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Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:01 pm


-> [color="#ADD8E6"]To End All Wars Review[/color]

Final score: 7/10

[color="#00FF00"] The good:[/color]
+ Detailed World War I simulation
+ Reflects the realities of trench warfare

[color="#FFA07A"] The bad:[/color]
- Very complex
- Turns take long to process


To End All Wars is a complex experience designed for an audience that has played AGEOD titles before and is familiar with the intricacies of warfare during World War I, and it can deliver some very satisfying variations on the real outcome of the conflict.

For newcomers, the game can be impenetrable even if they get through the well-constructed manual and tutorials, but getting to understand its core mechanics will be satisfying for history students who have some time on their hands.

The development team has plans to introduce a number of other campaigns, some of which will focus on one area of the map and cover the entire conflict, while others will allow gamers to explore one full year on all theaters, and that’s great because smaller scenarios are needed for newcomers to accommodate themselves to the core concepts.

World War I is sadly overlooked by most of the gaming industry, and To End All Wars is one of the few games that aim to deliver an interesting experience based on one of the defining moments of the XX century.

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