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Capturing an horde?

Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:01 am

Hi everyone,

as I am trying to understand how to play to GI, I have found a possibility that is not mentioned anywhere in the manual: capturing the horde of a barbarian nation.

Apparently, after a fight with an horde, I am holding captive them.

The results seems that the barbarians are not receiving their year reinforces.

Is this correct?

Can I destroy their horde before destroying their other forces?



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Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:51 am

You are right. You "locked" their yearly reinforcements, but you can't destroy the horde. This horde will be get back by thier former owners when:
- a peace treaty is signed;
- they capture back it;
- you leave the horde ungarrisoned for some time...
The horde cannot be moved. It's immobilized...

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