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Struggle for a vast future for 1.13b

Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:44 pm

Struggle for a vast future for 1.13 beta Install notes


To use the files, do the following:

Beware: the default path for the self extracting files ( SVF1 ,SVF2 and SVF3) is beginning by C:\Program Files\AGEod's American Civil War\Struggle for a vast future mod. If your AACW install is located with a different path, you have to enter these following paths manually to get a complete install:

For SVF1: your harddisk letter :\name of your Program Files folder\AGEod's American Civil War\Struggle

For SVF2: your harddisk letter :\name of your Program Files folder\AGEod's American Civil War\Struggle\GameData

I suggest to delete first your Struggle for a vast future folder before installing the mod.

************************************************** ******
A special thank for CAPON who has created the batch file of the install Process :coeurs: :coeurs:

To use the files, do the following:

1. Unzip the four zip files to the "AGEod's American Civil War" folder and not the ACW subfolder of the AACW one)


2. Double-click Struggle.bat into the "Ageod's Civil war folder"
3. Launch AACW and enjoy the mod!!! or grumble...

TO REVERT TO NORMAL PLAY, just move the modpath.ini out from the AGEod's American Civil War folder.

If something goes wrong open the log folder in the Struggle for a vast future mod folder and send me the !Main log.txt to [email=""][/email].

************************************************** ********

The mod is currently unfinished ( but AACW too... :sourcil :) .

SVF may be played:

- against CSA AI
- against Union AI

Both AI are built to be less prone to long deep raids. Events are allowing some variations in aggressivity and objectives choices.

You may try it in PBEM too, but the mod isn't tested currently in PBEM.

First, let's me say AACW is really the best wargame ( computer or boardgame ) I ever played. If I'm here and there modestly modifying points in order to get a better game, I keep this feeling AGEOD has done it right. A subtle blend of strategical and operational decisions to take, covered by a clever design using both simplifications when needed and very detailed rules on crucial points, offered with great graphics and constantly patched... a real miracle.

The result for me has been costly buys of books about the Civil War which in turn gave always more desire to mod.

From the start, I chose to keep as closely than possible on the same design model than Ageod: the simplest way to get historical flavor with a working AI.

It's yet a work in progress. So much is on to do list....

About balance.... I don't know. Maybe it will be, certainly not. As usual, only time will give the necessary insight about. I just hope you will get a greater historical flavor, a harder game against AI or an human opponent... and any suggestions to work out this mod.

First, I rejected too idiocy rules.

It's always difficult to draw the lines between more realism and « idiocy rules » forcing player to do the same errors made during a war.

By example, USA didn't formed more than 6 cavalry regiment until August 1861, considering useless to form more as the war would be very short and terrain was considered being very adverse to the cavalry.

USA cavalry was yet plagued by poor tactics, primarily lack of grouped use, in the first year.

Player is taking the place of Lincoln or Davis for the essential, relying on chosen general to execute strategic plans ( even if the game let players elaborate too part of operational implementation of these strategic moves, even if success or failure is partially the result of the General ratings).

Consequently, I ' ve sorted modifications by this criterium: nothing should delay the possibility for the North to create immediately more cavalry brigades, but the tactical problems being out of the scrutiny of the high Command, I've lowered a bit some US cavalry stat for the first mid-game.

The same way about events. I will avoid any event which would have for effect to force player to act historically whatever the context. By example, I don't want to have events putting McClellan in charge of Army of the Potomac, but I prefer to set a leaders situation where McClellan choice is an interesting one ( by his training and organizational abilities).

Secondly, I brought small changes to units.

a) until now, I haven't noticed sufficiently strange battle results to undermine my belief into the unit ratings ( even if from time to time a strange result may occur, no proof such an occurrence comes from erroneous unit sats)

b) battle combat procedure, albeit complex, remains an abstraction. Introducing greatly modified stats, even if more realist in theory, could result in wrong results, simply by being made to a system which doesn't is a realistic portrayal of battle but a simulation destined to give accurate outcomes.

So I have made rather light changes with regards to these 2 considerations.

These changes are coming from interesting posts from McNAUGHTON

In short:

- I reduced the number of sharpshooter units, and raised their cost in manpower ( reflecting not the real number of men but the trouble to find elite riflemen in quantity). It should force the player to avoid recruit in mass sharpshooters but let him possibility to do so. The number will increase with years ( see Shock troops of the Confederacy by Fred L. RAY for more details).

- I reworked US cavalry to give CSA a real edge at start. The end of the war will be marked by the contrary. CSA units will cost more at the end of war, to show the lack of horses this side suffered then.

- I modified artillery. Basically, I enforced differences between smoothbores and rifle guns.

Smoothbores have short range, rather low attack accuracy, high defense accuracy and reinforced assault values, in order to stress their defensive use in the game system limits. The 6 pdr is cheap but weak, the 12pdr is much better and really versatile gun.
Rifled guns on the contrary have greater range and are more accurate than smoothbore in attack , less in defense, making them useful for attack. The 20 parrot is delivering more punch at higher range than the 10.

But...never forget most battles are beginning at range 4 or less ( the range of smoothbores)...Lee stated the 12 pdr « Napoleon » to be the best gun not without reasons. The theorical advantage of rifled guns are so challenged .

Last, Horse artillery is now representing the 3 inch, rifled gun having the same values than the 10 parrot but with greater accuracy and better reliability ( Parrot hits number being reduced by one). Price is higher too...

So, with 5 types having special functions and limits, field artillery is now without « must have « model. 6Pdr is inexpensive but of marginal value, 3 inch is the best rifled gun but is the most difficult to buy, the 20 parrot delivers on attack greatest puch, but is costly and its range isn't that useful, the 10 parrot remaining so interesting because of its lower cost.

Then comes the problem of Divisions.

In the current system, 1861 divisions get the same advantages than 1863 ones.

It's highly unrealistic.

What plagued both sides at start was the lack of skilled officers and the absence of HQ staff doctrine. If the first problem was somewhat solved with time, second remained much more pregnant until 1865. Some progress was made but slowly.

For these 2 reasons, corps weren't used until the first half of 1862 and I'm seriously questioning the eistence of functional divisional HQ in the first months of the war.

In game terms, it signifies, as corps can't be prohibited, to delay the appearance of 2 and 3 stars generals, and to postpone divisions formation until the end of 1861.

So divisions can't be formed before october 1861.

The divisions in the 2 Eastern armies appearing in may 1861 have been disbanded too.

Now your leaders will move and fight with penalties. The strategic plans will so be slower to start and the first battle in Virginia ( first Bull Run) a real challenge.

It will too hinder gamey tactics, like forming a cavalry division to raid into enemy land. You will be yet able to group several cavalry units under a leader in 1861 but you will get out of command penalties...

Then winter should postpone your raid projects until the spring of 1862...

The cohesion value of units was reworked.

I've reduced too the cohesion value of all units. First, because I think it will made units more prone to rout and so will reduce the number of destroyed regiments, a little too high. Secondly, as cohesion improves with experience, it should enforce the need for players to take attention to experienced units, peculiarly for the Union player, whose replacement penalty could be giving headaches in the last years of the war...Last, the 1861 battles should be shorter and plagued by routing in reality.

So all cohesion levels have been reduced by 10.

Not only it will give real edge to experienced units, whose cohesion is raised, it will emphazize a bit more National Morale influence.

You will need both yet more.

Battles will be less costly, shorter, peculiarly in the first months, with troops routing quicker than stubbornly renewing deadly assaults.

On the econical front, Draft and Money Policies from the vanilla version are definitly too lenient. Players can too quickly get astronomical amount of men, money and War supply to build unhistorically huge armies.

In reality, both sides had huge problems with conscription laws and their enforcement, and printing money in the game hadn't penalties sufficient to prohibit its use each turn.

So I raised both NM and VP losses for conscription options and limited the money printing to one turn by month.

Draft isn't possible until 1862. USA side gets more volunteers ( if Sufficient funds are at disposal) and less draftees. CSA will have to rely more on draft.

Global numbers of buildable troops will remain roughly the same than in the official version but this difference should create interesting dilemnas, the South being forced to get back the NM lost when USA will have to find money for volunteers and accept to lose 8 or 10 NM for a number of conscripts much lower than before...

Printing money will at last give much less money in the first months, and will raise with Victory Point total. So long for some gamey tactics at start to use printing money for building a very large army...

Last, the numbers of War supply production has been reduced for both sides. Now you will have a real interest for industrialization of blockade runners ( or raising transport fleet for USA).

6) I've introduced a few changes in strategic cities list: Manassas,Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Fort Donelson, Columbus, Harrissonburg and Grafton have now a VP value whereas Winchester, and the region north to Fort Pickens have lost their VP value. It should help CSA AI to be less obnoxious about Harper's Ferry and Fort Pickens.

7) East Tenessee regions have now a strong US influence at start, when Southern Illinois ( "Little Egypt") has a small CSA sympathy at start.

8) The mod is using the current leaders mod made by Winfield S Hancock and Ruynan99. There are more and more slight changes here and there. I guess some will be controversial ( J.E. Johnston by example)but I'm ready to create tailored files for those wanting to get other values ;- )

Some examples:
-Mc Dowell decreased to 1-2-1. Mc Dowell attacked at First Bull Run because of presidential order. At second Bull run, his performance was poor as he lost too much time to play a real role in the battle. I know, he was a scapegoat too... But it was less than stellar anyway.

-Forrest increased to 6-6-4. Forrest direted some really competent defensive operations.

McClellan strategic rating increased to 2. McClellan after all led 2 offensives ( Western Virginia, Peninsula) and attacked at Antietiam. Of course, so cautiously and so slowly but even considered the pression by Lincoln over his shoulders, McClellan wasn't totally unactive...

9) Reworked a bit Coastal/naval stuff. Land artillery is now divided into:

fort artillery: medium guns used againts land units.
Coastal artillery: can only fire on naval targets; represents the most curretn type of Columbiad and Dalghren guns
Columbiad and Rodman: the " big babies "; there are the most large guns for both sides. very lethal on defense, very costly, may fire against both land and naval units.
Brooke guns: Confederate Naval rifled guns and some English types. May fire only against naval units.

Columbiad, Rodman and Brooke has no movement ability when used by AI ( AI is usually placing Columbiad in infantry division...). Players gets units with very slow movement.

If CSA captures Norfolk on the first turn, he will get some Columbid units, representing guns at the Gosport Arsenal. Some will appear at atlanta 2 ( simulating the CSA capture of Federal arsenals in other States).

For CSA AI, some costal fort will randomly become level 7 fortresses from 1862. This will help AI to simulate the construction of earthern Fortifications like Ft Fisher.

10) This mod is using a slighty modified version of the cavalry mod by Jabberwock. The only difference is the new ability is only given to INDEPENDANT Cavalry units ( not embedded into an infantry brigade).

12) Brigades reworked for both sides. Most Federal brigades are made of 3 infantry regiments ( and cavalry or artillery assets sometimes). CSA brigades are larger.

13) I'm using GREY LANSMANN fantastic work on railroads. A very nice job and an huge task to create a more historical transportation network.

14) Creation of the Potomac gunboats unit, one of the reason explaining why CSA didn't crossed the Potomac to attack Washington...

15) some flavour events added like the corruption ones ( small losses in War supplies)

16) most 2 and 3 stars Generals have a slight risk to be removed each turn and another to get back... Simulating illness, death or any sort of retirement, these events are yet a very rough way to compensate the lack of death rules for 3 stars leaders in AGE engine... with the side effect to disband the army commanded by the leader...hence the very low probability of this sort of removal. But at least Grant or Lee aren't anymore immortal...

17) creation of the volunteer units, ie infantry regiments with very low stats. They're representing the really bad units created at the start of the war , poorly led, totally undisciplined. They are subjecting to improve.

18) the upgrade of units has been slowed ( too quickly made in normal version)

19)I modified too the march to the guns parameters. Basically, the march to the gun will be more dependant of the strategic value of leaders.

20) AI will get for free some forts on Richmond,Petersburg, Washington....

21) The end of the term for the 3 years engagment for US troops in 1864 is now simulated by losses of XP and cohesion...The USA will lose too 200 conscript points. It should help CSA to resist longer.

22) Raised the death probability for one and two stars leaders.

23) raised the value of inactive status to 40%

24) Created new abilities: poor administrator, giving malus in cohesion for some notorious unpar generals ( Burnside, Fremont, VAn Dorn).

Some political generals ( like Butler, Pillow, Sigel) will get special malus in battle and random events...raising their seniority levels....

25) Removed elite status for most brigades created by events.

26) Total revamp of Kentucky events in 1861

a) At start, Kentucky can't be entered by any side ( blockstate set to 1)
b) Kentucky will secede if foreign intervention level raises to 30;
c) Kentucky will secede if Union troops decides to enter Kentucky
d) on the contrary, Kentucky will join Union if attacked by Confederates;
e) if Kentucky hasn't seceded on 1st of October 1861, it will join the Union

To choose to invade Kentucky, each side will have to buy an unit ( from turn 2, support category) ( named Invades Kentucky) whose presence will be checked each turn. This unit will enable an event removing the blockstate status of Kentucky...

Union will get too some other units:
- blocus of the Kentucky: lower revenues and WSU for confederates but add to Foreign level entry
- Fremont declaration : Union will gain some NM and VP points but will lose loyalty in some states; the Foreign level entry will be slighty raised

For AI: each of these events will have an AI version, based on probability. AI can't get a thinking about but it's the only way to create variation against Athena.

27) added Petersburg mod by Gray_Lansman

28) added for A. S Johnston and Hood some randomness for their 3 stars stats...Now, each can get better or worse stats than the vanilla ones when commanding an army

29)implemented the autogarrison feature for AI

30)moddded OOBs for both sides in Missouri and Eastern Theater.

31)added Potomac gunboats

32) added some fluvial garrisons on the Tennessee for Union at start.

34) Genius attribute added to some leaders ( more to be aaded later)

35) in the first months, Manassas is a primary objectives for both sides.Then its value will come back to 0. beyond the "Forward to Richmond " issue, I feel Southern opinion would have been upset by the loss of the town when anayone was believing only one battle would suffice to end the war.

36) Ironclad and Monitorgets have now a random turn of entry, simulating for both sides either the technical difficulties or the lack of interest into armored navy in the first months. CSA ironclads have a very slow construction rate.

37) Introduced some new potential CSA 3 star Generals ( currently only CHEATHAM, mre to come). These Generals may be better or worse...Hood and Lyon has variable 3 star ratings too

38) US units have higher ammo and general supply levels of stockage and consommation. Union will need more supplies but will stock more.

39) If CSA seizes Harper's Ferry by turn 1, he will add to the Richmond industrial level

40) Created the Great Train Raid event, Jackson's raid in 1861 on the B&O

41) Reworked cavalry. I strongly disagree with the last changes in official version for CSA cavalry. Confederate lacked good horses after 1863and on the whole CSA cavalry quality lowered a bit from 1864. On the contrary, Northern Horsemen were on the rise after mid-1862 and got from 1863 more and more repeating and breechloading carbines which gave them a real firepower advantage at close range. On the contrary, CSA kept for a part of units muzzleloading rifles giving an advantage in range. So values of cavalry are really different from the officila game...
42) added for UNION mounted infantry from 1863. a few units can be recruited in Illinois and Indiana. Very expensive too as the cost in horses was really big and even USA were unable to raise more than an handful.... In 2 words, infantry values with higher speed. 43) from 1862, USA infantry brigades will only be made of Infantry regiments, with the exception of 2 ,one in the East, the other in the West.
46) The 1st Bull Run events have been modified: If North doesn't control Manassas at the end of July 61, McDowell will be demoted to 2 stars rank and McDowell promoted to 3 stars one.

47) added some events for CSA human player invading Kentucky:
a) The sooner he will invade the bigger loss od support in Kentucky population he will get.
b) 10 events having different probabilities to fire will give or retranch VP for CSA side after he has invaded Kentucky. The negative ones may fire from April 61 to October 61, the positive will fire mostly only after July 61.

So why CSA should invade Kentucky? Above military reasons, I've given back to Kentucky its status of rather industrialized State in 1861. So Confederates could get some WSU so much needed....with a price... :neener:

48) integrated Nickel's gfx about Columbiad and Rodman. Many thanks for his help :coeurs: :coeurs: :coeurs: :coeurs: :coeurs: :coeurs:

49) AI should be more cautious during Winter ( from October to February). But it could too keep from time to time an offensive attitude.

50) added genius ability to Lee

51) Jubal Early can be promoted to 3 stars rank. His values will vary from game to game.

52) Tweaked slighty AI here and there.

53) fixed some events messages

54) Fixed a few bugs

55) Introduced a new series of events replacing those forcing US player to keep a force around Washington in 1862. I was never easy with that as AI wasn't really understanding the event and the strategical situation could be really different from the historical one. Last, why 1862 only?

So I reversed the problem. Now, If CSA place some forces around in the regions neighbouring Washington ( Not Alexandria) or Baltimore, US player will lose each trun 3 or 5 NM... This rule doesn't apply against Union AI.

56) added a few abilities to some leaders

57) and more...


Special Praise for SVF

Athena: " I never felt myself so cute as in SVF"

McClellan: " SVF is really the only mod where I feel I could take some offensive one day"

Van Dorn: " I can't play SVF anymore. I just can't resign myself to think about my supply lines"

Nathan B. Forrest: " It's a bloody damn mod and I like that"
[LEFT]SVF news:



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Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:54 pm

[CENTER] Bibliography

A History of Ironclads: The Power of Iron over Wood
By: John V. Quarstein (Author)

The Darkest Days of the War: The Battles of Iuka and Corinth (Civil War America)
By: Peter Cozzens (Author)

Ersatz in the Confederacy: Shortages and Substitutes on the Southern Homefront (Southern Classics Series)
By: Mary Elizabeth Massey (Author)

Now for the Contest: Coastal and Oceanic Naval Operations in the Civil War (Great Campaigns of the Civil War)
By: William H. Roberts (Author)

The Wilmington Campaign: Last Departing Rays of Hope
By: Chris E., Jr. Fonvielle (Author)

Success Is All That Was Expected: The South Atlantic Blockading Squadron During
By: Robert M. Browning (Author)

Landscape Turned Red: The Battle of Antietam
By: Stephen W. Sears (Author)

To The Gates of Richmond: The Peninsula Campaign
By: Stephen W. Sears (Author)

The Battles For Spotsylvania Court House And The Road To Yellow Tavern, May 7-12, 1864
By: Gordon C. Rhea (Author)

To the North Anna River: Grant and Lee, May 13-25, 1864
By: Gordon C. Rhea (Author)

The Battle Of The Wilderness, May 5-6, 1864
By: Gordon C. Rhea (Author)

Confederates and Federals at War
By: H. C. B. Rogers (Author)

The War Within the Union High Command: Politics and Generalship During the Civil War (Modern War Studies)
By: Thomas Joseph Goss (Author)

Retreat from Gettysburg: Lee, Logistics, and the Pennsylvania Campaign (Civil War America)
By: Kent Masterson Brown (Author)

Taken at the Flood: Robert E. Lee and Confederate Strategy in the Maryland Campaign of 1862
By: Joseph L. Harsh (Author)

Confederate Tide Rising: Robert E. Lee and the Making of Southern Strategy, 1861-1862
By: Joseph L. Harsh (Author)

Sounding the Shallows: A Confederate Companion for the Maryland Campaign of 1862
By: Joseph L. Harsh (Author)

Shenandoah 1862: Stonewall Jackson's Valley Campaign (Civil War America)
By: Peter Cozzens

Battle: The Nature and Consequences of Civil War Combat
By: Kent Gramm (Author)

The Rifle Musket in Civil War Combat: Reality and Myth (Modern War Studies)
By: Earl J. Hess (Author)

ONE CONTINUOUS FIGHT: The Retreat from Gettysburg and the Pursuit of Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, July 4-14, 1863
By: Eric J. Wittenberg (Author), et al

The Civil War in Kentucky
By: Kent Masterton Brown (Author), Kent Masterson edited by Brown (Author)

Confederate Struggle For Command: General James Longstreet and the First Corps in the West (Texas A&M University Military History Series)
By: Alexander Mendoza (Author)

Robert E. Lee and the Fall of the Confederacy, 1863-1865 (The American Crisis Series Books on the Civil War Era)
By: Ethan Rafuse (Author)

President Lincoln: The Duty of a Statesman
By: William Lee Miller (Author)

The Stonewall Brigade in the Civil War (Spearhead)
By: Steve Smith (Author)

Bitterly Divided: The South's Inner Civil War
By: David Williams (Author)

Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution
By: James M. McPherson (Author)

Like Men of War
By: Noah Andre Trudeau (Author)

General Sterling Price and the Civil War in the West
By: Albert Castel (Author)

Kirby Smith's Confederacy: The TransMississippi South, 1863-1865
By: Robert Kerby (Author)

Chronology of the American Revolution: Military and Political Actions Day by Day
By: Bud Hannings (Author)

Fort Donelson's Legacy: War and Society in Kentucky and Tennessee, 1862-1863
By: Benjamin Franklin Cooling (Author)

From Cape Charles to Cape Fear: The North Atlantic Blockading Squadron during the Civil War
By: Jr, Robert M. Browning (Author)

Grant's Lieutenants: From Chattanooga to Appomattox (Modern War Studies)
By: Steven E. Woodworth (Editor)

America's Civil War: The Operational Battlefield, 1861-1863
By: Brian Holden Reid (Author)

Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln as Commander in Chief
By: James McPherson (Author)

Decision in the West: The Atlanta Campaign of 1864 by Castel, Albert E.
By: Albert E. Castel (Author)

A Single Grand Victory: The First Campaign and Battle of Manassas (The American Crisis Series, Book 7)
By: Ethan S. Rafuse (Author)

The American Civil War and the Origins of Modern Warfare: Ideas, Organization...
By: Edward Hagerman (Author)

By: Stephen W. Sears (Author)

Stonewall in the Valley: Thomas J. Stonewall Jackson's Shenandoah Valley Campaign, Spring 1862
By: Robert G. Tanner (Author)

Counter-Thrust: From the Peninsula to the Antietam (Great Campaigns of the Civil War)
By: Benjamin Franklin Cooling (Author)

The Chronological Tracking of the American Civil War Per the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion
By: Ronald A. Mosocco (Author)

One Damn Blunder from Beginning to End: The Red River Campaign of 1864 (American Crisis Series)
By: Gary Dillard Joiner (Author)

Lee's Cavalrymen: A History of the Mounted Forces of the Army of Northern...
By: Edward G. Longacre (Author)

The Confederate Order of Battle: The Army of Northern Virginia
By: F. Ray Sibley (Author)

McClellan's War: The Failure of Moderation in the Struggle for the Union
By: Ethan Sepp Rafuse (Author)

Training, Tactics and Leadership in the Confederate Army of Tennessee: Seeds of
By: Andrew Haughton (Author)

Northern Naval Superiority and the Economics of the American Civil War by...
By: David G. Surdam (Author)

Lincoln's Cavalrymen: A History of the Mounted Forces of the Army of the Potomac, 1861-1865
By: Edward G. Longacre (Author)

The Confederate War by Gallagher, Gary W.
By: Gary W. Gallagher (Author)

By: Stephen W. Sears (Author)

Davis and Lee at War (Modern War Studies)
By: Steven E. Woodworth (Author)

Decision in the Heartland: The Civil War in the West (Reflections on the Civil War Era)
By: Steven E. Woodworth (Author)

Why the Confederacy Lost (Gettysburg Civil War Instutute Books)
By: Gabor S. Boritt (Editor)

Six Years of Hell: Harpers Ferry During the Civil War
By: Chester G. Hearn (Author)

Trial by Fire: Science Technology and the Civil War
By: Charles D. Ross (Author)

Command and Communication Frictions in the Gettysburg Campaign
By: Philip, M. Cole (Author)

Embattled Courage: The Experience of Combat in the American Civil War
By: Gerald Linderman (Author)

Ironclads and Big Guns of the Confederacy : The Journal and Letters of John M. Brooke (Studies in Maritime History)
By: George M. Brooke Jr. (Editor)

The Union Soldier in Battle: Enduring the Ordeal of Combat
By: Earl J. Hess (Author)

Champion Hill: Decisive Battle for Vicksburg
By: Timothy B. Smith (Author)

CAPITAL NAVY: The Men, Ships, and Operations of the James River Squadron
By: John Coski (Author)

Lincoln's Navy: The Ships, Men and Organization, 1861-65
By: Donald L. Canney (Author)

Ships Versus Shore: Civil War Engagements Along Southern Shores and Rivers
By: Dave Page (Author)

Campaign for Corinth: Blood in Mississippi (Civil War Campaigns and Commanders Series)
By: Steven Nathaniel Dossman (Author)

General Lee's Army: From Victory to Collapse
By: Joseph Glatthaar (Author)

nd Keep Moving On: The Virginia Campaign, May-June 1864 (Great Campaigns of the Civil War)
By: Mark Grimsley (Author)

: Grant's Lieutenants: From Cairo to Vicksburg (Modern War Studies)
By: Steven E. Woodworth (Editor)

The Uncivil War: Irregular Warfare In The Upper South, 1861-1865 (Campaigns and Commanders)
By: Robert R. Mackey (Author)

Generals in Blue: Lives of the Union Commanders

Pea Ridge: Civil War Campaign in the West
By: William L. Shea (Author), Earl J. Hess (Author)

All for the Regiment: The Army of the Ohio, 1861-1862 (Civil War America)
By: Gerald J. Prokopowicz (Author)

: Stonewall of the West: Patrick Cleburne and the Civil War (Modern War Studies)
By: Craig L. Symonds (Author)

Atlanta Will Fall: Sherman, Joe Johnston, and the Yankee Heavy Battalions (American Crisis Series, No. 3)
By: Stephen Davis

Ploughshares into Swords: Josiah Gorgas and Confederate Ordnance (Texas a & M University Military History Series, No 36)
By: Frank E. Vandiver

Guns for Cotton: England Arms the Confederacy
By: Thomas Boaz

Glory Enough for All: Sheridan's Second Raid and the Battle of Trevilian Station
By: Eric J. Wittenberg

Tariffs, Blockades, and Inflation: The Economics of the Civil War (The American Crisis:Books on the Civil War Era, 15)
By: Robert B. Ekelund Jr.

The Chessboard of War: Sherman and Hood in the Autumn Campaigns of 1864 (Great Campaigns of the Civil War)
By: Anne J. Bailey

Lost for the Cause: The Confederate Army in 1864
By: Steven H. Newton

Lifeline of the Confederacy: Blockade Running During the Civil War (Studies in Maritime History Series)
By: Stephen R. Wise

Cannon Blasts: Civil War Artillery in the Eastern Armies
By: L. Vanloan Naisawald

The Civil War Source Book
By: Philip R. N. Katcher

A Revolution in Arms: A History of the First Repeating Rifles (Weapons in History)
By: Joseph G. Bilby

Cannoneers in Gray: The Field Artillery of the Army of Tennessee
By: Larry J. Daniel

Brigades of Gettysburg: The Union and Confederate Brigades at the Battle of Gettysburg
By: Bradley M. Gottfried

More Damning than Slaughter: Desertion in the Confederate Army
By: Mark A. Weitz

Arms and Equipment of the Civil War
By: Jack Coggins

Field Armies and Fortifications in the Civil War: The Eastern Campaigns, 1861-1864 (Civil War America)
By: Earl J. Hess

Shock Troops of the Confederacy
By: Fred L. Ray

Trench Warfare under Grant and Lee: Field Fortifications in the Overland Campaign (Civil War America)
By: Earl J. Hess

The Union Cavalry in the Civil War: The War in the West, 1861-1865 (Jules and Frances Landry Award)
By: Stephen Z. Starr

The Union Cavalry in the Civil War: From Fort Sumter to Gettysburg, 1861-1863 (Jules and Frances Landry Award)
By: Stephen Z. Starr

The Union Cavalry in the Civil War: The War in the East from Gettysburg to Appomattox, 1863-1865 (Jules and Frances Landry Award)
By: Stephen Z. Starr

Cannons: An Introduction to Civil War Artillery
By: Dean S. Thomas

Naval Strategies of the Civil War: Confederate Innovations and Federal Opportunism
By: Jay W. Simson

Jefferson Davis and His Generals: The Failure of Confederate Command in the West (Modern War Studies)
By: Steven E. Woodworth

The Bloody Crucible of Courage: Fighting Methods and Combat Experience of the Civil War
By: Brent Nosworthy

The Antietam Campaign (Military Campaigns of the Civil War)
By: Gary W. Gallagher

Six Armies in Tennessee: The Chickamauga and Chattanooga Campaigns (Great Campaigns of the Civil War)
By: Steven E. Woodworth

Generals in Gray: Lives of the Confederate Commanders
By: Ezra J. Warner

The Civil War Day by Day: An Almanac, 1861-1865 (Da Capo Paperback)
By: E. B. Long (Author), Barbara Long (Author)

The Business of Civil War: Military Mobilization and the State, 1861--1865 (Johns Hopkins Studies in the History of Technology)
By: Mark R. Wilson

Civil War Artillery At Gettysburg
By: Philip , M. Cole

Shiloh and the Western Campaign of 1862
By: Edward Cunningham (Editor), Gary D. Joiner and Timothy B. Smith (Editor)

Nathan Bedford Forrest: In Search of the Enigma
By: Eddy W. Davison (Author)

The Maps of Gettysburg: The Gettysburg Campaign, June 3 - July 13, 1863
By: Bradley Gottfried

Cavalry Raids of the Civil War (Stackpole Military History Series)
By: Robert W. Black

By: Herman Hattaway (Author), Archer Jones (Author)

Shades of Blue and Gray: An Introductory Military History of the Civil War
By: Herman Hattaway

Sharpshooters of the American Civil War 1861-65 (Warrior)
By: Philip Katcher (Author), Steve Walsh (Illustrator)

The Northern Railroads in the Civil War, 1861-1865
By: Thomas Weber

Why the North Won the Civil War
By: David Herbert Donald

Field Artillery Weapons of the Civil War, revised edition
By: James C. Hazlett

Nothing but Victory: The Army of the Tennessee, 1861-1865
By: Steven E. Woodworth

Encyclopedia of the American Civil War: A Political, Social, and Military History
By: David Stephen Heidler

Civil War High Commands
By: John Eicher (Author), David Eicher

Commanding the Army of the Potomac (Modern War Studies)
By: Stephen R. Taaffe

Two Great Rebel Armies: An Essay in Confederate Military History
By: Richard M. McMurry

Lee and His Army in Confederate History (Civil War America)
By: Gary W. Gallagher



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Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:29 pm

I know this might sound a dumb question, but is this compatible with the Historical Accuracy MOD?

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Sat Dec 27, 2008 11:37 pm

GlobalExplorer wrote:I know this might sound a dumb question, but is this compatible with the Historical Accuracy MOD?

No but I've integrated most of the features of the Historical Accuracy, as the official version is slowly integrating mine... ;)



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Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:10 am


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Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:30 pm

Ok thanks so it's either or.

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Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:57 am

Will this mod work with the 1.12 patch?

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Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:25 pm

twynn wrote:Will this mod work with the 1.12 patch?




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Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:45 pm

Clovis I see some problems with the artillery models, one of them is that 6lbs had a range of just 3 and 12lbs just 4, so they had the same range as infantry. BTW I see you don´t subscribe the 6gun vs 4gun batteries.

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Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:40 pm

aryaman wrote:Clovis I see some problems with the artillery models, one of them is that 6lbs had a range of just 3 and 12lbs just 4, so they had the same range as infantry. BTW I see you don´t subscribe the 6gun vs 4gun batteries.

Values aren't historically right , yes. My goal was to get values working historically in the AGEOD game engine.

Both sides finished the war with roughly 50% smoothbore and the other half rifled guns.

Indeed, rifled guns had better range and accuracy but weren't as proficient in canister use than smoothbores.

Canister was a defensive weapon at close range.

The AGEOD engine has 2 limitations:
- between ranges 1 to 8, there's no decrease in accuracy value
- assault value is limited at range 0, ie one canister fire per battle.

So taking the Napoleon 12 lbr smoothbore we have to create values depicting:

- its gradual loss of accurance withn range
-its essential role with canister at close range which is larger than the range 0 in AACW term.
My solution was limiting the 12 lbr range at 4, reducing so the chances to this gun to use all its rate of fire and to rpohibit it to hit at long range but in the contrary to give it until range 4 a powerful defensive power.

The 6 lbr gets lower values as both sides quickly viewed it much less useful than the Napoleon.

And yes, rifled infantry gets pretty close range of fire, as artillery wasn't anymore out of range of infantry fire.

So I don't see problems.For me problems would come of real values not adapted to the battle engine :neener:



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Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:00 am

Clovis wrote:Values aren't historically right , yes. My goal was to get values working historically in the AGEOD game engine.

Both sides finished the war with roughly 50% smoothbore and the other half rifled guns.

Indeed, rifled guns had better range and accuracy but weren't as proficient in canister use than smoothbores.

Canister was a defensive weapon at close range.

The AGEOD engine has 2 limitations:
- between ranges 1 to 8, there's no decrease in accuracy value
- assault value is limited at range 0, ie one canister fire per battle.

So taking the Napoleon 12 lbr smoothbore we have to create values depicting:

- its gradual loss of accurance withn range
-its essential role with canister at close range which is larger than the range 0 in AACW term.
My solution was limiting the 12 lbr range at 4, reducing so the chances to this gun to use all its rate of fire and to rpohibit it to hit at long range but in the contrary to give it until range 4 a powerful defensive power.

The 6 lbr gets lower values as both sides quickly viewed it much less useful than the Napoleon.

And yes, rifled infantry gets pretty close range of fire, as artillery wasn't anymore out of range of infantry fire.

So I don't see problems.For me problems would come of real values not adapted to the battle engine :neener:

That sounds reasonable, but if you have only Napoleons for instance against an all infantry force, they will not fire first, so depriving you of an advantage of combined arms. Wouldn´t you get the same effect with a range of 5 (just over infantry) but a reduced attack/Damage done/Cohesion Damage done, and still preserving the artiilery longer range over infantry?

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Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:54 pm

aryaman wrote:That sounds reasonable, but if you have only Napoleons for instance against an all infantry force, they will not fire first, so depriving you of an advantage of combined arms. Wouldn´t you get the same effect with a range of 5 (just over infantry) but a reduced attack/Damage done/Cohesion Damage done, and still preserving the artiilery longer range over infantry?

My reasoning was to force player to adopt the massive trend I mentioned: having both smoothbore and rifled artillery units. Now of course, the solution isn't perfect and will have in some cases as the one you mentioned problems but I prefer getting something right most of the time.

Then even in this case, don't forget the EGE engine is somewhat protecting support units like artillery from infantry fire and in any case, artillery will retain its own qualities : a better chance to hit, much larger cohesion losses...



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Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:51 pm

uploaded a new version in the first post of the thread. Only fixes, mainly for combat model.



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Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:56 pm

Some screens about the last version of SVF against CSA AI:

A battle in Missouri in 61:


The situation isn Virginia in August 61:




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Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:57 pm

1st Bull Run battle in August 61


McDowell demoted after his defet: the way is paved for another 3 stars Union general:


Missouri in August 61:




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Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:57 pm

The Kentucky in August 61: yet neutral but US forces are forming at Camp Robinson:




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Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:58 pm

In october 61 CS has invaded Kentucky:



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Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:59 pm

The Missouri in October 61:


Sprinfield battle in August 61:




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Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:01 pm

Naval commerce is essential for the Northern war effort:




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Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:54 am

Great job, Clovis, thanks!

You know, there is one thing you could do...I play very slowly, and every time a new patch comes out I'm just about up to 1863 on the last one. I have played this game quite a few times from 1861-1863 but never the latter half of the would be nice if there was some way to port old save games into the new patch.

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"Unknown Event Type 169"

Tue Jan 13, 2009 5:54 am

I got this result several times in the late May 1861 turn.

I also got the familiar "la creation de certains fichiers à échoué" message while installing the mod. I compared the events folder in the SVF folder with the contents of the svf.exe file and didn't see any differences.

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Unable to Get Mod to work

Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:25 pm

Hi Clovis,

Firstly, many thanks for your excellent on-going work with AACW. However, I cannot get your new version to work (had an earlier one working fine, couple of months ago). I am running AGEOD version 1.12a RC5 and downloaded the files at the top of this thread as per directions. I Placed SVF0 in the correct folder (Prog Files\AGeod ACW standard\ACW etc, including the batch file), I then placed SVF1, 2, and 3 in the same folder (which was the default location on your installer anyway). After this I double clicked the Batch file and it seemed to do it's thing. I then tried to start the game but it keeps crashing during the load screen saying "send the SVFMod\logs\main log txt' etc etc to AGeod spt. To cut a long story short, I think that I did everything correctly but it ain't working. Is there something I am missing or can I send you anything to help clarify? Very keen to get your mod working. Many thanks in anticipation, and again, great work.



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Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:12 pm


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Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:30 pm

After trying to install this mod, upon starting the game i get a "Your serial number is invalid" box coming up and the game exits. Have completely uninstalled ACW several times and retried this all with the same result. I'm running the English version on Vista 32-bit. Am I copying the files into the wrong place? If I reinstall ACW it accepts the serial number and the game runs ok, even after patching to 1.12. But when the mod goes on thats when the problem starts.

Ive attached the mainlog file but the only one present was in the ACw folder not the Struggle folder.


[The extension txt has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]

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Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:53 am

fusileer2002 wrote:After trying to install this mod, upon starting the game i get a "Your serial number is invalid" box coming up and the game exits. Have completely uninstalled ACW several times and retried this all with the same result. I'm running the English version on Vista 32-bit. Am I copying the files into the wrong place? If I reinstall ACW it accepts the serial number and the game runs ok, even after patching to 1.12. But when the mod goes on thats when the problem starts.

Ive attached the mainlog file but the only one present was in the ACw folder not the Struggle folder.


Strange...The file indicates you're playing with the 1.06d version of AACW and in any way you're not loading the SVF file.

You're under this Vista crap... so:

) open your AACW folder
2) look for:

- a file named "modpath.ini" inside
- a folder named Struggle for a Vast Future mod

3) If this file and folder are present open the folder named Struggle for a Vast Future mod and look if it's not empty.

I suspect a Vista error putting files somewhere in your HD. If so do a search and copy manually the modpath.ini and the folder in the AACW folder ( not the ACW folder inside the AACW)



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Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:34 pm

Thanks Clovis! It was the Vista User Account Control which was stopping the batch file from creating all the directories needed. If I'd bothered to scroll up and read the command prompt window i would have noticed sooner :bonk: Disabled UAC and install as per your instructions and its up and running fine now thanks. I'm looking forward to what will hopefully be the best game vs the AI I have yet played :)

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Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:56 pm

fusileer2002 wrote:Thanks Clovis! It was the Vista User Account Control which was stopping the batch file from creating all the directories needed. If I'd bothered to scroll up and read the command prompt window i would have noticed sooner :bonk: Disabled UAC and install as per your instructions and its up and running fine now thanks. I'm looking forward to what will hopefully be the best game vs the AI I have yet played :)

I hope so. Don't forget:

1) for now, only against CSA AI, US one being in rough state...

2) SVF is yet a work in progress...

3) Ai will always remain an AI...



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Sat Jan 17, 2009 11:06 pm

Situation in Virginia early April 1862.


Indeed Johnston is in command of the CSA army. Last turn, Beauregard was randomly removed by the events I created for 3 stars Genrals removing then reintroducing them randomly ( simulating illness, wounds, deaths or retirements) forcing CSA AI to put another 3 stars General in command



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Sun Jan 18, 2009 10:48 pm

uploaded a new version in the fist post of this thread. Works with 1.12RC6.

I've done some debug on 1862 events, raised a bit number of conscripts for USA and added some new events for guiding CSA AI.



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Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:07 pm


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