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Stack of Doom!!!

Mon Jun 03, 2013 2:21 pm

Okay, I was wondering if SoD's are normal in this game. I'm in my first war ever and I run across a Russian monster stack of troops. I sure did piss off the Tzar! This thing could walk all the way into Berlin if the AI wanted to do so. Combat strength of 4113 and only a 23% penalty?!?


How do you fight these monstrosities? Do you have to 'Sir Robin' it until it breaks down?
Stack of Doom.jpg

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Mon Jun 03, 2013 3:19 pm

Pocus mentioned a while back there was meant to be a routine to make the AI break these up but I've seen them fairly often. The AI is capped at a 23% malus to offset some lack of capability in making stacks (35% is bad as not only does it reduce combat capacity it also cuts your rate of fire).

What to do - well frontage is your friend, get it into battle where it cannot fully deploy but you can rotate units in/out. If this province is one where you have MC it will start to run into supply problems and not be able to take on replacements - so, at long last, it will start to fall apart. You want a battlefield that is restricted but where you can deploy enough to do some damage of your own (I fought an Austrian one of these in mountains which, in the end, was a mistake as I couldn't really cull it, even if I could hold it off). I'd guess hills would be ideal, getting yourself into defend mode and ideally well dug in would help as well.

also it may be quite vulnerable, use lighter forces and go for its supply lines, I guess if so much is tied up in that stack the AI is weak somewhere else.
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