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RUS - DNO - is this a known problem?

Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:49 pm

Playing as Reds, delaying war as long as possible while stomping Whites and Greens. I was planning on opening war on the Baltics once the snow melts in 1922. My German opponent jumped the gun and Finland and Baltics declared war on me.

Now the problem. I can move into Baltic and Finish territory but it looks like I take higher attrition (supply maybe), but I can not exert military control, engage Baltic forces nor siege structures. Also my antesy enemy has swarmmed his German forces thru the Baltics and into the edges of my territory but again, no battles, no sieges. All Baltic forces and cities are listed as (German - Neutral).

I guess I could 'fix it' by declaring war on the Ukraine but that wasn't part of my game plan till '23 if possible. I wanted to subdue or at least attrit the Central powers in the narrower fronts of the Baltic and then when they are punching thru, launch the attack in the South to throw in confusion.

Anyone else reported this? Do I need to post the save game?

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Sun Apr 21, 2013 6:17 pm

The problem is that in "reality", Germany did not declare war....so nor could Baltics or Finland, as these nations do not 'exist', they are subfactions of Germany...hence all the issues you are facing...

There is probably an unexpected case of sorts here, where the German options for Baltics and Finland should be disabled if there is no war between RED and GER...will need a patch to fix...

No way to solve this for now

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Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:25 pm

Thank you for the quick reply. My patient opponent and I will probably back up a couple of turns and I will declare war on the Baltics to see if that cures the situation or will I have to declare war on the Ukraine to get the Germans involved?

As a solution -- and I am not very skilled at modding but do follow threads about programming - could the AbsorbFaction be the eventual answer where the SubStates - can be independent until (x event) when the Germans absorb them as part of the overall war against the Soviets. (an event could be -- the Fall of Riga by Soviets, a requirement in their declaration of war, which would trigger German intervention and the absorption of the remains of the Baltic forces.) --- I wish I had time to tinker more, I really like the game and would like to know more about 'under the hood'. Thanks again for the reply

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