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Modifying Saved games for Solo Play/Miniatures

Mon Jul 15, 2013 11:29 pm

Im a solo miniatures gamer and am trying to use the Ageod games as the campaign structure for my miniature campaigns. So when a battle occurs in the Ageod game I note the reults, then fight the battle out in miniature, and edit the saved game file to reflect those results.

If you can do this effectively, you could use the ageod games for the campaign half of PC tactical games as well, so this method might be useful for anyone who wants more control over tactical results.

So far, I am successful in adding and deleting elements from units, however it is also necessary to modify cohesion and which side retreats (or where both forces are after the battle)

Does anyone know or can tell me where there is a description of the different items in the OOB files? Again I especially want to edit unit or element cohesion.



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Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:32 am

I advise you to consult the AGEwiki, is very useful.

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