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Shipping costs of our boxed version(s)

Fri Jul 04, 2008 9:58 am

Hi All,

In our new website, we have directly included inside the price of the boxed version of our games (when available) the shipping cost (surface mail) of the said box to you.

This was due to technical limitations and also easier handling for our customers (to avoid extra calculations of shipping based on detailed shipping address). We decided to make it simple, even if it sometimes costs us a bit more :siffle:

Here is how it works:

Shipping to Europe
Box price includes a [color="darkred"]5€ / US$ 7.50 [/color]shipping charge.

Shipping outside of Europe/ Overseas
Box price includes a [color="darkred"]10€ / US$ 15.00 [/color]shipping charge.

Hence if you really want to "know" the cost of the box version :sourcil: , you should deduct the shipping charge above from the indicated price.

Philippe Thibaut
[color="darkred"]AGEOD CEO[/color]

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