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Good game! But Badly Needs Scenario Editor

Wed Mar 29, 2006 10:27 pm

So far from what I have seen of it, BoA is a good game. However, some of the unit deployments and strength are needlessly unhistorical and could easily be amended with a unit and scenario editor. Moreover, I think a unit/scenario editor would attract more users, especially those who take the subject more seriously, this and given the dearth of PC alternatives at present for this historical time period. Otherwise thanks ageod for doing what someone should have done a long time ago!

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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Thu Mar 30, 2006 12:39 am

AGEod team has always made clear that they were very open to third party scenarii and to mods. However, Pocus has chosen to give priority to the engine and AI code for now rather than developping a real user friendly editor.

For now, Pocus said somewhere on the forum that he was planning to release the instructions for scenarii editing along with patch 1.05. Rabid fans can already begin to work on their OOB, events and victory conditions... (thus I will be able to play them soon!!! :niark: )


NB: If some scenarii look really bogus to you, you can already give your suggestions to Philippe Thibaut, or preferably discuss them in the Map Forum, where numerous American revolution fans will be pleased to join.

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Calendar and Record of the Rev War in the South: 1780-81

Thu Mar 30, 2006 5:12 am

Actually, I am the author of "Calendar and Record of the Revolutionary War in the South: 1780-1781," which is available as a free .pdf download at either of the links below.

My book provides as detailed information as any work available with respect to the units and troop strengths of the forces of both sides, by date, and as they pertain to the war in the southern states 1780-1781. Although given the book's limited scope with respect to time frame and geographical area, it nonetheless is at least one help toward getting the more nitty gritty historical/military data correct.

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Thu Mar 30, 2006 8:01 am

We will release shortly a first batch of docs and helper files so to edit/create new scenarios. If you know how to type in excel, you know how to make a scenario. This is not a graphical editor, but the process is anyway very simple and far from being restricted to people knowledged in coding or even scripting.

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