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The Danes Re-enter the War Event?

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 6:57 pm
by bkosar19
The Danes will re-enter the GNW if the Swedish player doesn't have 100 line elements in Sweden AND Germany. Now, what exactly does the game consider "Germany?"

I had fairly large armies in both Holstein and Pomerania with additional forces in Sweden which I believe contained well over the 100 line elements, but the Danish re-entry event still fired. Are Holstein and/or Pomerania not considered part of "Germany" by the game? What about Saxony?

Also, how does the Danish re-entry work? In both my pre and post patch GNW scenarios, the Danish event fired, but Denmark remained blocked- it remains darkened and one can't enter any region in it. However, I do recall in my pre-patch game seeing Danish leaders (and probably Danish troops) in Poland. Does the Danish event just release some Danish forces, but not Denmark itself? Or is this a bug?

Re: The Danes Re-enter the War Event?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:51 am
by PhilThib
Please post a theory the whole theater should be unblocked (i.e. not darkened), at least was the intent during the beta and worked likewise.

As for the regions concerned, the event lists "$AITheater_Danes_Operations", which according to game data (in is the following areas:

In Germany: Schleswig, Mecklemburg, West Pommern, Bremen, Hannover, Braunschweig
In Scandinavia: everything in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, but not Finland

So indeed Ost Pommern and Holstein looks missing....will need fixing IMHO :dada:

Re: The Danes Re-enter the War Event?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:20 pm
by Liberty Bell
The main problem must be that Holstein is missing.

Danish main operations
Denmark, Norway, Sweden (not Finland), Holstein, Schleswig, Bremen, Mecklemburg, West Pommern

Hannover, Braunschweig (in war as "Kurhannover" until peace 1700 ), never entered by the Danes.

Ost Pommern? Any Danish main operations???

The Hansa cities of Hamburg and Lybeck placed in the "Mecklemburg" area (???) was never entered?

Re: The Danes Re-enter the War Event?

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 5:24 pm
by pantsukki
From which date does the event become active? Does it require anything to enact or is it automatic if Sweden has less than 100 elements in the defined territories?

Re: The Danes Re-enter the War Event?

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 9:41 pm
by pantsukki
Even with the current regions there seems to be something wrong with the event, or otherwise the event description is simply misleading: the warning of Denmark re-joining the war just fired in March 1705, claiming that "Because of the weak number of Swedish regular line troops in Scandinavia and Germany (less than 100 elements), the Danes are seriously considering entering the war again.

Well, I counted my troops, and I currently have 76 elements (regular infantry, cavalry and artillery) in Sweden, 26 in Bremen and 62 in Stettin. That's way over the required 100, in the areas currently included in the event triggers, right?

Re: The Danes Re-enter the War Event?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 9:32 am
by PhilThib
Please post a save and the scripts of last run turn, then to see what happens, it is all written in the script report :sherlock:

Re: The Danes Re-enter the War Event?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 8:18 pm
by pantsukki
I posted my files in Marek's previous thread in the tech support section.

Re: The Danes Re-enter the War Event?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 8:30 am
by PhilThib
I read this in your files (script63):

EvalSubUnitCount: Selected SUs: 89 against 100 - Operator: < Result: True

So your Swedes are not numerous enough and thus the event is WAD. Now if this was made before the area fix for this event, the troops in Bremen are not counted, which may explain the reason. Also, the Duchy of Holstein troops are not included, which reduces the total.

I'll ask the team to include the later to help the Swedes too :indien:

Re: The Danes Re-enter the War Event?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 11:15 am
by pantsukki
Thanks for looking into it. But even if we discount Bremen (IIRC I only counted Swedish units into that number), I still had 76 elements in Sweden and 62 in Stettin, so the warning should not have fired?

Re: The Danes Re-enter the War Event?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:35 pm
by PhilThib
Well it does not seem the count was right, the game found only 89 elements, so may be some of yours were rejected. For instance I know you should not count Militias (in troops or in garrisons) :papy:

Re: The Danes Re-enter the War Event?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:37 pm
by pantsukki
I didn't count any garrisons nor any militia, only regular infantry, cavalry and artillery elements.