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Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:41 pm

Well, I guess I still have some years to wait till I can play then :mdr:

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Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:02 am

Gray_Lensman wrote:Not me. I don't care if it takes 30 minutes. It's still faster than PBEM. You have to decide if you want to enjoy the challenge of a reasonably good AI or play something more simple like checkers to get your instant gratification fix.

The AI is important to me as well, but I have to draw the line after waiting 7 minutes for the AI to make a move. I can't play the game in windowed mode and it crashes if I shell out of the game to desktop. I end up starring at the screen waiting and that just isn't fun.

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Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:29 am


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Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:36 pm

I don't really trust any download service since you just never know when they will perform like your neighborhood gym and disappear overnight.

That being said, I have gone pretty much with Gamersgate since I discovered I can create my own DVD's from the downloads. I've tested installation with Paradox and Ageod games and don't seem to have any difficulties with offline installations, so even if GG should fold (certainly hope not), I have the games I purchased even if I have to move to a new PC.

I don't know so I'll ask. Can you do that with Steam? I mean, should the unthinkable happen and Steam go under and never return.

I've used some other download service, Impulse, Matrix, and some other that I've forgotten the name, and I am more comfortable and happy with GG than any other so far.

But that's just me. :cwboy:

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