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Earl Grey v Dargeeling

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:45 am
by soundoff
Hi Folks,

Well after all my 'Grumpy Old Man' time to stick my head over the parapet and take the flack.

Took on Barksdale about a month ago and got well and truely thrashed by early 62 (and with me playing the Union :p leure: :p leure: ) was I not pleased. Asked for a rematch...though given my performance why he would ever entertain me again is beyond me.....but thankfully he did.

So here goes. Full campaign. 1.11 no mods. I think 3 redeploys per turn (read Barksdales thread) Me playing Union.....and lord help us.

If you learn anything from me in the coming turns I'm sure it will be how not to play the game against an 'expert'...but as was once said.....'damn the torpedoes full speed ahead'

Turn 1 Early April......

Well from my side (as Billy Yank) little to do but wait for the inevitable assaults on Harpers, Sumpter and Norfolk.....and just pray that one of them fails.

So I'm just recruiting, no movement and no replacements. Ah well here goes and see you next turn

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:06 am
by soundoff
What a surprise.....and what else could I expect from Barksdale ( I certainly will have my work cut out just to stay with him....and thats with me playing the Union).

Sumpter fell as did Norfolk and Harpers. So no surprises there. In addition he went for the Embargo on Cotton (how I hate the luck of these wonder we lost the war of independence) what did he turn up with +19 to British Engagement. So thats already sitting a a healthy +22.

Neither of us has committed to either raising money or troops yet. This turn I've countered with 'Total Blockade' keeping my fingers and everything else crossed that this does not turn sour on me. Ah well....'a horse a kingdom for a horse'

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:06 am
by soundoff
Well the Total Blockade went down like a lead balloon with the British who were strongly displeased. So that added a further 13 points to engagement. It now sits at an unhealthly +35 and we are only just into May.

The Washington Brigade has arrived. Ideally I'd have liked to have sent it on a quick assault of Manassas with the aim of capturing and destroying the depot. Unfortunately for me my opponent has anticipated the move and brought Floyd up with the 1st SC brigade from Sumpter together with artillery to reinforce the Manassas militia garrison so that move is out and I shall have to be more cautious in my approach. Still resisting recruiting though I wonder how sound that policy will be.

Hooker and Banks have arrived. I'll set Banks to work in Baltimore immediately with recruiting. Hooker I'll send to join the Washington Brigade.

From last turn Milroy, Keyes and Wallace are on their way to Salem where I hope to form a divison or two in the near future.

I know under the rules we are playing I'm allowed 3 redeployments per turn but I've never been able to get my head around the 'beam me up scotty' nature of the move. I know its my hangup...anyway all of my commanders move only by rail or river. I dont think its too much of a self imposed restriction, at least I hope it is'nt

On a general note I've tried to upload a picture from Imageshack ( I do believe unsuccessfully)....ah well better luck next time perhaps.


Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:58 pm
by soundoff
Well early May has arrived and Barksdale is doing me no favours. I did'nt for one minute think I'd got a good handle on the game (its far too big for that at present) but I did think I might, just might be getting to grips with things. Barksdale's opening moves again leave me shaking my head in wonder......

Currently I feel I have a tiger by the tail. In the east as you can see from the picture (hurray I got one imageshack picture to download. Shame I cant get it to save and download more than the one.....I am like a monkey with a microwave when it comes to computers and programmes but never mind) I expected Barksdale to stop at Harpers and there he is walking deep into my territory with militia. Of course its a sensible tactic as currently I have nowt but fresh air in the rear of my positions. Just that I never expected it. Thank goodness the main armies are still locked for a turn or two. Shultz and his cavalry regiment are going to have to head back to Harrisburg as I cant afford the depot to get overrun. And I wanted Shultz and his cavalry for scouting those forward positions. Who was it said the best laid plans of mice and men.


Trouble is things on this turn have gotten worse, much worse. Moving steadily west Grafton and its depot in West Virginia was taken by the 1st Georgia cavalry. A bit further west and Ashland, Ohio and its depot fell to the 1st Tennessee cavalry. Further west and Polks cavalry have taken Cairo. Talk about not knowing which way to turn.

On the plus side the Missouri event has fired so Lyons has appeared in St Louis. Of course that means Price will be active but I do so need one or two decent commanders. Rolla looks empty and I'm tempted to send Lyons and his small command to take the town. It might be a quick way to promotion. Having toyed with the idea I've rejected it. That Rebel cavalry at Cairo is bound to make a strike at Salem and the depot there. I have no force available other than Lyons to protect it so Lyons has to move to Salem this turn. I've decided to detach his cavalry though and send that to assault Rolla and keep my fingers crossed that I'm correct in assuming there is no garrison.

As for Cairo itself well that will just have to wait. Its a long hard haul. The same applies to Ashland. Barksdale's bound to destroy the depot nothing I can do about it. Its where those pesky 1st Tennessee cavalry move afterwards that worries me more.

As for Grafton well there I might, just might have a chance. I had moved Shields and Morell to Pattersons force in Allegany last turn. Saints be praised they are both active so I'm going to create Morell as a division commander, give him most of Pattersons troops. They are not at full strength and they are a motley lot but they will have to do. I can then have Shields leading and rail them to Grafton from Allegany on assault posture. The rail trip is only three days so providing they are not delayed they should get to Grafton before Johnny Reb has the time to blow the depot.

As for the rest well I'm going to bite the bullet for another turn and hold off raising funds or drafts. Seems the south is doing the same. Mind you I have decided to invest in 5 fresh cavalry units 2 in New York, 2 in Connecticut and 1 in Maryland. I have the distinct impression that I'm going to need them. I already feel that the South is running rings around me and we've only just started.

In addition its time to raise some Militia to protect those rear areas. So we are recruiting 4 in Missouri, 4 in Illinois, 2 in West Virginia and 5 in Pennsylvania.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that next turn the news will be better.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:18 pm
by sval06
I am ready to bet the militias shown in your pictures are here only for rail destruction.

Why did not you take Harper's ferry with Schulz rather than protecting your depot at Harrisburg?

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:30 am
by soundoff
sval06 wrote:I am ready to bet the militias shown in your pictures are here only for rail destruction.

Why did not you take Harper's ferry with Schulz rather than protecting your depot at Harrisburg?

Well you may have slapped me in the belly with a wet cod Sval06. I'd studied my move diligently before submitting it ......for the life of me how I missed Harpers is beyond me. My only excuse is that I spent 8 frustrating hours yesterday trying to find a picture hosting site that worked for me so I can load some screenshots into this AAR. And if that does not convince you then I'll have to fall back on the tried and tested Fog of War. Just shows you how easy it is for me to miss the blindingly obvious. :tournepas :niark:

It looks like you called it right to with the militia as you will see from my next post. That one I can live with somewhat easier as its a judgement call though I understand that Barksdale his doing a AAR on this game from the CSA viewpoint so eventually it will be nice to see what his motives actually are.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:42 am
by Rafiki
soundoff wrote:My only excuse is that I spent 8 frustrating hours yesterday trying to find a picture hosting site that worked for me so I can load some screenshots into this AAR.

If you make sure that your pictures' filesizes aren't excessively large, you're more than welcome to attach them to your posts and include directly from here :)

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:16 am
by soundoff
Well the Early June report is in and I must say it makes somewhat better reading. Railroads are being chewed up everywhere by the Rebels but I will just have to live with that.

In the East it looks as if sval06 was right about the militia they do just seemed to have hit the railroads and then withdrawn and with Shulz sitting in Harrisburg the good citizens of Harpers will have to wait a tad longer to be liberated :siffle:


Shields made it to Grafton in time to save the depot although the railway is chewed up with the confederate cavalry sitting just to the south. Unfortunately but predictably my division was unable to bring them to battle.

As the main armies do not become unlocked until next turn its a waiting game in the East. I suppose I shall have to get prepared for that -10 NM hit once the Union Press start to scream about non action. For the confederacy Floyd looks to be heading up a strong division at Manassas.

In the centre as anticipated Ashland depot was torched. The enemy cavalry seems to have withdrawn. My move of Lyon to Salem looks like it proved to be timely with the rebel cavalry just to the south.


All I intend to do on this turn is to hold and attempt to protect key depots with the militia I raised and other units freeing up this turn. I'd rather concentrate on stabilizing the rear areas before going 'yomping'.

In the far west well at least there I called it right. Rolla was undefended so Lyons cavalry captured it. Now I'm no lover of the far west (in terms of the game) when I play the Union. Great open spaces that often take an age to move through coupled with very little in respect of victory objectives yet lovely territory for CSA incursions. I'd rather make West of St Louis a backwater in terms of the war so had thought of destroying the Rolla depot this turn. However Springfield looks inviting. I know I probably should'nt but with Price in Fayetteville theres a chance perhaps, maybe, that the cavalry could take out Springfield. I'd be more than happy if I could deny the enemy depots both in Springfield and Rolla. So I'm going to take the chance. Just in case it goes wrong though and to hopefully ensure that I am still able to destroy the Rolla depot I'm moving a militia unit by rail from St Louis to Rolla this turn as a short term garrison.


As to the rest well Foreign Intervention sits at a very unhealthy +37 and the confederacy is still holding fire on calling for volunteers, mobilising or raising finances. As for me, well in our first game Barksdale well and truely slapped me around (and I was playing the north in that game) so he has me worried. Hence this turn I'm calling for volunteers offering a 2K bounty. It rould raise 363 conscripts. I'm also issuing 5% bonds which will bring in around 150k.

Thats going to allow me to build 4 river ships in Ohio. 2 gunboats and 2 transports. To tell the truth I've not really been able to get my head around the amphib/naval aspect of the game. I am hoping to learn from Jabberwocks AAR in the Grand Campaign. Until I do though I'll continue to wing it. To that end I have to come to a decision soon as to whether or not I attempt to hold Fort Pickens. It will have to wait a turn or two though to see how the theatres develop.

I've also decided to raise 2 regular brigades in Kentucky of 2 and 3 elements and 2 in Pennsylvania of 3 and 4 elements.

Thats about it. All thats left to do is submit the turn then await and see what beauties my opponent has come up with this time.

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:25 am
by soundoff
Rafiki wrote:If you make sure that your pictures' filesizes aren't excessively large, you're more than welcome to attach them to your posts and include directly from here :)

Thats a very generous offer Rafiki :) but I think I have finally managed to track down a site that seems to be Ok for me Tinypics. I really should stress the 'think' because I'm not really sure what I'm doing.....much like playing the game I suspect: :confused:

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:34 pm
by soundoff
Now onto late June with the main armies now becoming operational if only my commanders would do the same. Barksdale goes on a few days camping expedition today so no more AAR's until the middle of next week. Personally I dont believe the camping propaganda. I reckon its much more likely to be field manouevers. Be that as it may onto this turn.

Well what happened. Truth is not a lot really. About as you would expect at this stage. Much posturing but little action.

My move on Springfield did'nt work out. Barksdale second guessed it and Price was there awaiting. Fortunately we only had a minor skirmish. I lost just over 100 cavalry with Price's force being minus 50 militia.


I'm going to try to run them back to Lexington to recouperate. Fortunately my militia unit from St Louis is sitting in Rolla so I intend to fire the depot this turn. The unit can then make its way to Lexington as well.

In the centre things are fairly static for the moment. Plenty of Rebel cavalry popping up as you would expect busting the railroads but I hope I have most of the key areas covered. From past experience of Barksdale that situation will not last for long. He had an annoying habit in our first game of putting together strong raiding cavalry brigades, complete with horse arty that caused havoc. So I think I'm going to try to create the odd strong cavalry force of my own....just to attempt to fight fire with fire. It will be a novel first for me anyway.

The 1st Tennessee cavalry have turned up just south of Cincinnati to do more railway wrecking with another arriving just west of my Vincennes depot but hopefully I'm strong enough there.

In the East its very static at present. Just organising the brigades although it will take me another turn or two to get the corps organised even semi properly. I expect more confederate cavalry incursions but perhaps the new cavalry regiments that I recruited the turn before last will help to stabilise the situation.

As for the rest the one piece of partial interest relates to the screenshot below. Firstly I'm trying to destroy all of the indian villages as fast as I can, just to deny Watie recruiting grounds. The 4th US cavalry though I moved from the far west and is on its way, assuming it can get through, to Little Rock. I do so hope the depot there is undefended. In truth I think I've sent the regiment on a bit of a suicide mission. Never mind though....I keep having visions of the film 'The Horse Soldiers' :siffle:


As for the rest well the South did a call for Volunteers, issued 8% bonds and raised Exceptional Taxes. This time I'm doing another 5% bond issue and attempting to raise the following:

6 regular brigades in Pennsylvania
5 Sharpshooters
2 Engineers
3 Cavalry
8 Artillery all 12lbs in New York

I'm also giving 'Total Blockade' another go. With intervention now standing at +38 its risky but what the heck. There is even a part of me that in a perverse sort of way would not mind intervention firing as I've never had it happen. Though how the dickens I'd cope if it did is beyond me.

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2008 7:59 pm
by soundoff
Well my adversary is back from his short holiday so the game continues. Its early July and I cant avoid making some decisions for the rest of 61. I'd like to just sit back and let it happen as a relative 'newbie' I dont want to appear too naive. In some ways the scale is so daunting its almost debilitating. As the Union though I can't put things off any longer. The onus is on me to be proactive as just sitting and waiting plays right into Confederate hands. So on the understanding that you cant make omlettes however poorly without cracking eggs its time to dive in.

Well back to the end of June turn. Firstly my blockade displeased the Brits yet again(sigh). Another +14 to engagement. It now stands at a very disconcerting 54. When the chance to pick it comes around again though I will and worry about the consequences afterwards.

My attempted assault on Little Rock with the 4th US Cavalry never got off the ground.


McCulloch intercepted and I retreated fortunately without a shot being fired.

The destruction of the Indian camps is going better and there is only CREEKS to burn. I also destroyed Rolla depot. Other than that there was little activity. I'm very uneasy that the Reb raiders seem to have gone to ground and that I cant locate Polk.

So now to the difficult bit.....what objectives to make for the rest of 61.

Well taking what I consider to be the 'easy' part first the far west. As I said a couple of posts ago this area is so vast with so few victory locations that I want this part of the war to become a backwater. Unless I have to I intend to make no offensive moves South of the Missouri river during 61. An army can get quickly lost in that unforgiving terrain particularly when the mud comes around.

So if I'm allowed I intend to hold on the blue line all the way to St Louis which I will try to strengthen with a full division as soon as I can. For the moment though its garrison will have to do as Humphreys and the fledgling 11th division are moving from St Louis to Salem but more about that in a minute. I will also try to muster a full division at Lexington as well in the hope that I can retain the depot there. I simply dont wish to commit more than two divisions to that theatre. I'm quite willing to lose Rolla again but would like to hold it and sometime during 61 take Jefferson City but thats filed under 'things to do' that will have to wait.

That about sums up what I hope for the far west in 61. Now to the centre.

Here the first decision I've taken it to try to avoid firing the Kentucky event in 61. Of course I'd love Barksdale to do it but I doubt if I'll be lucky on that count. So I intend to tread very very softly in Kentucky during the current year if I can. What worries me though is that I understand from some posts that I've read from those far more experienced than myself that it is possible to somehow 'encourage' your opponent to attack you even if your troops are not in offensive mode. At least I think thats what I've read. If its true I'd need to be walked through it very slowly to understand so all I intend to do in 61 is to cautiously build up. If things do stay quiet as I hope then Its my intention to make a move in Kentucky in spring 62. However thats not to say I have no objectives for the centre in 61.


I've deliberately ringed Forts Henry and Donelson. My intention is to move Milroys command, which includes Lyons, to Cairo this turn. Lyons has a very weak division that I hope to bolster once it gets to Cairo. As this move will leave Salem vitually unprotected hence the move of Humphreys command from St Louis. Additionally at Louisville I'm intending to move a division under C. Griffins to Cairo. All being well it will take about 20 days to arrive. If I can fill out Lyons division by then the intention is a river assault on the Forts by the end of August at the latest. If I'm successful it will put a nice wedge just where the Rebels wont want it. It will help put pressure on Nashville and give me further offensive options in Tennessee. Of course I'm gambling that Polk wont be around or if he is that he's not been strongly reinforced. That the plan might well go pear shaped is another reason for not upsetting the apple cart over Kentucky.


At Louisville I intend to build a strong division under Mansfield just to hold the position.

Moving over to the East well here I dont think I'll attempt much at all. Already the Northern press is screaming at my inactivity and I cant avoid taking the NM hit. So I intend to hold my ground during 61 (if allowed). The new rules on entrenchment will probably make that more difficult to achieve and the abilities of the Southern Generals at this time fills me with dread. The only concession I've made is to use Hunters division to assault Harpers Ferry. His force is rather weak but should be enough. I intend to bring up the rag tag and bobtail remainder of Pattersons original command to reinforce. With Hunters division in Montgomery is another, stronger division led by Miles with a strength of 289. This division I intend to leave in position and hope to use it as the basis of another defensive Corp under Butler who I'm moving this turn from Fort Munroe. Unfortunately it will take longer than one turn. It has to be Butler as Milroy is in Salem and Banks is recruiting. (I need another 2 star)


As you can see Jacksons turned up at Manassas with two growing divisions to join Holmes corp. Real weight being brought to bear there. One thing though is that Jackson has not yet been given Corp command although I expect that to happen this turn.


Opposing him at Alexandria I have Hamiltons corp (938 power) I hope its enough for the time being.


Currently the only other force I'm picking up is Johnstons in the Valley but I dont think it will cause me too many problems at least in the next turn or two.

So my aim in 61 is to hold the current line with the possible retaking of Harpers Ferry. I'd like to make a contingency plan for falling back from Alexandria across the river but that really would put Washington under threat. Currently the troops that I'm raising in Pennsylvania are all earmarked for the defense of Washington but I hope during the autumn months to assemble a couple of divisions at Dover and launch a winter amphibious offensive against Savannah with those juicy North/South confederate railroads nearby.

Thats about it other than to say that at present the NM situation is 88 Union to 101 CSA. Victory points are 243 Union 296 CSA. Losses on both sides are totally negligable to date, no more that 200 per side.

New troops I'm raising this turn are 2 brigades in Pennsylvania one of 4 elements 2 infantry, 1x6lb and 1 cavalry. The second is 3 elments strong of 2 infantry and 1 sharpshooter. I'm also raising 3 marines and 1 sailor.

In Illinois I'm raising 2 brigades of 2 infantry elements to reinforce Lyons division.

I'm also calling for volunteers which should raise another 149 conscripts. I do feel the need to strengthen the eastern defenses.

I know I've not addressed ship movement at all. The reason is quite simple. I dont really understand it well enough. I marvel that players like Jabberwock are able to manouever ocean and river ships in a most effective way. Me I just shuffle a few naval counters around on the map the hope. :wacko:

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:31 pm
by soundoff
So the early July turn is back and thankfully things went much as I'd hoped for, which is that very little happened. :)


In the far west there is nothing at all to report. Whilst in the centre Milroy and Lyons arrival in Cairo was without incident so I can now seriously begin to make preparations for the proposed assault on Forts Henry and Donelson. Some time during the current turn they should be joined by Griffins division that is moving from Louisville.

Humphreys command arrived to take Milroys place at Salem and a good job too for as you can see two regiments of Confederate cavalry have reappeared in the area no doubt intent on cutting more rail lines. That I will have to put up with but its their ability to scout and see the current weakness of my rear position that really worries me, particularly as Polk and Price are off the radar.

Kentucky is peaceful with just an odd Rebel cavalry unit around Louisville. More scouting and chewing up the rail network I suspect. I am moving more units to Louisville to strengthen Mansfield division after removing Giffins command.

In the east although things are quiet, almost too quiet, and the build up of Confederate troops at Manassas is a real cause for concern.


J. Johnstons move from the Strasburg depot to join Stonewall has engendered confusion in the Union ranks. Its left only Bee and a weak force in the Strasburg area. I'd love to have a crack at it but I already suspect that my opponent has lured me deliberately into that area. Johnstons move was not what I expected at all. The size of the build up at Manassas disturbs me. I cannot believe that Barksdale has strengthened in such force there just to hold a defensive position. I'm almost sure he's gathering to strike at Alexandria or outflank my position with Jacksons fast mover ability and attack Washington. Or maybe Johnston will go for Alexandria to tie me down whilst Jackson heads for Washington.

As you can see all I have opposing is Hamiltons Corp. Is it enough? Will he strike? If he does will it be this coming turn? I'm trying to rush newly raised units that have just become operational to Washington as quick as I can....but I need a turn to achieve it. To my dismay I also discovered that I must have wrongly clicked (when I was giving orders last time) on my two divisions that were in Montgomery for Miles division which I had intended to stay put ended up marching with Hunters force to Harpers Ferry which I took unopposed. I need to get it back as fast as I can. No time for the troops to have a rest now. I'm leaving just Shultz and his cavalry regiment holding Harpers, whatever else I can muster in that area is heading for Montgomery and Washington.

In many ways its rather like being on the boat. I look at the sky and see nothing but uninterupted blue. I look at the water and its calm with only a light breeze. The swell is easy yet when I examine closer the sea is tinged with a slightly dirty colour, the back of my neck starts to itch and somehow I know that the calm won't last. I feel that way about the eastern theatre in the game. Somethings brewing. Barksdale has some fiendish plan in store for me I bet. :confused:

Well thats about it other than I'm continuing to work towards the objectives I've set myself. I'm sure that sometime Barksdale will make them obsolete with some brilliant Confederate move and I'll have to do a complete rethink but so far so good. I do feel the need to raise extra troops. I know many players wait until the most opportune moment (e.g. when victory points are at the max or some such) I find that I can't play that way so this turn I'm invoking Full Mobilization. I should create 739 conscripts but inevitably it will cost me 75 victory points and 5 NM.

At least this will enable me to raise entirely in Pennsylvannia the following which will give me another full division.

4 brigades of 2 elements of infantry
1 brigade of 3 elements - 2 of infantry and 1 of sharpshooters
1 brigade of 4 elements - 2 of infantry 1 of cavalry and 1 6lb art.
3 20lb artillery batteries.

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 7:50 pm
by soundoff
Well folks, another turn completed. It was with some trepidation that I loaded the file fully expecting to find that Alexandria and even perhaps Washington had been assaulted. I was highly delighted and somewhat relieved to discover that it had been another quiet turn and that I had been granted the 'one turn' breathing space that I craved.

So what did happen at the end of July 61.

Lets start in the far west (its the easiest from my perspective)

Having spotted that Jefferson City was undefended I sent Lyons cavalry to assault it. Not only did we take the city but we then proceeded to repulse a rebel cavalry counter offensive. Casualties on both sides were light 100 for me again 200 for Barksdale. Pleasing thing was that Lyons cavalry held even if the 'average cohesion' is now shot to pieces. I wish there were some way of giving the regiment a citation they have performed well for me from the start. With another Rebel cavalry regiment to the immediate west I'm rushing the cavalry unit currently in Hillsboro to relieve Lyons regiment this turn. I'm hoping that I can hold on the Jefferson City (that would make my line in the far west complete for 61)

Fremont has materialised in St Louis as usual this turn so I intend to form one full western division under him as soon as I am able. Similarly I hope to have another full division at Lexington before the end of the year. Thats as much, in the way of Union forces that I want to commit to the west in 61 and 62 though I am mindful that Polk and Price are nowhere to be found.

Moving over to Illinois, well again a very quiet set of events. Much as you would expect.

As you can see I have three 'mongul hordes' of rebel cavalry causing havoc in the rear areas at Carlin, Mattoon and Greenup. Tearing up railroads almost at will. Despite my best efforts I never seem able to catch them and bring them to battle....I'll keep trying though. Whilst the cavalry incursions are irritating and certainly slow down the movement of troops from the rear areas to the front....thats all they are an irritant and I've never been one to let the 'flies' get to me, bloody nuisance though they might be. ;) The real downside though is that fresh artillery batteries, in Chicago, that I had hoped to move to Cairo are having to await an escort before moving. I continue to hold Salem and am reinforcing as quick as I can. Its too much of a 'strategic' depot to let fall.

Now onto the centre and Kentucky and Tennessee.

It is here that I've had my second biggest headache this turn. I've been able to gather forces at Cairo and Milroy and Lyon are active so I had decided to assault Forts Henry and Donelson this turn. After entering the the assault order though I rethought. If I move Milroy and Lyon then I leave Cairo with Heintzelman commanding a motley band dreadfully weak for a turn. In addition I have no information on what might lurk at the forts in wait for me. I decide that discretion is the better part of valour so will wait a turn. To hopefully give me some scouting I'm moving the 10th West Virginian cavalry regiment from Boone, Kentucky to Trigg by rail. Providing they get through I should be able to obtain more detailed information in what might await me at Forts Henry and Donelson.

As for the rest of the Kentucky theatre well you can see for yourself.

At Bowling Green I still only have the Militia. At Louisville I continue to reinforce Mansfields division ( I have no intention of moving him the location is just too strategic) His division is still nowhere near full strength but its getting there. At Cincinnati there is McClellan, this turn appointed commandere of the Army of the Potomac, gathering a small force. Madison and Rome (both ringed in red) are without garrisons and as such are easy targets for the CSA. Currently I have no spare resources so I'm not going to worry about them Otherwise I have all of the remaining cities in the area garrisoned. There is only the one CSA cavalry regiment at Meade in view together with Rebel Militia at Lexington and Clarksburg. Given my decision to not to attempt to violate Kentucky's neutrality in 61 I'll just have to put up with them.

I just hope to continue to build slowly in this area for the remainder of 61.

Now to the east where I was most surprised to get my turn of grace.
Not only that but Jackson moved to Winchester with a sizeable force. My fears then were totally without foundation but what does Barksdale intend to do with Jackson. That turn of grace brought me time to strengthen Pattersons Corp and although he has not been retained by Washington this turn Butler will be in position to take over the Corp. I shall also be able to channel in further units. I'm beginning to feel more comfortable over holding Alexandria and Washington though it does cross my mind that it would be possible for Jackson to move on Baltimore if I continue to leave Harpers Ferry and the immediate environs short of troops. I'll try to put a 'blocking' division under Shields in the way.

You may recall that my original plan for the eastern theatre was to do precisely nothing. However when reviewing my orders (as I always do) prior to submitting them I looked again at Hamiltons Corp at Alexandria and 'blow me down with a feather'.....he's active and with Hooker underneath him. Could I perhaps mount an assault with his Corp on Manassas? It would be risky but Jackson is too far away to March to the Sound of the Guns. Who knows where Beauregard is....probably at Fredricksburg but hopefully not with much. The odds are not THAT great in my favour and it would leave Alexandria exposed. Do I or dont I? After much deliberation, all of 5 seconds, I decide to go for it. So what if it turns pear shaped hopefully I have enough in reserve for it not to be disasterous. So already my carefully concieved strategy for the east for 61 gets blown out of the water. I have no desire or hope to hold onto Manassas at this time but if I could capture it, destroy the depot.....even if I fail it may make my opponent reconsider his own strategy. I wonder how it will turn out. The speed at which Barksdale processes turns means it wont be long before I find out.

Well thats about it other than to say that the Confederates went with exceptional taxes. I lost 10NM as Lincoln and the public in general were pretty peeved at my offensive efforts to date. McClernand arrived and is being sent to New York as recruiting officer. He should arrive in 22 days.

My NM stands at 78 (ah well a long way to go) whilst my opponents stands at a heathly 110 so he is getting beautiful bonuses. With the call for mobilization I'm able to raise the following:

1 ironclad and 1 transport in Missouri

In Pennsylvania
4 x 2 infantry element brigades
1 x 2 infantry and 1 sharpshooter element brigade
1 x 2 infantry, 1 cavalry and 1 6lb element brigade
1 x 20lb Artillery

In Illinois
5 x 2 infantry element brigades
1 x 2 infantry and 1 cavalry element brigade
2 x 12lbs Artillery

In Missouri
1 x 1 element sharpshooter brigade.

1 Army HQ

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 10:15 am
by soundoff
A mixed report this time around. What should be becoming evidently clear though from this and the last posting is my inability to stick more than loosely to the plan that I had devised for myself. In part its because my opponent seems well able to second guess my motives but there is a good measure of me attempting to be 'opportunistic'. Ah well if anyone is out there reading this perhaps my feeble efforts may give you some insight into 'How not to play AACW' :bonk: One things for sure you won't get any blinding strategy enlightenments from me. Mind you it's great fun playing. :thumbsup:

As Rafiki most elequently said recently in reply to one of my posts 'Then there are two widely differing tastes as to how much one wants to know about these things; some people prefer not to know and let things happen as they happen without wanting to know exactly how events are triggered and how various things specifically affect other things. Then there are those who do wish to know these things, and the two approaches are more or less incompatible.' As you can witness from my playstyle my feet are both definitely planted in the former camp. Anyway enough of the 'excuses' for my poor performance back to the game.

So the early August 61 report is in and how did I fair you may well ask? Well I'd call it a points defeat to the Union although I might be being somewhat generous on myself. Its for you to decide.

In the far west both of us really do seem to have gone to sleep which suits me just fine. I've not been able to add much to the theatre except a further brigade at St Louis for Fremont.
The Confederate cavalry and partisans are running rings around me in Illinois and now Missouri. In truth I've almost given up trying to intercept them. I'll just keep the towns and cities garrisoned and hopefully let them run out of steam. After all once they have cut the railroads what else can they do? I will concede though that they are hampering my newly trained units movements towards the frontal areas (not just because movement is slower) but because I need to provide escorts for artillery and support units.

Now it was in Tennessee that I had what I consider to be my biggest slice of luck. You may recall that previously I had said that I'd intended to assault Forts Henry and Donelson with Milroy and Lyon coming from Cairo but that at the eleventh hour I'd reconsidered. Well it turned out to be a good call. The 10th West Virginian cavalry duely arrived in Trigg as I'd ordered them to and lo and behold look at what they turned up. A whole Rebel division under Whiting just laying in wait for me. Methinks I had a lucky escape with that one. It certainly proves that scouting pays dividends. I knew those cavalry of mine had some use ;) Mind you its thrown my strategy for this theatre into turmoil. There is no way I can build sufficient forces during 61 to take the Forts now but I can't leave Milroy and Lyon just sitting there. It would be such a waste.

So plan B comes into action. We always had a plan B dont you know (cough cough). Milroy is still active so I'm going to assault Charleston. Its not that important to my way of thinking but I may pick up some valuable information on whats going on at Island 10. I could attempt a river assault on Island 10 this turn with Milroy but cant bring myself to do it. What if Polk or Price lies in wait there? I'm beginning to have doubts over my strategy of not upsetting Kentucky. Its now evident that Barksdale has no intention of making any hostile moves in that State. Trouble is I've made my decision in that area for the year and I'm going to stick with it....right or wrong.

That brings us on now to the eastern theatre and Virginia. Well it was here that I suffered my 'points defeat'. Hamilton advanced. He was in assault mode but when he arrived in Fauquier what did he decide to do....retreat is all :( So his corp took 19 hits before the fun even started. On top of that, given movement delay Johnston's opposing force looked to have been beefed up by the arrival of Winders division. So out went any numerical advantage I may have had.


So we have the oddity of both forces in defend mode but an engagement taking place. Matters were not helped by my dice roll being a thoroughly despicable 46 against my enemys 50. The upshot was I bounced off (what a surprise) and am back where I started. Fortunately the casualties were not excessively heavy and no-one was blamed on the Union side for the failure. Though personally I point the finger firmly at the idiot who ordered Hamilton to advance. ;)

The turn went no better when we received news of an engagement at Harpers Ferry where Mr Jackson decided to have a bit of fun at my expense and advance :(


Here I consider myself to be somewhat luckier and for the battle report (as if often the case) to be misleading. Shields force was withdrawing and so although shown was never really involved in the skirmish (it was'nt really big enough to be called a battle) That just left Shultz and his cavalry regiment to stem Stonewall's advance. As you can see the upshot was the Shultz cavalry regiment is now defunct and Shultz is recovering somewhere in Baltimore. Given that Shields only had two light artillery batteries at Harpers I'm damned glad he had the foresight to withdraw. The only other thing of note was that again my dice roll was lousy. 46 against the confederate 50. I'm beginning to have dreams about conspiracy theories.

So the Virginia theatre now looks like this

For all its mauling Hamiltons Corp is not in too bad a shape. I'm moving McCalls division at Washington to strengthen it this turn. Butler has taken over what was Pattersons Corp and is almost at full strength. Butler is also active. Now its at this point that I know you will shake your heads slowly in dismay at my folly. Given that Butler is active with virtually a full corp I'm going to march across the Potomac and try to assault Jackson. Yes I know I'm probably in for another licking but I just cant resist the temptation. I'm gambling that Jackson cant be reinforced much more so hopefully I will have numerical advantage, even if the ability of my commander is best described as useless. I'm just so grateful to have had a couple of turns when Union commanders are active. I'm also banking that Johnston will not advance from Manassas this turn.

Well thats about it other than to say is that I've submitted my move so there is no going back now. The rest of the news is that I am starting to slowly build up my amphibious force at Dover. This time I've exclusively concentrated on raising replacements to flesh out the losses that Hamiltons corp experienced and to hopefully cope with some of the anticipated losses that Butler will sustain.

Oh and finally one bit of good news. The confederacy went with the 'Cotton Embargo' but joy of joys it backfired minus 18 to British Engagement points. So now its only in the mid 30's

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2008 8:39 pm
by cobraII
good aar, its getting really intersting keep up the good work

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 1:03 am
by soundoff
I will really try Cobra to keep it interesting and thanks for the kind words. I do so hope that some of my sheer enjoyment for this game shines through :)

So onto the next turn. End of August 61 result. Now before I start let me say that my Grannie used to say quite often that 'pride comes before a fall' so I think I might be due for that fall as I hope to demonstrate.

Now in the far west there really is nothing to report. All quiet on the Western Front (excusing the parody) should be the cry so I'm not going to bore you with an image. In the centre though, well thats different. Something happened that has me scratching my head. Its not the first time such an occurance has happened but it is unusual. If anyone can throw any light (without giving anything away if it was something to do with Barksdale's move) I'd be most grateful.
You may recall that in my last post I said that I was sending Milroy who was active with Lyons division (Lyon also active) from Cairo to assault Charleston. Obviously this meant a river crossing. According to the tooltip bar this was to take 6 days. Now we play with a slight delay so that could affect timing. On loading in the turn though I find that Milroy still sits in Cairo. I have no information as to why he has not moved but according to the tooltip he's now 10 days away from Charleston?. Most strange and one I cant figure :confused: I reckon its them Union commanders, difficult to get them to accept the orders of a Brit ;) Either that or they are not working to the Gregorian calendar. Milroy still shows as active but further brigades have turned up at Cairo so I can fully flesh Lyons division out and this turn I'll try again. Its telling me it will take 8 days to reach Charleston by river from Cairo....I trust this time that the orders will be carried out.

A tad further east McCulloch made my cavalry unit at Trigg retreat but was unable to bring me to battle. Seems that Barksdale does not like me spying on Forts Henry and Donelson (I wonder why?) :D

Most of those 6 cavalry units that were waltzing all over Missouri and Illinois have evaporated for the time being without doing much damage. I do so hope its because my opponent realised he had no easy towns or cities to pick off. I may be kidding myself though.

As for Kentucky what can I say other than 'shhhhhh' don't wake the baby.

So to the east and Virginia. At one level now't much happened but in another way things are getting mighty interesting.

Firstly Butler did as he was told and assaulted Harpers Ferry and took it as by the time he arrived Jackson was long gone. Trouble is Butler now needs a rest, poor soul. He's exhausted himself and wishes to remain inactive until the spring of 62. I've just noticed that he is almost out of shot on the image but he is there...complete with 4 divisions. So this turn he starts to dig in.
As for Stonewall well it seems that Barksdale was suckering me in for he has moved him smartly back to Manassas (talk about Jumping Jack Flash). I was right about Johnston not attacking Alexandria from Manassas but now with Jackson on the scene I'd bet a pound to a penny that this turn Alexandria is in for a kicking....and with me having pulled Butlers strong corp away. Shows you its not always wise to go chasing shadows. ;)

I do have the following in reserve though (with apologies for not including the information on the eastern theatre image.

I trust that gives you a better idea of what Butler has at Harpers and demonstrates that McDowell has a considerable force with him at Washington. I wish I had a 2 star that I could allocate as a corp commander rather than have McDowell in charge of those Washington divisons but nevermind - Lincoln must have had faith in him once so why not me. I do fear the worst for Alexandria this turn though so am going to sacrifice the garrison and withdraw Hamiltons corp to Washington by rail. It should only take a day. I dont like doing it but I think a considered withdrawal to be advisable. The more canny amongst the readers might well spot that McCall's division which last time I said I was moving from Washington to join Hamilton did not occur. I tell you these Union commanders are inclined to be uppity. :coeurs:

Now we come to the bit that I'm pleased with and that makes me also think that I might be in for a rude awakening (something about being too big for my britches). If you look back on the Virginian theatre images for the last turn or two you will spot more than the odd cavalry regiment or two on my side just milling about. Doing very little except futile chasing of rebel mounted troops. I've gotten fed up with this as no-matter what I do I can't seem to catch them. (As an aside I wish at least for cavalry against cavalry the odds of evasion were less when in enemy territory but no matter.)

Anyway although I did'nt report it in my previous post I decided the time had come to send MY cavalry forward. Lets see how Barksdale likes some of the same medicine was my thinking, not that I had any real hope for I'm not very adept at using cavalry. So every mounted unit that I could muster in the eastern theatre was given the order to advance. The results you can see for yourself.

I advanced on the whole front. I evaded where ever the enemy was present. Covington fell as it was undefended and now I have 6 units sitting astride the Rebel railroad network. This turn each regiment has a 'destroy railroad' order so that should upset my opponent even if only slightly. The two most eastern cavalry units of mine are short of food so have orders to head back home (provided they can make it through enemy lines). The other 4 have sufficient resources for two more moves so I am attempting to run them as fast as I can to the coast, hoping to chew rail lines up as I go. I have no idea whether any of them will make it but it surely must make Barksdale take notice of me. There's also an element of a least feeling for this one turn, if only for this one turn, that I'm on top of the situation...driving rather than being driven if you get my drift. Hence I feel rather 'chuffed' with myself but I'm certain it will not last and is the reason for my earlier 'pride before a fall' comment

For the rest well my opponents NM stands at a horrendous 114 and he's still not recruiting. I must outnumber him substantially in troops but be blowed if I can see an opening to strike at. My gathering of an amphibious force at Dover does move on a pace now I have virtually a full division there complete with a couple of supply wagons, sailors and marines. Unfortunately I have no commander.

This turn I'm recruiting the following in New York state

1 Brigade of 3 infantry elements 1x6lb and 1 cavalry
4 Brigades of 2 infantry elements
3 Rodman Artillery batteries
1 Regiment of Zouaves
and in Pennsylvania 1 regiment of Sharpshooters.
That should make another amphibious division.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 9:35 am
by sval06
The railroad destruction near Marion is a very good idea.

Have a look at the map; this railroad is the main link between east and west for CSA.
Destruction there means CSA won't be able to transfer units from one side to the other quickly.

Keep this in mind when you will attack on the West ;)

Same story on Charlotteville: The rail is used to keep Manassas units supplied :thumbsup:

As a conclusion, these destructions are a good play ;)

I like your AAR :coeurs: (despire the fact I am unable to find differences between dargeeling and earlgrey) :D

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 12:43 pm
by soundoff
Many thanks for the encouragement sval....I'll try to keep it going though much depends on how quickly Barksdale secures a victory for I'm very uneasy about keeping him at bay...even though I know I should be able to. I'm already saying 'roll on winter' and I'm sure that cant be right ;)

Anyway enough rambling the turn has been processed and its now Early September 61.

In the Tennessee/Kentucky area my position keeps getting messier. I'm not at all happy.

Charleston fell to Milroys assault but the Rebels retired without a shot being fired so it was a bit of a meaningless victory. In addition his command decided to hang around for a good 4 days before moving. Just long enough for troops intended for Heinzelmans command at Cairo that were arriving by riverine transport to decide to attach themselves to Milroys force instead. As Lyons division is already at full strength that gives the command a whopping 35% penalty. As I refuse to use the 'redeployment' option for commanders it means I have to expend valuable time in getting another commander to the force. To make matters worse as the turn before Milroy failed to move (for no apparent reason) Lyons division now has a crippling cohesion rate of 17. The upshot being that Milroy and his troops will have to remain in situ for at least another turn, possibly two. I have to hope that Barksdale is unable to take advantage of the weakness of their position and assault in the current turn. All in all a right foul up. Valuable troops tied up going no-where and doing nothing. Then to really put the tin lid on the biscuit barrel the 10th West Virginian cavalry that I sent to Paducah to hopefully provide some information on Island 10 are reporting back nothing at all. Talk about 'the best laid plans of mice and men of' gan astray' :bonk:

So all I feel I can do in this area for the time being is sit tight and attend every church meeting going. ;)

So moving swiftly on to my own hordes maurauding deep into enemy territory. Well what happened to them?


Well in truth they have faired not too badly at all. I lost Covington but that was expected. On the plus side I cut the east west rail links at Marion and Christiansburg. I also managed to destroy the link at Charlottesville. Unfortunately I lost one regiment trying to run it home by river....the Fredricksburg guns put paid to it. The remaining regiments are either deeper still into enemy territory or homeward bound. The two regiments you see near Camden and Goldsboro respectively I'm running to the sea and will hopefully pick them up with transports next time.

And so to the east:


Well I was right about Jackson going for an assault on Alexandria as you can see from the report. The result was much as expected. Hamilton managed to get away before any action started and now sits outside Washington with his Corp as does the Army under McDowell. Given that Johnstons corp is also at Alexandria along with Jacksons thats a heavy combination and I have no real idea as to whether I have sufficient forces at Washington to withstand any assault. I should have, I outnumber him, and McDowell is entrenched. I dont count on him having to cross the river as he is more than capable of outflanking to the west. Its those darned strategic and offensive stats though that worry me, that coupled with the fact that bonuses are accumulative. Ah well if he attacks and I hold all well and good. If I dont...well it will have been a short but fun AAR. :thumbsup:
Barksdale has very little behind the Alexandria position but I totally unable to take any advantage. Butler remains inactive at Harpers. I've decided not to attempt tomove him back towards Washington, with the cut up rail links it will take him all of 20 days and thats without any movement delay which he is bound to experience. I'm detaching Morells division from Butlers command (at least he's active) and moving on Winchester. I'm expecting an easy victory but the truth is it will do little to relieve the pressure on Washington.


I decided not to clutter the picture any more than I thought to be necessary so am showing my Virginia army and corps commanders stats separately just to give you a detailed feel of my situation. Meager with his Union Brigade arrived in Washington. He is inactive but I'm transferring his brigade to Woods 16th division and then moving Meager to Dover. If I'm lucky he might be active next turn (assuming the Union still stands). In which case he can gather a division around him from the troops assembling there.


Nothing much else to report other than I've done another round of recruiting in Pennsylvania

2 x Supply Units
3 x 20 lb Artillery
3 x 2 element infantry Brigades
1 x 2 element infantry and 1 sharpshooter Brigade
1 x 2 element infantry, 1 element cavalry and 1 6lb Brigade
1 x 1 element Zouaves regiment.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:14 pm
by cobraII
Soundoff I would not really worry about him crossing if he doese cross he will have to worry about butler cutting off his retreat route and its late septimber there could be some snowy spots next turn if you have some luck, but if not there definatly will be some mud regions so i betting he is going to sit there and just entrench.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:42 pm
by soundoff
You about called it right Cobra but I was worried for a while there as you could tell from the report. Its not the losing that I'd mind its the not giving my opponent a good game :) I've just had the turn back so will try to do the AAR later this evening. I have taken a quick peek at it though and see that Jackson has actually retired but I'll go into greater detail later. :thumbsup: Not sure if it was the weather that made Barksdale pull back (I'll only know when the game is ended and I can read his AAR). If Butler made him tremble though I'd be much surprised. Mind you the game always throws up surprises for me...thats one of its attractions.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 7:33 pm
by soundoff
Well to those few of you who might be attempting to keep up with my poor AAR efforts a big thank you for considering it worthwhile to drop in. So Barksdale has processed the Late September results and boy did I breathe a sigh of relief when I read them. I'll start first with the eastern theatre this time if you dont mind and then work my way west.

Anyway with regards to Virginia:


For starters the weather for Late September is holding up remarkably well very little MUD around but look Jackson retired from Alexandria and is now back at Manassas leaving Johnston with just Winders division to hold the position. I think I was right to be concerned though for the power of Jacksons Corp is 1899 which could have really hurt. ;) The situation in the east was improved when Morells division brushed aside a Confederate militia regiment at Winchester (taking that city seems to have impressed my population a tad). The cherry on the cake was when my cavalry raid on the Strasburg depot found it undefended. This time around I've put in orders to torch it.......I do so like a nice bonfire....Guy Fawkes and all that ;)

McDowell and Hamilton have had 15 days to reoganize so Hamiltons Corp now has a healthy power punch of almost 2000. Butler continues to be a pain the the posterior and refuses to budge. As US Grant has turned up I'm rushing him east (trouble is its going to take 22 days). to Harpers Ferry. When he gets there he is going to take over Butlers command. Lets see what Barksdale makes of that move...particularly as I'm a Brit so moving in mud or harsh weather is not necessarily against my religion....provided I have an able commander. :w00t:

In Dover, although I'm not showing it, I now have the strength of two divisions and a couple of commanders...trouble is neither of them is active. I'm moving Halleck to Dover and when he is relieved by Grant, Butler can join him as well.

Until Grant arrives I do not intend to make any offensive moves in the Virginian theatre. Which leads me nicely onto my cavalry incursions into North Carolina etc.


Well at last I'm beginning to irritate, as my adversary has been irritating me for the last few months. I've lost an odd unit but most are back in their start positions resupplying and regaining cohesion so they are ready to sallie forth again when required. As you can see two units have made it to the coast. I'm attempting to embark them by sea this turn. I think the 10th Ohio at Georgetown will be OK. Not so confident though about getting the Wilmington force away. Already they have fought three skirmishes against overwhelming odds and have somehow managed to survive. Trouble is its going to take them 5 days to embark and I dont think the Rebs will grant them that long a stay of execution. In retrospect my decision to use my cavalry in a proactive rather than a reactive way seems to have paid dividends, at least this time around.

Now to the Tennessee and Kentucky theatre. :tournepas Am I still not happy in this area. Ah well there is always 62 as there is little I'll be able to achieve in whats left of 61.


Milroys command is still suffering from a 35 percent penalty and I dont seem to be able to co-ordinate movement to get another commander over to him. So this turn I'm intending to split away the 'unnecessary' units and try to move them back to Cairo. I'm not confident that it will work but I'm going to try. Lyons divisions cohesion has risen to 30...still well under what it should be. It will recover less that 2 per day so his force will still be short of total strength come Early October. Another turn of Milroys command digging in. What a waste :(

I moved my cavalry unit South from Paducah into Union and at last success.... I've found Polk and look at him.....sitting there at Island 10 with a full division commanded by Hardee. Perhaps Milroy being held up was a blessing in disguise. At least it has not turned out to be a disaster. There will evidently be no action started by me until 62 in this theatre now. Not only are my commands in a mess but the weather is bound to turn. Will have to make plans for Spring 62. Lets hope they are a damned sight better than my 61 decisions.

Now normally I would not comment on the very far west except that 'blow me down with a feather' Price has appeared on the scene.


He's popped up with a force and retaken Jefferson City. Its awkward but not really difficult. Unfortunately I dont have much of a division at St Louis under Fremont nor for that matter much of a force at Lexington. So even though he has only a weak division he is a threat, particularly to the very far west. Given that I've tracked down (even if only temporarily) both Polk and Price I'm inclined to move my division currently holding Salem to St Louis, this should be more than enough to hold the city. That then frees up Fremont to move by river to Lexington to reinforce that position.

Well thats about it for the time being and what with winter beginning to set in I strongly suspect there will be even less to report in the coming winter months. Mind you given the way I play...who knows :coeurs:

As for the rest the I've already mentioned that Grant has arrived. The Excelsior Brigade and the Regular Brigades have been formed along with the Old Brigade which turns up in Smethport PA and for some reason you never get notified of until it starts to starve if you dont look out for its arrival.

I'm not recruiting any new units but am concentrating on replacements. I think I'm going to need them.

2 Elite Infantry
7 Infantry
2 Light Infantry
2 Cavalry

Foreign help stands at 44. Confederate NM still at 114 and mine at 84. Still the Rebels are not raising conscripts or cash.

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:08 pm
by soundoff
Well the Early October turn has been processed and on receiving the 'Turn' file from Barksdale I was somewhat surprised to see a cryptic note attached to the effect that I had been lucky. On reviewing the results of the turn I see what he means. It reminded me very much of Dwight D Eisenhowers famous lines that 'I would rather have a lucky general than a smart general.....they win battles, and they make me lucky' Its never ceased to amaze me how the dividing line between those that were considered military geniuses in their time and those who are dismissed as 'duffers' is often marginally thin and on many occasions determined by 'luck'. Though I am mindful of the tenent that one makes ones own luck. Anyway back to the turn. Oh and one more aside. I've finally discovered how to crop the large images a bit. Takes a lot of time at my age :p apy: It was irritating me (let alone anyone else) that I was having to scroll across to read the posts. :D

Now I'm not going to provide this time any images for the Virginian theatre. Its really quiet in that area. Two Rebel cavalry regiments the 3rd and 4th Virginians have moved into Maryland, specifically into Caroll and Montgomery counties respectively I assume to cut further railroads and to pick up information. The weather in Virginia remains good. I destroyed the Strasburg depot and US Grant is still making his way to take over Butlers command at Harpers Ferry. He should be there in another 13 days.

At Dover I now have the equivalent of 2 divisions but no active commanders to command them. I'm starting to gather my Ocean naval force for the forthcoming amphibious assault on Savannah. Sadly its likely to be another month before it happens. Ah well plenty of time to get in supplies of the 'shades' and suntan lotion for the troops. :mdr:

In North Carolina my two cavalry regiments at Wilmington and Georgetown embarked safely. I'm hoping that Barksdale interprets their recent movement as scouting his positions for a possible sea invasion in that region. It would not be an improbable assumption to make particularly as Wilmington is often a favourite landing point for players. I can hope anyway.

So to the first picture of the Tennessee and Kentucky theatres.

I managed to extricate the 'surplus' units from Charleston and they are now back in Cairo and have been assimulated into Heinzleman's force. Lyons division with Milroys command has a cohesion rate of 47 out of 72 and is set to gain only 1.18 per day. Consequently I'm intending to move the 11th Illinois cavalry at Cairo to Charleston to take control of the city. Milroys command is to move to Paducah where hopefully it will be joined by either the 9th or 12th division currently at Cairo. I've not yet finally decided which one it will be .....but it will be one of them. I'm doing this in preparation for the 62 campaign season. More of that though in the winter months. I moved my cavalry unit which was to the east of Island 10 south to Humbolt. There we had the first of two minor skirmishes which begins to account for Barksdales assertion that 'I had been lucky' It went in my favour. The rebel militia retired and I now hold the city. I shall attempt to destroy the railroad this time and move the unit further south towards Corinth.


Well both of us are 'tippy toeing' around Kentucky neither wanting to upset the apple cart. Though you will see later that the New York Herald is reporting that we are upsetting the legislature of that state.


Very little of real note other than what I have already reported occured during the Early October turn except for the following. At last, and as I expected, Bragg attempted to take Fort Pickens. Now normally I'd have expected the attack to have been carried. Seems though that my meagre garrison repulsed the assault. The second time I got lucky :w00t:


Then, for Barksdale, to add insult to injury, a small skirmish ocurred at Allegheny whilst I was trying to get a lone regiment home. Despite being heavily outnumbered there were some survivors and my regiment remains intact. I really can see why Barksdale was not overly amused at the results even if not a single one of them was really important in the scale of things.


Well what else has happened? In Illinois Sumner has arrived at Salem to take over the small divison holding the depot. The embryonic 15th Division in Fremonts command at St Louis has made it to Lexington. Humphreys and his 11th Division is still meandering his way from Salem to St Louis to join Fremont. He's stopped to smell the roses though so he's still 13 days march away. :(

As for Price well I'm not picking him up at Jefferson City anymore so I suspect he's withdrawn. Anyway I'm sending Lyons cavalry regiment back to Jefferson to check it out.

I'm going to recruit in Illinois
3 x 2 element Infantry Brigades
1 x 2 element Infantry and 1 element cavalry Brigade

In addition I've called for 1 Engineer, 1 Signal and 1 Balloon units

On the replacement side I'm asking for 2 Field Art and 1 Cav.

Foreign entry stands at 45. My NM has risen by 1 to 85. The Confederates still stand at 114. Victory points at 438 for me and 677 for the Rebels. And Barksdale is still not calling for conscripts or raising cash.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 6:01 am
by soundoff
Well a new dawn and another post. So we are now moving on to the End of October report and given the harsh weather that looks to be setting in I think its time for a small reprise of 61.

Unless I manage to get my amphibious attack going in the next couple of turns I think I'd have to concede that the Union school report for 61 will have to be considered as 'should have done much better'. OK so the far west kept quiet as I'd hoped but thats not much of an achievement as its down to the Union to make the running. Kentucky has stayed neutral but thats at the expense of denying me a theatre to operate in. In Virginia I've been running scared for most of the year from Jackson and his doubles partner Johnston.

On reflection I suppose about par for the course with what happened historically ;) Barksdale is still not raising conscripts or money so I expect some large moves on his part during the month of December.

So to the Virginia theatre:


On the Rebel side Johnston still sits entrenching at Alexandria with his single division whilst the Confederate army of the Potomac under Beauregard and Stonewalls Corp continue to hold Manassas. Washington is about as fortified as I can get it with the Army under McDowell supported by Hamiltons Corp. (I've shown my force compositions - below - differently this time just to save cluttering the map :coeurs: ) On the map image you will however see that Grant has arrived at Harpers Ferry and is now in control of what was Butlers Corp. Perhaps now I can begin to be more active. Weather in Virginia is mud virtually everywhere. I'm moving Grant to Loudon to threaten Johnston's position in Alexandria. Due to weather conditions its going to take Grant 12 days. If I'd have been able to manage the march in the 15 days Grant would have assaulted Alexandria this move and I'd have supported him with Hamilton who happens to be active but even with a force march its impossible to achieve. Of course I'm expecting desertions and losses by the hundreds if not thousands but if there is the slightest easing of weather conditions at anytime during the winter months I want to be in position to take advantage.


Butler is now moving to Dover to take command of the amphibious corp I'm trying to raise. I now have the makings of two divisions plus at Dover but still no commanders active to assigning the brigades to. Shurz has recovered from the injuries he sustained at Harpers Ferry so is also being sent to Dover.

Finally, for Virginia, I tried to advance with the 1st MD Potomac Cavalry towards Richmond but was blocked by the enemy positions at Culpeper so the regiment remains in Page. I'm attempting to send it back to Winchester this time around. Oh and I see from the map that Johnny Reb has repaired the railway lines at Charlottesville. I had hoped they would have remained cut for another turn or two. Ah well never mind.

Now to the centre and specifically the Tennessee and Kentucky theatres. Well, guess what, its all quiet. Now I bet you did'nt expect that ;) So the map looks as follows:

There was a small skirmish in Tennessee (I've ringed my cavalry unit) at Madison. The 10th West Virginians that I was attempting to send to Corinth encountered McCulloch's command (my how he's moved around during 61). I was victorious in the ensuing engagement but was thrown back


I've circled the locations where I have significant bodies of troops. From the detailed information you can see that Milroy now has two divisions under his command at Paducah. Heinzelman has a division at Cairo and also a substantial number of supply wagons. I intend moving two of them to Paducah to start to create a forward supply depot. Sumners weak 20th Division controls the depot at Salem. Mansfield strong 10th Division sits comfortably in Louisville .......note to myself when I get the 62 release of generals I must get another commander or two to the city as Mansfields force has a 35% penalty and the Army of the Ohio whiles away the winter months in Cincinatti.



That moves me finally onto the far west where little of any importance materialised.


Humphreys force finally made it to St Louis to join Fremont so there is now one half decent division holding that city. Blenker is in Lexington entrenching. I intend to beef up his force when I'm able. Brewers confederate cavalry pushed me out of Rolla but that was countered my Lyons cavalry recapturing Jefferson city. I was right Price had retired from there.

Well thats about it for the end of October result. NM remain virtually unchanged. Mine has ticked up by 1. I'm not doing any recruiting, not even replacements, this time although I expect to have to invest heavily in them in December if I do play Grant aggressively in the east but only time, conditions and luck will tell.

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 9:22 pm
by soundoff
Well I decided to run two turns together, Early and Late November. My thinking was not to save me work or time but merely to avoid boring anyone who might be reading these ramblings on the basis that the winter months are usually quiet. Well it started off that way but I'm not so sure its going to end in that fashion. Best thing to do is judge for yourself. The first map shows the Virginia theatre at the end of Early November.


Well in Virginia all that really happened other than the weather turning absolutely sour was that I moved Grant and his three divisions from Harpers to Loudon. I decided to set his command to Blue\Blue in respect of stance. I thought that would be OK as I needed to give the Corp a turn to recover (not that cohesion was badly affected by the move) Additionally I decided to detach two supply wagons and issued orders for them to start constructing a depot figuring that I'd leave him at Loudon to see out the winter. The only other orders I issued concerned removing McCalls division from Hamiltons Corp in Washington and railroading it to Dover to join the amphibious units. There was a small skirmish in Page County which I lost. The battle report is attached. Other than that and to parody a famous saying 'It was all quiet on the Eastern Front'

I should add in passing that I was fortunate this time. My Dover commanders became active so I was able to form 3 Divisions under Butler and embark them onto the waiting ships. Unfortunately given the number of troops and the absence of commanders I had to use Halleck as a Divisional leader.


In the other theatres there was little evidence of any movement. I certainly was not making any other than starting to create a Depot at Paducah. It did not seem as if Barksdale was eager to press the issue either. I've attached a map of the central region just to give you a view of the significant number of cavalry regiments he has in the theatre. I am attempting to move my isolated cavalry regiment at Humbolt to Memphis....just for recon purposes. I should mention in passing that Humbolt revolted and I lost the city but that was to be expected.

The rest of the move for Early November was equally non eventful except that Bragg evidently became active again and once more assaulted Fort Pickens and carried the position.


Anticipating winter losses to both rail and river capacity I invested in 20 Rail and 25 River. Additionally, in Missouri, I began raising 3 Ironclads, 2 Gunboats and 2 Transports.

NM stands at 115 for the Confederacy and 93 for the Union. Victory points are 796 and 521 respectively. Losses are 20,000 Blue and 10,000 Gray. Foreign Help remains at a stubborn 45

So on to the late November result. And boy was I surprised. In some ways whatever luck Barksdale thought I had with battle results a turn or two ago he had in spades this time around (IMO) for reasons I'll explain in a minute or two. The real biggy... in fact the only event of note was that Jackson marched from Manassas, and Johnston marched from Alexandria to assault Grants position at Loudon. Weight of numbers coupled with Grants stance Blue\Blue meant that he retreated but achieved a 'victory'. The unfortunate knock on effect for me (if you go back to the early November map you will be able to follow it) was that Grants force retreated not to Harpers Ferry from whence he had come but to Winchester. The reason being that weather conditions in Winchester were fair against mud at Harpers. So Grants now pulled well out of position and weather conditions are even more treacherous.

Where I think that Barksdale has been very fortunate is that not only has Grant retreated in what could be considered the 'most advantageous route' for the Rebels but having left Alexandria open and Manassas incredibly weak he had no way of knowing when he submitted the turn that further Union forces were not advancing say towards Washington. He will now. The Rebel cavalry at Annapolis will give him that information but he cannot have known that he'd be safe at the time of submitting his assault orders. As it happens McDowell is active and has two divisions. It is possible to march him to Fredricksburg in just the 14 days but I bet if I tried he'd be delayed. He's only 2 strategic. That would also mean leaving Washington defended only by Hamiltons Corp with 3 divisions. Not enough if Jackson and Johnston come on. Jackson has 4 divisions and Johnston 2.

I know I'm probably going to be wrong again but I cannot believe that my opponent will leave the road to Fredricksburg and Richmond as exposed as it currently is. I do therefore expect Jackson and/or Johnston to move....its where? In preparation for the possibility that it might be Washington I've given McDowell and Hamilton defend at all costs orders. US Grant has added Morells division which was at Winchester to his Corp and will attempt to move back to Harpers Ferry. Obviously one way or another the depot I was building at Loudon has been lost but thats a secondary issue.


The map shows the current situation and the open road to the South. In late September at Fredricksburg there was only Bonham with a couple of Brigades. I doubt if there is more than a full division holding in at present particularly as my opponent has still not recruited. I am just having to grit my teeth realising I cant take advantage of the opportunity. When I can the door will be shut firmly in my face of that I'm pretty certain.


My amphibious force is now underway and with blue skies and calm seas will make landfall in 9 days. I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed that when they arrive at least some of the commanders are active.

Well that about sums it up except for the victory details.


Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 3:43 pm
by soundoff
Well I tried going to a monthly report on the basis that very little was going to happen (how wrong can you be) So back to the turn report and a very quick update on events unfolding during Early December 61.

Well as I suspected the open door to Fredricksburg has been firmly slammed in my face as the map shows.


Johnston is back in Alexandria with a sizable contingent. Jackson remains at Loudon with the following:

Magruders Division 461
EK Smiths Division 392
Earl Van Dorn with 1st Virginia Cavalry 92
B Bee with Bee's Brigadge 82
James Longstreet with the Laurel Brigade 155
unattached the 4th Virginia Cavalry.

Grant assimulated Morells division into his corp and has returned to Harpers Ferry. I'm going to build a depot at Harpers this time. With the extra division Grant's stance is Blue\Orange.

My amphibious force went quietly about its business and now rests at anchor in the Wassage Sound ready to disembark the troops. All commanders are active so I'm assaulting Savannah immediately. Butler and two divisions are expected to make it in 11 days. Halleck will take 13. I need the troops ashore and for the assault to be successful as I'm losing cohesion too fast for my liking. As to who I'm likely to meet at Savannah well this is how I'm calling it. I have a sizeable number of Confederate commanders already on my radar butting against my forces in Virginia and I suspect Bonham either at Manassas or Fredricksburg. Add into that mix Polk and Price etc in the West. Throw in Ruggles at Norfolk and another commander (forget who) at Suffolk I'd lay money on Barksdale having little in the way of commanders in the area. So I'm betting on him executing a 'beam me up Scotty' move by one of the Confederate big guns this turn. I reckon Longstreet is favourite particularly as he's not the best commander to link with the Laurel Brigade :blink: You cant say I dont let you into my thought processes ;)

Thats all I have to report other than my NM has reduced to 92 with the CSA standing at 114. The Rebels issued 8% bonds and called for Volunteers. I have issued 5% bonds this time and am offering a bounty of 1,000 dollars in my call for Volunteers. Hopefully I will raise 284 conscripts.

This will fund 2 supply and 2 infantry replacements. I am also raising the following new units

In New York
3 Rodman
In Pennsylvania
1 x 3 element Brigade of 2 infantry and 1 sharpshooter
1 x 4 element Brigade of 2 infantry 1 x 6lb and 1 cavalry
In Connecticut
4 x 2 element infantry Brigades

I've also called for another 'Total Blockade' which is dicey as Foreign Help already stands at 49.

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:59 pm
by soundoff
I thought I was about as confused as I could get but it just got worse. Well now the End of December 61 report is in and it makes interesting reading....even if I cant make head nor tail of it. I'm going to concentrate entirely on the eastern side again purely because there is absolutely diddly squat going on elsewhere on the continent (at least from what scant information I can glean)

Mind you I hope whats happening in the East more than makes up for the inactivity elsewhere.

So to the Virginia theatre:

Look .....Jackson has vacated Loudon and Johnston has fallen back from Alexandria. I can only assume thats because of what has happened in North Carolina but more about that later. Trouble is Grant now takes this moment in time to go on a bender and has decided to become inactive. If I try to move his Corp into Loudon, because of the mud, its going to take all of 16 days. With railroads chewed up all around to try to move him to Washington takes a mind boggling 30 days. So doing anything with his corp is a big fat zero. At Washington however Hamilton is active, though McDowell is not. In addition we've received the latest officer draft (the portraits are brilliant Jabber. Excellent work) So I've transferred McDowells 2 divisions to Berry and given him a Corp command. McDowell for the time being has been put in charge of the Washington Garrison troops.

I've relieved Grant of his Corp command at Harpers and am rushing him to Washington (much more centrally placed) without troops it should take him 14 days. Whipple I'm running in the opposite direction from Washington to Harpers to take over Grants Corp. Again it should take 14 days.

Now last turn you will recall I expected Barksdale to basically leave Stonewall and Johnston in place and to rush Longstreet to the Savannah area. I think thats another call I've made thats totally wide of the mark. I now suspect that hes sending Stonewall thataways. I know I have no forward scouts out so he may be lurking close by but I'm not picking up any trace of him or his command. I think its because he's withdrawn Stonewall to meet my amphibious threat that hes moved Johnston back thus shortening his lines of supply and communication.

Anyway thats what I'm banking on.....that and that with the lousy weather conditions Johnston will not March to the Sound of the Guns. Why you may ask? Well I've issued an order to Hamilton his corp is to assault Alexandria but move immediately on to take Manassas.

Hamiltons corp has a power rating of 2066. He commands Hooker with a strength of 564 McCall with 483 Runyon 486 and Tyler 538. I'm sending him light with no supply wagons or attached artillery. His stance will be Red\Blue.

The weather is totally against him. My scouting of the area is abysmal and I'm making some huge assumptions. Its more than likely that the whole adventure will go pear shaped.......Grief but I just love this game because of the least with the way I play it. :w00t:

Anyway its because I'm potentially doing a suicidal move with Hamiltons corp that I'm rushing Grant to Washington to take over Berrys Corp next turn. Oh what fun. :D So thats the Virginia theatre.

Now to the Carolina's. Well Butler took Savannah. Losses on both sides were light though I did capture a 20lb battery and the Fortress Guns that unfortunately can't be transferred out of the region.


With the troops ashore I originally intended assaulting Fort Pulaski but one look at the cohesion level of my troops (you can see how low Schurz command is and the others are no better) made me think again. It would have taken Butlers Corp (he is active by the way) 13 days to get to the fort. By that time I figured that his troops would be on their knees and not able to knock the top off of a boiled egg let alone carry a fortress assault even if were lightly garrisoned.

My next thought (given my belief that Stonewall and his corp are on the way) was to get the heck out of there. Blow the depot and get back aboard the ships. When that thought struck me I had my troops in the region but outside of Savannah and saw that I'd only recover less than 1 cohesion per day per division.....not nearly enough. Fortunately though, almost by mistake, I clicked Hallecks division into Savannah and the cohesion gain went up to a whopping 2.4. I'd totally overlooked being inside a structure to make the best gains. So I reconsidered and decided that what the heck should be another turn before Stonewall arrives...assuming he arrives at all. I also figured that I might be able to slow him down. I've thus detached sufficient ships, about 15 elements, from the fleet in Wassage Sound and am moving them to the Mouth of the Savannah. Its a two day sailing. That should prevent a crossing at that point. I'm expecting the Fort Pulaski batteries to do damage to but hopefully I'll still be in sufficient strength to block that part of the river.

So thats about it. I'll be waiting eagerly to see how I fare when I've finished this report and submit the turn to Barksdale. I do so hope he's enjoying the game as much as I am.

What else well my Total Blockade failed again. +7 to Foreign Engagement its now at 58.

As expected the Rebels called for volunteers again and issued 8% bonds and raised Exceptional they should be awash with money and recruits.

My NM is stuck at 93. The Confederate is down marginally at 111 but well over the magic mushroom number of 105.

I'm asking for 4 replacements for infantry and calling up:

In Pennsylvania
1 regiment of Zouaves
1 Brigade of 2 element infantry
2 x 2 Brigades of 2 element infantry and 1 sharpshooter
2 Cavalry regiments

In Ohio
3 Cavalry regiments

In Kentucky
4 Rodman Artillery

2 Army commands

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:10 pm
by tagwyn
Start with a smaller scenarlio. The full camapign is too much of a burden. Even Hallack couldn't handle it. lol. :p apy:

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 7:49 pm
by soundoff
So its on to Early Jan 62 and the situation in Virginia is as follows:


So how did we end up here you may ask? Well my defense is that I was very tired when did my orders and failed to check them which is fatal.

That brings me nicely onto orders generally and events that took me an age to figure when I first began playing this game purely because you have to look at what you've done so so closely. Even then you have to check and recheck. I wish there were a better system of notification than is currently available in game in respect of the movement orders. Confused? Then let me show you some pictures. Last turn I said what I intended to do. Shown below are my actual orders.


This was Grants move from Harpers Ferry to Washington. On the face of it looks fine does'nt it. That is until you really scruitinise the information. Movement path looked correct. Days to reach Washington looked about right. Stance was entered in as I wished. Trouble was in clicking Grant onto Prince George I'd clicked him onto Hamiltons Corp which is located in Prince George. So if you now look at Grants picture.....yep he's going to Prince George but he's going to join Hamiltons Corp. Which means that if Hamilton moves then Grant will no longer be going to Prince George but will be chasing after Hamilton. And the only clue that you get that you've made such a silly mistake is by looking at Grants picture. It does not show up in the black information box. Its easy to do when regions are crowded. Nowhere in the rules are you warned about it. So the upshot is, I reckon I'm sending Grant to Washington when I'm actually sending him to join Hamilton (not the same thing at all)

As it happened that same move I'd put in an order for Hamilton to move from Prince George to Manassas to assault the city. Now look at that picture.


I've boxed the 'crossed swords' and underlined the bit where you can just about start to make out 'Army of the' Thats because in clicking on Fauquier I actually dropped the icon onto the Army of the Potomac that was in Fauquier. The 'crossed swords' means I've targetted the army rather than the region. So if the Army moves I'm likely to follow it rather than carry out the orders I thought I was making. Thats what actually did occur. Beauregard decided to leave Fauquier causing Hamilton to follow rather than move on Manassas and there was Grant trying to catch up with Hamilton.

It just goes to show the need to check and recheck your orders after you have issued them. Its too darned easy to make a mistake that you have no idea you are making.

As to the game, given that I'm playing the far easier North I still think I have a chance. Grant is out on a limb but I should be able to get him to Alexandria. McDowell is active so I'm sending him in assault mode to Manassas and this time I've targetted the region. Hamilton was pulled into attacking Johnstons Corp at Stafford with inevitable results.


The saving element was my use of Orange\Blue as a stance so Hamilton quickly retired without too much trouble. He is now on his way back to Alexandria and should get there in 1 day. Whipples Corp I'm moving from Harpers Ferry to Loudon. I know with what Barksdale has recruited in the way of conscripts in the last couple of turns that he will have several new divisions appearing from next turn onwards but hopefully, with Jackson out of the way I have time to consolidate a better position in Virginia.

All other theatres are quiet except my excursion into North Carolina. If I had to bet on it I reckon that Butlers Corp will be lost but I still believe it was worth the risk. Anyhow the position is as follows:


I was right about Jackson but I did'nt slow down his move at all. Barksdale anticipated my naval move into the Savannah mouth and brought in his own Brigs to negate my blockade. I had Butlers Corp inside of Chatham so there was no major engagement but had two cavalry regiments outside the city. These Jacksons force brushed aside.


As you can see I'm besieged with nowhere to go except into the sea. I'm trying to extricate myself but dont think I will manage it. I reasonably sure that Jackson will not assault this time...the odds are against him ...but its that Rebel shipping in the Wassage Sound thats going to give me the headache.

Well other than the above there is little else of note to report. I've purchased 6 replacement infantry this turn. Foreign entry now stands at 59.

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 10:29 pm
by soundoff
And so here we are with the Late Jan 62 report and Early Feb move. One thing I hope you will have noticed is that I do not adhere in any way to the perceived wisdom on these boards that somehow the game is set up for 'Campaigning Seasons' I dont know in history a commander worth his salt who stuck to spring and summer campaigning only so why should I be any different. I would'nt mind if AGEod had made it impossible to campaign in winter. They hav'nt....its just that you have to think a bit more about it.

Anyway its still very peaceful and quiet over most of the continent. You can see the virgin footprints in the snow in Missouri, Tennessee and Kentucky. I think this time I'll start with North Carolina.

Well it went as I expected. Jackson just rattled his sabre outside of Chatham. Butler tried to row his boats and his corp to safety in the Wassage Sound but a battle took place there on day one (it ended in a Union victory and the rebels high tailed it) so Butlers force turned was all too much for them. So now they are back in Chatham. Supplies going down. Enough for this turn and the next but after that...STARVATION. I also managed to defeat the CSA Brigs in the Savannah Mouth.

Now I reckon that if Barksdale sends shipping back to the Sound and the Mouth and puts them on 'offensive' then I'm in trouble. If I've got the rules right (and I've said before that I dont fully understand the naval side) then if there is a sea action going on and troops try to embark or disembark it puts a stop on them. So all he has to do is send his ships back into the relevant zones on offensive stance....engage my fleet and Butler cant get off. I think I'm right....perhaps....maybe. If I am and he does it for a couple of turns then Butlers corp is toast.

Well here is how it looks:


Although it seems exactly the same as the last time (rebel shipping having been repulsed being the exception) its not quite the same. I'm going to work on the assumption that he will send ships back to either the Wassage Sound or the Mouth of the Savannah but not to both. As I have transports in both areas I'm taking the gamble of splitting Butlers command and moving half to ships in the Sound and the other half to shipping in the Mouth. I reckon that Barksdale will still feel he is not yet strong enough to assault Butlers position. As I also chewed up the railway lines in the region this turn and burnt the depot he may even believe that he can starve me out. Anyhow this time its a double headed move. I'm working on the basis that saving half the force is better than saving none.

Now onto Virginia. Here the news is much better particularly as with Jackson and 3 divisions out of the way I really do feel I have the chance of the upper hand even if only for the rest of the month.


First one of those screwy AGEod things (in fact a couple of them) that you just have to accept...move on.....and live with. McDowell was active and still is. Gave him orders last time to assault Manassas. You can see he still has the red assault motif over him. Now he gets to Manassas on day 12 and decides to seige.....You go figure because be blowed if I can. Mind you Manassas is going to fall.

Then we have Hamilton last time it showed that he was retiring to Alexandria having been defeated at Stafford and that it would take him 1 day to get there. But no the guy now decides to stay put. No message of stance having changed....just decides the scenery is better in Stafford. Mind you I'm quite happy. Seems the Confederates decided to vacate Stafford....I'm all for taking territory this way. Grant made it back to Alexandria so now I'm going to send him to take control of Hamiltons Corp. That should give the Confederacy something to think about. Whipples Corp at Loudon I'm sending to Manassas to complete the assault that McDowell did not want to do. McDowell I'm marching onwards into Culpeper. If I manage it the CSA will have to start to defend Albermarle....otherwise I'll have negated the rivers.

Well lets see what next turn uncovers.

In closing Sherman has arrived with Grant. I'll give him a command as soon as possible. I promoted G.H. Thomas at Louisville to 2 star. Foreign help stands at a dismal 61 (at this rate the Brits will be in the war before the end of 62) My morale is 97 with the Rebels on 112...although NM never has bothered me....particularly as it does not work very well IMO. Ive called for Full Mobilization... and purchased the following units

In Missouri
2 x 10lb Artillery

In Kentucky
3 x 2 element Infantry Brigades
1 x 2 element Infantry and 1 element cavalry Brigade.

About time I readied myself for a spring Kentucky offensive methinks. Oh and I've begun to position my sizable number of cavalry units for scouting, screening and railroad destroying duties once the bad weather subsides. And gathering a small corp in the rear to hopefully take Covington once the weather breaks to provide me with a forward depot....much easier to strike at the Confederate heartland from there. So the 62 plans are underway.

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 3:23 pm
by soundoff
On to the Early February 62 report and the Late February move.

To begin with in North Carolina I got very lucky. Both of my forces made it to the transports. Confederate navy made no attempt to move back into the Wassage Sound or the Mouth of the Savannah. So with a slice more good fortune I should be able to get the Corp to home territory. Jackson is still outside Chatham. Maybe I've been fortunate, who knows, but certainly the expedition to Savannah has not turned out badly. OK so its not given me a permanent foothold and opened up another theatre as I'd hoped but it has succeded in pulling a whole Confederate Corp under their second best commander away from the Virginia theatre during critical winter months. Perhaps Barksdale expected me to do the usual ACW thing and go into winter quarters once the harsh weather arrived. The icing on the cherry is that I still hold Chatham...only with the fort guns I might add....but I'm stilling holding on.


In Virginia, mainly because of Jacksons absence I've been able to make some valuable, if limited, headway. This turn Lincoln issued War Order No1 calling for Manassas to be taken so my commanders duely obliged. Grant moved to Stafford and took over Hamiltons Corp. Sherman will take up a divisional command in Grants corp this turn. McDowell moved as ordered to Culpeper and may have time to dig in. I'm transferring his troops to Berry who will assume Corp command thus enabling McDowell to fall back to Manassas. Whipple has moved from Loudon to Manassas. I'd like to have kept him moving on to Culpeper to join Berry but his force needs to regain cohesion. I've marched most of my troops hard during the winter months. I do feel more confident about my front line now though. Much better concentrated.

Facing me is a Corp under Holmes at Charlottesville. Beauregards Army HQ, but little in the way of brigades at Albermarle and Corps commanded by Bonham and Smith at Fredricksburg. What I find strange and slightly disturbing is that Johnston has been off the radar for a couple of months. I do wonder where and what he is up to. What does Barksdale have up his sleeve for him and his troops?


There was one silly battle report shown below....for no other reason than to make you smile. I can certainly stand the loss but it does demonstrate that sometimes, somewhere, in the battle reports there is an occasional serious flaw. Fortunately is does not seem to happen that often. Mind you I'd have been really miffed had I have lost 10000 rather than 10;)


Foreign Help continues to creep up to 62. I've decided to levy Exceptional Taxes which should rake in 967 thousand dollars. This has enabled me to recruit as follows

2 Supply
4 Cavalry
5 Infantry

1 x 2 Infantry elements and 1 Sharpshooter Brigade
1 x 2 Infantry elements, I cavalry and 1 6lb Artillery Brigade
New York
3 x Rodmans
4 x 2 Infantry element Brigades
4 x 2 Infantry element Brigades
1 x 2 Infantry element, I cavalry and 1 6lb Artillery Brigade
2 x Sharpshooters
6 x 12lb Artillery batteries
4 x Supply
2 Balloon
5 Engineers (2 for repairing railroads)
2 Signal
2 Marines.

I'm starting to finalise my thinking in respect of 62 objectives. I should be ready to share some of them with you next time.