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Simon B. Buckner

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:02 pm
by Chris0827
197 CSA Simon B. Buckner ldr_CSA_Buckner $Militiaman NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 24 General 1 NULL 5 3 3
167 CSA Simon B. Buckner ldr_CSA_Buckner2 $Militiaman NULL NULL NULL 7 5 2 24 General 1 NULL 5 3 3

A solid but not brilliant general best known for his surrender of Fort Donaldson.


197 CSA Simon B. Buckner ldr_CSA_Buckner $Militiaman NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 24 General 1 NULL 4 2 2
167 CSA Simon B. Buckner ldr_CSA_Buckner2 $Militiaman NULL NULL NULL 7 5 2 24 General 1 NULL 4 2 2

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:16 pm
by Korrigan
I propose:

197 CSA Simon B. Buckner ldr_CSA_Buckner $Dispirited_leader NULL NULL NULL 2 2 1 24 General 1 NULL 3 1 1
167 CSA Simon B. Buckner ldr_CSA_Buckner2 $Militiaman NULL NULL NULL 7 5 2 24 General 1 NULL 3 1 1

On February 14, the Confederate generals decided that they could not successfully hold the fort and planned a breakout attempt, hoping to join with Johnston's army, now in Nashville. At dawn the following morning, Pillow launched a strong assault against the right flank of Grant's army, pushing it back 1 to 2 miles. Buckner, who was not confident of his army's chances, and not on good professional terms with Pillow, held back his supporting attack for over two hours, giving Grant's men time to bring up reinforcements and reform their line. Fortunately, Buckner's delay had not prevented the Confederate attack from opening a corridor for an escape from the beseiged fort. At this time, however, Floyd and Pillow combined to undo the day's work by ordering the troops back to their trench positions.

Late that night, the generals held a council of war in which Floyd and Pillow expressed satisfaction with the events of the day, but Buckner convinced them that they had little realistic chance to hold the fort or escape from Grant's army, which was receiving steady reinforcements. His sense of defeatism carried the meeting. General Floyd, who was concerned that he would be tried for treason if captured by the North, sought assurances from Buckner that he would be given time to escape with some of his Virginia regiments before the army surrendered. Buckner agreed and Floyd turned over command to his subordinate, Pillow. Pillow immediately declined and passed command to Buckner, who agreed to stay behind and surrender.

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:53 pm
by Chris0827
The reason Buckner was convinced they couldn't hold out is that his orginal fortifications had been captured after most of his troops had been sent to take part in the breakout. There was only one regiment against a union division. After Floyd ordered the breakout stopped the confederates no longer had a strong position to hold. The confederates could easily have escaped if Floyd hadn't pulled them back. Even after the union troops regained their original lines Forrest was able to escape without losing a single man. Buckner didn't perform well at Donelson but he wasn't as bad as Wikipedia makes him look.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 11:41 pm
by runyan99
Buckner commanded a whole division at Donelson in Feb '62, and yet he is not available in the game until July of '62.

Why not make him available earlier, perhaps as one of the '62 brigadiers?

He could be swapped out with Hoke, who arrives too early. Hoke wasn't a brigadier until January of '63, and would be a good canditate for the '63 brigadiers pool.

Posted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 11:41 am
by caranorn
Agreed, the only reason Buckner is less known at an early date is that he ends up surrendering Donelson after Floyd and ??? (Pillow? or who was 2nd in Command) packed their bags and ran for it. So to most Buckner is only known later in the war after he was released (captivity or parole, considering his rank probably parole).