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[WSS] Its Good to be the King!

Wed Sep 14, 2016 1:52 pm

A Take it Easy approach of Wars of Successions, Ageod’s future release

End of 2016, Ageod will release a new title, ‘Wars of Successions’. While the scope of the game is huge, playing it will be simple and more accessible than previous grand strategy titles of the brand.

The game goes back to the basic rules that made Ageod initial successes. Here a short recap!

Streamlined Supply
The first key change compared to previous recent titles is the return of the ‘simple supply mode’ that has been popular with players. Basically, regions supply food, in limited quantities (and diminishing if pillaged). All the rest must be physically carried in wagons. No abstract supply network and line of depots, it was not in the spirit of the age. Depots are just that, accumulated stockpiles that are waiting where they are and will replenish physically only those wagons presents.

Players will thus need to manually manage their supplies, but that won’t be an issue because of low density of units (see next).

Low Density
The wars covered were huge, but, compared to more recent conflicts or those in the age of Revolutions, the troop density is rather low. A few armies, with a few regiments, and only key prominent leaders to lead them. Garrisons will either be permanent or popup when needed, no special care is required there.

As a player, you won’t feel overwhelmed by the mass of troops or lost over dozens and dozens of stacks, despite the massive strategic scope at your disposal.

Straight Command
As mentioned previously, few troops and leaders allow to call for a simplified command structure and chain, as in our earlier titles. No need to form divisions and brigades and check for GHQ and HQs. The top brass leader will command the stack he is on, that’s it. A few limited number of other commanders will give a little extra command capacity, and you shall need only to decide where to send them.

Few leaders, few troops, but critical choices to appoint the rare officers.

Straightforward Diplomacy
No complex treaties or diplomatic relationships. You’ll be part of an alliance and everyone else will either be unconcerned (neutral) or at war with you. Diplomatic issues and opportunities are simply handled by options, with a basic trade-off between gain of new forces and the impact of it on your foe.

Two wars, two big alliances in each, and an event flow that will make neutrals join, leave or change side according to your decisions and potential successes or failures on the battlefield.

Standard Economics and limited pool of units.
Basically, Kings need men, gold and guns. And that is all you will need to care about. No other assets are required, to buy a simple and limited pool of units. There is variation, but restricted to three or four types per gender, sometimes less (e.g. 5 infantries, 3 cavalries, 1 militia, 1 gun).

Overall, your real choice is where to raise the regiments for the next campaign season, and pray that you won’t need too many elsewhere.

Balance of Power

Each side has the potential to have more or less the same balance of forces. No one has the super army – poor fleet or super fleet – small army restriction. The Bourbons (France and Spain) can really play an interesting naval game, while the Grand Alliance can rely both on the maritime powers navies and the Habsburg armies. And in the East, the war is mostly on land, so who care about a fleet there (the King/Czar does anyway, so you still will see ships there…).

You really have a balanced struggle of alliances to lead, and it is not clear from start who will prevail in the end, as chances are rather equal.

Simple and fun
Finally, the choices made to concentrate on easy to grasp concepts puts the strategic analysis back to the forefront of gameplay. With 4 players representing the 4 alliances at war, the game offers a real and deep challenge.

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Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:39 pm

News of a new game from AGEod is always good news. The return to a simpler model may also bring in new players that are concerned with the multitude of options offered by other AGEod titles.

I must ask, is this the "new" game that was talked about or is there something else in the works that will use a new engine?

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Thu Sep 15, 2016 10:02 am

Thanks. So my understanding is that this is a title working with the old Ageod engine, going back to WIA basics which is where the engine worked the best, so that the studio can get a game out while working on the new engine for future big games right ? good, I might buy it so that I have a nice game to enjoy while traveling for work.

Now another question on something that bothers me a little bit : low density and garrisons popping up.
- In that time there wasn't low density of troops, actually the french army under Louis XIV was similar in size to the Grande Armée before 1809... Rather I suppose stack composition should be somewhat rigid so there are less units to manage within stacks.
- On the garrisons' issue, fortresses are THE key feature of wars in that time : building fortresses, maintaining them and manning them was a huge part of the war effort and it those times it helped give plenty of time to the losing side to regain strength while the winner was bogged down besieging fortresses. There would have been no Denain without the coalised forces being bogged down besieging all the fortresses of the french north... I think garrisons popping up is actually very very bad for the game in that regard : affecting troops to garrisoning of fortresses should be key in making them able to hold and therefore blocking or massively slowing down passage in the province.
- the way it should work is that maybe there is a basic pop up garrison, that gives a fortress minimal ability to hold, but adding a few thousand troops should make a fortress a lot more robust AND as long as a fortress hasn't been taken, passage through that province should be a lot slower. basically fotresses in that time actede like barbedwire in WWI : you could get through them, but they slowed you down massively and gave the defense time to regroup and exploit the situation (like Villars did at Denain where fortresses had given the french 6 years to regroup and resist after Ramillies !!!).

So I really hope this aspect of the game gets the treatment it deserves. Otherwise I look forward to a good successor to ROP on the european Map you developped for WON. Glad lessons were learnt on where WON erred.

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Fri Sep 16, 2016 9:12 am

Sounds interesting ... any changes to battle system? For smaller units it shout be more detailed and more clear :cool:
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Sun Sep 18, 2016 1:19 am

LiarFox wrote:A Take it Easy approach of Wars of Successions, Ageod’s future release

End of 2016, Ageod will release a new title, ‘Wars of Successions’. While the scope of the game is huge, playing it will be simple and more accessible than previous grand strategy titles of the brand.

The game goes back to the basic rules that made Ageod initial successes. Here a short recap!

Excellent news. This alone is a reason for me to purchase the new game.
Well ....I did the others too, but they are on my disk waiting for better times ;)

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Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:17 am

That's great, this conflict interests me very much, and I think is a wise decision to try to simplify some game mechanics. Waiting eagerly.

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Re: [WSS] Its Good to be the King!

Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:07 pm

Any news yet about the development of WSS ? :papy:
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Re: [WSS] Its Good to be the King!

Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:11 pm

Beta testing is ongoing :dada:

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Re: [WSS] Its Good to be the King!

Mon Jun 26, 2023 4:11 pm

All the rest must be physically carried in wagons. No abstract supply network and line of depots, it was not in the spirit of the age. Depots are just that, accumulated stockpiles that are waiting where they are and will replenish physically only those wagons presents.

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Re: [WSS] Its Good to be the King!

Fri Jun 30, 2023 3:35 pm

Is it you Chat gpt or a clone of it?

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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Re: [WSS] Its Good to be the King!

Fri Jul 07, 2023 3:07 am

Soon AIs will answer to themselves each other, believing hacking humans.
A cancer of internet.

Albert M. Johnson
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Re: [WSS] Its Good to be the King!

Thu Sep 21, 2023 11:49 am

All the rest must be physically carried in wagons. No abstract supply network and line of depots, it was not in the spirit of the age. Depots are just that, accumulated stockpiles that are waiting where they are and will replenish physically only those wagons presents.

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