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Improved map of Poland

Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:21 pm

I have tried my best to fix the map, in some cases I may have made some mistakes for which I am sorry and if someone knows better, please correct me. In general I've tried to use names for cities/provinces that belonged to cities being a seat of local government and to have major cities of that period included plus having generally good relation between cities (x is to the north of y etc) but in some cases I may have failed.

The population of the cities is either found in sources for the period 1800-1810 or calculated as 50% of population from 1830.

In some cases the borders may give more territory to the Duchy than was in reality (like the area next to Bialystok) but this is compensated by borders in the west where it's opposite (area next to Bydgoszcz/Bromberg).

I am also in favour of using Polish names in Wielkopolska as this territory is the heart of Poland (with Malopolska and Mazowsze) since the year 965... and the Prussians were newcomers to it plus during most period of the game the territory is controlled by the Duchy. Anyway I have provided both Polish and German name for the city where possible and applicable.


Click here for original version (2MB):

I hope my work will be of some use to the project. Please feel free to comment and propose your fixes if something is wrong. In my opinion it's now much better since cities like Bialystok, Grodno, Warszawa are in their correct places and areas like Podlasie or Wolyn too...


edit: a quick note, I have checked more scenarios that deal with Poland (amongst many others): 1807, 1809 - in 1807 scenario the allegiances are not good since most of Wielkopolska is shown as 75% coalition allegiance - 25% french allegiance. By may 1807 this terrain was 100% Polish (french) in allegiance. In fact forming of units started in Wielkopolska first, even when Warsaw was not yet liberated. As for the 1809 scenario the border between austria and duchy is completely wrong - Kalisz was Polish while at the same time the southern half of the country was still austrian. It was _after_ the war of 1809 that Krakow, Lublin and many other cities were incorporated into the duchy - see my map above. So in fact the Austrian started the campaign with their forces in Radom and quickly crossed the border and reached Warszawa.

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Map errors in NCP - let's help

Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:48 pm

As stated in other threads, there are some relatively minor mistakes in the otherwise great map of NCP. Some of us have tried to shed light on them and even correct them. In order to help the devs improve NCP, and after a suggestion from Korrigan, I am starting this thread. The idea will be for anyone interested to post their findings, suggestions and if possible corrections also, preferably on a country by country basis.
I will post below a link to other thread about corrections pertaining to Portugal. :cwboy:

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NCP map corrections: Portugal

Thu Mar 06, 2008 11:51 pm

Below a liink to a thread about errors and proposed corrections pertaining mainly to Portugal in the NCP map (1808 peninsula campaign)

The main points are

A. Geography
1- Land regions:
- Zamora should be a spanish region (Zamora was allways a spanish town. This change leads to a small artifactual clipping of the northeast of Portugal. An alternative would be to change the name of the region to Bragança, a portuguese town. But I choose not to do it as this region is served in the game by a major road, and in the beginning of the 19th century there certainly was no major road in the northeast of Portugal)
- Villa Real should be Vila Real
- Douro estuary should be Estuário do Douro
- Oporto should be Porto
- Lower Tago should be Tejo
- Tago estuary should be Estuário do Tejo
- Beira should be Beja
- Lagos should be Faro
- Zafra should be Moura (Zafra is indeed a spanish town, to the southeas of Badajoz)
2 - Sea regions
- Costa do Oporto should be Costa do Minho
- Bahia de Setubal should be Baía de Setubal
- Cabo de Sao Vicente should be Cabo de São Vicente
- Ria Formosa should be Cabo de Santa Maria
- Cabo Fisterra should be Cabo Finisterra, on the nortwest of Spain

B. Military
- Garrison Peniche should be Garrison Lisboa
- Cuerpo de Taje should be Cuerpo del Tago (the spanish name for the river Tejo is Tajo, I believe. But I decided to keep Tago, as it is the name that is "hardcoded" on the spanish part of the map).

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NCP Map Corrections: Germany

Fri Mar 07, 2008 12:42 pm

Thank you for the initiative. Here is my first batch of corrections for GERMANY. This is for the north-east region east of the river Elbe only. I will amend further by editing my post, hope to have Germany complete by the weekend.

Update: Done except for Central Germany and Austria/Bohemia.
I am aware this is becoming quite a long list. However, Germany is a tad larger than Portugal or Poland ... :innocent:
Also, I am not suggesting to move a single regional border (except maybe the river Eider, see bottom). These are all suggestions for correcting spelling errors, renaming a few regions, and above all, subordinating regions to other areas. I do hope these are all simple text edits that do not affect the map as such, or scenarios or gameplay, at all. :)

Update: Central Germany done (I listed it under Northeastern). I think I will provide an Excel sheet with all corrections.

1. Areas:

Northwestern Germany
- Esbjerg is part of Jutland, not of the Duchy of Schleswig. (Actually, neither is the city of Fredericia itself, but most of the region on the map is, and it's the only considerable place there, so I'd say leave it that way);
- Obviously Schleswig (the region) cannot be part of Holstein, but has to be part of Schleswig (the area);
- Hamburg, if it cannot be an area in itself (it was a city state), should better be part of Holstein than of Mecklenburg, as it borders the former on three sides, but has no connection whatsoever with the latter;
- the same goes for Lübeck, in principle, though at least it borders on Mecklenburg, so it can be left that way;
- the areas of Braunschweig and Hannover should be merged to form one big Hannover; as Braunschweig was a tiny state that would only be represented on the map by the region of Braunschweig itself; Hannover would then consist of: Lüneburg, Verden, Delmenhorst, Hannover, Hameln, Peine, Göttingen, Uelzen, Minden, Osnabrück; and Braunschweig -- unless this can be made an area in itself;
- Nordhausen and Magdeburg need to go to the area presently called Anhalt (with which I'll deal under the heading Central Germany);
- most of what is now called Hessen is actually Westfalen, except Kassel, which is Hessen proper; Westfalen should include Münster, Hamm, Dortmund, Paderborn, Siegen, Arnsberg;
- Wesel and Solingen (and only those two) should be Berg;
- of the region presently called Pfalz, only Landau and Saarbrücken (if you stretch it, and not because of the city but because of the region), maybe Mainz are actually part of that region; the entire rest of the present Pfalz should better be called Rheinland.

Northeastern Germany
- There is no West- and Ost-Pommern. They should be Vor- and Hinterpommern, respectively.
- Stargard belongs to Hinterpommern, not the Neumark.
- Glogau and Grünberg should be part of Silesia (Schlesien), not the Lausitz.
- Gleiwitz, Kossel (Kreuzburg) and Klozberg (Oels) should be part of Schlesien.
- The three easternmost regions of Ostpreussen (Kapsukas, Suwalki, Sakia) should be Polish. These are lands that were under Prussian rule since the partitions of Poland, but not a historical part of East Prussia. Prussia lost them after Tilsit to the Duchy of Warsaw.
- The map is missing West Prussia (Westpreussen). If everything from the Vistula (Weichsel) to the Memel (Niemen) is one area, it should be named Preussen, not Ostpreussen. Otherwise (and a better solution, too) the easternmost provinces of Pommern (Stargard, Schneidemühl (to be renamed Bütow), Putzig), the three northernmost of Grosspolen (Bromberg, Chelmnitz; Tuchel (Tuchs)), and the three westernmost of Ostpreussen (Thorn, Marienburg, Danzig) should become Westpreussen.
- Wittenberge should be part of Brandenburg, not Mecklenburg.
- Cottbus and Finsterwalde should be Lausitz, not Brandenburg. (They became part of Brandenburg only after the partition of the Kingdom of Saxony in 1815.)
- Zittau should be part of the Lausitz, too, not of Bohemia.
- There is considerable confusion with the areas to the west of the river Elbe. In the broadest sense, all the following regions should form Thüringen: Nordhausen, Mühlhausen, Erfurt, Salfeld, Jena. There was no political entity called Thüringen before 1920, but the area was one of minor principalities, so this makes sense.
- Now here is a list of regions that lie roughly within the modern state of Sachsen-Anhalt: Magdeburg, Burg, Zerbst (to be renamed from Eisenach), Torgau, Dessau, Halberstadt, Halle. In a political sense, this region was divided between Sachsen, Brandenburg (Altmark) and Anhalt before 1815. The most correct political map would make Magdeburg, Burg, Halberstadt and Halle part of Brandenburg, Zerbst and Dessau part of Anhalt, and Torgau part of Sachsen. Alternatively, this could all form one area called, for lack of something better, after the Duchy of Anhalt which was central in the area.

Southern Germany
There is a considerable confusion here with the areas.
- What is called Franken here is not Franken at all, but the southern parts of Hessen plus Nassau. This could be called Hessen-Darmstadt to distinguish it from the present "Thüringen" -- which is actually Hessen and which could then become Hessen-Kassel;
- Most of what is now called Oberpfalz is actually the real Franken (roughly the northwestern half of the modern state of Bavaria). If two areas should be kept in this region, Ingolstadt, Amberg, Cham, Weiden, and above all, Regensburg, should constitute the Oberpfalz. Nürnberg, Fürth, Ansbach, Bayreuth, Schweinfurt, Würzburg, Kissingen, Aschaffenburg and Rothenburg should constitute Franken. Of course, if that leaves the Oberpfalz too small (what IS an area actually, in game terms?) it could be added to Bayern. It is historically a part of the Duchy.
- Zwiesel and "Ilz" (Freyung) should become part of Bayern.
- Of what's now called Württemberg, only Stuttgart is actually a part of the Duchy. Ulm, Ravensburg, Tübingen and Überlingen should become part of it, however. Memmingen, Augsburg, Nördlingen would be Schwaben.
- Note that the tooltip for Württemberg presently says Berg.
- Mannheim needs to go to Baden.

2. Regions (that should be renamed)

Northeastern Germany
- Rostock and Warnemünde can't be two different areas; Warnemünde is a suburb of Rostock. I propose to name Rostock -> Wismar and Warnemünde -> Rostock. That also gets the relation to Schwerin right.
- Eisenach - this place is in reality completely elsewhere. Call it Wittenberg or better Zerbst, to avoid confusion with Wittenberge.
- Grossbeeren - this also elsewhere; the region should be called Grossenhain.
- Grunwald - can't find that on any map. Schwiebus would be in the area.
- Kreiss - ditto. This is closest to representing Schneidemühl (which is south of Neustettin).
- Schneidemühl: should become Bütow, for instance. A historical place of some significance roughly in the area.
- Landsberg and Neumark: What is here called Neumark is where Landsberg actually is. The present region of Landsberg was to the contemporaries the "Netzedistrikt".
- Tuchs? I believe this should be Tuchel.
- Brieg is on the river Oder, this region doesn't even touch the river. Call it Neisse.
- Kossel? - Kreuzburg is in the area.
- Klozberg? - Oels is in the area.

Southern Germany
- Ilz (north of Passau): no such place (the river is called so). Call it "Freyung" (the only considerable place there)
- Oberammergau (southernmost in Bayern): it's a small place. Better call the region "Garmisch"
- Freising (west of München): in reality, Freising lies considerably north of Munich. Aichach, Schrobenhausen, or Dachau would be better names for this region. I recommend "Aichach".
- Kaufbeuren is west of the river Lech, which is on the map and the border between Schwaben and Bayern. Better make this "Landsberg", which is east of the river and in Bayern.

3. Spelling of names:

(Note: If the Umlaute (ä, ö, ü) have become unpopular (as I gather from Philippe's post in another forum) they should be replaced by the correct transliteration, i.e. ae, oe, ue, not just a, o, u, because that's plain wrong and gives a different sound in German).

Northeastern Germany
- Mecklenburg (with an "n") is correct, as the map has it; the tooltip information says Mecklemburg (with an "m"), that should be corrected;
- within Mecklenburg, the region is correctly labeled Wittenberge. However, the town is lacking the closing "e" (Wittenberg);
- Ludwigslust; this is actually pretty funny, because the map now says "Ludwigshut", which means "Ludwig's hat" instead of "Ludwig's pleasure" :D ;
- Grossbeeren (needs an additional "e"); but see under "regions to be renamed";
- Görlitz (with an "ö") or Goerlitz;
- Küstrin or Kuestrin, not Kustrin;
- Grünberg (with an "ü") or Gruenberg;
- Königgrätz (needs both an "ö" and an "ä") or: Koeniggraetz - presently, the region has Koniggrätz and the town Königgratz;
- Olmütz (with an "ü") or: Olmuetz - correct in the region and tooltip, but the town says Olmutz;
- Lötzen (in Ostpreussen) or: Loetzen;
- Neidenburg (ditto, not Niedenburg);
- Königsberg (if the Umlaut remains in use, other Koenigsberg is correct);
- Köslin or Koeslin, not Kosslin ("ö/oe" plus drop one "s");
- Insterburg (map says Intersburg);
- Halberstadt (correct in the region and tooltip, but the town is now labelled Halberstad, without a "t");
- Saalfeld (region correct, but city icon says "Salfed";
- Mühlhausen, not Mülhausen (lacks an "h").

Northwestern Germany
- Lüneburg or Lueneburg; the tooltip is correct, but the city icon has Luneburg;
-Osnabrück or Osnabrueck; tooltip correct, but city icon say Osnabruck;
- Köln; city icon correct, but tooltip says Koln;
- Saarbrücken, not Sarrebruck (this is a German city); and btw, the other city, Kaiserslautern, would cover the area better.

Southern Germany
- Kärnten or Kaernten (the map says Kärntern, the tooltip says Karntern, both with a false second "r");
- Bad Gastein (two words);
- Innsbruck (no! "ü");
- Kitzbühel or Kitzbuehel (needs an "ü/ue" and an "e");
- Nördlingen or Noerdlingen (the region & tooltip has it correct but the town says Nordlingen;
- Nürnberg or Nuernberg (tooltip correct, but the town label says "Nuremberg".

- Zürich (correct on the map, but the tooltip says Zurich);
- Sankt Gallen (not Saint Galle) - this is deep in the German speaking part;
- Brig (not Brigue, ditto);
- Chur (not Coire);
- Zürichsee (not Lac de Zurich).

4. Other map corrections

- The river Eider (which is the border between Schleswig and Holstein) has to run into the Heligoland Bight proper, not into the Elbe estuary. Where it's now, it's more likely to present the Nordostseekanal, which was not there around 1800.
[color="Gray"]"These Savages may indeed be a formidable Enemy to your raw American Militia, but, upon the King's regular & disciplined Troops, Sir, it is impossible they should make any Impression." -- General Edward Braddock[/color]
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Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:03 pm

I will link here to my comprehensive list of fixes for Poland and neighbouring areas plus Polish OOB.

There is so many data that I will not re-post it here to conserve space.

Important posts:

Full thread: here

Feel free to ask questions in that thread, so this one will not be cluttered.

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Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:09 pm

[color="Blue"]I copied the post about the Polish map into this thread (sorry that it ended up preceding Franciscus' first post). That way, we'll collect all things related to improving the map in one thread for easy reference[/color]
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Fri Mar 07, 2008 4:27 pm

Was this necessary? I have already provided a link to that post :)
edit: feel free to delete this post if you wish.

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Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:41 pm

Since I think it will make it easier for PhilThib and his helpers to look into these things when they can look in one place and one place only, I deemed it indeed necessary :)

(Besides, you got an extra post out of it; 2 if you count your question as well ;) )
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Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:23 pm

With all those good improvements, we have the proof that a game is never finished.
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Sat Mar 08, 2008 2:16 am

Rafiki wrote:[color="Blue"]I copied the post about the Polish map into this thread (sorry that it ended up preceding Franciscus' first post)...[/color]

I may forgive this indignity if you assure me it was nothing personal :niark:

-> edit1: wait, I just noticed that I got promoted to colonel and got myself a comission to lead the "Peniche" garrison :niark: :niark: . Probably a political promotion to try and silence my righteous indignation :king:

-> edit2: just kidding, of course :coeurs: (and you may also delete all this nonsense if you want)

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Sat Mar 08, 2008 6:55 am

Franciscus wrote:I may forgive this indignity if you assure me it was nothing personal :niark:

Hehe; consider yourself assured :)
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Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:47 pm

OK I am done with my updates (see my edits to my post above). To avoid confusion, I will condense all this into one Excel sheet as soon as I can. :)
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Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:07 pm

Yes, this is most helpful in Excel for me :indien:

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Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:52 pm

I am about done with the Excel sheet. Just need to doublecheck, but first my wife wants to use the computer. :rolleyes:
[color="Gray"]"These Savages may indeed be a formidable Enemy to your raw American Militia, but, upon the King's regular & disciplined Troops, Sir, it is impossible they should make any Impression." -- General Edward Braddock[/color]

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Map Corrections for Germany (.xls)

Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:33 pm

OK here is the Excel sheet. I hope it's all clear. I have added a few comments where I suggest to rename regions; the more elaborate reasoning is contained in my long post above. Any questions, please ask. :)

Note that in a few places I have listed an alternative for the area reorganization. Generally, the alternative is more accurate, but results in more and smaller areas. To sum up, the alternatives are:

1. Have a number of very small states actually represented as area on the map even though they contain only one region:
- Hamburg (Hamburg)
- Lübeck (Lübeck)
- Ostfriesland (Emden)
- Braunschweig (Braunschweig)

2. Have two areas instead of one:
- Vor- and Hinterpommern instead of one Pommern
- Hessen-Kassel and Hessen-Darmstadt instead of one Hessen

3. Have a more accurate representation of the territories sharing the modern state of Sachsen-Anhalt. Calling this entire area "Anhalt" is a convenient shortcut, and halfway reasonable, since Anhalt was the largest contiguous chunk of it and smack in the center of the area. However, of the seven regions involved, only two were actually in Anhalt. Four would historically be Brandenburg (but two non-contiguous with the rest), and one Sachsen. There is no really good solution for this, so the easy one is probably the best.

[The extension xls has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

[color="Gray"]"These Savages may indeed be a formidable Enemy to your raw American Militia, but, upon the King's regular & disciplined Troops, Sir, it is impossible they should make any Impression." -- General Edward Braddock[/color]

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Map of the Russian Empire

Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:19 am

Is there any interest in making Russian part of the map more historically accurate? I can prepare a list of proposal names changes but have some doubts that is really needed - there is only one campaign and a half in that part of the map but it seems to be quite long list so I am not sure whether that job worths expended time.

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Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:04 am

Yes, I have some future plans for this part of the map and an accurate map would be most welcome. We may even provide you with a vectorial image of the Napo map if it can help (done under Adobe Illustrator). In suc a case, send your full contact and email by PM to me. :indien:

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Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:40 am

May be Map scale should be enlarged, so to support more regions.

The present Map scale works fine for Large scale Campaign, less for small scale ones.

The 1815 Campaigns leeds to large engagements as soon as it start. Opposing side forces are placed in contigous regions giving opponents in turn information over the enemy positions.
Finally, player has very few manuvering choices, at hand!

Some thing could be true with Italian Campaigns.
I mind expecially to the First, 1976 and Second, 1799-1800 Napoleon campaigns in Italy: guess soon or later we'll have them both!

Of Course I know having to re-draw the map will have severe consequences: all existing campaigns should be encoded ex-novo, changing starting positions with addition of more reagions........

A more at hand solution is to change the game time scale: I noticed this is a parameter encoded somewere in AGEOD games.
Reducing the turn lengh for small area Campaigns could be worth to be tested.........It's true more date/turn related aspects of a campaign will have to be re-worked, anyway: events, reinforcement activations, time related options......But here we have only to change the turn number, I guess!

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Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:43 am

Upper Egypt is also lacking, perhaps a box could be added so that Desaix is doing something there. :niark:

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Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:28 pm

I have not compiled the details, as I lack a detailed period map. Tryng to place Landwhehr in Bohemia and Moravia, there are Landwehr names that dont correspond to any regions, towns or cities on the map. There is no area of Styria.
An issue for the Austro-Hungarian empire is place names. Modern maps generally use local language names, yet historical accounts often refer to the German version of place names. (Example: Siebenburgen is Transylvania; do we want hussars or vampires?) While I might prefer the German names (and I'm half Hungarian) they might offend some nationalist sensibilities, so this may be a touchy issue.

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Tue Jul 22, 2008 9:22 pm

At the quoted link my post dedicated to some map major bugs influencing 1813 Campaign strategy!

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Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:37 pm

PhilThib wrote:Yes, I have some future plans for this part of the map and an accurate map would be most welcome. We may even provide you with a vectorial image of the Napo map if it can help (done under Adobe Illustrator). In suc a case, send your full contact and email by PM to me. :indien:

I have been reading a bit about vectorial and bitmap images differences. As I understand it, vectorial images are easier to modify. For example I tried to change a map bitmap for jastaV's 1815 campaign and it was a pain. So in a bitmap if I want to change the place of a city or of the superimposed text I have to cut it and then refill the hole, cut is relatively easy, but to refill the hole so it is not noticed, is not.

The question is, in a vectorial image, cities, texts, everything are objects? And so can be moved, deleted,... without modifying the background?

You said before that a powerful computer is needed for the job, is enough with a core2duo and 2GB memory?

Software required is Adobe illustrator, OK.

And the final question is, can I have access to NCP map? As I do not know yet the grade of skill and knowledge required, I do not want to compromise myself for a systematic job like the one that Gray is doing. For the moment just play a bit to see If I can do what jastaV needs.

Regards and thanks in advance

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Sun Aug 03, 2008 1:01 am

Nikel wrote:I have been reading a bit about vectorial and bitmap images differences. As I understand it, vectorial images are easier to modify. For example I tried to change a map bitmap for jastaV's 1815 campaign and it was a pain. So in a bitmap if I want to change the place of a city or of the superimposed text I have to cut it and then refill the hole, cut is relatively easy, but to refill the hole so it is not noticed, is not.

The question is, in a vectorial image, cities, texts, everything are objects? And so can be moved, deleted,... without modifying the background?

You said before that a powerful computer is needed for the job, is enough with a core2duo and 2GB memory?

Software required is Adobe illustrator, OK.

And the final question is, can I have access to NCP map? As I do not know yet the grade of skill and knowledge required, I do not want to compromise myself for a systematic job like the one that Gray is doing. For the moment just play a bit to see If I can do what jastaV needs.

Regards and thanks in advance

It's interesting to know you are going after possible map modding!

Down here some links you should look to:

There Lodilefty reports the way map should be modded according to AGEOD standard.....The only that could be accepted for official mods.
Here are illustrated risks with no official map modding.

AGEOD map editor can be downloaded from here:

Unfortunately I was not able to find link for download of the NCP map, you can get link to AACW from any of reported link.

Guess the only way to go with map modding is the officially, Ageod supported one.
I suggest you to contact NCP developers, ( ThilPhib, Pocus), to possibly get a copy of NCP map.......


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Sun Aug 03, 2008 2:10 pm

Thanks for the links and the comments, jastaV

Browsing this post, perhaps it is better not to get involved :siffle: :niark:

I downloaded one of the AACW maps, but it is a huge .bmp file, so it is not a vectorial map. As already said, vectorial graphics are easier to modify. PhilThib talked about a vectorial NCP map, I do not know if there is a vectorial version of the AACW map, but not available to download for everybody. It is not strange that a vectorial map such as NCP's is not available. I have been searching internet and most of the vectorial maps are not free.

In the wikipedia I got a vectorial aegean historic map. Everything is selectable and you can change it. This is just an example, as NCP map is more complex, but I can select Athens name and city and move them to an island



Now try to do it in a .bmp file. Things like this is what you wanted for your modding?

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Sun Aug 03, 2008 7:40 pm

Nikel wrote:Things like this is what you wanted for your modding?

At present most wanted is an AGEOD command and keys guideline.........
I'm going mad in the effort to edit events: with not a guideline at hand I can just trust existing examples,.... although not all codes/command lines meaning is clear!

At present I'm working Military Options, a way to add new armies HQs: player will have to pay for them in term of VPs, recruits, money: the prize is a new HQ: Ney's Army of Berlin, MacDonald's Army of Bober, and so on.

It seems a small thing, when you have it accessible for selection in the Military Options roster......Indeed it took me days of works!

The second field of interst is the Leader Ability editing: here we have dozeens of parameters many of them unknown!
Indeed I'm testing my first new Leader Ability: "Subordinated_Army_Commander.
It simulate 1813 Campaign French Army Commands subordinated to the Emperor's supervision and control: see already mentioned Ney's Army of Berlin, MacDonald's Army of Bober,.....
These Commanders will gain benefit from Napoleon assistance, but they'll suffer when in enemy territory because of disruption of communication lines with their master!

All that will be available to game and testing with ver 2.09 of Germany 1813, Hist. Mod campaign..Well, indeed if I should consider

As already said, vectorial graphics are easier to modify. PhilThib talked about a vectorial NCP map, I do not know if there is a vectorial version of the AACW map, but not available to download for everybody.

Hope for you PhilThib could confirm existence of the vectorial map.
In responce to my posts, (I have already quoted them) I got only words of a very large NCP reference map: 200MB size.
Professional editing programs and a high edge PC will be usefull to load and manage works over it!

The most positive thing, I guess will be ThilPhib and Pocus return on-line: suppose it's matter of days now!


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Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:57 am


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Mon Aug 04, 2008 9:44 am

Gray_Lensman wrote:Jasta V:

Even if a vector map existed, it would be useless for official work and for that matter, Mods for most of the other NCP gamers. The game has already been released using another set of map graphics... But, let's just suppose for instance that there is a vector map. In order for it to be used by everyone who has the game, they would have to have the entire set of regional graphics for NCP replaced with the new set generated from the vector map. Do you have any idea how big the download would be, or for that matter the patch size that would be required. I just tested it. 614 Megabytes. Yep. 614 Megabytes and that's compressed. Now add to that the additional dual patch work required for every patch that would have to support both graphic sets and you have one monstrous headache. It ain't gonna happen. I admire your efforts and tenacity, but you got to think things all the way thru. :niark:

But it was PhilThib who said that there wasa vectorial map of NCP.

As I am not an expert at all perhaps what I was thinking is wrong, sorry. I thought that you could modify what you wanted in the vectorial map and then export that part to .bmp. The new .bmp would replace the old released with the game, of course this would be valid in case the new is good enough to be considered official. To start I just wanted to modify a few .bmp for jastaV's modding. Is this not possible?

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Mon Aug 04, 2008 5:05 pm


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Fri Aug 08, 2008 4:44 am


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Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:18 am can do both, because the vectoral map is exported into the photoshop one for tracing borders, rivers, cities positions, names etc.... so if we correct the vectoral, it is "easier" to correct the final one (although a cumbersome task because the photoshop map is over 2Gb :bonk: )

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