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Mughalistan - Unable to see map

Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:35 am

In my current 1850GC I have reached the 1857 Indian Rebellion. Once the Mughal faction spawned I switched faction in order to play them and give the GBR faction a challenge. However, when loading the Mughal faction I cannot see the map. I can select units using the F2 unit table, but I cannot see them nor move them. What file(s) do I need to edit in order to be able to use the mutinous Indians?

I researched the old PON:PAN mod thread for answers, but as the Mughals are an emergent faction during the rebellion some of the scripting does not apply to them. Oddly, this is the only faction that I have had any issue with. For instance, I have successfully played the Taiping who are also an emergent faction in fighting the Qing Chinese, and have been able to use such factions as Afghanistan, Persia and most South American nations without issue.

Any ideas? :confused:

Edit: Fixed. RevealTI command did the trick. Should have realised that the easiest solution was the answer :bonk:

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Re: Mughalistan - Unable to see map

Sat Jul 04, 2020 1:51 pm

But using RevealTI seems to affect other nations as well, once end of turn is processed. I'm exploring adding KnownRegions using scripts, but it seems the map is still black as you described. :8o: :grr:

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Re: Mughalistan - Unable to see map

Sun Jul 05, 2020 3:21 am

for me, when units and map show blank, I just use the 'e' key to select the next unit, and this shows the map.

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Re: Mughalistan - Unable to see map

Sat Jul 18, 2020 10:53 pm

Durk wrote:for me, when units and map show blank, I just use the 'e' key to select the next unit, and this shows the map.

OK thanks, I will try that. Even when I use RevealTI, when I place a Regional Decision, it fails the next turn saying it is targeting a blocked or unexplored region, though I have an army unit in the region. :) I also scripted SetKnownRegion but doesn't seem to help. :confused:

Hmmm that did not work for me. It brings up the unit in the lower panel, but does nothing about the completely black screen. There must be some way to set the blocked regions which appear to only affect certain faction(s).

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Re: Mughalistan - Unable to see map

Wed Jul 29, 2020 11:54 pm

Look into how you have set 'winter textures.'
Turn these off.

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Re: Mughalistan - Unable to see map

Sun Aug 02, 2020 1:15 am

OK will try that next. Thanks.

Update: Nope ... didn't work. It give an error message on Regional Decisions also, something about the region being blocked. Perhaps the two are related? Whatever is causing all regions to be invisible, perhaps is what blocks them from regional decisions? (Even after RevealTI makes them visible.) Strangely, I can build structures, recruit troops, move into & through those regions. But I cannot play regional decisions nor see them without RevealTI.

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