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Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:59 pm

Yep, Philippe's post wasn't that clear...thanks for clearing things up.
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Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:18 pm

Thanks Pocus, much clear now ;)
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Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:15 pm

monkeyx wrote:Hi

There is a lot of support for a strategic Nappy game. EU3 appeared to miss the mark and was too generic covering a massive time period. Crown of Glory lacked any feel for the period and EIA (well we are still waiting).

EiA is somewhat close to be finished, I think, so let's see what is in the "beast".
I'm curious and also a little anxious so see what sort of game it is compared to NCP.
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Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:26 pm

If NC has diplomacy will be far beyond that Empires in Arms, and I´m a Eia´s fan, but the quality of NC military system is simply superb in comparison to EiA

"... tell the Emperor that I am facing Russians.

If they had been Prussians, I'd have taken the

position long ago."

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Sun Nov 11, 2007 10:40 am

I have to say I am pretty excited about the game (I only now learned about it). I like AACW, have preordered NC and the Victorian and WW1 Era is just about my favorite subject (together with Napoleonics) which is unfortunately only sparsely covered by games, so I suck up whatever is there .... the old Colonial Conquest by SSI on C64, Imperialism, Vicky, and once I made a custom scenario about the era for Civ2.

I hope the game will not be a pure wargame, or with war being the thing most players will focus on as it is in most games "more exciting" than building up your country with peaceful means and bullying. I hope the plans for that (mastering international crisis - Morocco, Fashoda, Balkans etc., diplomacy, claiming foreign markets for your country) will offer as exciting alternatives. Also, random conquests should have serious repercussions if directed against sovereign "civilized" countries - Europe was weary of united Germany in late 1800s. If Berlin decides to add Holland or Denmark to their lands, they should find themselves isolated.

Also, I hope that economic dependencies of middle and small powers will be modelled in one way or another - think U.S. Fruit dominating and bullying the Central American states (with government aid), or the way the English dominated commerce in Argentina, or Germany build the Baghdad railroad.

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Sun Nov 11, 2007 12:03 pm

As a matter of fact, as we firmly believe that wars won't occupy the players most of the time, we are developing many new modules: diplomacy, economy, social matters, colonizations and even more. So you will get all that.

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Sun Nov 11, 2007 1:14 pm

I'll be interested to learn more about it when the time comes. I will surely follow this project with keen interest. :)

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Thu Nov 15, 2007 3:03 pm

My vote would be for focussed campaigns rather than a monster ahistorical fantasy.

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Thu Nov 15, 2007 4:17 pm

you'll get both :niark:

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Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:16 pm

While looking up some map stuff for NC I browsed through my 1910 Brockhaus dictionary ... I found it contains a surprising lot of data for the countries of the time, statistics like lifestock or food im-/exports, an overview over the largest shipping companies, a table outlining the growth of railroad networks of major powers since 1840s, tables how long shipping takes between some ports etc., even a section about how the French military is organzied.

The accuracy of the data may be debatable (e.g. census data, GNPs) it's still very interesting. i can only recommend looking up similar sources fdor the developers (which, no doubt, they've already done).
The brutality and inhumanity of war stood in great contrast to what I had heard and read about as a youth.
- Reinhold Spengler, war volunteer 1st Bavarian Infanterie Regmnt., 1916

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Sun Nov 18, 2007 6:32 pm

Syt wrote:
The accuracy of the data may be debatable (e.g. census data, GNPs) it's still very interesting. i can only recommend looking up similar sources fdor the developers (which, no doubt, they've already done).

Yes, it would be very interesting to have some accurate datas in this game. In my ultra realistic point of view, it could be the better way to improve this game.

(and I'm really interested by this new production :cool:

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Sun Nov 18, 2007 10:45 pm

I would like to be able to make small changes to the map by giving provinces to other countries.

Redrawing the political map of Europe I think is the ultimate satisfaction in this kind of game.

For example if France conquers northern Germany, You give Hamburg to Denmark.
Or Dutch Flanders to Holland, and only French Flanders to France.

I always hate if I am stuck with some loose, far flung, valueless territory to defend when it is not culturely similar and better off with an ally and I have no way to get rid of it.

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Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:12 pm

Queeg wrote:AGEOD has shown no difficulty in improving with each of its games. I see no reason for concern on that front.

Well?.....If they had developed the eco/ diplo part of VGN first? Then I wouldn't have to wait till 2009 for my NCP Full campaign? Now would I?


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Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:52 am

VAINGLORY OF NATIONS USP 0-10 Scale of Interest

* The most original diplomatic system ever created for a grand strategy game 10
* The largest worldmap ever, with unequalled look, animation and detail levels 10
* Final challenge concept ?
* Variable Objectives concept 8
* « Underlying Systems » concept: 10
* A world economy with realistic components, 10
* Differentiation of the State-Player / Private Business, 8
* Autonomous and independent initiative taken by the game engine, 10
* Account rendering upon game end. 10
* Strong historicity and realism 10
* Victorian Atmosphere 5
* Own personality and agenda différent for each country 10
* A revolutionary approach to the building of armies and fleets 10
* A better AI with brand new mechanisms 10
* A multiplayer component that performs well within a new, simultaneous turn-based adaptive game engine 7 (thus cannot play by email, I suppose)
* to characteristic that is unique and never used before in that type of game. ??
BobR in New Mexico, USA
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Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:16 pm

I will wait for VG to have a demo and then decide what to do. I am in favor of any project AGEOD will treat us with!!!!!!!! T

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Wed Nov 28, 2007 9:18 pm

Suh! I object your using that despicable person (name not to be mentioned) as a representation of the Noble Christian gentleman Robert E. Lee! T

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Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:29 am

I'm looking forward to VoN more than any game on the horizon. I'm hoping for a worthy successor to the Imperialism series.

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Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:37 pm

Just registered, because i'm eagerly looking forward this game.
While it will be the first game i'll buy from AGEOD so i don't know the quality of your products i'm quite sure it will be a really good game from the little info we have.

About what i would like to see and what not:
-make war an important feature of VoN not the focus point of the game.For example EU3 is in my opinion boring after sometime because this game is all centered about warfare, if you want to win you have just to conquer any neighbour country near you, so you will have more resources, manpower than other countries.I would like that VoN is a lot more centered also on improving economically, socially your provinces. If i want to be the most powerful country in Europe i don't have to conquer here and there, but i can be that powerful improving my country productivity and through my economic and social policies.

-balance of power as one of the pillar of diplomacy.If France conquer Netherlands and Belgium i don't want to see the AI adapting at this event just staring and doing nothing.If anything like that happened historically in the period considered the consequences would have been really deep.So if you go on invading countries, other powers must react not necessarily through war, but diplomatic consequences must be deep and long-standing.

-Ottoman Empire.I'm honestly a bit astonished to see the Ottoman Empire treated as a "minor country". It was the "sick man of europe" but clearly it was one of the focus point of diplomacy, and the Eastern Question as the outcome of the Franco-Prussian War was one of the most important sources of tension in Europe. I really hope that the Ottoman Empire and the Eastern Question will get some love because otherwise i can already see big shortcomings in the diplomacy system of this game at least from an historical realism standpoint.

- internal affairs and political instability. Lot of games don't give too much attention to internal affairs and political instability.Your form of government, ethnic or religious minorities, economic crisis must have deep economic and social consequences.

-Trade system as a focus point of the game. An economic model like that in EU3 would simply ruin my enjoyment experience of this game.Please make a trade system which try to simulate this period, with resources, colonial concessions and so on.

-Naval Warfare. As other people mentioned i would like that naval warfare get as much love as Land Warfare get. Logistic applied to naval warfare should be also implemented.

- don't make the game too easy ;) , it must be easy to understand (particularly in warfare) but i don't want a game where i can win too easily.

btw keep up the good work, this seems a really good game.

P.S. : this game should be better advertised, i just discovered this game because someone posted info of this game on the forum of another game.

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Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:42 pm

More screens ? :siffle:

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Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:07 pm

I imagine betatesting should begin relatively soon, so hopefully we will get more screens and info in the near future.

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Beta Testing

Sat Dec 01, 2007 9:03 pm

Sol Invictus wrote:I imagine betatesting should begin relatively soon, so hopefully we will get more screens and info in the near future.

Hmmm... that note of yours piqued my interest. Is there a place at AGEOD where one can apply to be considered as a beta tester? I have done a fair amount over time, mostly with productivity applications.
BobR in New Mexico, USA


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Sun Dec 02, 2007 8:48 am

bbriley wrote:Hmmm... that note of yours piqued my interest. Is there a place at AGEOD where one can apply to be considered as a beta tester? I have done a fair amount over time, mostly with productivity applications.

Indeed I would be curious, too. I betaed Vicky (pleeease don't hold it against me :p ), and would like to help making this game good and weeding out the bugs, too. :)

The brutality and inhumanity of war stood in great contrast to what I had heard and read about as a youth.

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Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:29 am

Write me a short resume to [email=""][/email], and what you like or want to do if you enter the testing team (testers can help in various ways). Also be sure to understand that testing is not simply to say hello and disappear one month later, it happens many time in fact :)

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Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:18 am

Devs if you are going to make any scenario specific to the Balkan Crisis of 1875, following Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78 and Congress of Berlin 1878, i have done a thesis about this argument, so i could be very helpful in data gathering or research about the argument if you need that.

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Tue Dec 04, 2007 9:15 am

You can apply to marioflag, just send me a resume and we will decide with Philippe Thibaut.

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Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:03 pm

Pocus wrote:Write me a short resume to [email=""][/email], and what you like or want to do if you enter the testing team (testers can help in various ways). Also be sure to understand that testing is not simply to say hello and disappear one month later, it happens many time in fact :)

Its the MOST USUAL problem with beta tests... :grr:
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Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:59 am

Syt wrote:Indeed I would be curious, too. I betaed Vicky (pleeease don't hold it against me :p ),

I know I don't. Some of us love ol' Vicky, flaws and all :)
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Thu Dec 20, 2007 12:39 pm

Rafiki wrote:I know I don't. Some of us love ol' Vicky, flaws and all :)


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Fri Dec 21, 2007 3:49 pm

Well, I beta tested EU1 and 2 :) . Personally I don't want to burn out on this game before so at best I would be interested in giving GUI feedback at the end of the development cycle.

To me, the undisputed king of the Colonial era, is Pax Brittanica. No other game comes close to simulating this period. It is to me the EiA equivalent of Victorian era.

This is the game that should be special studied before Vainglory design specs are fully completed.

Btw. I still hope that AGEOD tries to do a turn based EU at some time in the future.

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Fri Dec 21, 2007 9:04 pm

marcusjm wrote:To me, the undisputed king of the Colonial era, is Pax Brittanica. No other game comes close to simulating this period. It is to me the EiA equivalent of Victorian era.

I love and still play PB...with that said, the comparison with EiA is right, PB is purely a diplomatic game first and foremost...the military module and war treatment is abysmally wrong and unfit for the Victorian age...this at least we shall fix :coeurs:

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