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Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:26 pm
by xpyre
I think it depends on your personal "success criteria".
In real life you probably would fight on a while, but you have the benefit of knowing how the game works.
I cannot see any way back from here. The USA is relatively weak in the early years. You are behind in NM and it is likely to get much worse shortly. There is no chance of foreign intervention. In game terms it won't be long before Soundoff's VP total overtakes yours and it can't help but do so before 1866.

Soundoff is a cautious opponent who is unlikely to run foul of logistical problems and self destruct as a result. As time goes on his new generals and new forces are likely to simply overwhelm you. .) There are no random events big enough for you to catch up!

So in short ... you've lost this game. :( :(

However if your motivation is not simply based on winning or losing but on trying to last as long as you can (even with no hope of eventual success) you could carry on! My guess is that it would take another year or maybe even two before the game judges that your morale is too low or his is too high... but it is hopeless even now!

In any case you are both winners... this is the best AAR I've ever read and my sincere thanks go to both of you. :coeurs: I think you can count yourself unlucky in most of the crucial enounters.


Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:50 pm
by W.Barksdale
You may be able to mass around Burkeville and withdraw into NC. Or sidestep Grant to the east and withdraw around that way. As long as you can get out the majority of the army you still have a game.

In any case, this has been an immensely exciting read over the past the few weeks!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:29 pm
by Spharv2
I say stay in it for at least a few turns, move to Atlanta, pull back and see if you can't eliminate the Yanks in Petersburg. If you can throw all your forces in there and get a few good rolls you can put a good hurt on him. I'd probably stick in to see how long I could last without VA, but that's just me. Like Xpyre said, Soundoff can be cautious, and if you hurt him badly enough, he might pull back and give you some breathing room, never know.

2nd Battleof Columbus

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:03 pm
by Injun
Which program did you use to creat the battle map?

The next question too lenghy to answer in this thread. Please start another thread and answer the next question: Also how did you analize the battle reports to produce it?

The creation of the map and analyis of battle report would be use full as a tutorial thread.

|I have found this ARR between you and Soundoff of great interest and seeing views from both sides great. Very entertaining but also a learning experience.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:09 pm
by Clovis
I would:

-leave the Mississipi bend
- concentrate my Western Forces in Kentucky and place them in position either to invade Indiana or to come back on Eastern fforces in Virginia.
- leave Richmond and Petersburg to North Carolina
- buy several brig to get WSU and money to compensate patially the Richmond losses.
- raid in the Shenandoah to HF or possibly Maryland to burn some badly defended supply depots.

A bit desperate, but you could maybe hammer an overextended Union.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 5:54 pm
by Jim-NC
Personally, I would like to see you continue (if only for the learning experience) :D .
As the leader of your nation however, I believe that if you can not remove Grant from Petersburg next turn then you have lost Richmond. And without Richmond, then you are fighting a slow withdrawal to defeat. :( The one thing you can not replace in a loss of Richmond is the conscript points. You can get the money and WS from brigs, and food and bullets from NC/SC, but can't replace the CS. That is approximately 1/4 of your CS points per turn (yuck).

This has been a great chance for some of us newer players to learn some of the nuances of the game.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:01 pm
by Banks6060
Thanks for the replies gents. Keep 'em comin' but I urge you to refrain from giving specific strategic advice (as Soundoff does not have that luxury even now). Besides...every piece of strategic advice mentioned, I've already been tossing around my brain like a hot potato. Lost sleep actually :) .

I really would appreciate that comments remain within the realm of simply whether or not you would be interested in reading more about a game that, as xpyre mentioned, I HAVE indeed pretty much lost. I'm sure there are still plenty of lessons to learn about the game.

I will not PLAY as if I've lost (In all actuality I've both plenty of time and plenty of land left to make a stand as I'm sure would have been done historically), but from here on...I would like to guage how much you would all enjoy reading about the challenge of holding it together from here.


In the words of the bard

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:02 pm
by gchristie
I'll have grounds
More relative than this—the play's the thing...

Hamlet Act 2, scene 2, 603–605

If you continue to enjoy the game, then game on! If not...we will all have to find a new fixation.

Thanks for a great AAR, whatever you decide.

Play On!!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:49 pm
by biggp07
Please play on Banks! I will watch, read and learn to the bitter end! And I want to thank you and soundoff for a truly enjoyable ACW AAR experience!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:58 pm
by slimey.rock
Hey Banks, I for one would follow along this thread if it lasted 'till all 114 turns. If there's one thing I want insight on, it is how to tactically retreat an entire army from the clutches of destruction. Between the two of you, I've learned a lot in the ol' AACW textbook, but I think there's more than a few chapters left :D

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:05 pm
by orca
I'm not sure I understand why Richmond MUST fall. And if there's any chance of preventing that from happening I'd certainly like to see you try to pull that rabbit out of your hat. At this point you really are just trying to get lucky, but it seems to me that while unlikely, victory isn't impossible.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:24 pm
by jokeon
This has been a great AAR, I have enjoyed reading your and Soundoff's accounts of your planing and thinking. I would be disappointed for it to finish. However, I think you have been very unlucky at times and as you say it would be very difficult to keep going when the tide is running against you so strongly.

Thank you for your efforts so far, I expect you will make the right decision.

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 7:40 pm
slimey.rock wrote:Hey Banks, I for one would follow along this thread if it lasted 'till all 114 turns. If there's one thing I want insight on, it is how to tactically retreat an entire army from the clutches of destruction. Between the two of you, I've learned a lot in the ol' AACW textbook, but I think there's more than a few chapters left :D

Hi Banks:

These are my sentiments exactly. Hugely enjoying your game with Soundoff and I would love to see how you handle this tough strategic puzzle. Thanks again for the great AAR whatever you decide.


Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:00 am
by Pubcrawler
Either way, it has been great fun reading and following along :thumbsup:

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:44 am
by Injun
Genr"l Banks600,
Ya keep them Yanks on thier toes. That thar ball is on darn good shin ding. I am learning alot. I'm gona read this till Richmond falls or till ya scream uncle to the bitter end. This has been the best ARR yet. Keep your powder dry and aim low!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:14 am
by nemethand
I would definitely follow your and soundoff's AAR, like I have done so far, for several reasons already mentioned above.
Moreover, "It ain´t over till it´s over" :cool:

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:57 pm
by Banks6060
Hope springs eternal my friends. Circumstances may not be as bad as I thought. I shall play on! More on Lee's valiant stand in Virginia this afternoon.


Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:04 pm
by Pubcrawler
Banks6060 wrote:Hope springs eternal my friends. Circumstances may not be as bad as I thought. I shall play on! More on Lee's valiant stand in Virginia this afternoon.


:thumbsup: sweet!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 10:20 pm
by Banks6060
Alright...perhaps not quite this afternoon. The 3am to 8am shift this morning took it out of me and I'm working again now. I will post an update as soon as I have the chance. Either tonight or early tommorrow.

Cheers everyone!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:12 pm
by Banks6060
Well that was a nasty delay.

On with the game though!

[color="Red"]Turn 33, Early August, 1862:[/color]

Ironworks constructed in North Carolina!! (Fantastic news. +4 WS, but it's in Hillsboro, NC...which is pretty close to the front line. grrr.)

General Hooker sweeps through Mississippi!! (You've all seen this already I'm sure. Great move by Soundoff, but I doubt it will have the desired affect.)

General Richard Taylor joins the cause!! (I never fully appreciated this guy. His stats are decent 4-2-2. He trains troops and provides a +1 command point to everyone in his stack. I'll send him to join the AoK. Polk's Corps I think.

New militia regiments raised across the south!! (The fall of Petersburg prompts Richmond to call on all state's to increase their home guards.)

Orders in the east:


Not as dire a situation as I had originally thought. The key being Burkeville. As you can see by my yellow highlight, the rails in Burkeville are broken! Which means Grant nor Hamilton can quickly rail back to protect their supply line.

Now, with that said. I'm quite sure Soundoff is aware of this situation and doesn't intend to keep Grant linked up with Washington at all. I think he intends to march Grant and Hamilton straight to Norfolk and take it. Where he can be easily re-supplied from the sea.

Burkeville is a very important region this turn and I hope to take it. So I will send just Lee and the HQ there to meet up with Stuart's cavalry. There is still the possibility that McDowell, Dix, Franklin and Whipple might assault Richmond from the north so I want to keep Jackson in a position to support Longstreet should that happen. If any of the above Union corps make a grab at Burkeville. Lee and Jackson will be tasked with stopping them. If I can hold Burkeville, I will be able to receive supplies via road from Garysburg, NC for the remainder of the summer and early autumn. The task will then be retaking Petersburg to open the rails back up.

Magruder's position has become too exposed and so I will be moving him west to join the rest of the main army around the Richmond/Petersburg line. Joe Johnson and his newly dubbed "3rd Corps" will hold in Garysburg just in case Soundoff gets clever and tries to sever my link to the Carolinas. At this point there is little I can to about Norfolk. If I rail Johnson there (Which I spent a LONG time debating) I will only allow the possibility of Grant cuttin him off too. While I would be denying supply to Grant's army, I would be opening up Garysburg, NC to Grant and Hamilton...which is far more costly to my army.

Overall: It's not time to give up Richmond yet. I still have a chance to defend it if I can just get my supply situation all wrapped up. In fact, if I manage to repair rails in all the right places and get another depot set up somewhere in western NC or southwest Virginia I might be able to continue operating in the theater.

In the West:


First, a look at the overall picture. It's obvious to me that McClellan is weighing heavily upon his Corps Generals' Strategic ratings and will probably remain inactive (at least in large part) for several turns. That combined with my ever strengthening line in west Tenn. means Soundoff's most likely push in the west will come through Central Kentucky. He doesn't have the strength for it right now, but if he were to get another couple of divisions to this area soon, he could make a very significant impact on the front line.

To more specific operations:


The Army of Kentucky will hold in western Tennessee. It's line is now very strong and mutually supportive. If Soundoff wants to flank it, he'll have to telegraph his move.

Devens and some Union cavalry popped up in central Tenn. My guess is he's going to try and cause some trouble with my supply line. I think Soundoff is going to do all he can to CUT me out of my line in the west by destroying as many depots as he can. I hope to counter this with General Colston and a pair of cavalry regiments.

Van Dorn, with the help of the Army of Kentucky could EASILY take Louisville. Buell looks to have only around 3,000 troops or so stationed around the town. I want to keep an eye on what troops are being stationed there. I have an operation in mind that could forstall the afformention Union drive into central Kentucky. But timing will be of the essence. The offensive would have to wait until autumn or just a shade before winter.

In the Gulf:


Well Hooker's drive was truly an impressive one. Either 4 or 5 regions in just 15 days while fighting and taking territory all the way. Forrest put up a meager defense at Jackson before Hooker moved on to Vicksburg. This was a very alarming move, but after much consideration I came to some rather obvious conclusions.

1. There's no way Hooker can stay in Mississippi much longer. He risks being cut off and I'm not going to bite with Holmes large division in New Orleans. So if he hopes to draw troops away from that important port...he's wrong.

2. The Vicksburg depot can easily be rebuilt using some transports.

As long as I can save the depot at Jackson...Hooker's raid will have been a mere thorn in my underbelly. Forrest is ordered to re-trace all of Hooker's footsteps and attack if he catches up to him. (Forrest's attack stat of 6 will make it a bit more even fight if Hooker manages to stay in offensive posture.) However Forrest is ordered only to probe Hooker and harrass his troops.

Beauregard escaped!! What a relief. I've now given him a HQ and formed the Army of Mississippi. It will be a very small army at first, consisting of around 6 to 7,000 troops, but a formidable force once all replacements are gathered and some additional brigades called up. Beauregard will first make for Montgomery, AL to rest and refit.

In the Far West:


Glad to see Stand Watie attracted so much attention. I will move him this turn to a better position to threaten the depot north of St. Louis (Forgot the town's name.)

Phil Sheridan is in play...his cavalry division will probably look to cause trouble in the Indian territories and in Texas if not be tasked with chasing down Watie's indians.


Will Grant move on Norfolk?? Will Soundoff assault Richmond?? Can Forrest catch up with Hooker?? Stay tuned...

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:06 am
by soloswolf
It's great to see you holding your nerve! Lot's of folks would've called it. Keep on keepin' on! :thumbsup:

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:13 am
by W.Barksdale
Interesting take on the situation in the east! Can't wait to see how this turns out!

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:50 am
by Comtedemeighan
GO CSA :thumbsup:

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:53 am
by xpyre
I too am glad you've soldiered on...

:D :D

I personally think that the CSA will always lose with the best play from both players... so in a way you are no different than at the start. ;)

It will be interesting to see to what extent you give Soundoff sleepless nights...

Posted: Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:19 pm
by Banks6060
Thanks for all the support and I'll go ahead and echo xpyre's statement. When you have two very experienced players facing off it's usually difficult for the southern player to achieve victory. As the Union, as long as you don't make too many mistakes...and you just move the ball forward one yard at a SHOULD be able come out on top.

That said, I don't want to take away from the expert game Soundoff has played thus far. He has played mistake free ball all along. I have made some pretty nasty errors that have cost me. Soundoff will probably achieve total victory by next winter at the latest if not before then. However if I can manage to focus enough strength in a powerful defensive line of trenchworks in North Carolina in the East and in Tennessee in the West...hopefully things will turn around.

On to the next turn!!

[color="Red"]Turn 34, Late August, 1862:[/color]

Helleck takes Nashville!! (It's funny when things like this happen, because it's always when I least expect it. Helleck had an open path to Nashville around Van Dorn's western flank. I knew this, but hadn't addressed it because of Helleck's dismal Strategic rating. I've payed for that mistake this turn.)

Lee pushed back at Burkeville!! (Well my intent was for Lee to get to Burkeville and if attacked, for Jackson to MTG. However, once again, Jackson shows a complete lack of initiative and DOESN'T MTG. That's 3 turns in a row that he's shied away from combat. I'm starting to wonder if there's a bug working or if I'm just getting REALLY unlucky. Sherman and a strong Union division now hold in Burkeville.)

Union army on the move in west Tennessee!! (More on this in a bit, but I have reason to believe Soundoff's going after Island 10 with McClellan's army.)

Watie penetrates deep into Yankee territory!! (I'm glad ol' Phil Sheridan wasn't feeling up to chasing me. Looks like I have an open road to complete my plan. Although I may not be able to...more in a moment.)

Orders in the East:


Well my "last gasp" failed. The situation in Virginia is quite grim now. Soundoff might try for an assault on Richmond this turn, but quite honestly I think he knows what I know. All he has to do is move his army in such a ways as to surround Lee and trap and starve him...thereby sparing himself the extra casualties that would result from an all out assault. So it's time to break out and live to fight another day.

I will move my capitol to Atlanta and fight on. It will cost me 2 NM (not good), but it's certainly better than having Lee's army starve to death.

The Army of Northern Virginia will march west and around Sherman's position and hopefully end up safe and sound in Franklin, VA. The army is ordered to avoid battle, but to defend heartily if that is not possible.

Johnson and the 3rd Corps will stay in Garysburg after pushing back an attempted raid by Kearny's troopers.

Magruder will escape south by way of turn I plan to rail him west to join Johnosn and reorganize.

J.E.B Stuart will raid north. Aiming to take out that important depot at Amherst. I have troops ordered to blow the depot in Richmond thereby making Aquia Soundoff's nearest supply source in Virginia. Hopefully this will slow him down.

In the West:


More bad news as I mentioned. Helleck takes Nashville. I must say I only have myself to blame for it. I didn't give Helleck the respect his "1" strategic rating deserves :mdr: . Apparently he became active this turn and Soundoff took full advantage of it. will take Soundoff 5 days to destroy the depot there so I'm hoping to kick him out before then.

Of course I was tempted to attack north with Van Dorn, but I have little information on that unit being transported by river to Bowling could be another whole division for all I know and I'm not about to risk losing another couple thousand troops in a futile assault.

Van Dorn will rail to Nashville and hold his position against Helleck there. Hopefully he will be able to hold Helleck in the region via ZOC rules and then Bragg's division will be detached from Polk's Corps of the AoK and will rail east to attack Helleck's position.

Now in west Tennessee...You might notice that the "entrenchment sprite" under Foster's base is gone. This signifies that he's moving...and there's only one place he could be moving that he couldn't get to in one turn and that's Island 10. So with this information in mind, I'm going to slide the army one region to the left. Polk's Corps and the Army HQ will make the move and thereby anchor both flanks of my army on major rivers.

In the Gulf:


By re-tracing Hooker's footsteps, Forrest has now taken out any MC Soundoff may have had between Jackson and Vicksburg. So if Hooker plans to escape Mississippi, he'll either have to go through Forrest or around him. I'm quite sure Soundoff plans to try both. The quickest route to Jackson is via Port Gibson to the south. (a 2 region march as opposed to a 3 region northerly march). So I have ordered Forrest to mirror what I believe Hooker's path will be and attack him very conservatively. I will defend Jackson, MS as well.


Well this is a situation in which, once again, I overlooked one of the finer rules of that game. Indian units can't assault an enemy town unless there is 50% or more Confederate MC. Bummer. I'm going to try for it anyway, because I think Soundoff probably knows that rule as well and won't give Watie any respect at all. If I can take out that might put a small dent in Soundoff's supply line.


Will Lee make it out of Virginia?? Can Bragg and Van Dorn drive Helleck out of Nashville?? Will Forrest hold against Hooker?? Stay tuned...

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:23 am
by Banks6060
I gotta tease the results of this turn a little bit. Let me just say stay tuned fellas. This one went VERY well for the south!

One last hint...things in the east...went EXACTLY as planned. Hope is once again renewed!


Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:42 am
by Banks6060
Alright, I don't want to give away a whole bunch, but here's narrative of some of the news in the east.

In the waning light of dusk, General Robert E. Lee sat before a flickering fire. The light cast glinting highlights through his long white mane, now noticeably grayer than the months before. Since July it had been nothing but “Defend and retreat, defend and retreat.” Grant had bested him at nearly every turn following Appomattox. The Union soldiers had held fast against repeated assaults at Amherst and Grant had maneuvered masterfully at Petersburg and Burkeville to cut his line to the Carolinas. It had been a bad summer.

Lee glanced down at his hands. They were steady. After some 65 years, the nerves, the stress, had never been allowed to take over. The General then spotted a bloodstain on the right sleeve of his dirt covered uniform. His left hand reached over and touched it. The sacrifice in blood had been great thus far, too great. Or so President Davis had said.

After only a Spring and Summer of service, the southern newspapers were calling him a butcher. ‘A man willing to throw away the lives of his soldiers in the pursuit of widely unattainable goals.’ read the Richmond Daily Newspaper. Now, he had abandoned his capitol. The administration and congress were packed up and shipped to Atlanta. The ones that could get through the Union picket lines anyway. Most had followed Lee’s army on their wide westward march to safety. How would the papers like that…

Now nearly 80,000 Union troops stood only miles from Richmond’s streets. However, the march had gone well. Longstreet arrived in Appomattox in just enough time to discourage an attack by McDowell and the rest of Grant’s army. It had allowed all 55,000 tired men of the Army of Northern Virginia to break free and fight another day. Things were getting better, relatively speaking.

“General…”, a voice grumbled in the stillness.

Lee was startled briefly, and looked into the fading light.

“Nice night aint it…”, General James Longstreet emerged from the darkness, the firelight dancing across his tattered gray jacket. He grabbed a fresh cigar and sat on a log next to his careworn superior.

“A beautiful night indeed Pete. How’s Tom holdin’ up?” Lee turned to his good friend and trusted commander.

Longstreet had known Lee favored his fellow Corps commander, but it had never bothered him, “He’s doin’ alright. He’s just been tired’s all. ‘Spect he’ll be back in the saddle’n the mornin’ same as usual.”

“I do hope so, Pete. I will need every last one of you in the months ahead.” The General took a hand to his beard, it itched. “ That U.S. Grant has sure been a peach…”, Lee glanced a chuckle over at Longstreet, who was now leaned forward lighting his cigar in the camp-fire.

Longstreet let out a grunt in agreement, “And we thought them Yanks cared more about their politics than their military men. That man there is an exceptionally large pain in thuh be-hind.” Longstreet gave a deep chuckle and looked back at his commander.

“Yes indeed suh,” Lee was always happy when Pete knew the mood needed to be lightened. “Any news from Magruder?” He was serious now.

“Yeah…here tell he managed to slip past an entire yankee river fleet on the way to Suffolk. Looks as he’ll make it back to Joe in Garysburg safe’s can be desired.” That was just the good news.

“And any word from Stuart?” The General had been quite keen to find out how his flamboyant cavalry commander had fared in his mission to Amherst.
“Now there my friend is the kicker. We’ve got werd that he managed to bag the whole garrison at Amherst, just morn for yesterday.”

Lee’s eyes lit up, he looked up to the heavens, “Well then God has blessed us Pete.”

Longstreet leaned forward again, his cigar needed another bit of flame, “yes, yes ser he has.”

It meant Grant’s legs had been cut from under him. Richmond may fall, but the Union general would have to delay his advance into North Carolina and shore up his supply line. From Hamilton and Grant’s position in Petersburg, it was nearly 100 miles to the nearest supply depot. That was back at Aquia landing, just north of Fredricksburg. It wouldn’t be long until winter and Lee need all the time he could get.

“Perhaps we won’t have to give away Richmond so easily,” Lee again glanced over at Pete and smiled.

Pete tilted his head back and took a big pull from his cigar, “Perhaps not General, perhaps not. Perhaps we can give ol’ Grant the woopin he deserves.” Longstreet smiled back. Both men knew the last 15 days’ campaigning hadn’t saved Virginia from Grant’s advance, but it may well have stopped it for now, and as Longstreet knew well, when presented with an opportunity, his friend and superior loved to take advantage of it. “Yes, perhaps he’ll see us again sooner than he thought.”

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 7:51 am
by Comtedemeighan
Banks6060 wrote:I gotta tease the results of this turn a little bit. Let me just say stay tuned fellas. This one went VERY well for the south!

One last hint...things in the east...went EXACTLY as planned. Hope is once again renewed!


Nice :) can't wait to read the update

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:54 am
by Banks6060
[color="Red"]Turn 35, Early September, 1862:[/color]

Well a bit of a delay again and I apologize. The last turn was a blessed one for the south. I was able to retake Nashville with the depot intact and J.E.B Stuart's raid was a success (How complete a success remains to be seen). Bad weather is right around the corner and I suspect Soundoff will perhaps rest on his heels a bit. I hope to take advantage of that in the coming turn, I just need the good weather to hold out for about one more month.

Some good news along with the battles I won in the last turn. Bragg and Stuart both earned themselves promotions. Which couldn't come at a better time...especially for Stuart in the east who will be invaluable as a cavalry Corps commander in the next campaign season.

So, to orders starting of course and as the East:


As I mentioned before, I think Soundoff will be quite focused on mopping things up in and around Richmond and might leave his rear vulnerable to attack. So I plan to take advantage of this with Jackson, who will be detached from the army and sent north to take Charlottesville. It will put him between Grant and Washington and in a good position to cause some trouble along Grant's supply line. Jackson's main goal is to distract as much attention from southern Virginia as possible. If he can attract a Corps or two (like in his infamous valley campaign!!) then he will have done just what I need of him.

Now here's the problem with this little plan. Soundoff already has a new Corps under Berry at Aquia. So, he might already have guessed at this sort of move. But my guess is, once he sees Jackson's move, Soundoff will send Berry back to Washington and send at least another full Corps to deal with Jackson. That will significantly even the odds in Southern Virginia...and MAY (emphasis on may) allow Lee to retake Petersburg before winter sets in. Otherwise it will allow enough time for Longstreet and Johnson to get firmly dug in along the rail lines leading into North Carolina.

Magruder will avoid battle and rail to join Johnson in Garysburg. Longstreet, now with 5 divisions, will stay put and begin digging in. Lee and the HQ will link the two corps together in the center. J.E.B Stuart will take the long road back to Garysburg to refit...hopefully blowing the Amherst Depot on his way out (I fully expect a Union division or more to react to my little raid...if that happens, I probably won't be able to blow the depot.)

Once again I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best with Jackson's operation.

In the West:


Helleck was driven back at the Battle of Nashville (albeit at great cost...over 3,200 brave southern troops fell to Helleck's yanks...while he lost around 2,500 of his own.) Now it's Van Dorn's turn. Helleck's troops have to be utterly exhausted at this point and so Van Dorn will attack with the support of Hindiman and a brigade from the Forts. All in all, I hope to catch Helleck and destroy his command in detail. He is most likely to retreat back to Bowling Green of course.

The Army of Kentucky is beginning to look quite spread out. They will need some reinforcement when more men are available for sure, but as things stand now the army should be able to beat back anything McClellan can throw at them...the only vulnerable area is Polk's Corps, who remains exposed on the army's left flank.

General Colston will meet up with some newly formed cavalry in Nashville and form a new cavalry division (hopefully! Yay for activation!) next turn.

In Mississippi:


Well I noticed Soundoff has sent a new raiding force out along the river. A small detachment of cavalry that will no doubt be headed for either Memphis or Little Rock. I've also realized that Hooker COULD follow with his small outfit and join up with McClellan. If he were daring enough to steam Hooker's command up and take Memphis...there'd be little I could do about it. I'm sending Forrest's troopers there, but they'd likely be hard pressed to stop Hooker.

Sibley and his small western cavalry army will march to Little Rock and protect it against the Federal river raiders.

The newly formed Army of Mississippi, currently under the command of P.G.T Beauregard, will rail to Jackson and set up for what could be a strike westward by Hooker. This is the move I HOPE Soundoff makes as running into my new army could cause him considerable casualties.

In the Far West:


Nothing much going here, Watie was booted out of Bloomington, MO by Sheridan. Now he faces a supply quandry. I hope to get his troops fed by taking the port to the northeast. This will be the deepest raid of the war by Confederate forces. Of course I'll have Sheridan to deal with...who more than likely is set to "intercept" Watie's indians.

Also some action in government this turn:


I haven't showed the Objectives Screen for quite some time, but the important numbers weigh pretty evenly. Soundoff's NM is 117...mine 100 (thanks to my recent victories). So I will call for an embargo and take the extra 3 NM. (That should lessen the NM blow when Soundoff marches into Richmond.) Altogether I expect to have 93 or so NM by the end of this turn.

I've also sent a request for prisoner exchange. I know Soundoff has a healthy number of my troops in confinement. If they were paroled it would prove quite nice for my manpower numbers :) . (Unless I'm incorrect in thinking the prisoners would be put back into my pool of conscript companies.)


Will Jackson take Charlottesville?? Can Van Dorn crush Helleck?? What will be Hooker's next move?? stay tuned friends...

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 4:56 pm
by Banks6060
I did want to let everyone know there will be a sizeable break in the action as Soundoff has left for two weeks vacation. I will be posting my next update and eagerly awaiting Soundoff's email with orders attached.

I hope every stays tuned as the war rages on into the winter months.
