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Armies striking deep into enemy territory

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:12 am
by Ebbingford
I am finding this quite annoying.....
I am playing as Rome and have taken large swathes of North Africa.
Carthage keeps sending armies deep into my territory, sometimes three regions in.
In game terms this is hundreds of miles bypassing lots of cities along the way.
I am missing the old AGEOD concept of forifications "blocking" these raids.
Is there any such restriction on this behaviour?
At present there is no such thing as the extremeties of the Roman Empire beating off all invaders, they just march in when they please and strike at the regions way behind.

Re: Armies striking deep into enemy territory

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:44 pm
by loki100
I find decent garrisons have an effect, say 5 mediums and 10 skirmishers, that tends to either slow these incursions or stop them (depends on how/if the battles resolve). Its also one reason to build up your fortifications

On the other hand - they are often then out of supply and you can pull the same trick. I've sometimes assualted and taken 2-3 regions in a turn using this.

Re: Armies striking deep into enemy territory

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 5:07 pm
by Ebbingford
I do build walls asap.
He is not assaulting on the way though, just bypassing, and ending up deep in my territory.
Suicidal yes, but probably not meant to happen. :cool:

Re: Armies striking deep into enemy territory

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 3:30 pm
by caranorn
But isn't that exactly what Hannibal did? Bypassing fortified cities etc. As long as they don't take those cities you as the Roman player should be able to catch these forces (Roman's usually have higher movement ratings, also you should have interior lines and a good road network). Whether those deep raids are a good idea for the ai is another question. If weak forces they won't do much damage, if strong they will starve to death...

Re: Armies striking deep into enemy territory

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2020 8:40 pm
by Ebbingford
I am still having issues with this........
Ok, I can get my head round an enemy moving through and beyond a fortified region that doesn't have an army there too.
But through a region where you have an army?
If I win the battle the advancing enemy army retreats to where he has come from, if he wins, then I retreat.
I am seeing him carrying on his advance after a draw though, leaving my force still in the region in his rear.
Shouldn't he stay in the region too after a draw? Not carry on through to the next region?

Re: Armies striking deep into enemy territory

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2020 5:48 pm
Ebbingford wrote:But through a region where you have an army?

There should be an interception test. example: Infantry in the field can't always prevent a cavalry army, or a stealthy or intelligent countrywise army.