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Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:12 pm
by frank7350

275 USA John Gibbon ldr_USA_Gibbon2 $Artillerist NULL NULL NULL 3 3 2 20 General 1 NULL 4 3 3
300 USA John Gibbon ldr_USA_Gibbon $Artillerist NULL NULL NULL 3 3 1 11 General 1 NULL 4 3 3


275 USA John Gibbon ldr_USA_Gibbon2 $Artillerist NULL NULL NULL 3 3 2 20 General 1 NULL 4 [color="Red"]4 4[/color]
300 USA John Gibbon ldr_USA_Gibbon $Artillerist [color="Red"]Strong Morale [/color] NULL NULL NULL 3 3 1 11 General 1 NULL 4 [color="Red"]4 4[/color]

From Wiki:

Gibbon was appointed brigadier general of volunteers and commanded the brigade of westerners known as the "Black Hat Brigade" He led the brigade into action against the Stonewall Brigade at Brawner's Farm in the Second Battle of Bull Run and during their strong uphill charge at the Battle of South Mountain, where General Joseph Hooker exclaimed that the men "fought like iron". From then on, the brigade was known as the "Iron Brigade". Gibbon led the brigade for the last time at the Battle of Antietam, where he was forced to take time away from brigade command to personally man an artillery piece in the bloody fighting at the Cornfield.

Gibbon was promoted to command the 2nd Division, I Corps at the Battle of Fredericksburg, where he was wounded. He recovered in time for the Battle of Chancellorsville, but his division was in reserve and saw little action. At the Battle of Gettysburg, he commanded the 2nd Division, II Corps and temporarily commanded the corps on July 1 and July 2, 1863, while Maj. Gen. Winfield S. Hancock was elevated to command larger units. And his division did bear the brunt of fighting during the defense against Pickett's Charge on July 3, when Gibbon was again wounded. While recovering from his wounds, he commanded a draft depot in Cleveland, Ohio.

Gibbon was back in command of the 2nd Division at the battles of the Wilderness, Spotsylvania Court House, and Cold Harbor. During the Siege of Petersburg, Gibbon became disheartened when his troops refused to fight at Ream's Station. He went on sick leave, but his service being too valuable, he returned to command the newly created XXIV Corps in the Army of the James. His troops helped achieve the decisive breakthrough at Petersburg, capturing Fort Gregg, part of the Confederate defenses. He led his troops during the Appomattox Campaign and blocked the Confederate escape route at the Battle of Appomattox Courthouse. He was one of three commissioners for the Confederate surrender.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 12:27 pm
by Pocus
A clever use of Strong Morale... Because division commanders are integrated directly into the unit representing the division (a division can have up to 18 elements, one being the leader, the others can be what you want, from infantry regiments, to sharpshooters comps. or artilleries btty.). So in effect the presence of Gibbon will raise the spirit of all the division, but only of the division he commands. good one.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2007 2:35 pm
by frank7350


Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 1:11 pm
by Korrigan
[color="SeaGreen"]275 USA John Gibbon ldr_USA_Gibbon2 $Artillerist NULL NULL NULL 3 3 2 20 General 1 NULL 4 4 4
300 USA John Gibbon ldr_USA_Gibbon $Artillerist $Strong_Morale NULL NULL 3 3 1 11 General 1 NULL 4 4 4[/color]


Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:35 pm
by frank7350
new att- 2nd bull run, charge @ s. mtn...solid initial attack at f-burg, captured ft gregg at p-burg

new def- bore the brunt of picketts charge at gettysburg

Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:45 pm
by Korrigan
I don't understand what you mean, why do you wish Gibbion with a lesser attack value at Corps level?

Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:06 am
by frank7350
i didn't. i like gibbon with all 4s.

itchy trigger finger...meant to edit message 1 into 2... but instead i just made a mess of it! :bonk:

thats what happens when you try and play around at work without the boss seeing! :king:

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 7:35 am
by runyan99
Why is Gibbon an Artillerist? Because of his defense at Cemetery Ridge, and the performance of the artillery there?

Posted: Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:23 pm
by frank7350
I was thinking because he was an artillery instructor at West Point, and wrote an artillery manual used by both sides ACW


Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:06 pm
by woodcojb
Gibbon also famously resighted artillery at Antietam when he realized that they were over shooting. He was in command of the Iron Brigade at the time, but thought the error too important to overlook.

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 3:03 am
by malthaussen
As long as we're gravedigging, Gibbon also commanded a battery of artillery at First Bull Run. It was his branch of service.

-- Mal