Meanwhile, Denikin works his way up the rail line to the northeast, heading this way...


No movement here this turn. My Cossacks keep the railroad shut down and the Reds drawn north away from the city.. exactly how I want them. If this situation holds for a few turns, Tzaritsyn (or should I say, DENIKINGRAD?) will be mine.

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Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:13 am

1918, Late October


Denikin's inching closer. Next turn, the Cossacks in the north (Fitskhelaurov Force) will make a conservative attack on Voroshilov, hopefully pinning him down, while Denikin and Ulugai's Kuban cavalry make a dash for the city.


I'm starting to think ahead to the new year. I have two large forces - the Volunteer Army and M-M's Corps. The Cossacks will have to stay behind, so I need to determine how to use them.

Also of note - it's almost winter, and Versailles is about to trigger. The Ukraine will open up for conquest. I'm not entirely certain how the Ukrainian army forms - is it constructed by the AI? Does it pop into existence the instant Ukraine becomes independent? - whatever, I'd really, really like the resources of Kiev and Kharkov. Kharkov is a critical point, too. Hold it and I have a straight path north to Moscow.

So, the Ukraine will be M-M's theatre (i would like to promote him to Army commander if possible, but I fear I will have to subordinate him to the Cossack command). Denikin's goal will be to hold Tsaritsyn, link up with the Siberians, and assist in their push westwards. The Cossacks will serve as garrisons and roving defence forces, and also move to take Astrakhan, Grozny etc.

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Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:13 am

1918, Early November

The Great War is over! But our war continues.


Fitskhelaurov made his move south as planned, but instead of pinning Voroshilov in place, he ran straight into Stalin with some Red Guards and an armoured train, "Artem". The Guards were roughly handled and retreated into Tzaritsyn proper. I will renew the attack tomorrow.

Voroshilov used his rail lines to shift quickly to the south and catch Ulugai's Kuban cavalry division by its lonesome on the southern approach. It was devastated - something like 80% casualties in a mad cavalry charge at the Red 10th Army and two armoured trains. They're going home for a long while to replace their losses (although at the moment, I have no conscripts).


Denikin, playing cautious, retreated in the face of Voroshilov without engaging. This is a small setback, perhaps made large by the fact that winter is coming very, very soon. However, we have good news farther north!


Our Siberian friends have taken Tambov! This permanently severs the rail line between Tsaritsyn and Moscow. Obviously that's a great thing. Not only does it increase the chances of my meeting the year's objectives, but it gives me the opportunity to perhaps destroy Voroshilov and Stalin's forces without space for them to retreat. Fingers crossed, as always...

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Sat Dec 25, 2010 8:35 am

Alikchi wrote:1918, Late October
The Ukraine will open up for conquest. I'm not entirely certain how the Ukrainian army forms - is it constructed by the AI? Does it pop into existence the instant Ukraine becomes independent? - whatever, I'd really, really like the resources of Kiev and Kharkov. Kharkov is a critical point, too. Hold it and I have a straight path north to Moscow.

So, the Ukraine will be M-M's theatre (i would like to promote him to Army commander if possible, but I fear I will have to subordinate him to the Cossack command). Denikin's goal will be to hold Tsaritsyn, link up with the Siberians, and assist in their push westwards. The Cossacks will serve as garrisons and roving defence forces, and also move to take Astrakhan, Grozny etc.

Strategically, Denikin always underestimated the some organized moujiks. I think you should put a *defensive* "front" against anarchists (actually it would be a raid war, between makhnovists and your cosaks), trying protect your supplies as you go to Moscow. Taking Kharkov could be ok and then should be on this front defensive line, but Kiev should be too far (It would be good miracle for the Whites if Petlioura guard it for you against Reds lol).
Let the anarchists alone, hope the Reds will do the job, taking losses for you. Reds are the goal, don't disturb your army for the Blacks.
That's the strategy I would try, when I'll play the game :D (but I would prefer playing the Reds)

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Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:30 am

ERISS wrote:Strategically, Denikin always underestimated the some organized moujiks. I think you should put a *defensive* "front" against anarchists (actually it would be a raid war, between makhnovists and your cosaks), trying protect your supplies as you go to Moscow. Taking Kharkov could be ok and then should be on this front defensive line, but Kiev should be too far (It would be good miracle for the Whites if Petlioura guard it for you against Reds lol).
Let the anarchists alone, hope the Reds will do the job, taking losses for you. Reds are the goal, don't disturb your army for the Blacks.
That's the strategy I would try, when I'll play the game :D

Hm, anarchists actually pose a threat? I've seen them on the opponent list, but I'm yet to come across their units. Greens, on the other hand, are quite numerous and annoying. :)

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Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:33 am

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Sat Dec 25, 2010 2:22 pm

Rysyonok wrote:Hm, anarchists actually pose a threat? I've seen them on the opponent list, but I'm yet to come across their units. Greens, on the other hand, are quite numerous and annoying. :)

For now you can't military meet them, August 1918 since a month they are busy in Ukraine starting their war against german army. You should worry in 8 months.

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Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:46 am

ERISS wrote:For now you can't military meet them, August 1918 they are busy in Ukraine starting the fight against german army.
You should worry in 8 months.

Ah, you are right :)

Speaking of which, there is a great movie about Makhno... "Bolshaya Malaya Voi'na" (Little Big War) - but it's in Russian only.

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Mon Dec 27, 2010 8:47 am

Five more posts about Eastern forces added :)

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Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:32 pm

Skipping a turn once more.

South, 1918 Early December

Winter has arrived, but just in time, we've captured Tzaritsyn! Our year's goals have been reached [ :) ]



It was, however, not a cheap victory. Altogether the campaign so far has cost us 20,000 casualties (this figure includes the negligible losses in the North).

Now we enter a consolidation and planning stage. More to follow..

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Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:03 pm

South, 1918 Late December

Not too much action this turn. I'll run right through it and then go straight to the planning for next year's offensives.

Two battles: One in Tzaritsyn, the other in Stavropol. The first a defensive success, the second an offensive failure. Stalin attacked Fitskhelaurov's 9500 man force defending Tsaritsyn with 12000 (I believe Voroshilov has been kicked out of the theatre, and Denikin has not yet been able to reach the city). Fitskhelaurov held easily, inflicting 2500 casualties to his own 500.

In Stavropol, I underestimated the enemy numbers and sent an understrength cavalry division to take the place, assuming it was held only by demoralized Don Front remnants. I think the Bolsheviks have brought boys down from Astrakhan or something, because the place is chock full of Reds! 10,000 of them. There's another force farther south, in Grozny, as well. Slowly clearing them out will be my winter project.

Other news: The Greeks and French are coming!


While intended to safeguard the independence of the new Ukrainian state, the White leadership has convinced the leaders of this expedition that their real objective should be a White victory, as this is the only way to secure any hope of a free, non-socialist Ukraine. Greek and French troops are intended to stay behind as garrisons and hold down eastern Ukraine after the White plans have come to fruition. See below:


Blue marks the hoped-for advance by July 1919. The resources of Ukraine are desperately needed by the Southern Whites, and the railroad line to Moscow from Kharkov is intended to be the final line of advance north to the heart of the Red beast.

Oh, one last thing. Consolidation:


With an approval rating of roughly 30% at best in all 3 provinces the Whites maintain control over, some work is clearly needed. Hopefully this will bump up our support, as over the winter we will be conscripting many more of the peoples' sons to fill the gaps in our ranks. Also, a man named Wrangel needs a division..

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Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:16 pm

ERISS wrote:Let the anarchists alone, hope the Reds will do the job, taking losses for you. Reds are the goal, don't disturb your army for the Blacks.

History was the reverse:
The Reds let the anarchists alone take the losses for them against the Whites. Then when the Blacks won the bigger firsts battles and ingenuously rest, the Reds came easily steal the left unguarded liberated towns, claiming their own victory and did the 1st betrayal against Black army (the game is not good on this, Reds could ally again after that, to betray later again...).

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Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:23 pm

Skipped a few slow turns, so here's a big winter update for you.

South, 1919 Late February

In my last post, I'd sketched out current operations - planning for the Ukraine operation and consolidation in other areas. Well, winter has slown things down, as expected, so I'm pretty much in the same place.


In the north Caucasus, I'm having some quiet success against the one big Red stack remaining at Grozny. Stavropol has fallen and the railroads have been (mostly) repaired. Kirov's leading the enemy, which I believe indicates that he's pulled out of Astrakhan. I'll send a cavalry division over to probe it once the weather clears. I hope to have cleaned the area of all Bolshevik forces by April.


The Ukraine operation is going very well. I'd thought I would have to take it very slowly in the winter, but opposition is almost nonexistent as the Whites, French and Greeks march through the snow. The Crimea is secure and the foreign forces are marching towards Ekaterinoslav, while two White divisions clean up further east of the Dnieper, and newly formed Cossack cavalry divisions raid through the north. I intend to have Kharkov by summer.


The Tsaritsyn situation is a difficult one. Fitskhelaurov's Cossacks and what is left of the Red 10th Army have been dancing around each other for a few months while I try to get a proper supply link going. Denikin, after replacing some of his losses, is moving to relieve the city next month. Speaking of replacements:


Winter has provided a great breathing space for me to finally replenish my losses and start recruiting new units. 3 infantry regiments for Wrangel and artillery, armoured cars and Tachankas for all non-cossack White divisions as needed. The Cossacks are finally back up to strength, nearly.

More updates as things continue to be interesting!

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Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:57 pm

Here are two strategic maps of the current situation, showing both Southern and Siberian forces. The second map is color coded (Red = reds, Green = Siberians, Blue = Southern Whites, Yellow = Ukraine, Gray = Neutral)



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Thu Dec 30, 2010 1:56 am

Three more posts about Eastern forces added, taking it to the beginning of 1919.

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:52 am


South, 1919 Late March

The White forces advance on all fronts against negligible opposition. The enemy has been conspicuously absent on the main fronts (Volga and Ukraine/Don). Red morale is now at 60. They've lost nearly 150,000 men, while the southern whites have lost only 32,000. (Eastern forces have lost roughly 50,000 effectives).

Tsaritsyn is now permanently secure (Denikin arrived this turn) and the Caucasus is still purely a cleanup operation. Let's look to the north:


Yudenich's army has exploded out of Estonia, about 20,000 men with a combat power of 300. We're lunging straight for Petrograd with them. Meanwhile, Miller's forces, supported by the British and French, are edging southwards and are now close enough to support Yudenich once the weather clears.

If the Reds can't defend Petrograd, they can't defend anywhere. Now, the Ukraine:


The only Bolsheviks in sight are the garrison at Voronezh, which repulsed a probing assault by a small Cossack cavalry division recently. More Cossacks are consolidating to have another go at the city. Meanwhile, White Russians and Greeks are lunging towards Kharkov, and the French have secured Ekaterinoslav. It's all going swimmingly.

So, this is the test. Can the AI slow us down?

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:36 pm

Two months later, two new screenshots that explain the situation better than I could.

South, 1919 Late May



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Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:47 pm

Eight more posts about Eastern forces added, taking it to May of 1919.

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