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Money Problems

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:43 pm
by Josiah
I am playing my first game of Wars of Succession as Sweden versus the AI. I am starting the October turn of 1700, and I am broke almost every turn. For instance I ended September with only 85 thousand pounds and started October with only 145 thousand pounds. The 60 thousand pounds difference is what I received from merchant ships. I received nothing from city/regional production.

I went to the regions page of the record book and sorted it based on gold production. I did a rough tally in my head, and it indicates I control cities/regions producing about 1100 thousand pounds. The manual says this is suppose to be every turn, but I don't always believe what the manual says.

I then went to the main map and highlighted the two gold coins at the top of the page. The first thing it shows is:

145 (+1151) - Is the +1151 income from cities plus merchant ships?

Then under Variations it shows: "Changes from cities income: 0".

Is city/regional income suppose to be every turn? If so, why am I not receiving any of it? If not, how often will I receive it? I downloaded the latest patch last night.

Re: Money Problems

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 5:03 am
by Josiah
I think I found the answer to my question. I started another game and ran it for the first year by just hitting the "Proceed to Next Turn" button. I found I received income from cities/regions the first turn of every quarter (January, April, July, and October). So I assume I am not suppose to receive monthly income after all. In fact when I ran the October turn of my real game I did receive income from my cities/regions.

Re: Money Problems

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 12:18 am
by Durk
Josiah - Sorry I missed your post; and welcome to the forum. You found a good process to discover the game mechanism. These games are too complex to codify everything in a manual, but smart players do discover a lot, not all, this forum will perhaps be more responsive to your next query.

Re: Money Problems

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:38 am
by HHFD50
Durk wrote:Josiah - Sorry I missed your post; and welcome to the forum. You found a good process to discover the game mechanism. These games are too complex to codify everything in a manual, but smart players do discover a lot, not all, this forum will perhaps be more responsive to your next query.

As someone who has played this game in PBEM and against the AI about a gazillion times I can attest that money, as well as replacements are major problems in this game. There is a also a problem (bug) with creating depots in the GNW campaign, which is a deal breaker for the Russians in PBEM. While the Spanish Succession campaign is a bit more stable in terms of gameplay and mechanics, the GNW needs a lot of work, which will not be forthcoming unfortunately from the Devs. Two facets of this game which are very good however, are supply and attrition. The latter is especially brutal in the Winter (as it was historically in this period), and a player must learn how to manage each to be even competitive, let alone proficient. Beware also the poor sanitation events as they are absolute killers for your armies. This is why it is good to keep smaller stacks rather than huge 100k armies, not to mention also that they eat up supply very quickly and you lose cohesion faster than crap goes through a goose!