AGEod Guard of Honor
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The siege of Vera Cruz

Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:16 pm

I have just experienced a great gaming moment, and feel compelled to share it.

As France, I received notice of a casus belli against Mexico, for failure to make loan payments. Mexico City became an objective. Being at piece and in a mood for adventure, I decided to see how France could do against Mexico.

The plan.
The big problem was supply. My only base in the area had a small harbor and no depot. I had only a limited number of transports, just enough to carry the invasion force and shuttle reinforcements I decided to take a small but lethal force of veteran colonial brigades, marine brigades, and, of course, a brigade of the Foreign legion. Support troops would include siege artillery, medical units, engineers, supply wagons, and sappers. Generals Canrobert and McMahon would provide leadership, aided b a couple of colonial officers who would reduce the need for supply with their expertise. Two naval task forces would escort the troops and provided fire support on the coasts. I would deal with the lack of supply and bases by capturing the Mexican port and depot at Vera Cruz, then march on Mexico city. I had breech loading rifles, advanced artillery, and veteran troops. Surely the Mexicans, who were unable even to develop most of the vast resources of their nation, would give me no real trouble, and not have time to rush troops to Vera Cruz.


I began building a depot and expanding the port in my West Indies base. Too little, too late, but it will help eventually.

Task forces loaded with troops sent sail for the West Indies from France and Senegal, as I gather the needed troops.

I declare war, and organize my invasion task force,

4 colonial brigades
2 marine brigades
1 Foreign legion brigade.
2 Siege artillery brigades
a medical unit
1 engineer brigade
1 sapeur brigade.
1 supply wagon
Canrobert, McMahon, and Lorencz.

First turn.
I set sail for Vera Cruz, with orders to land all troops. This should only take twelve days
I do get there, but the force does not land.

Second turn.
I find that I cannot land my entire force at once. Finally, I figure out that the siege artillery cannot take part in the initial landing, and land the infantry, leaders, and the supply wagon. Due to my clumsiness with the mouse, i land in three groups. I decide not to correct this, as it simulates how things go wrong with actual invasions. My troops land, and my weakest group, one colonial brigade and the supplies is locked in combat with a hidden Mexican army. Fortunately the Mexicans have trouble committing their force, and I survive the first round. The next round, the legion arrives, and inflicts heavy losses on the Mexican advanced guard, causing their whole force to retreat. This enables me to capture some of their artillery, both siege and regular, and two desperately needed supply units.

Third turn.
I unite my forces into one group, and land the siege artillery and remaining support units. I order my first fleet to bombard, as Mexican troops are in the area, outside of the city. The cannon sounds go on for a very long time, and I realize this cannot be good.
At the end of the turn, I learn that the Mexicans have strong artillery forces in the city, which have damaged most of my fleet, and sunk three ships, while taking meaningless damage. No more naval bombardment. I had not planed for this. My united army, however, shatters the Mexican relief force, with the legion leading the way, once again. I capture another supply unit, which is a good thing, as my transports are out of supply, and my troops would be suffering if I had not captured these supply units.But the supplies are being drained. I need to take the city very soon, or I could lose my whole force. Time to assault.
I mouse over the city and am shocked to find that it has a large garrison, and an entire army. Far too strong to attack without a breach.

Fourth turn.
No progress on the siege. Supplies dwindle .I send my empty transports to the west indies to refill, but they run into a storm, and are delayed, and damaged.

fifth turn. Again no siege progress. Supplies dwindle. My second fleet arrives to take over the blockade, and deliver s a single desperately needed supply wagon. My battered first fleet heads towards the West Indies.

sixth turn. Finally, a breach! I will be in a serious supply shortage nest turn, I must take the city now! I order my forces to take the city by storm, no matter what the cost. An amazing seven round battle takes place. The Mexicans actually outnumber me, with infantry and much artillery. Yet my heavy siege guns decimate them in the first round, and the legion and marines leap into the breach, landing hit after hit. The colonial brigades are not very effective, for some reason. The legion covers itself with glory, destroying enemy elements on several rounds. at close range. After seven rounds, I have won the battle, the Mexicans are decimated, but the fort has not fallen. Two more battles occur that turn, and Vera Cruz finally falls. I capture the depot, many supplies, and three more supply units. My troops have suffered heavy losses, but I have my base!

A very enjoyable example of how "muddling through" and good troops rescued a plan that fell apart, something that often happened during this period.

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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:24 pm

great stuff, its this sort of small scale operation laced with supply constraints and mistakes that makes PoN just so much fun to play
AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
PoN Manufacturing Italy; A clear bright sun
RoP The Mightiest Empires Fall
WIA Burning down the Houses; Wars in America; The Tea Wars

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Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:28 pm

Contrast this to my adventures in Africa as Prussia where I just kinda took some unclaimed provinces and added railroads depots and coaling stations. My fleet than kinda ticked off the natives so I took their land and developed it. I feel like a 19th century dubya. I also formed the north German federation and am rapidly building up my industry, army, and navy. France will soon face the full power of the fully operational battalions of the German Army. I also unlocked a lot of very important industrial techs in a few months. Also the only state in Germany not ready to unify is Bavaria.

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:28 pm

Darthkommandant wrote:Contrast this to my adventures in Africa as Prussia where I just kinda took some unclaimed provinces and added railroads depots and coaling stations. My fleet than kinda ticked off the natives so I took their land and developed it. I feel like a 19th century dubya. I also formed the north German federation and am rapidly building up my industry, army, and navy. France will soon face the full power of the fully operational battalions of the German Army. I also unlocked a lot of very important industrial techs in a few months. Also the only state in Germany not ready to unify is Bavaria.

I had an easier time in my African wars, except for the time the Mossi pulled an Isandylwana and wiped out two colonial brigades...And it did take me five years to conquer another tribe, chasing them through the bush after they burned a number of missions, trading posts, schools and forts, and the Tuareg wreaked havoc until I unleashed the Foreign Legion on them... But now Senegal, Guinea, upper Volta, Niger, Mali, Tunisia, all of Algeria, and the Ivory Coast fly the tricolor, and have been proclaimed loyal colonies of the French Empire.

It sounds like Germany is in very capable hands. France had better beware. What African area did you conquer?

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Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:25 pm

Nigerian coast and Angra in South Africa so far.

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:42 pm

Darthkommandant wrote:Nigerian coast and Angra in South Africa so far.

Then you may have a war with the British to look forward to. Sooner or later, they will start colonizing the Nigerian coast, starting with Lagos, and either you ro they will start a crisis that could easily end in war.

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Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:49 pm

vaalen wrote:Then you may have a war with the British to look forward to. Sooner or later, they will start colonizing the Nigerian coast, starting with Lagos, and either you ro they will start a crisis that could easily end in war.

Why do you think I am slowly building up my navy with all steam powered ships. It's not for show I can assure you��

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Mon Jan 19, 2015 12:09 pm

I have a lot and am upgrading them ASAP.

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