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Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:23 am

06 Maestro wrote:It took me a while to get it. Its like you guys are in a different country, or something :D .

I was going to PM you for the info on how do do this. I knew it should be simple, but... ;)

Anyway, thanks for the tip. I will see if I can change the others.

Edit: On further thought, is this proof of telepathy? :)

Must be :D

Nice work on the AAR, BTW; getting the images inline was "the little extra" needed to make it quite enjoyable and it's now quite easy to follow your campaigning :)
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06 Maestro
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Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:16 am

Western Front

After the Battle of Longwy, and the debacle at Ypres, it seems that the emphasis for the continued offense needs to be shifted to the center, and the south east.

For May, the major attacks will be made by the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Armies. The 6th Army will push south to assist the 7th in opening up the French right flank. The 4th will advance west to link up with the 3rd Army which will be closing in on Paris. The 5th Army will begin a move towards Verdun, with a possible attack there latter on.

West May 1915.jpg

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Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:17 am

The Battle of Mons was a major success for Germany. The second Army has done well-again.

Battle of Mons May 15.jpg

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Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:19 am

This battle result looks like nothing happened, but...The battle of Compiegne was the result of a break though by the 3rd Army. This has left the 3rd adjacent to Paris. I played a break though event card to make sure it would happen-and it did.

Now I have the dilemma of attacking Paris without siege artillery. The 3rd Army only has field artillery. This was suppose to be the 2nd Army's job, but they did not make it in time.

Battle-Break Thr May 15.jpg

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Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:20 am

The Russians just won't give it up. They forced yet another battle at Lodz.

Battle of Lodz May 15.jpg

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Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:21 am

It is Interphase time again. These are some of the German Political Actions that will be attemted this phase.

Actions May 1915.jpg

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Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:23 am

Germany's budjet is still doing well. I have tried to avoid significant over spending. There is still a surplus, but that could disapear quickly if the E.T. blockade tightens.

Ger Budjet May 1915.jpg

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Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:26 am

Germany has been producing new units since last September. The first ones are just now arriving. I have concentrated on infantry and artillery. I have built no new air units (lack of new techs to make it worth it), or subs.

The A/H Empire has produce some new infantry units also. Their resources place a greater limit on what they can build.

There are different types of infantry with drastic differences in cost. You can load up with cheap ones and see your manpower dissipate, or build high quality units and go broke-the choice is yours..

Ger Unit Production May 15.jpg

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Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:28 am

With the re-acquired ability to send ABMs' to Bulgaria, I have loaded the place up. I am anticipating them to join in the war soon. With the entrance of Italy on the E.T. side Serbia must be conquered soon.

Bulgaria Diplo May 1915.jpg

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Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:35 am

The Serbian Front is begging to show some promise of total victory for the CP. Greece has joined the CP, apparently as an ill side effect of the French AI attempting a military coupe in Greece. Bulgaria is getting very close to intervention on the CP side.

The A/H Army has slowly gained the upper hand against the Serbians. They are clearly weakening. It is expected that a major offense will make them fold by August. One large attack is scheduled for June, and some flanking movements by mountain troops.

Note: I am postponing the continuation of the game until the full patch 105 C expected on Friday. These next few screens give some detail of the current situations.

Serbian Front June 15-June.jpg

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Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:37 am

In North West France the situation will remain static (unless the E.T. attack). The German 1st Army is still very strong, but it cannot take another beating like what it just went through with the BEF-same situation for the Second and 3rd Armies. The 4th Army will make a dash for Paris.

N W France-June.jpg

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Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:40 am

North East France will see some more offensive action. The 7th Army is hung up at Langres due to a lack of artillery. The 6th Army is free to push south, and the 5th Army will be forced to contain Verdun for a while.

N E France-June.jpg

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Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:42 am

The Western Front in an overall view.

Note: this is actually of the start of the July turn.

West Front July 15.jpg

06 Maestro
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Thu Dec 18, 2008 7:46 am

The Eastern Front has been heating up mostly due to the Russian Empire's continued attacks. It is suffering major losses, and these will soon be increased by the actions of the German 8th, 9th and 10th armies. It is hoped that Warsaw will fall this summer.

East Front June 15-June.jpg

06 Maestro
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Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:16 am

The Battle of Kolo was a significant defeat for the Russians. The effects of this defeat in a major battle had an effect on all the T.E. nations. There NW is dropping to a point to where they may not be able to fight on.

Battle Kolo-major- June 15-June.jpg

06 Maestro
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Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:18 am

Here is the battle results screen for Kolo. The Russian units were out of supply-it looks like this has a big impact on their ability to fight. There bad situation was the result of the Russian ai sending 2 armies on an offense toward Thorn-a bad move

Battle of Kolo-majo endr- June 15-June.jpg

06 Maestro
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Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:22 am

There was some more bad news for the Russians in June. The Battle of Novo Georgiewsk was another disaster.

Battle of Novo Geogewsk- June 15-June.jpg

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Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:24 am

The Battle of Soisons was a disaster for the French Army. I assume the ai was attempting to cut off the advance of the German Army to protect Paris-it did not work. This was the main body of the German 4th Army, including the artillery unit-and the French had to attack across a river.

Battle of Soisons  June 15-June.jpg

06 Maestro
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Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:26 am

The effects of these major battles are felt by both side of the war. Here, you see the results of France's represented by a loss of NW. Germany and her allies had an increase of 3 NW.

Effects of Soissons- June 15-June.jpg

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Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:32 am

Here is the map of the Italian front. It has been quiet so far, but Italian units are moving north. The A/H Army has prepared a defensive line with 2 corps in each of the critical provinces. It is believed that this will suffice, as the terrain is very good for the defensive side, and the Italian Army is not that strong-yet.

Italian Front-June.jpg

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Sun Dec 21, 2008 7:34 am

Great Britain has long since implemented a blockade. Fortunately, I (as CP) drew the event card for a very strong blockade, so it has not really hurt so far.

The T.E. have used various events to try to move the U.S. to their side. Sometimes, there is a tough choice in keeping with that plan. Here, they are tightening the blockade, but there is a price.

Effects of Brit Blokade  June 15-June.jpg

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Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:26 am

"Real Life" has interfered with the war. I have played up to October 1915. I will say it does not good for the T.E. alliance.

I had some problem getting through July with the new patch-my game did not like the changes I guess. It eventually played on.

I should have some updates tomorrow.

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Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:29 am

The Serbian situation is looking grim. For a time, I thought a German Army would be required to pacify the Serbs, but apparently that won't be necessary. Each time there is a great battle somewhere that the T.E. looses, the Serbian NW is also affected. The A/H Army is now in a dominant situation. This is a good thing as at least one army needs to be sent back to the Italian Front very soon.

Note that the Serbian force partially cut off between the 7th and 6th Armies is tagged as out of supply (a small icon in the upper left corner of the unit).


06 Maestro
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Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:31 am

The summer battles in the west were a mix of give and take-except in the major battles. The French had lost a couple of big ones which cost them dearly. The Battle of Paris took two turn (July-August) for the Germans to wrap up. At the end of August the French lines were just opened up to the east of Paris. The only thing stopping the German Army from flooding into central France is the supply situation. The Railheads will be beyond Paris and Dijon by October, at which time one more big push will be launched.

French, as well as Russian and Serbian NW is in single digits. Belgium has not surrendered yet (due to the BEF keeping a toe hold in Belgium), but their are protest/riots in Belgium. I suspect they will not last much longer.

This map shot is the situation in Northern France at the start of September. Langres has finally fallen, thus opening up another route into southern France-as soon as the supply catches up

West Front Sep 15.jpg

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Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:35 am

France is showing some signs of collapsing in September of 1915.


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Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:35 am

Serbia is going the same route.


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Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:37 am

The Russians are maintaining a front line for the time being. They have been slowly pushed back and have just lost Warsaw. Their NW is not quite as low as France at this point, but as soon as I can transfer units east, they will be done for. German and A/H NW is standing at the mid to upper 30's which near max. This allows for some advantages to be brought to bare.

There is a lack of replacements for the CP at this time, so I cannot really take advantage of the current superiority. As much RP as possible needs to be used in the west until the French crack.

East Front Sep 15.jpg

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Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:38 am

The O.E. seemed to be in a good situation for their required Grand Offense-one could hope. The result was a reliefe. The NW must have a significant impact on the combat. The Russians have better units and were defending in the mountains. I did not know what they had to defend Kars with, but I was aware that units were being moved to the Polish, Galician areas. I figured on a good numerical superiority-at least.

This success on the Tukish/Russian frontier leads me to believe that this war is about done.

Battle of Kars Sep 15.jpg

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Mon Dec 29, 2008 2:40 am

The British moved into Turkish territory early in the war capturing El Arish in a small, but one sided battle. It took a while to get enough O.E. units into Gaza, but eventually there was enough for the counterattack. The British were driven out.

Palestine West Front Sep 15.jpg

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Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:36 am

Here are some National Will standings from the past few turns. The Triple Entente has suffered some major setbacks resulting in the lower NW which has brought on strikes and other problems. During combat there is a varying moral penalty due to the low NW.

I have not noticed any civilian mischief in Great Britain yet. I have sent the Battle Cruiser squadron to shell south eastern England a couple of times to try to drag down their NW. I am not sure if it has actually done any good yet so I'll keep trying. The risk of a naval defeat is a big one, but Germany can afford to take a couple of bad hits at this point.


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