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Tech effects not firing !!

Wed May 06, 2020 9:11 am


playing as Japan I started to run out of steel in 1883 despite having built all the available industries. I decided to look more closely at the problem and discovered that I was still using level 1 steel shops and could not yet upgrade them to level 2. I found this to be pretty strange since most of my current industries are already level 3 and I just started building my first automobile plant !

I then had a look at the PON database and discovered that my steel shops should have been upgradable to steel furnaces whith the discovery of the "Siemens regenerative furnace" some time between 1860 and 1865.

I went back to the game to check my science report : I already discovered that Tech pretty long ago (more than 15 years at least ) but it had no effect !

I tried using the console to fire the tech a second time but it did not have any effect either. I then pasted the tech event with a new name and fired it as a Japanese event and this time it worked !!

This is the second time there is one of the tech event failing to have any effect ( First time was when discovering "breech loaded rifle" failed to change my force pool and I had to fire the event manually several years later to get the effect to work properly ) and it's really annoying. Besides, I only checked the steel production because I had supply problems : there may have been other techs that failed to produce the desired effect without me noticing !

Any idea where the problem is coming from ? Is there a way to correct that behaviour appart from checking every available tech ?

Thanks for your help,


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Re: Tech effects not firing !!

Thu May 07, 2020 1:19 am

Your solution is the best way to 'solve' problems such as you have encountered, so this is good news.
There is really not a game fix. Probably if you 'use' the tech close to its discovery you will not have this problem. But this is a massive game and each factions have some unusual bugs not present in other factions; which is a way of saying; playing Britain, France, German and the USA you will see more fully vetted factions.
Just keep double checking when you have issues.

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