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Strategyinformer - Ageod's To End All Wars Review

Wed Sep 10, 2014 1:30 am


-> [color="#ADD8E6"]Ageod's To End All Wars Review[/color]

Final score: 7.0

If you can get past those initial hours of confusion you'll find a very decent military strategy game here. There's plenty of opportunities to change the course of the First World War in interesting ways, and the tactical options for deploying troops and using specialist units to undermine the enemy are deep and satisfying to pull off. It is a little on the dry side, however. If you're looking for a game that makes you agonise over key decisions out of fear of losing your favourite armies or generals, or lets you tinker with every aspect of your country's politics, this might not have quite the personality you're looking for. The general impenetrability of the game and the clustered, unfriendly interface don't help things, either. I did some cool things while playing To End All Wars, but I never really felt invested in the results. One for hardcore military history fans only.

Top Gaming Moment:
Sending my reserve units racing towards the Eastern front to exploit an emerging gap in the Russian lines was fun until I ran out of transport points and they just sat there while everybody died.

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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Wed Sep 10, 2014 3:15 am

Top Gaming Moment: Sending my reserve units racing towards the Eastern front to exploit an emerging gap in the Russian lines was fun until I ran out of transport points and they just sat there while everybody died.

Funny. Don't forget the come back to homeland...

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