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DNO scenario bugs

Fri Jun 22, 2012 3:56 am

I’ve been playing the DNO scenario the past few days as the Germans and a few issues have cropped up I thought I’d mention for possible future fixes.

The Baltic region needs an engineer type unit added to the replacement pool list, that or the cost to build them a division needs the engineer requirement removed. As things stand now, you cannot build them their extra division through events without an engineer type replacement available to be spent. The Finnish division event worked fine, and the only difference I could see is the lack of ability to buy them an engineer replacement.

For some reason the event to sell arms to the Whites does not fire when selected. I easily meet the requirements and have tried to issue the event about 6 times, but it never fires and is always in the event lists the next turn. I cannot figure out what prevents this from working unless perhaps the Whites lack the necessary unit in their force pool or something.

Early in game the Russians declared war on the Baltic region and everything worked fine and the Baltic minors entered the war. Last turn however, Russia declared war on all the rest of the minors on the same turn, but none of them entered the war. They are all still locked and their map areas are still shaded, even after I ran another turn to see if their entry was delayed or something. Not sure what is going on here.

Also on the same turn Russia had their mass declarations, they also had the event to disband the anarchists, but they are still on map so that event failed to work as well.

The Poltava region lists Poltava as the needed capital on the Spec. Ops map you play conscriptions, taxes etc from. But when I played a loyalty event on it the attempt failed during turn execution and I was told I needed to control the capital. Poltava was in my possession however, so obviously something is crossed up in the wiring for that region and its capital.

Here’s a save of my last 3 turns if you need it to look at the issue with the failed war declarations.


Edit: I tried issuing the attempt to change Poltava loyalty on the Spec. Ops map a few turns later and it worked. So whatever happened the first time that failed the attempt, I must have missed the cause of it. But I'm pretty sure it did tell me I needed to control the capital for it to work, so perhaps there were some unseen partisans or something in the region that caused it to fail.
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Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:00 pm

I can confirm the first 2 issues. The poltava issue can happen if your military control isn't high enough. Just owning the region isn't enough.

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Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:18 pm

Excellent feedback!

After hours of bug squishing:

1. Engineer requirement removed from BAL Divsion build. Also, the Division formed was coded as FIN !! Fixed that while I was there. Text strings corrected.

2. Whites Arms Sales now works! The code was looking for WHI option activation, rather than GER!

3. All of the RED minors DOW include an ongoing event to penalize RED 1NM twice per year if DOW not activated. The message sent to the Germans was the wrong one! Now you'll get a message saying something like "Reds don't declare war on xxx, lose 1 NM"

4. The Anarchists are not supposed to disband in Drang, but rather simply shift back to enemy. Messages being rewritten.

5. Controlling the structure is different than Controlling the region! So I didn't pursue that bugrep.

As soon as I get the new text translated, a new QwikFix will be posted for these and several other fixes!

Again, thank you! Good report! :coeurs: :thumbsup:
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Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:15 pm

Awesome responsiveness, thanks for the very quick fixes. I’ve played on through to October and a few more things have cropped up for you to take a look at before you get the fix out.

Minor propaganda campaign has become available to play again, but it now acts like the sell arms to the white’s event before. I try to play it every turn and nothing happens and the event is still listed next turn. No report tells me what’s up either, so I have no clue what the issue is.

Sell arms to Finland has also become available again, but it now acts like the white event as well.

Finally something weird is going on with the Whites. I can now select their stacks, though I’m only allowed to select the first unit in the stack. I don’t think I’m allowed to manipulate them in any way, but I only checked about half the stacks, I didn’t try and move every single stack to see if any could be moved.

As far as I can tell this is new behavior, I don’t think this was allowed from the start of signing the alliance with them, but I’m not sure. I only discovered this behavior by accident this turn.

And one question. Do the Rumanians get a force pool? They recently entered play, but as far as I can tell they have no units they can build. They have a pretty large replacement chit list, so I assumed they'd have some stuff to build, but I couldn't find any and their flag isn’t listed as a sorting button on the build screen.

Here’s the last two turns of the game for you to look at.

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Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:13 pm

You being able to select White units is most likely the consequence of your relations with them being cordial. Am I correct in assuming that you can look at their setup but not move them? - It's a bit weird but I think it's working as designed.

The same happens if you play the Reds and choose to bow down to the German ultimatum in turn 1. You then get cordial relationships with Germany and a look at their whole army; also you get to move through their territory and even use their railways which is probably not what the designer had in mind.

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Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:00 am

Am I correct in assuming that you can look at their setup but not move them?

I messed around with it a bit and I can set military postures for the whites. I can also drop them into a structure, but once inside I can no longer select them unless there is another stack outside that I select first, then I can use unit tabs to select units inside the structure. I'm not sure if this is a new behavior or if I was allowed to do this from start, as I accidently found it last turn.

I can also combine stacks, even though the normal mouse-over icon of the two little man figures with a dash between them doesn't show up, it still combines the stacks when I release the mouse.

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Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:20 am

I’m a bit worried about scenario balance issues in regards to national morale. While I’ve won most of the fights (probably about a 75%-25% split), no real massive battles have occurred yet except the few battles near Minsk (one or two big fights). Technically the game is a long way from over as the below screenshot shows I control very few of the objective cities. Yet Russian national morale looks as if it’s beginning to collapse.

I’m wondering if all the penalties to Russian NM aren’t too much to bear without some positive NM events to fire off now and again to make up for the hits it takes. At this rate it appears none of the major objectives will even have fallen before Russia is out of the game.

A new re-occurring event perhaps called “For the motherland”, that adds 5 NM ever 3-6 turns for a cost of EP and VP might help balance the NM game. Though perhaps this would be an AI only event. It would need to be played out head to head with two equal opponents to see if it is still needed for normal human play.

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Sat Jun 23, 2012 7:54 am

1. White stacks: it doesn't really matter that you are able to combine White stack, drop them into structures. They are still under AI control; in other words, the AI will give orders for these troops and completely ignore what you try to do with these stacks. That said it's admittedly a bit weird.

2. NM: There already are NM balancing events in place in Drang (if you own RoP, it's the same system). If NM < 75, you gain 5 points, if it's > 125, you lose the same amount. But battles in Drang can be huge and very NM costly. I have played this scenario only three times but managed to get a NM victory in two cases inspite of the balancing events. They may not be powerful enough?

Keep reporting, very few people have taken the time to report back on this scenario. If lodilefty is to improve it, good feedback is invaluable.

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Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:50 pm

Found some more wrong text messages. The events to sell arms to the Baltic States and Caucasus have re-appeared, but the announcement in the display window states the events have been played. I ran another turn and these two events also will not fire.

Also I purchased the 2nd Panzer division and the turn it became unlocked there were two different lines of text announcing a panzer division had become available to move. The first line stated I. Panzer Division was active. The next line stated the 2. Panzer Division was active. I looked around for the I. Panzer Division but found nothing, so it must be some kind of false report. The 2. Panzer was unlocked and working fine.

Let me know if you need a save file. The two images of the text fields in the below attached image showing the above discussed messages are from two different turns.

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Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:59 pm

James D Burns wrote:Found some more wrong text messages. The events to sell arms to the Baltic States and Caucasus have re-appeared, but the announcement in the display window states the events have been played. I ran another turn and these two events also will not fire.

Also I purchased the 2nd Panzer division and the turn it became unlocked there were two different lines of text announcing a panzer division had become available to move. The first line stated I. Panzer Division was active. The next line stated the 2. Panzer Division was active. I looked around for the I. Panzer Division but found nothing, so it must be some kind of false report. The 2. Panzer was unlocked and working fine.

Let me know if you need a save file. The two images of the text fields in the below attached image showing the above discussed messages are from two different turns.


All of the options in the game that 'regenerate' are being fixed. There were several different approaches to code the 'regen', and some were incorrect. Stay tuned!

Will look at the Panzer messages!

...and yes, ROM get ForcePools. Will look at why you don't "see" it in replacements...
If the ForcePool is "fully bought", you won't see them in unit purchase...
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Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:16 pm

They may not be powerful enough?

Yeah, they definitely need to tweak this up. I'd say a minimum of +10 if below 75, since it only takes one or two corp sized battles to lose more than that amount each turn. Were I playing vs. a human, I'd intentionally force several major fights every turn just to crash his national morale.

In fact the more I think about it, the more it seems gamey to me that national morale can be hit so hard due to a few lost battles. Almost all the fighting is going to be on far larger scales than the system normally uses, so using the same morale hits tends to over-focus morale penalties in game (potential lost production must be huge by now for Russia). I mean I haven’t even taken Smolensk yet and the Russians are teetering on defeat already.

Perhaps they could tweak it so NM effects from combat losses were ¼ of normal due to the predominance of huge forces all over the map. That may be a better fix and keep players from simply trying to go on a destruction rampage to kill morale rather than focusing on strategic locations and goals.

Currently I’ve stopped all major attacks in my game and am sitting idle through the winter to let the AI recover a bit. But I have no doubt it would already all be over by now had I pressed home my advantage when his NM was in the 50-60 range.

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Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:23 pm

Panzer messages are confusing!

If you see several ScriptReportxxxx.txt in your \Scripts folders, please zip and post the zip here.

Otherwise, post the save of turn with Panzer messages, with the immediate previoys \Backup folder turn...
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Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:30 pm

Not sure exaclty what you needed in scripts, so gave you both my script folder and last two turns.
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Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:02 pm

lodilefty wrote:...and yes, ROM get ForcePools. Will look at why you don't "see" it in replacements...
If the ForcePool is "fully bought", you won't see them in unit purchase...

I went back in game to double check my Rumanian issue and found a new possible bug. When you have both sort tabs set to ‘All’ and scroll down the list, eventually you are no longer able to select units for purchase. Specifically it stops at the last Turkish Tank unit and the next unit the Turkish gunboat is unable to be selected. I hear a click, but the unit is not highlighted, though it appears I can still drag and drop a unit that doesn’t have a selection box around it.

Also I notice many of the units far down the list such as the Don Cossack light rail units have very badly garbled mouse-over pop-ups, the pop-ups are impossible to read and badly bugged.

While doing this I noticed that the Finnish also have no units in the list and no flag to use to sort with. I know the Finnish have at a minimum an armored car unit in the pool at game start since they get it when you sell them arms. I ran turn one of the game and checked, no Finnish units were in the list, so they too are not showing up.

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Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:36 pm

James D Burns wrote:I went back in game to double check my Rumanian issue and found a new possible bug. When you have both sort tabs set to ‘All’ and scroll down the list, eventually you are no longer able to select units for purchase. Specifically it stops at the last Turkish Tank unit and the next unit the Turkish gunboat is unable to be selected. I hear a click, but the unit is not highlighted, though it appears I can still drag and drop a unit that doesn’t have a selection box around it.

Also I notice many of the units far down the list such as the Don Cossack light rail units have very badly garbled mouse-over pop-ups, the pop-ups are impossible to read and badly bugged.

While doing this I noticed that the Finnish also have no units in the list and no flag to use to sort with. I know the Finnish have at a minimum an armored car unit in the pool at game start since they get it when you sell them arms. I ran turn one of the game and checked, no Finnish units were in the list, so they too are not showing up.

I have no difficulty scrolling in build mode, nor do I see any garbled text. I run at 1280x800 on a somewhat elderly laptop...

ROM and FIN have force pools defined that are exceeded by on-map units. You will only see these to purchase if units are destroyed to a total quantity less than ForcePool setting. AFAIK, you'll only see the 'flag' if units are ready to buy for that faction. WAD, I think... :blink:

Confirm ForcePool as ROM and FIN have ability to purchase replacements in the F2 ledger...
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Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:56 pm

James D Burns wrote:Also I purchased the 2nd Panzer division and the turn it became unlocked there were two different lines of text announcing a panzer division had become available to move. The first line stated I. Panzer Division was active. The next line stated the 2. Panzer Division was active. I looked around for the I. Panzer Division but found nothing, so it must be some kind of false report. The 2. Panzer was unlocked and working fine.

Hehe, much clearer when I look at Germany before you issued orders!

I. Pz Division is the flavor name of 3. Panzer groups Panzer Division before you disbanded it!
2. Panzer Naschup is the supply unit from same group!

It's WAD, but Clearly, I need to fix the flavor names of the 3 Panzer Divisions!
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Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:36 pm

lodilefty wrote:I have no difficulty scrolling in build mode, nor do I see any garbled text. I run at 1280x800 on a somewhat elderly laptop...

Here’s a screenshot of the trouble I’m having with the units production list. These shots were taken with the all nations and all units tabs selected. If I sort the list with nation flags, units with garbled text on the long list are no longer garbled, so the length of the units list is apparently what is causing the issue.

On top of the image is an example of the garbled text I’m seeing, the mouse pointer is over the light rail unit in this shot. I would estimate 10 or more units near the end of the list have this problem, but not all of them do and there is no easily apparent pattern to it.

The bottom part of the image shows the Turkish tank battalion with the selection ring around it. From the red arrow and to the right of that arrow I can no longer select units and get the selection box to appear around them.

My rig is an Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67 GHz
12 Gigs RAM
Nvidia Geforce 9800 GT Video card with 1 Gig video RAM
Win Vista 64 bit
My desktop resolution is 1680x1050 and the game is set to use that resolution.

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Sat Jun 23, 2012 5:43 pm

lodilefty wrote:Hehe, much clearer when I look at Germany before you issued orders!

I. Pz Division is the flavor name of 3. Panzer groups Panzer Division before you disbanded it!
2. Panzer Naschup is the supply unit from same group!

It's WAD, but Clearly, I need to fix the flavor names of the 3 Panzer Divisions!

Ugh, sorry about that. The reports are at the bottom of the display window list, and I do my turn orders as I go down the display line by line, so by the time I read the confusing messages I had already broken up the division. Sorry if I wasted your time here.

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Sun Jun 24, 2012 12:54 am

OneArmedMexican wrote:2. NM: There already are NM balancing events in place in Drang (if you own RoP, it's the same system). If NM < 75, you gain 5 points, if it's > 125, you lose the same amount. But battles in Drang can be huge and very NM costly. I have played this scenario only three times but managed to get a NM victory in two cases inspite of the balancing events. They may not be powerful enough?

Are you sure about that? I'm fairly certain that is not the case. I've never seen those messages and can kill NM as fast or as slow as I want without worrying about regen.

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