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Civil War DLC - CSA Problems

Sun Sep 25, 2011 7:48 pm

I did some searching, and was unable to find answers concerning some issues I'm having with the American Civil War DLC for PoN.

1) The CSA has no resources to start, and receives no resources each turn, except conscripts and officers.

2) I am unable to train new units, or purchase new buildings in Confederate territory.

3) I am unable to order my troops to move by train or boat.

Is anyone else experiencing these issues?

I had no problems playing the Grand Campaign, aside from a few minor bugs. Certainly nothing as crippling as these issues I'm having trying to play as the CSA.

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Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:39 pm

Most of the scenarios don't have resources beyond the military ones. The scenarios ignore the economic, colonial, and diplomatic options of the grand campaign and focus just on the military campaigns. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's working as intended.

If you like something more in-depth you can always try AACW, which is a pretty terrific game.

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