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Re-embarkation from shore

Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:06 am

What do you all think about the limitation in BoA to only be able to re-embark troops to ships at a port? I know that this was occasionally done in real life but that it was not without it's dangers. When landing one might have the element of surprise on one's side to help get ashore with a bridgehead before the enemy could react. This would be more difficult when getting back onto the ships. The problem with not allowing this under any circumstances is that if the Brits land on Cap Breton or Isle Royale to lay siege to Louisbourg is a win or lose everything proposition. You can't even get generals off the island without sending them on a suicide mission and hoping that they are only injured and magically whisked away to the nearest friendly port. Or, a bateaux ride out of Fort Duquesne is only a good thing if you don't get off the boats because getting back on them is impossible from land (certainly not historical). Maybe this would be difficult for Pocus to code but it would certainly add historical flavor.

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Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:53 am

it is a bug, it used to work in a previous version (1.07 I think). I will check that.

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