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Chiteng(South) vs Thumis(North)

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:33 pm
by Chiteng
So it goes like this =)

My opponent is like George Thomas, is you give him time to prepare, he will crush you.
Against that type of opponent, you can either try and upset him, or get out of his way.
He is an OLD SCHOOL war gamer, raised on games like 1914.

So my decisions at the start:
Full Mobilization
8% Bonds
Print Money
Exceptional Taxes

Cotton Embargo

My reasoning is simple, if I dont have a country to defend, who cares if inflation is rampant?
It is easily possible that I will regret the morale costs, but ... no man can predict the future.

Long term objectives? Take Ft Monroe and Ft Pickens if possible.
I have had way too many games where the Confed Center collapses and the Union simply drives on Atlanta.
The rivers are simply highways.
West Virginia, even if I could get forces into the area, how would I supply them?
Missouri, I WILL fight, tooth and nail, but I dont really expect to win.
Kentucky, I do not intend to invade Kentucky.

Industrialization whatever I can afford.
I intend to build some ships to raid the USA. This is more to hopefully trigger USN overspending to stop me, than expect to accomplish much.

My mobilization yards are:

and New Orleans

I will hold off on calls for volunteers until I know how much cash I have.

More on this later

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:40 pm
by Vimuhla
The last game I played against Chit, ended in April of 62, when the entire Army of the Confederacy crossed the Potomac at Alexandria and after a brutal surprise attack, seized Washington DC.
Apparently, he had sent every unit he had except militia to Bull Run. I had wondered why I was able to take New Orleans so easy.

So, in this game. I will use the Anaconda Plan, and keep at least thirty percent of the Union Army in D.C. Every point I hold at the start I will contest, but until I have my Corps and Div
I will attempt no serious moves, except Manassas.

My immediate goals are to send at least eighty combat points and sixteen guns to both Monroe and Pickens.
I dont see how we can surprise each other if we post what we are doing here.
The last game the Winter was brutal and I suffered many unneeded losses. Now I realize I should build some supply centers with industrialization.

I waited to see what the South would do before mobilizing
I did a call for teers but only paid one thousand.

I dont think Leaders are really that useful until we get the higher formations. I could be wrong.
I will post force totals as I tabulate them

I am sending everything to DC Harpers Cincinnati Cairo and St Louis, with one unit sent to Tucson.

Last game he ran me ragged with Bushwackers and Cav raids. I need to find a way to counter that.
It would be just like him to send a force to take San Fran. Just for laughs.

Chit is a very dangerous opponent, because what he does doesnt always make sense. He will do things for 'fun'
Like attack Ft Jefferson, simply to put me on edge.

That is all for now. First blood was at Dallas where Confed Militia tossed Union Cav out. Had no chance to actually do anything.


Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2013 5:27 pm
by Vimuhla
July 1861: The bloated Union army walks from Alexandria to Bull Run.
According to the battle circle the battle lasted three days and resulted in South losing 6k and the North losing 12k

The battle circle showed the Union shelling the Confed positions and then getting repulsed three times

The starting forces were Union 90k w 270 guns???? I know I didnt build that many batteries
Confed forces 70k w 100 guns.

I guess I have been unlucky because Lyon has been unable to move yet. I intend to have him go take Jefferson city.

Forces totals for the Union:

St Louis 60k
Cairo 100k
Cincinnati 100k
Harpers Ferry 70k

The only fort built so far is Alexandria

At sea not much to say except that the ships on both sides started to fall apart and had to return to port.
Not sure how to mitigate that

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:20 pm
by Vimuhla
Both Chit and I have tried do do many things, but Winter is defeating us. We are playing with attrition on, and when we move even one zone we suffer outrageous losses.
So we may need to wait until April of 42

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:15 am
by Gen. Monkey-Bear
I dont see how we can surprise each other if we post what we are doing here.

Most of the time people wait to post the description for each turn after a few turns have passed, that way you are not sharing secret war plans. You can write a few notes for each turn that mentions the key battles, movements, or political desicions, and then wait to post it after a few turns later. This way you won't accidently reveal anything important.

Welcome to the forums! :)

Posted: Fri Mar 15, 2013 12:58 am
by Chiteng
Well after much hard learning about not moving during the winter.....
I fielded a new army under Joe Johnston and railed it down to Santa Rosa.
I had Jackson Longstreet Magruder and Smith.
Each division had four battery and the rest infantry. Final tally was thirtysix thousand men using the Army as a makeshift Corp.
I put six supply units in the stack and marched them to Ft Pickens

My luck held and the weather was 'fine'?
Even so it was a terrible fight he reinforced the fort with sixteen points of infantry.
Final tally 36k to 6k

I lost 11k total and he lost everything. I got the Fort.
This happened on Xmas day, 1861

The first significant action in the war.
I expect he will move quickly somewhere, since he now knows I have many men in the South doing nothing.
However, taking Pickens means that I can move my ships in the Gulf freely, w/o getting
attrition hits from passing next to the fort.

I am not at all sure what good a Southern 'transport' ship is. What do you do with it?
Logic suggests you load it w cotton and sail it to England.
However that doesnt seem to be an option.

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 3:42 am
by Gen. Monkey-Bear
The brigs and smaller ships can be placed in the Naval Trade Boxes on the right side of the map. You don't need to physically load them with cotton or anything like that; the game simulates this for you. You only need to make sure that you send them to a port if you see they run low on supply.