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1.13d Locked Leaders???

Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:58 pm

I played a quick game of the new 1.13d patch and noticed something new and strange. I started a game of the 1775 alt. campaign scenario on the normal level and by December of 1775 I figured the game was over for the AI since it managed to lose almost the whole 1775 British Army at Boston plus it lost Boston when I swooped in to take it when it was deserted.

I got out of the game and decided to look at the AI British side. I noticed two leaders that had been wounded in battle in two little towns in New England and both had no troops with them. I noticed they were locked just like the way the British units start in Boston are.

Does a handsome prince have to come along and give them a kiss to wake them up? Are they somehow locked with a variable time counter that then releases them when it figures they've healed? Do we need to wake them up by bringing in another leader the way Indians get activated?

This is definitely something new and it wasn't mentioned in the readme file which it should have been to let us know what to expect. It certainly makes them more vulnerable, especially when they're locked in a town that has no combat troops to protect the wounded locked leader. The program doesn't do a very good job of placing wounded leaders into safe towns and with the lock now in place it makes wounded leaders very vulnerable to being overrun.

I sure hope someone in the know will explain this new change and what we can expect from our wounded locked leaders.

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Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:54 pm

Hi Omnius!

The program doesn't do a very good job of placing wounded leaders into safe towns and with the lock now in place it makes wounded leaders very vulnerable to being overrun.

I think the leader are transferred to the nearest friendly town in case they are wounded.

The tooltip should tell you how long the leader is fixed.

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Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:51 pm

Thanks for the info on the new locked wounded leaders. I'll have to give that tooltip a try to see if it tells me when they "heal" and are once again unlocked. I knew the program puts wounded leaders into a nearby "friendly" town but now with the lock wounded leaders in ungarrisoned towns are much more vulnerable to being overrun. The poor AI is going to lose a lot of leaders that way. Hopefully in BoA2 they will fix that so that wounded leaders get placed into a nearby garrisoned town.

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