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Some scripting notes

Sat Jul 06, 2013 11:47 am

Given some of the ongoing discussion re scripting events, thought it might be useful to start a short tutorial thread re scripting ideas for this game.

Its my belief that any game of PoN requires some scripting. Some is to do with event chains that fizzle out (such as giving Garibaldi more time to capture Sicily). Hopefully this will be caught over time in patches, but also I think you often will want to make something happen that is not going to occur as a natural result of the game engine. Learning to do simple scripts really does improve your enjoyment, but its not obvious (at the start) how to use the syntax.

My assumption is you want to do something relatively simple to ensure the game engine gives you a desired result. I'm not going to cover the more complex stuff around creating event chains and so on.

Second, this doesn't replace the wiki and in particular you need to reference this invaluable resource for syntax and titles. Having said that, I make a lot of use of taking existing events and reworking to suit me. The Balkan and Mahdi event chains are exceptionally useful for this as both create new countries (and their infrastructure) in game so if you want to create units/structures/force pools or transfer regions you'll inevitably find something close to what you want there.

The basic structure is easy (hah)

You start with 3 lines of code that introduce the event; you add the 'Actions' and you tell it 'End Event'. You can add triggers, conditions and tests as well as probabilities and time limits, but as above, here I am assuming it is simply something you want to happen in a particular way.

The image below is taken from my SP game, and shows the return of Egyptian prisoners of war. As such, it has no in-game effect, its just a bit of housekeeping. You could complicate by in turn, adding a proportion of those returned PoWs back into that nations forcepool.


Even the simpler scripts can trip you up. One is if you create a new structure, then, after each one, you must have the instruction apply. If you only put this at the end of a list, then only the last one will be built. I found this out the hard way when in the mid-1860s I was trying to run a script to improve the AI's exploitation of its coal resources.

So a typical, build this command looks like:

[HTML]SelectFaction = $CMN
SelectRegion = $Glasgow
StartEvent = sugar for Glasgow|1|1|Null|Null|$Glasgow|NULL


SelectFaction = $GBR
SelectRegion = $Glasgow

SetType = $Sugar1
SetName = IrnBru rots your teeth


If you ran this, I'm not sure what would happen (there is no sugar resource in Glasgow) but it gives you the idea. The game fails to take account of the West coast of Scotland only requiring 3 essential food groups - sugar, fat and alcohol, so this corrects for that terrible oversight and creates the Irn Bru factory (I realise that to any non-Scottish reader this will make little sense).

I could then add, say a rum factory and that means I am meeting 2 essential local needs.

A few notes. I find the proper region names from the 'Areas' file (in the game data directory) as I've found the displayed name on the map is not always the title to use for scripting. That file, since it ties regions to wider areas, is by far the easiest way to find the correct info.

Hope this helps a little, and that others can add to, or elaborate.

Kensai, if you want to put it into the wiki, I'm more than happy.

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Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:20 am

I presume that if you force through script the building of a structure where a resource does not exist, all you will get is a structure with 0 productivity. Indeed the correct names of the regions-areas-theaters is the one in the Areas file.
I will add this in the wiki, yes, indeed if you have more code snippets to share with us (all of you) please do so! :)
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Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:54 am

This one is to force a war (avoids having to load up as one of the states)

SelectFaction = $FRA
StartEvent = Nigel Farrage Nightmare|1|1|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL


SelectFaction = $FRA
AddDiploItem = GBR;$diWar;CURRENT


That will simply put France at war with Great Britain.

From some digging, to amend the first post, you don't need to set a province either at the top or in the event name listing.
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Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:01 am

Taking the theme of the one above, lets now make them make peace:

SelectFaction = $FRA
StartEvent = Nigel's worst nightmare|1|1|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL


SelectFaction = $FRA
SelectRegion = $Anglia

SelectRegion = $Anglia
ChangeRgnOwner = GBR
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 100
SetControl = 100

SelectFaction = $GBR
SettleWhitePeace = ALL


So that ends the war with the transfer of London (Anglia) to France.

Note the syntax about the change. You select the gaining faction (in this case France), and then use "ChangeRgnOwner" to say who is going to lose it.

The loyalty one is optional, you can leave it as normal (probably very disloyal, or set any value 0-100 according to taste).

In this case I've set the UK to be at peace in all its wars, if you just wanted to end the French war, then:

SelectFaction = $GBR
SettleWhitePeace = FRA

Again, you could complicate this, make the UK lose prestige, give prestige to France etc.
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Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:33 pm

To add to this thread, here's a script to move a force from one region to another. You may find you need this against the AI as it has a habit of leaving units in some odd places, or putting a large army into the middle of Africa (which is what this corrects).

Its a relatively simple script, but it has to be written correctly (as I've found to my cost). A sample is:

SelectFaction = $CMN
StartEvent = brits out|1|1|Null|Null|Null|NULL

SelectFaction = $GBR
SelectSubUnits = Region $Dioulasso;FactionTags GBR
AlterCuSubUnit = ApplyToList;Move $Sussex


Here I made it CMN as I wanted to see if it had fired, if not probably as well to make the very first 'select faction' the nation code (in this case GBR). I just want it to fire once, there is no relevant text etc so the 'start event' line is minimalist.

Oddly the key line (and what I was missing) is the 'select faction' below the action tag. The rest is simple enough, tell it to pick a region (you can use an area or even the whole map), which group of units (here I want just British, but you can tell it to pick all land, all naval or all units) and then tell it what to do, in this case move them to sunny Sussex. Since that was about 60% of the remaining British army then I think the AI should be very grateful :cool:
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Thu Dec 05, 2013 4:46 pm

I'm going to add a couple more on creating units and tricks to watch for.

However, if you are doing this, don't overlook the fantastic resource which is in vgn\includes. Its not the most obvious place unless you know that is where the scenario set up files are held. But if you are trying to give the AI a bit of a hand in mid/late game (it doesn't like building ships) then those files will help a lot if you want to create historical navies. You may need to fiddle with ship types and so on, but it helps to create the basis of historical OOBs at key steps (esp the 1880 and 1914 set of files)
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Fri Dec 06, 2013 12:01 pm

So this one will look at how to add units to the map. In my AAR, I've found the AI hasn't built any ships so I am creating a reduced form of the various real life 1914 fleets for the major powers. They are getting around 25% of what they had. I've found the detailed part of the codes in the 1914 scenario file. In a way that isn't the vital bit, but there a number of pitfalls (I know, I've managed to fall into all of them) that matter with this.

What I've shown below is an extract from some code to create a Russian fleet (anyone who wants the entire thing just pm me), I've just copied down enough to show what matters:

SelectFaction = $CMN
StartEvent = build a Russian navy|1|1|Null|Null|Null|NULL


SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectRegion = $Petersburg

SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectRegion = $Petersburg
Posture = $Defensive
SetKind = $Nav
FixType = 3
SetName = Baltic Fleet
SetType = $uni_RUS_BA05
SUFlavorName = Imperator Pavel|Slava|Cesarevich|Andrei Pervosvanny
SetLevel = 3
SetName = Battle Div.
SetType = $Uni_RUS_DD01
SUFlavorName = Askold|Bezposhtchadni|Bezshumni|Burni|Boiki
SetLevel = 3
SetName = 1st Destroyer Flot.
SetType = $Uni_RUS_DD01
SUFlavorName = Boevoi|Bezstrashni|Grosovoi|Rastoropni|Razyashchi
SetLevel = 3
SetName = 2nd Destroyer Flot.
SetType = $uni_RUS_Tra3
NumCreate = 6
SUFlavorName = Kherones|Bessarabia|Kyrm|Odessa|Gromonostes|Vladimir
SetLevel = 3
SetName = Transport Sqd

Null = Null


That shows 3 of the ship types. Now the bits that matter are:

SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectRegion = $Petersburg

SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectRegion = $Petersburg

This duplication after 'actions' is important, if you then add more groups in different provinces in the same event, you need:

SelectRegion = $Sebastopol

SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectRegion = $Sebastopol

Here I've not just created some units but a fleet to hold them (not sure if the AI builds these and in any case it helps keep this tidy). So we start with:

Posture = $Defensive
SetKind = $Nav
FixType = 3
SetName = Baltic Fleet

Then add the units, note there is a process of 'create unit ... apply'. You can get all the codes for this from the units file, so in a way the details are the easy bit. Note that below the transport line there is a new bit of code:

NumCreate = 6

If you want more than 1 of a type, you need that line and it has to follow from the 'set type' line.

The end to this particular event is important.

After the last unit we have the usual 'apply' and then

Null = Null

that comes once you have told your event to build all the units of a given nationality - so you'll need more than one instance if you are building ships for more than one country. Not, in my opinion a good idea, keep each event simple as it aids error tracking and you can delete them once they have fired (I've created my own .sct file where I put these things, let them run and then delete so they don't clutter up the game).

The syntax for that is vital -it must be Null(space)=(Space)Null - miss out those spaces and it doesn't work (took me two days to spot why one was going wrong). As ever, 'EndEvent' wraps this up.
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Fri Dec 06, 2013 2:23 pm

loki100 wrote:So this one will look at how to add units to the map. In my AAR, I've found the AI hasn't built any ships so I am creating a reduced form of the various real life 1914 fleets for the major powers. They are getting around 25% of what they had.[color="#40E0D0"] I've found the detailed part of the codes in the 1914 scenario file[/color].

Thanks A LOT Loki, that sort of things is extremely useful :)

Yikes, there is a full 1914 OOB ? did notice we had some skeleton of 1914 events, but you say we have a 1914 scenario, didn't notice it was a full one, guess it is not, you have OOB at start , where ?

could someone now explain to me very exhaustively, simply and clearly (occurences explained to village idiots and mentally disabled, thanks) the place and effect of maximum and current occurences
I try to tinker with it, but it remains unclear, is the first the maximum, the second the current, or the reverse, is there a difference between a 1|2 and a 0|1 , if I set a 1|1 will it fire once or not at all (maximum occurences = current)? I'd like something more step to step, exhaustive and systematic than the "try and see what happens, then try somethin g else and draw lessons..)

something like that

StartEvent = sugar for Glasgow[color="#FF0000"]|1|1|[/color]Null|Null|$Glasgow|NULL

btw I know irn bru (rather an aftertaste of chewing gum for me, sorry, but my kids adored it in our Scottish Holidays, you're scottish, Loki ?)

also can I set conditions to year (the turnindex is now clear for me)
that is may I set a condition Year = 1875;1880;1890;1914 with turnindex =4 where an event will be tested every 1-15 march of those 4 years (will spare lots of repetitive tests for diplomacy shifts where we need to evaluate things)
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

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Fri Dec 06, 2013 3:41 pm

I found the 1914 OOB in the directory with all the scenario set ups - its a real pity all the hard work is done, but the scenario is not completed, on my laptop it is as:


I think the 1880s set are good as well, if I need in another game to give the AI some help.

Of the sequence, the only one I really understand is the first so |1|1| is to make it once |2|1| twice and so on. I think you are right about the condition year, so yes it is possible to do routine diplomacy by script using this. The mystery though is what the AI does with the information. If I tell it to 3*base chance of a DOW, I'm not sure how that interacts with its basic rules.

Aye, I'm Scots (well half Scots, half Italian actually), Irn Bru is a classic of Scottish perversity. We are the only country in the Western World where Coca Cola is not the most popular way to rot your teeth, instead we have invented our own (I agree totally disgusting) drink.
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Fri Dec 06, 2013 8:23 pm

It was reported by Boernes that had reached 1900 a long of time ago (perhaps a year or more), that the Great War events were unfortunately simple empty placeholders. As if they were expecting a 1914 DLC to be filled. Which is my hope for next year, anniversary of the First World War, honestly.


Pipe dream for me for 2014:

  • major new update for Pride of Nation with new features (ie loans, crisis control, etc) and a complete revision of the database (v1.1)
  • a 1910 starting date DLC with focus on the Great War
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Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:16 pm

Kensai wrote:It was reported by Boernes that had reached 1900 a long of time ago (perhaps a year or more), that the Great War events were unfortunately simple empty placeholders. As if they were expecting a 1914 DLC to be filled.

I think the in-war events don't work but the pre-war chain can be made to. Just use Christophe's new events to end the first and second Balkan wars - that was the problem, the first Balkan War started by script and never ended as the AI couldn't. So the second didn't happen and the rest of the chain fell apart. There are some war related events in the national event files such as a Russian Revolution which should work (all it needs is Russia to be in war in 1917). However, you are right, there are a set of empty shells for events for 1915 etc and nothing there.

In a full campaign, I think its fine that a climatic end war is likely but there is no reason why it should be too constrained. Even playing a relatively minor country, I've made a very different Europe to the real one of 1914, I'd imagine the divergence is even more if you took one of the early game powerful countries.

I too would be interested to see a 1914 DLC but I wonder how well it would sell. Its like the 1862 dlc compared to ACW2, I know which I prefer as it is the subtle details of a specialised treatment that I find more interesting than the broad brush of using the PoN engine. I'm slowly getting into WW1 Gold and I can see how that captures the dynamics of the real WW1 compared to the slightly abstract PoN model.
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Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:38 pm

Christophe.Barot wrote:Thanks A LOT Loki, that sort of things is extremely useful :)

Yikes, there is a full 1914 OOB ? did notice we had some skeleton of 1914 events, but you say we have a 1914 scenario, didn't notice it was a full one, guess it is not, you have OOB at start , where ?

could someone now explain to me very exhaustively, simply and clearly (occurences explained to village idiots and mentally disabled, thanks) the place and effect of maximum and current occurences
I try to tinker with it, but it remains unclear, is the first the maximum, the second the current, or the reverse, is there a difference between a 1|2 and a 0|1 , if I set a 1|1 will it fire once or not at all (maximum occurences = current)? I'd like something more step to step, exhaustive and systematic than the "try and see what happens, then try somethin g else and draw lessons..)

something like that

StartEvent = sugar for Glasgow[color="#FF0000"]|1|1|[/color]Null|Null|$Glasgow|NULL

btw I know irn bru (rather an aftertaste of chewing gum for me, sorry, but my kids adored it in our Scottish Holidays, you're scottish, Loki ?)

also can I set conditions to year (the turnindex is now clear for me)
that is may I set a condition Year = 1875;1880;1890;1914 with turnindex =4 where an event will be tested every 1-15 march of those 4 years (will spare lots of repetitive tests for diplomacy shifts where we need to evaluate things)

Look in the wili for details of the StartEvent command
The first number is the maximum number of times it can occur.
The second is how it is displayed
0 = no display
1 = entry in the log at the bottom of the screen
2 = popup window

You can't specify a year, but you can specify date - MinDate and MaxDate

You would have to have one event for each year - however if your event is complex you could have a single common event with the effects and a event for each year that triggers it. You put the common event after the trigger events and set it max occurs to 0. In the trigger events you add
ChgEvtOccurs = sugar for Glasgow;MaxOccurs;1
which allows the common implementation event to fire one more time - and as it is later in the file it will fire this turn.

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Sun Dec 08, 2013 11:52 pm

thanks a lot Sagji, really helpful to me :)

and fact that events fire in order same turn (was an hypothesis for me, not a certainty) will help me a lot too
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

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Mon Dec 09, 2013 11:15 am

loki100 wrote:I think the in-war events don't work but the pre-war chain can be made to. Just use Christophe's new events to end the first and second Balkan wars - that was the problem, the first Balkan War started by script and never ended as the AI couldn't. So the second didn't happen and the rest of the chain fell apart. There are some war related events in the national event files such as a Russian Revolution which should work (all it needs is Russia to be in war in 1917). However, you are right, there are a set of empty shells for events for 1915 etc and nothing there.

In a full campaign, I think its fine that a climatic end war is likely but there is no reason why it should be too constrained. Even playing a relatively minor country, I've made a very different Europe to the real one of 1914, I'd imagine the divergence is even more if you took one of the early game powerful countries.

I too would be interested to see a 1914 DLC but I wonder how well it would sell. Its like the 1862 dlc compared to ACW2, I know which I prefer as it is the subtle details of a specialised treatment that I find more interesting than the broad brush of using the PoN engine. I'm slowly getting into WW1 Gold and I can see how that captures the dynamics of the real WW1 compared to the slightly abstract PoN model.

All true. That's why I don't hope for a World War I DLC, strictly, but simply a 1910 starting date. This way we will have three starting dates for the entire PON era, every 30 years. 1910 is a rather good year cause it is just before the Balkan Wars (a good opportunity to officially fix potential database errors and event chains) and it could lead to a frenetic last 10 years of world conflict on the great platform of PON. If people want a dedicated WWI game they can always get the dedicated game "Great War" from AGEOD.

The cool thing about a new DLC starting date is that it is a great opportunity to fix the end game chains, as well as a general housekeeping and feature update... :)
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Thu Dec 12, 2013 2:58 am

I take the hypothesis as an incitement to hurry so much diplomatic improvements could be included in game - of course we have to test it, convert into excel files, and so on

plus lots remain to write, Morocco crisis event, reaction events (south america, balkan, protection of weakened france, prussian protection of minors against france ..), lots of turning points (italy and belgium crisis ready soon), ditto crisis revolving around rumania (principalties and austro russian rivalry), fashoda ... really a lot of work

but worthwhile I guess

Kensai, what is the process to have events homologated and incorporated to game ?
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

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Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:17 am

loki100 wrote:I think the in-war events don't work but the pre-war chain can be made to. Just use Christophe's new events to end the first and second Balkan wars - that was the problem, the first Balkan War started by script and never ended as the AI couldn't. So the second didn't happen and the rest of the chain fell apart. There are some war related events in the national event files such as a Russian Revolution which should work (all it needs is Russia to be in war in 1917). However, you are right, there are a set of empty shells for events for 1915 etc and nothing there.

In a full campaign, I think its fine that a climatic end war is likely but there is no reason why it should be too constrained. Even playing a relatively minor country, I've made a very different Europe to the real one of 1914, I'd imagine the divergence is even more if you took one of the early game powerful countries.

I too would be interested to see a 1914 DLC but I wonder how well it would sell. Its like the 1862 dlc compared to ACW2, I know which I prefer as it is the subtle details of a specialised treatment that I find more interesting than the broad brush of using the PoN engine. I'm slowly getting into WW1 Gold and I can see how that captures the dynamics of the real WW1 compared to the slightly abstract PoN model.

I confirm, I wouldn't call those "empty shells though, but "placeholders", means some features are planned, which is excellent imho

commercially a separate 1914 scenario should sell more than some others, as 1914 has greater appeal for many players than, say 1871 or US-spanish war (ACW is an exception) but, guess will be cheap and so marginally profitable

some new diplomatic features CAN be a selling bonus, if we advance quick enough, works as intended, and is recognized/appreciated by gaming communityu

let's face it, while diplomatic AI was criticized, an accurate Bismarckian/Palmerstonian AI is great for dedicated history minded players, but will remain a (good) niche product !

still this is the niche where AGEOD lies, so .... I just hope we'll have time enough to pour enough chrome to make the improved diplomacy attractive

[color="#FF0000"]someone knows how to improve/include texts for new events ?- [/color]tried to open the inc text, wasn't possible - [color="#FF0000"]guess solution is to take basic excel file, add our texts, convert to csv, use csv splitter[/color]
problem is of course we can't check the resulting file :(

ditto I have nice new images found in internet, but don't know how to make them at right format

for nations, and events, yes, I guess we strongly influence events with our nations, even indirectly (problem known as taking temperature, but with thermometer own temperature influencing)- for example, when you boost your country by micromanagement, other ones fear you and become more "timid" (true with russia, truer with germany who won the game in 1878 - already ahead in prestige, and from then on, it is cumulative)
this especially with alliances - in my present game, Russia didn't recover from crimean war, and didn't dare attack ottoman ion 1876 - I'm allied to her though (but to Austria too). In my previous Russian game, Germany never united (nor did Italy, but the latter is quite usual, we have a lot of work to correct it - Piedmont+France should stand a solid chance to beat Austria, bnever a certainty, but a minimum 2/3d or 3/4th chance would be fine)
ditto some crimean work will have to be fixed ...

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Mon Dec 16, 2013 8:07 pm

Christophe.Barot wrote:Kensai, what is the process to have events homologated and incorporated to game ?

It's unofficial. Essentially if you find an issue (a broken event chain, a non firing event, an event with bizarre consequences for the alternate reality as it has morphed in your game) you report it here in a new thread together, ideally with the save game the turn just before it happens. If we can reproduce it, chances are that we can fix it.

However, not all stuff can be fixed. For example, in our PBEM the Garibaldi chain was unfixable because whatever the "regional interest" I was infusing in the AI through scripts, Garibaldi was not interested to march against Rome.
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Tue Dec 17, 2013 1:04 am

Kensai wrote:It's unofficial. Essentially if you find an issue (a broken event chain, a non firing event, an event with bizarre consequences for the alternate reality as it has morphed in your game) you report it here in a new thread together, ideally with the save game the turn just before it happens. If we can reproduce it, chances are that we can fix it.

However, not all stuff can be fixed. For example, in our PBEM the Garibaldi chain was unfixable because whatever the "regional interest" I was infusing in the AI through scripts, Garibaldi was not interested to march against Rome.

ok, thanks for info - guess you'll have a lot to homologate once things tested (some are improvements, not bugs)

about Garibaldi, well, we've had a few exchanges with Loki, may I dare .... bring him into Rome, whatever, period, in armchair or half dead if need be, we want him in !!! :D
(either to greet him and thank him to bring Sicily Kingdom "home" if I play Italy (France will be less enthusiastic, the Pope you know) ... or to hang him if I play Austria ;) )

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:45 am

Kensai wrote:However, not all stuff can be fixed. For example, in our PBEM the Garibaldi chain was unfixable because whatever the "regional interest" I was infusing in the AI through scripts, Garibaldi was not interested to march against Rome.

I think I've found a solution to that. Let me test and refine the sequence I've been working up but it seems to give a reasonable chance of the Garibaldi chain ending historically and some chance that the Bourbons win. In game that is fine as then you can argue they have a very weak retention of power and will be swept away in the 1860s chain?
AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
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Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:51 pm

This is very nice, thank you, loki100! Btw, if the Bourbons win, it could be a really nice alternative reality, possibly so nice we could stem a mod out of it (for example by populating the leader/ruler chain, adding more events, etc). The possibilities are endless. :w00t:

Just an idle reminder: it has to work on the vanilla version of the game so I hope you are testing in a pristine version, not in any other way optimized. I am saying this cause I had this problem myself. I now have a second (even third, fourth) instance of the game running elsewhere cause my main one (the old PBEM now AAR in ice) had many of personal fixes (double supply consumption, third country decisions, etc). These things may sound innocuous but they can change the dynamics of the game in ways we cannot completely predict, thus the AI may or may not take the appropriate decisions.
Care to unify Germany as Austria? Recreate the Holy Roman Empire of the 20th Century:
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sorting out a new country

Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:48 pm

One use for your warscore is to force your enemy to release a country. This is often the most damaging thing you can do in a European war as its unlikely you will have that much valid claim on provinces.

There are two problems. One is that only the capital is released, and second the new state comes into the world rather naked - no army, no reserves. Others have reported, they then tend to face rebellion and often revert to their original state. I'm assuming this is not WAD, so have come up with a small routine to give your new creation a chance. The script below is for a late game Czechoslavakia and is in 4 parts - extra provinces, diplomatic relations, some reserves and a small army (this is based on the 1910 Austrian unit type). You'll obviously need to amend to suit your own circumstances but if you keep to this rough layout it'll work:

SelectFaction = $CMN
SelectRegion = $Kroatia
StartEvent = evt_nam_sort out Czechs|1|2|Null|Null|Null|NULL

SelectFaction = $CZS
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;80
ChgFacRelationships = FRA;50
ChgFacRelationships = GER;0
ChgFacRelationships = AUS;0

SelectFaction = $CZS
SelectRegion = $Erzgebirge
ChangeRgnOwner = AUS

SelectFaction = $CZS
SelectRegion = $Koeniggraetz
ChangeRgnOwner = AUS

SelectFaction = $CZS
SelectRegion = $Pilsen
ChangeRgnOwner = AUS

SelectFaction = $CZS
SelectRegion = $Maehren
ChangeRgnOwner = AUS

Replacement = ACZ;$famLine;52
Replacement = ACZ;$famCavalry;4
Replacement = ACZ;$famMilitia;40
Replacement = ACZ;$famLightArty;2
ChangeResStock = $merMoney;5000
ChangeResStock = $merCapital;3000
ChangeResStock = $merInflation;0
ChangeResStock = $merDiplomat;10
ChangeResStock = $merConscript;1000
ChangeResStock = $merOfficer;150
ChangeResStock = $merSupply;200
ChangeResStock = $merAmmo;1500
ChangeResStock = $merCereals;500
ChangeResStock = $merTea;10
ChangeResStock = $merCoffee;100
ChangeResStock = $merFruits;50
ChangeResStock = $merCattle;800
ChangeResStock = $merSugar;100
ChangeResStock = $merFish;300
ChangeResStock = $merGoods;1500
ChangeResStock = $merTobacco;50
ChangeResStock = $merCottonWool;1000
ChangeResStock = $merWood;1000
ChangeResStock = $merDyes;100
ChangeResStock = $merTextile;100
ChangeResStock = $merCoal;500
ChangeResStock = $merSteel;500

SelectFaction = $CZS
AddDiploItem = ITA;$diComAgree;CURRENT
AddDiploItem = ITA;$diDefensiveTreaty;CURRENT
AddDiploItem = FRA;$diComAgree;CURRENT
AddDiploItem = FRA;$diDefensiveTreaty;CURRENT

SelectFaction = $CZS
SelectRegion = $Boehmen
Posture = $Defensive
SetKind = $Land
FixType = 3
SetName = Armeegruppe Kusmanek
SetType = $uni_ACZ_Inf_1910_Div
SUFlavorName = Hv.IR. 2 'Gyulaer'|Hv.IR. 7 'Veršeczer'|Hv.IR. 5 'Szegeder'|Hv.IR. 8 'Lugoser'|FKR. 23|
SetLevel = 3
SetName = 23. Honvéd-Inf.-Div.
SetType = $uni_ACZ_Inf_1910M_Div
SUFlavorName = Lst.IR. 19 'Lemberg'|Lst.IR. 20 'Stanislau'|Lst.IR. 34 'Jaroslau'|Lst.IR. 35 'Zloczów'|FKR. 93|
SetLevel = 2
SetName = 93. Landsturm-Inf.-Brig.
SetType = $uni_ACZ_Inf_1910M_Div
SUFlavorName = Lst.IR. 9 'Kassaer'|Lst.IR. 11 'Munkácser'|Lst.IR. 10 'Miscolczer'|Lst.IR. 16 'Beszterczebányaer'|FKR. 97|
SetLevel = 2
SetName = 97. Landsturm-Inf.-Brig.
SetType = $uni_ACZ_Inf_1910M_Div
SUFlavorName = Lst.IR. 21 'St. Pölten'|Lst.IR. 23 'Zara'|Lst.R.I 'Tirol'|Lst.R.II 'Tirol'|FKR. 108|
SetLevel = 2
SetName = 108. Landsturm-Inf.-Brig.
SetType = $uni_ACZ_Inf_1910M_Div
SUFlavorName = Lst.IR. 6 'Eger'|Lst.IR. 17 'Rzeszów'|Lst.IR. 18 'Przemy?l'|Lst.IR. 33 'Stryj'|FKR. 111|
SetLevel = 2
SetName = 111. Landsturm-Inf.-Brig.
SetType = $uni_AUS_Air_Bas1
SUFlavorName = 2. Flug. Sta.
SetLevel = 4
SetName = Erl.Staffel II

AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
PoN Manufacturing Italy; A clear bright sun
RoP The Mightiest Empires Fall
WIA Burning down the Houses; Wars in America; The Tea Wars

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