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How to change the maximum Number of division allowed ?

Sat Sep 04, 2010 6:52 pm

Sorry, i feel stupid...

I know it is already written somewhere but i'm looking for a long time and still did'nt found :

How to i set the maximum of division allowed for the CSA to 60, like the USA.
I'm in early 1863 in a PBEM and i'm handicaped because of this.


By the Way, i found a file called TurnsFormat.opt, with this infos :
DaysPerTurn = 30

TurnsPerYear = 12

YearFirstTurn = 1750

If i set instead :
DaysPerTurn = 15
TurnsPerYear = 24
YearFirstTurn = 1750

Will i have 7 days turns or will i crash the game/current PBEM ?

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Sat Sep 04, 2010 7:51 pm

andatiep wrote:Sorry, i feel stupid...

I know it is already written somewhere but i'm looking for a long time and still did'nt found :

How to i set the maximum of division allowed for the CSA to 60, like the USA.
I'm in early 1863 in a PBEM and i'm handicaped because of this.


By the Way, i found a file called TurnsFormat.opt, with this infos :
DaysPerTurn = 30

TurnsPerYear = 12

YearFirstTurn = 1750

If i set instead :
DaysPerTurn = 15
TurnsPerYear = 24
YearFirstTurn = 1750

Will i have 7 days turns or will i crash the game/current PBEM ?

1) Look for SetCombiUnits command in the 1861 events file

2) Dunno.
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Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:05 pm


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Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:15 pm

Gray_Lensman wrote:I believe the TurnsFormat.opt file is only used for the information near the bottom of the Big Book Objectives page. You would have to change the scenario specific database .xls setup file and regenerate the .scn to actually change the number of days per turn (note this wouldn't crash the game but a few of the events (not to mention internal supply distribution and resource gathering) are based on the bi-monthly design). To change the end turn of the game would also require similar changes/regeneration in the scenario specific setup file.

As Clovis stated... Look in the scenario specific event .sct file for the SetCombiUnits command... These will be located near the end of those specific event files to make finding them easier. Check the dates within the events themselves as to which ones do whatever for the scenario. Also, there are events nearby that turn on the ability to form Corps. (The setup file and hence the .scn file starts out with Corp formation delayed in all the April and July 1861 scenarios.) If you modify the Corp formation events properly, you can turn them back on (or change the effective date) if you really desire to do so. FYI, the game files support up to 99 divisions for both sides without additional modification. Above that number, there are other "name/number" file information entries that would need to be additionally modified.

Edit: It's probably possible to directly edit the values in the scenario .scn file to achieve the above changes, but since I have never bothered to do so, I wouldn't know where to start. That would be something that Clovis would have more experience at. :)

Furthermore, I suspect that the regeneration process would probably have to be run at least once to get an idea of the "end" turn number that would be needed to use in such a "direct" Clovis type .scn file modification.

Well, thank you both, i finally succeed about the ugly number of division limitation, but the best way is in fact to edit the CSA and USA Events files, not the scenarios files. All is posted here if you want more info : (Chapter 2).

...and it bug of courses till Gray hopefully precized the strategic information to set no more than 99 divisions, i always wrote more, so... it couldn't work.

Thanks again :)

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Tue Sep 07, 2010 1:37 pm


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Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:33 pm

Gray_Lensman wrote:Not a bug.

The original game design release had limits lower than the current 60/30 (per Pocus deliberate intention). After the game had been out a while player/gamers were hitting those original limits way to often so they were increased to 60/30. Subsequent to that change historical records were found that seemed to indicate even higher numbers of divisions might have been in use by both sides (approx. 72/48). Since neither side historically came near to having 99 divisions, the support files were changed to support casual modding up to those numbers.

Remember AACW was not designed to be an outright sandbox game so there are many limits on items due to the historical game design. Maybe AACW2, will incorporate more easily adjusted sandbox features (if/when). :)

edit1> I'm at work without access to the game files, but I'll try to remember to look up and point out the additional support files that would need to be modified to support more than 99 division names.

edit2> Here's the additional support files info...
Check in the ...ACW/GameData/Factions/... folder
There will be two files to be modified. 0Union.fac and 1Confederate.fac Opening these files with Notepad or another suitable text editor you will see contained within...

Obviously, if you decide to use more than 99 divisions you will have to add more names. Be sure to separate them with the | (pipe) symbol. Enjoy. :)

I suppose if i increase hq forcepool (in a event file for example )for one more HQ unit i have to complete also the following line:

GHQInfos = USA|Army of the Potomac|badge_USA_ArmyP.png|$Prince George's, .....

but just 1 question : what is the objective of the localization ? exemple $Prince George'


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Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:36 pm

It has to do with how army names are designated, e.g. "Army of the Potomac" is a preferred option for armies created close to $Prince George's.

Not familiar the exact algorithm for how army names are chosen from the pool of available names, though
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Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:12 am


When I try to update the CSA Events file, it keeps telling me that access is denied. . .

Is there something I have to change before I can update / save this file?
THanks in advance.

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