General of the Army
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Modding Corps to act as Armies

Thu May 29, 2014 6:12 pm

Is it possible to take the Army-Corps command relationship and extend it downwards to the corps-division level while continuing to maintain the army-corps command relationships? I am thinking it could possibly be useful in RUS to spread divisions out from a corps with a command range of 1 region. Basically attach divisions and other corps formations to a corps (just as corps are attached to an army). Divisions will then receive corps benefits as long as they are within corps command range (RUS one hex).

I assume if you ever do a WW2 game, you would want this sort of ability at the corps level to allow corps to deploy their divisions to form longer battlefronts. With changes in command control, weapons, logistics, etc, corps basically went from complete physical concentration within eyesight to a general battlefront covering 10's of miles. Allowing corps to deploy divisions would reflect greater battlefronts nicely.

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Fri May 30, 2014 9:05 am

Sadly no, there is only one coded parent-child relationship in the engine.

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Tue Jun 03, 2014 5:12 pm

Pocus wrote:Sadly no, there is only one coded parent-child relationship in the engine.

For the futur if the code can do more one parent-child relationship can be very good.

For WW1 for me is strang to all corps is always in same area from a army. If need to send only one division to one area, I need to do in a Army (I guess), but in true is more a Corps of a Army of a Group Army.

Question : Is not possible to link all troop free (not corps/ not army) to a corps in the area of Strategy value, and playeur see that with other color when select a free unit?

PS : if need no link all, maybe only do tha when a officier is in free troop, or a other button action.

General of the Army
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Tue Jun 03, 2014 6:26 pm

For the futur if the code can do more one parent-child relationship can be very good.

I agree. And I think whether it is needed depends on the troop density and time frame.

For example, I was looking at the sketch maps of the Russian and Polish lines in the Ukraine during the Rus-Pole War 1920 from Norman Davis book. The Russians had 9 divisions and the 4 divisions of the cavalry army streched in a line all across the Ukraine and out of the Ukraine to face Mozyr. (The line was not a trenchline but strongpoint defense similiar to WW2.)

In game terms that would be maybe 9 regions. The only way to duplicate the Russian or Polish deployment in the Ukraine would be to spread out the divisions. Physically it could be done by simply spreading out the divisions in a line but no player is going to do that with the current command penalties. Instead, we abstractly concentrate corps/armies along important supply and transportation lines with huge gaps between troop concentrations. It works but is a better simulation of earlier times when corps were much more physically concentrated than Russia/Poland in early 1900's.

A second parent-child relationship attaching division and corps assets to specific corps with a one region command range would allow a better historical simulation of what we saw in Poland. And I suspect it might be very useful if AGEOD ever goes WW2 or later where troops are spread out over even greater area. Plus I always find it challenging and fun to maneuver corps in support of each other. I could see those same army-corps tactics being used amonst divisions of a corps.

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