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Tue Dec 15, 2009 6:16 pm

I am reading this with interest....I am unsure about a GI Gold, but the remark is igood and shall be implemented :cool:

alexander seil
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Wed Dec 16, 2009 1:28 am

Well, I don't think it's that bad, it could simply represent the Empire dissolving into many tiny city-states. There are already independent cities on the map, what's the big deal? Such a gap should be filled in by assorted barbarians quickly enough, anyway.

EDIT: Speaking of bugs, what are the city populations in this game, and how many cities are actually completely abandoned? I believe cities should disappear if they fall below a certain threshold (maybe with an option for the ruler to resettle someone there), and should also get re-populated in times of peace. It's odd to see a completely abandoned Constantinople.

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Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:40 am

In my game -still the same one, on hiatus since my PC died-, red player used several time the "proscription act" stratagem against himself, emptying several provinces including Constantinople. :bonk:

The said Constantinople was later gained by the Huns and then later reconquered by the ERE. At that time, the province started to saw some rebirth of population, but not in the city: still empty, as all the cities "visited" by the Huns. Don't know what to think about it, I'd rather see destroyed city re-grow after a few decades.

Gjergj K.
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Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:49 pm

PhilThib wrote:I am reading this with interest....I am unsure about a GI Gold, but the remark is igood and shall be implemented :cool:

Thanks for continuing to read Phillipe. I will continue this AAR, at least until the rise of Islam. The see what happens.

Palpat wrote: Oh my... No more ERE, that's indeed hard for the interest of the game.
I hope Ageod's monitoring this thread if one day any GI Gold arise: such collapse without no new nations arising should not exist (in such a case, ERE should evolve into Byzantium or whatever).

Indeed, you can wait one century and an half for the Arabs... and be as bored as King Arthur the boring!

I think I will wait for the Arabs. In the meantime, we go on.

alexander seil wrote: Well, I don't think it's that bad, it could simply represent the Empire dissolving into many tiny city-states. There are already independent cities on the map, what's the big deal? Such a gap should be filled in by assorted barbarians quickly enough, anyway.

EDIT: Speaking of bugs, what are the city populations in this game, and how many cities are actually completely abandoned? I believe cities should disappear if they fall below a certain threshold (maybe with an option for the ruler to resettle someone there), and should also get re-populated in times of peace. It's odd to see a completely abandoned Constantinople.

I’d guess maybe 1 in 6 provinces are completely abandoned, as in having the default lowest 100 population. There are quite a few in the Balkans, where the Barbarian horde of the Bulgars has been sucking up surplus population. Constantinople itself still has loads of people, they’re just independent.

This will be my last update for a while- in two days I am going on holiday to see my parents, and will not ave access to Great Invasions.

Gjergj K.
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Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:50 pm


The world in 520. [/CENTER]

The collapse of the Roman Empire was an opportunity for the Bulgars. The Bulgar Khan sent his hordes Thracia and Asia to conquer the lands for himself. Although the newly and temporarily independent cities and provinces of Asia submitted to his domination, Constaninople remained proudly independent, perhaps due to the large number of bishops crowding its streets, or the remaining navy in the harbour.

(Not sure what happened here, but the Bulgars moved in, but the city didn’t change hands.)

In 520, King Hilderic of the vandals reviewed his mighty army. Thousands of horsemen clad in shimmering armour stood arrayed in southern Hispania, seemingly out of time.

The mighty knights of the Vandals. [/CENTER]

Hilderic then dismissed his army, as he had no fleet to transport them anywhere he wanted to go.

The Sassanids had also planned naval expeditions, and had recently conquered Cyrpus, and made an alliance with the Bulgars for the use of ports. However, the plan came to nothing when the entire Sassanid Mediterranean fleet was destroyed by the Blemmye Raiders, whose numbers had been swelled by defections from the navy of the collapsed Eastern Roman Empire.

The Dromons of the Blemmyes. [/CENTER]

The Blemmyes utterly destroyed the Sassanid navy, so Shah Kavadh ordered another built at great expense. However, this navy was then destroyed when a powerful storm swept the harbour of Antioch. Shah Kavadh then ordered the building of an even more powerful navy of 5 squadrons of galleys, and by 525 the Ex-Roman Blemmye nav had finally been defeated. This naval victory did not stop Blemmye raids on land however, and the Blemmyes raided Jerusalem, pillaging and burning monasteries, cathedrals and churches in Judea. Large garrisons had to be stationed to defend against the raiders, defeating them in near constant battles.

It was in Gaul where the greatest wars of this decade took place. The King of the Alans believed that his dominions were far too scattered and disjointed. So in 524, he declared war upon the Vascones, who occupied much of southern Gaul. The war itself was relatively short. The Alan light horsemen easily occupied Gaul, it was only in the mountains where the Vascones or Basques were able to make a stand. The war ended in late 525 with the Basques ceding most of the Gallic territory to the Alans.

The next on the chopping block were to have been the Gallo-Romans, but fate intervened. The Bavrians had defeated the Suevi, and gained territory bordering the Alans, and in 526, the Bavarians swarmed over the Rhine. The border towns had some fortifications however, and the Bavarian hordes suffered from the availability of food in these areas.

The Bavarians attack. [/CENTER]

The winter also came along, but the border towns were taken by the Bavarians and sacked. Numerous battles between the Alans and Bavarians took place, fierce, bloody clashes. These battles drained the life blood of the Alan and Bavarian alike. Finally, the Alan king was able to convince one of the Bavarian armies to mutiny, and the remaining Bavarian armies were pushed back across the Rhine. The Alans then attempted to force the Bavarians to become their vassals, but the Bavarian numbers were too great, and eventually a status quo peace was declared.

In the east, new peoples appeared on the Steppe. First the Avars, then the Khazars appeared. However, for the moment these new people did very little.

November of 527, war suddenly broke out between the Visigoths and Bulgars. Many believed that the war would be long and hard, and were surprised when almost as quickly a truce broke out.

In 528, the lands of the Sassanids were again wracked by rebellion. The Mazdakites, a breakaway sect of Mazdeism, launched a series of attacks.

Mazdakite Revolt. [/CENTER]

The rebels were quickly brought under control by the famed Cataphracts.

The Thuringians continued their reign, which was, a before one of constant revolts and corruption. Things got slightly better for them when the last pagans converted to Christianity, leading to a slightly better administration.

Italy had been relatively quiet since the Herul invasion. That was to change in late 529, as a new Germanic barbarian tribe, the Lombards sought to take Italy for its own. However, there was only room in Italy for one Germanic invader, and the Heruls prepared to resist.

The World in 530 (roughly). [/CENTER]

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Thu Dec 17, 2009 10:35 am

I'm glad this aar goes on.
Sadly, some pictures are missing currently.

I hope the other nations of your pool will provide you with some fun in the meantime. :)

Gjergj K.
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Fri Dec 18, 2009 12:45 am

Fixed now, uploaded to the wrong folder.

Thanks for reading, see you later!

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Fri Dec 18, 2009 5:33 am

Amazing. Create GI 2, Phil! :)
"Sad fragility of human things! What riches and treasures of art will remain forever buried beneath these ruins; how many distinguished men - artists, sovereigns, and warriors - are now forgotten!"

"The Nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools."

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Wed Feb 03, 2010 12:00 am


In 530, the Lombards invaded Italia, advancing towards Aquilea, where they were met by the Herul host. A fierce battle ensued, with the Lombards forced to retreat.

The Lombards attack the Heruls [/CENTER]

Thereafter, despite the fact that hostilities lasted another 3 years, the Lombards did not trouble the peace of Italia again. The Lombards were busy with a far more bloody war against the Gepids, whom they were able to wrest territory from.

In November, the crafty Scots attempted to gain a foothold in Caledonia by making a secret alliance with the Thuringians.

The Thuringian/Scottish Alliance [/CENTER]

The planned assault on the lands of Arthur the Boring failed however, as regrettably the Thuringians lacked a land border with the Britons, and were unable to build the required ships, as well as being in serious political decline. The reign of Arthur the boring continued, and despite the immaculate records from this period, nothing noteworthy happened whatsoever.

In February of 531, the Alans decided to attack the kingdom of the Gallo-Romans. Resistance was minimal- within a year, the Galloromans had submitted, and the Alans had tightened their grip on Gaul. There reign was almost immediately disputed by a Bavarian invasion however, but after a few border skirmishes, peace was restored.

In early 533, a revolt by the local Greeks was put down by the Bulgar Khan with the utmost severity.

In early 534, the Avars declared war upon the Caucasian Alans. They were bought off with the gift of one the Alan prince’s daughters. This peace was fragile, and less than a year later, the Avars attacked again, necessitating another royal marriage to buy them off.

Later in 534, a quick war broke out between the Sassanids and the Thuringians, with the ridiculous result that the Scots joined the war. The war between the various nations quickly ended with peace based upon the Status Quo ante bellum.

In December 535, the Bavarians again attacked the Alans. This turned out to be a big mistake, as the Gepids and Lombards took the opportunity to seize the territory of the Bavarians for themselves. In 537, the Alans defeated the remaining Bavarian troops and annexed the Bavarians once and for all.

Around this time, the Blemmye government was overthrown, and the Blemmyes ceased to be a raider state. There was little to do, although a large number of Blemmye clergymen expressed a belief in a strange new continent to the west, and set off to find it, tragically losing their lives along the way.

Blemmyes bishops try and find a route to a new continent.[/CENTER]

Shortly after this time, the Blemmye ships which had terrorised the eastern Mediterranean put to port, and the Bulgars were finally able to capture Constantinople.

In February of 538, the Avars again returned to invade the Caucasian Alans. Despite being seriously outnumbered, the Alans were able to beat back the first wave.

The Avars attack.[/CENTER]

The war was still going on in 540.

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Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:05 pm

I am still reading and enjoying this! Thanks for the excellent AAR. :)

Gjergj K.
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Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:50 am

Apologies to you all- I have bad news. My computer ceased working, and I was forced to reformat my hard drive. I tried for a long time to get it working, but was unable to.

As such, the saved Game for this AAR is now lost. :(

Sorry to all who were reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

For pure reference purposes, here are the last screenshots. Basically, the Avars attacked the Alans, but lost a battle where their horde was taken capture- the Alans were able to annex the Avars.







Happy Gaming!

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Sun Mar 28, 2010 9:40 am


Thanks for the AAR, anyway :)

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Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:09 pm

Sorry to hear about your troubles, but rest assured that if you contemplate putting together another AAR, you'll find an audience here. In any case, thanks for this one :thumbsup:
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Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:19 am

An abrupt stop, that's for sure. I hope you didn't lose too much stuff as well. Regarding this A.A.R. it's been a pleasure to translate and after having added my personal ending to it, I'll compile the entire story to a .PDF file and publish it this week. Thanks for your commitment and great work on this well told campaign :thumbsup:

"One ring to find them all...".

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Mon Apr 05, 2010 6:40 pm

Ow... Just discovering the sad ending. Well, thanks for your AAR and feel free to write another one! :w00t:

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Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:45 am

Just read this great AAR. I have still waiting for my box (a nobilis box i am afraid) and i can't wait to try it.
With this AAR written some time ago about this old game, I feel like a scholar during the Renaissance discovering some ancient source full of exciting and yet unknown details.


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Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:01 am

Thanks for reading. I regrettably now have far too little free time to play video games any more, but glad you enjoyed it.

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Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:18 am

Gjergj K. wrote:Thanks for reading. I regrettably now have far too little free time to play video games any more...()

A pity.
I believe in the dictum: you do not stop playing because you are too old, you get old because you stop playing...

Best regards and luck ! :thumbsup:

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Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:43 pm

Franciscus wrote:you do not stop playing because you are too old, you get old because you stop playing...

Exactly! We play because we're able to, and need to, learn something (love, history, strategy, etc).
When our brain is too tired, playing is no more a need as we can't learn anymore.. :(
Take care Gjergj.

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