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Easier scenario design idea

Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:44 pm

Hi folks, I'm getting close to completing the AJE Aurelian scenario but still have to convert the standard option events (and add a few of my own) and still a fair bit of testing to do. A thought occurred to me. I have to go through many of the standard event files and change the faction mnmcs - ROM to TTR or something like that. Would it not be easier to assign a faction mnmc to something like SIDE1 or SIDE2 etc. It could be assigned with one line and then scenario designers would not have to go through the laborious and possibly error inducing process of changing all events to a different faction. Instead of using the faction in standard events SIDE1 or SIDE2 would be used as the mnmc (in fact in all places where a faction mnmc would be used). It would certainly make designing a new scenario a bit easier for me and I assume for the people working on the stock scenarios.

If this is not possible then I think faction mnmcs should at least be something like RMX1 instead of ROM for example. Then you could change factions on mass without worrying that ROM might be part of a word that isn't a faction. Probably not an issue for a game like ACW2 with only two main sides but for any future games that can have many factions like AJE it might be worth consideration.

P.S. thinking about this a bit more - are the many different factions an unnecessary complication? I am using the Severus scenario as the template for Aurelian. Could I just have kept say the CLO faction and used that as Palmyra and assigned PAL units to it? Not sure about that but I think there could be more work than needed going on here.

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Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:01 pm

I've had a bit of a break due to a dodgy arm and other stuff - but now getting on with things again. One of the things I have been getting on with today is changing all the production site type events. I'm going through them all one by one (there are hundreds) changing all the factions to the ones I need for my scenario. What a laborious job! Coming up with your own events for a scenario is quite interesting but changing all these standard events to the factions you need is hellish. You also have to check all the locations to see if they are used in the scenario you are making. It's also very error prone as I mentioned above - you can't just change all ROM to TTR for example as there might be other words with ROM in it. These changes must have taken hundreds of hours for all of the existing scenarios.

I don't understand why the standard events are not taken care of by a routine in the code. If you set a location as a Site_Mercatus for example a routine should fire that gives a player the benefits of that without having to write a specific event. A few extra parameters might be required but that is all. The AddDynGraphic command also seems redundant to me and should be generated by the code if a scenario has placed a particular structure in a region. It seems to be a duplication of effort. These graphic commands also have to be manually checked when creating a scenario.

Maybe some hindsight here - but just posting this hoping that future games will be easier to make scenarios for.


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Thu Feb 06, 2014 11:44 pm

Since a few months, structures can be related to script events, like Rgd. So productions events are less needed. Each structure can generate assets
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Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:14 am

Thanks Bohemond, can you give any more info about this? What is Rgd? I can't find anything with a search. Is there any info on this on the forum?


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Fri Feb 07, 2014 2:29 am

Sorry, A RGD is a Regional Decisions.

Talking about Structures and Productions.

Let's say you got a structure like this ;

UID = 10
Name = $stc_nam_Barrack
Alias = Barrack
Text = $stc_txt_Barack
Kind = $stuProdSite
SubKind = $stsIndus
Family = $sfmIndustry
Bitmap = Fort.png
Z = 2
InCityScape = 1
IsExclusive = 1
CanDuplicate = 0
IsIndustry = 1
MoneyCost = 50
WSUCost = 10
DayCost = 120
SupplyProd = 0
AmmoProd = 0
Out_WSU = 0
Out_Mfg = 0
Out_Money = 0
Out_Officer = 0
Out_Conscript = 10
SupplyWant = 5
AmmoWant = 0
MinLevelSend = 0
MinLevelWant = 0
NoRazeLevel = 2
RecoverRate = 10
RecovUseLevel = 0
RecovKind = $Land
RplMinLevel = 1
PillagerCanCapture = 0
VPGainOnStcBuilt = 0
VPLossOnStcLost = 1
BuildWeightLand = 50
BuildWeightNaval = 0
MaxLevel = 4
GarrisonLossChanceDestroy = 10
AllowEnemyPresence = 1

It will produce 10 Conscript Each turn.

But you can have a structure like this

UID = 9
Name = $stc_nam_Academy
Alias = Academy
Text = $stc_txt_Academy
Kind = $stuProdSite
SubKind = $stsIndus
Family = $sfmIndustry
Bitmap = Fort.png
Z = 2
InCityScape = 1
IsExclusive = 1
CanDuplicate = 0
IsIndustry = 1
MoneyCost = 50
WSUCost = 10
DayCost = 120
SupplyProd = 0
AmmoProd = 0
Out_WSU = 0
Out_Mfg = 0
Out_Money = 0
Out_Officer = 0
Out_Conscript = 0
SupplyWant = 5
AmmoWant = 0
MinLevelSend = 0
MinLevelWant = 0
NoRazeLevel = 2
RecoverRate = 10
RecovUseLevel = 0
RecovKind = $Land
RplMinLevel = 1
PillagerCanCapture = 0
VPGainOnStcBuilt = 0
VPLossOnStcLost = 1
BuildWeightLand = 0
BuildWeightNaval = 0
MaxLevel = 4
GarrisonLossChanceDestroy = 10
AllowEnemyPresence = 1
ScriptFileName = StructureProduction
ScriptName = StrScriptAcademy

It will not produce anything per se but it calls a script (StrScriptAcademy) that is ;

StartEvent = StrScriptAcademy|999|0|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL


ChangeResStock = $resOfficer;5


It will produce 5 Officer each turn.

First method is less ''CPU consuming''.

Let me know if you are more interssed, I will forward you some excel file.
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Sun Feb 09, 2014 4:42 pm

Thanks Bohemond but this confuses me - surely I can't update structure files for one scenario without affecting all scenarios?


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Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:00 pm

You are right, Structures files alteration will affect all scenarios

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Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:26 am

You would need to have alternate structures then...

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