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How do you win the Pequot War as natives?

Fri Feb 28, 2014 12:19 am

As usual I've had about a dozen goes, various settings, try quick attack; try wait a turn or two; still can't get a win.

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Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:17 am

Which side? All or only one?
As Puritans, attack and attack some more.
As Pequots, attack and attack some more.
Use the ability to totally destroy enemy towns.

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Sun Mar 23, 2014 4:52 am

Taullebois - did you figure out a good strategy?
My kind of vapid reply hid the strategy, maybe. The side which attacks first wins. Which towns are you attacking in your quick attack?

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Mon Mar 24, 2014 1:15 pm

I get a points win, but not with me having all the objectives. Anyway, thanks for the follow up. I've too many games, not enough time.

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Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:06 am

I so know the not enough time.
Points win is about as good as it gets.

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Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:48 am

I was recently reviewing the Pequot War. It is really interesting from the standpoint of the total commitment of the Train Bands of the colonials.

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Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:47 pm

I was idling around on the web avoiding doing my quarterly accounts return and I noticed your comment from a fortnight ago.

That prompted me to look up "Train Bands Pequot" on Google which led me to a Wikipedia article on John Underhill, and then to trying the Pequot War scenario as the Brits - attacking and got a victory - which has made me feel good.

I've been meaning to ask you Durk, what settings do you usually use for your games and roughly how long do you spend on a turn for the various AGEOD games? And do you have a method or routine each turn - e.g. check supply of every unit, then do replacements or what?

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Fri Jul 17, 2015 5:52 am

absolutely love the term fortnight, not a term used in the US. As a person whose family came to America very early, John Underhill is a bit of a controversial figure. Was he a hero? Maybe. I knew nothing about Train Bands until recently. I was actually researching the English Civil War when I first encountered this term. I think it is easily the origin of the notion in Britain and the US of how militia guarantees our freedoms.

Thanks for your query. I use the defaults for the most part. I like some delay in combat resolution, but will play with long delay. With the newer games, I turn off auto replacements and such. But I love hard activation in the older games and veteran activation in the newer ones. Navy settings are default for me.

How long?? Hmm.
AJE - 10 to 15 minutes
ROP - 15 to 20 minutes
RUS - 15 to 20 minutes
WIA - 10 to 15 minutes
CW2 - 30 t0 50 minutes
EAW - 30 to 40 minutes

I always do shared hosting, so these numbers are move, resolve turn, make new move.

Do I have a method?? Kind of. . .

1. I check the ledger to see what has happened.
2. I use the ledger check to adjust units and play.
3. Then I use the E and T functions to check each unit and move them as needed.
4. In some games, like WIA, I just check the options for new units, replacements and such. In other games I use the new units interface.

Funny for me to think about a routine each turn as I am not too methodical. I scan the turn, dive into problems, fix these issues and plan problems for my opponent. I do check the replacement fields and make sure all forces have at least one replacement factor, but more are dependent upon which force needs replacements.

I am very loses and free in play. Most opponents compare me to John Bell Hood, I mount the horse and ride into conflict and ignore logic and supply and logistics.

Wow, thanks for asking. What did I miss?

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Fri Jul 17, 2015 3:19 pm

Thanks for the long reply.

Re English Civil War - have you seen the game Pike & Shot? I happened to be in Newark, Nottinghamshire last week for a work meeting and was embarrassed to realise how important it was for the English Civil War. If I have to go back I shall make time to see the new museum on the war.

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Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:33 am

I have seen Pike and Shot and I have enjoyed playing the game. While strategic level games are what I personally enjoy the most, tactical games can be an enjoyable diversion. Battle sites from this era are so very rare.

Incidentally, I think there might be an English Civil War addition to the upcoming Thirty Years War.

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